<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DOCTYPE rfc [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> <!ENTITY zwsp "​"> <!ENTITY nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITY wj "⁠"> ]><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?> <!-- generated by https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc version 1.7.17 (Ruby 3.0.2) --><rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-iab-bias-workshop-report-02" number="9707" updates="" obsoletes="" category="info" consensus="true" submissionType="IAB" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true"version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.21.0 -->version="3" xml:lang="en"> <front> <title abbrev="BIAS Workshop Report">IAB Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS) Workshop Report</title> <!-- [rfced] We see that post-8073 IAB RFCs that discuss workshops use a different title format - along the lines of either "Report from the IAB Workshop on ..." (fairly common) or "IAB Workshop Report: Measuring Network Quality for End-Users" (RFC 9318 only). May we update the document title as follows? Original: IAB Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS) Workshop Report Suggested: Report from the IAB Workshop on Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS) --> <seriesInfoname="Internet-Draft" value="draft-iab-bias-workshop-report-02"/>name="RFC" value="9707"/> <author fullname="Mirja Kühlewind"> <organization/> <address> <email>ietf@kuehlewind.net</email> </address> </author> <author fullname="Dhruv Dhody"> <organization/> <address> <email>dd@dhruvdhody.com</email> </address> </author> <author fullname="Mallory Knodel"> <organization/> <address> <email>mknodel@cdt.org</email> </address> </author> <date year="2024"month="June" day="20"/>month="December"/> <keyword>Internet Access</keyword> <keyword>Censorship</keyword><keyword>community networks</keyword><keyword>Community Networks</keyword> <keyword>digital divide</keyword> <abstract><?line 218?><t>The "Barriersforto Internet Access of Services (BIAS)" workshop was convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from January 15-17, 2024 as a three-day online meeting. Based on the submitted position papers, the workshop covered three areas of interest: the role ofcommunity networksCommunity Networks in Internet Access ofServices;Services, reports and comments on the observed digitaldivide;divide, and measurements of censorship and censorship circumvention. This report summarizes the workshop'sdiscussiondiscussions and serves as a reference for reports on the current barriers to InternetAccess.</t>Access. <!-- [rfced] Abstract: We changed "Barriers for" to "Barriers to" per the document title and <https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/biasws/about/>. Please let us know any concerns. Original: The "Barriers for Internet Access of Services (BIAS)" workshop was convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from January 15-17, 2024 as a three-day online meeting. Currently: The "Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS)" workshop was convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from January 15-17, 2024 as a three-day online meeting. --> </t> <t>Note that this document is a report on the proceedings of the workshop. The views and positions documented in this report were expressed during the workshop by participants and do not necessarily reflect the IAB's views and positions.</t> </abstract><note removeInRFC="true"> <name>About This Document</name> <t> The latest revision of this draft can be found at <eref target="https://intarchboard.github.io/draft-iab-bias-workshop-report/draft-iab-bias-workshop-report.html"/>. Status information for this document may be found at <eref target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-iab-bias-workshop-report/"/>. </t> <t>Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at <eref target="https://github.com/intarchboard/draft-iab-bias-workshop-report"/>.</t> </note></front> <middle><?line 224?><section anchor="introduction"> <name>Introduction</name> <!-- [rfced] Please review the guidance for IAB documents (https://www.rfc-editor.org/materials/iab-format.txt) and let us know if any changes are needed. Specifically, would you like to add this paragraph to the introduction? "The following boilerplate paragraph SHOULD appear in the introduction: The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) holds occasional workshops designed to consider long-term issues and strategies for the Internet, and to suggest future directions for the Internet architecture. This long-term planning function of the IAB is complementary to the ongoing engineering efforts performed by working groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)." --> <t>The Internet as part of the critical infrastructure affects many aspects of our society significantly, although it impacts different parts of society differently. The Internet is an important toolto reachfor reaching the Sustainable Development Goals(SDG)(SDGs) listed in <xreftarget="SDG"/>target="SDGs"/> andtofor globallysupportsupporting human rights. Consequently, the lack of meaningful access to digital infrastructure and services is also a form of disenfranchisement.</t> <t>Solely having Internet access is not enough. At the same time as we work to connect the next billion people and reduce the digital divide, it is also important to understand persistent and novel inequalities in the digital age when accessing content and services. There are more and more barriers to meaningful access to the services and applications that run on the Internet. Even if Internet connectivity is available, information and service access may remain challenged and unequal.</t> <t>This IAB workshophas aimed</t>aimed to</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li><t>to<t>collect reports about barriers to accessing content and services on the Internet, e.g., based on filtering, and blocking as well as due to general inequality of technological capabilities, like device or protocol limitations. <!-- [rfced] Section 1: We had trouble parsing this sentence. To what does "based on" refer? Also, please clarify "as well as due to". Original: This IAB workshop has aimed * to collect reports about barriers to accessing content and services on the Internet, e.g. based on filtering, and blocking as well as due to general inequality of technological capabilities, like device or protocollimitations.</t>limitations. Possibly (we changed "has aimed" to "aimed", as the workshop took place about a year ago): This IAB workshop aimed to collect reports about barriers to accessing content and services on the Internet. For example, * based on filtering * based on blocking * due to general inequality of technological capabilities, e.g., device or protocol limitations. --> </t> </li> <li><t>to help<t>help the Internet community get a better understanding of how the Internet functions in different parts of the world and which technology or techniques need to be used to gain access to content.</t> </li> <li><t>to build<t>build an understanding of what "being connected" to the Internet means: What is the Internet to users? What is needed to be meaningfully connected? What are the minimum requirements to be able to access certain parts of the content and services provided over the Internet?</t> </li> </ul> <section anchor="about-this-workshop-report-content"> <name>Aboutthis workshop report content</name>the Content of This Workshop Report</name> <t>This document is a report on the proceedings of the workshop. The views and positions documented in this reportarewere expressed during the workshop by participants and do not necessarily reflect the IAB's views and positions.</t> <t>Furthermore, the content of the report comes from presentations given by workshop participants and notes taken during the discussions, without interpretation or validation. Thus, the content of this report follows the flow and dialogue of the workshop but does not attempt to capture a consensus.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="workshop-scope-and-discussion"> <name>Workshop Scope and Discussion</name> <t>The workshop was organized across three days with all-group discussion slots, one per day. The following topic areas wereidentifiedidentified, and the program committee organized paper submissions into three main themes for each of the three discussion slots. During each discussion, those papers were presented sequentially with open discussion held at the end of each day.</t> <section anchor="session-1-community-networks-their-role-in-internet-access-of-services"> <name>Session 1: Community Networks - Their Role in Internet Access of Services</name> <t>The first day of the workshop focused on the role of Community Networks <xref target="RFC7962"/> as a way to overcome the barriers to Internet Access. Community Networks are self-organized networks wholly owned by the community and thus provide an alternative mechanism to bring connectivity and internet services to those places that lack commercial interest.</t> <t>Presentations ranged from highlighting the need for measuring Quality of Experience (QoE) for Community Networks, to the potential role the Content Delivery Network (CDN) can play in Community Networks, to the role of Satellite Networks, and finally, to the vital role of the spectrum in this space.</t> <section anchor="the-quality-of-community-networks"> <name>The Quality of Community Networks</name> <t><xref target="MARTINEZ"/> highlighted the need to addressQuality of Experience (QoE)QoE in discussions around Community Networks. As a community-driven deployment, the knowledge and involvement of individuals can vary; therefore, there are no guarantees of connectivity or quality of service. There is a need to focus on user expectations and how they translate to measurable performance indicators. Further, it asks for betterdocumentingdocumentation of best practices in deployingcommunity networksCommunity Networks as well asconsideringcareful thought regarding manageability considerations forcommunity networksCommunity Networks in protocol development. <xref target="GUIFI"/> as an example Community Network wasdiscusseddiscussed, and some existing resources for Community Networks(<xref target="APC"/>,<xreftarget="ISOC"/>, andtarget="APC"/> <xref target="ISOC"/> <xreftarget="TBB"/>)target="TBB"/> were shared by the participants.</t> <t>The inconsistent quality and performance of Satellite Internetisresult in a connectivity gap forcommunity networksCommunity Networks that rely on non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) for internet access <xref target="HU"/>.</t> </section> <section anchor="strengthening-community-networks"> <name>Strengthening Community Networks</name> <t><xref target="BENSON"/> focused on the prohibitive cost ofthetransit and Internetserviceservices for Community Networks and argued forContent Delivery Networks (CDNs)CDNs to provide transit-like and Internetservicesservices, at no more thanat-costat-cost, in a mutually beneficial way. CommunitynetworksNetworks still need backhaul to and from the CDN's point ofpresencepresence, and models for community-backhaul and open-source CDNs were highlighted. Discussion included the status of Project PANGEA <xref target="PANGEA"/>project statusas well as legal and commercial considerationsinrelated to such use of CDNs.</t> <t><xref target="HU"/> highlighted that Satellite Internet provided by advancedLEOlow-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations can play a pivotal role in closing the connectivity gap in the urban-rural digital divide via Satellite-dependentcommunity networks.Community Networks. These existing known performance and management gaps needfocusto be focused on, to enable Satellite Internet to resolve the divide. Further, research directions such as multi-layer satellite networking, autonomous maintenance, and integration betweenTerrestrial and Non-Terrestrialterrestrial networks and NTNs weresuggested.</t>suggested. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.1.2: For ease of the reader, we expanded "LEO" as "low-Earth orbit" here, per [HU]. Please let us know any concerns. Original: [HU] highlighted that Satellite Internet provided by advanced LEO satellite constellations can play a pivotal role in closing the connectivity gap in the urban-rural digital divide via Satellite- dependent community networks. Currently: [HU] highlighted that Satellite Internet provided by advanced low- Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations can play a pivotal role in closing the connectivity gap in the urban-rural digital divide via Satellite-dependent Community Networks. --> </t> <t><xref target="RENNO"/> called attention to the coveted6GHz6 GHz (part of the C-band with a desirable mix of coverage and capacity) as a prime choice for International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) for 5G technology while it is in common unlicensed use inthe community networksCommunity Networks (and small ISPs). Spectrum allocations directly impact industries and market access with ramifications for Community Networks. Further, there was a discussion on geopolitical tensions because of it. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.1.2: To what does "it" refer in this sentence? Original (the previous sentence is included for context): Spectrum allocations directly impact industries and market access with ramifications for community networks. Further, there was a discussion on the geopolitical tension because ofit.</t>it. --> </t> </section> <section anchor="discussion"> <name>Discussion</name> <t>How can the technical community address the managementgapgaps and improve best practices for Community Networks? Is the increasing complexity of the Internet making it more challenging to establish secure connections, and should this be taken into account in the design of the Internet? What steps need to be taken to make sure Community Networks are secure? Shouldthemanageabilityconsiderationconsiderations be expanded to explicitly consider Community Networks? The Global Access to the Internet for All (GAIA) Research Group <xref target="GAIA"/>research groupcould be a venue for further discussion and research. Further discussion highlighted the need for readily available knowledge and tools forcommunity networksCommunity Networks as well as the tussle with market forces when commercial networks compete withcommunity networks.Community Networks. Also, there is a lack of operational inputs fromcommunity networkCommunity Network operators in the IETF/IRTF.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="session-2-digital-divide-reports-and-comments"> <name>Session 2: Digital Divide - Reports and Comments</name> <t>Critical internet infrastructure affects many aspects of our society significantly, although differently, the inequitable aspects of which are typically referred to as "digital inclusion" signifying that in efforts todigitalisedigitalize society, there are those left out due to what is typically called the "digital divide", a related term specific to access to the Internet. These concepts together demonstrate that even if Internet connectivity is available, for some there will remain challenges towards achieving equality. This becomes especially significant as governments view the Internet as an important toolto helpfor helping them reach theSustainable Development Goals (SDG)SDGs listed in <xreftarget="SDG"/>target="SDGs"/> andtofor globallysupportsupporting humanrights.</t>rights. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.2: This sentence is a bit unwieldy and difficult to follow. May we update as suggested? Original: Critical internet infrastructure affects many aspects of our society significantly, although differently, the inequitable aspects of which are typically referred to as "digital inclusion" signifying that in efforts to digitalise society, there are those left out due to what is typically called the "digital divide", a related term specific to access to the Internet. Suggested: Critical Internet infrastructure affects many aspects of our society significantly, although it impacts different parts of society differently. The inequitable aspects are typically referred to as "digital inclusion"; these aspects signify that in efforts to digitalize society, there are those left out due to what is typically called the "digital divide", a related term specific to access to the Internet. --> </t> <t>The second day of workshops was essential to understanding the nature of the digital divide. Presentations of reports interrogated at least three key aspects of the digital divide, though it is recognized that there may be more technical aspects of the digital divide that were not present. Those were differences between population demographics in the provision of online resources by governments, inequality in the use of multilingualized domains and email addresses, and increased costs for end-user downloads of contemporary websites' sizes. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.2: We found "at least three" and "Those were" a bit confusing, as only three aspects are listed. Also, as written, the third sentence indicates that sizes are downloaded. May we update as suggested? If not, please clarify the text. Original: Presentations of reports interrogated at least three key aspects of the digital divide, though there is recognition that there may be more technical aspects of the digital divide that were not present. Those were: differences between population demographics in the provision of online resources by governments, inequality in the use of multilingualized domains and email addresses, and increased costs for end-user downloads of contemporary websites'sizes.</t>sizes. Suggested: Presentations of reports interrogated at least three key aspects of the digital divide, though it is recognized that there may be more technical aspects of the digital divide that were not addressed. Three of those aspects were: * differences between population demographics in the provision of online resources by governments. * inequality in the use of multilingualized domains and email addresses. * increased costs for end-user downloads of websites of contemporary sizes. --> </t> <section anchor="disparities-in-service-provision"> <name>Disparities inservice provision</name>Service Provisioning</name> <!-- DNE "evidence that ..." text below from [HOLZ]; verified and corrected --> <t>Ralph Holz presented research that exposes the more limited DNS-mediated access to government websites by Indigenous communities in Australia as compared to less disadvantaged users in the same population in "Evidence for a digital divide? Measuring DNS dependencies in the context of theIndigenousindigenous population ofAustralia".Australia" <xreftarget="HOLZ"/>target="HOLZ"/>. DNS dependency trends wereanalysedanalyzed between two lists of domains serving Australian government sites for Indigenous users and the general population. Researchersfound,found "evidence that dependencies for theIndigenousindigenous population are indeed differently configured," indicative of a difference in service provisioning.HoweverHowever, qualitative follow-up research is needed to interrogate both the potential reasons for these differences and whether the differences contribute to a"digital divide"digital divide that is tangible for Indigenous users.</t> </section> <section anchor="lack-of-consistent-acceptance-of-language-scripts"> <name>Lack ofconsistent acceptanceConsistent Acceptance oflanguage scripts</name>Language Scripts</name> <t>On the topic of availability of Internet services and content in multiplelanguageslanguages, "Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email Addresses: A Key to Digital Inclusion" was presented by Sarmad Hussain ofICANN.ICANN <xreftarget="HUSSAIN"/>target="HUSSAIN"/>. The ICANN community has increased the options for multilingual identifiers through the expansion of the Internet's DNS for use in domains and email addresses. However, while the work of technicalspecificationspecifications and policy recommendations is complete, much work remains to deploy amultiligualizedmultilingualized internet.TodayToday, there are around 150internationalisedinternationalized domain names(IDNs)(IDNs), butthe barriers toequal rollout of these scripts at the domain levelareis hindered primarily by software and applications that do not yetrecogniserecognize these new scripts. "Universal Acceptance" is aprogrammeprogram of action for the internet community at large that can ensure that IDNs are accepted and treatedconsistently.</t>consistently. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.2.2: This sentence as written indicated that the barriers, as opposed to equal rollout, were hindered. We updated to indicate that the equal rollout is hindered. Please review, and let us know if anything is incorrect. Original: Today there are around 150 internationalised domain names (IDNs) but the barriers to equal rollout of these scripts at the domain level are hindered primarily by software and applications that do not yet recognise these new scripts. Currently: Today, there are around 150 internationalized domain names (IDNs), but equal rollout of these scripts at the domain level is hindered primarily by software and applications that do not yet recognize these new scripts. --> </t> </section> <section anchor="web-affordability-and-inclusiveness"> <name>Web Affordability and Inclusiveness</name> <!-- [LB] "geographic variations in ..." is quoted from [HABIB] (verified) --> <t>In "A Framework for Improving Web Affordability andInclusiveness"Inclusiveness", Rumaisa Habib presented research on the connection between website size and cost to endusers.users <xreftarget="HABIB"/>target="HABIB"/>. This critical inquiry presents access in terms of affordability and through measurement demonstrates that the material costs to end users who pay for their connection based on the volume of data they download and upload have risen as the complexity of thewebWeb grows. Their research provides a framework foroptimisationoptimization based on end-user affordability. This framework is anchoredtoin reality:it<xref target="HABIB"/> proposes a fairness metric and suggests systematic adaptations toWebcomplexity of the Web based on "geographic variations in mobile broadband prices and income levels."</t> </section> <section anchor="discussion-1"> <name>Discussion</name> <t>These three reports discuss very different aspects of current inequalities in Internet access in various parts of the world: serviceprovision,provisioning, availability, and economic costs. Notably, the reports discuss trends that exacerbate the digital divide beyond the question of connectivity or whether users have access to the Internet, potentiallybringingyielding concrete ways that the IETF community can address digital inclusion within its remit.</t> <t>Discussants noted that while there are some interesting aspects to the problem of the digital divide, such as measurements and frameworks, most of the workisinvolves getting this work to therightappropriate people at the policylayer so therelevel; therefore, it isan importance of communicatingimportant to communicate this technical evidence to therightappropriate people. The IETF's role could be to build consensus on the proper solutions presented to decision-makers that put research and measurement not only in context but also in a consensus-driven solution space. Another method to better communicate this research is by telling stories of end users in more relatable and relevantterms, whichterms; this is often a challengeforat the technical level and a role for more diverse stakeholders at the more local level.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="session-3-censorship-reports-and-circumvention"> <name>Session 3: Censorship - Reports and Circumvention</name> <t>This session focused on reports of censorship as observedduringin recent years in different parts of theworld, as well asworld; it also focused on the useofof, andexpectation onexpectations for, censorship circumvention tools, mainly the use of secure VPN services.</t> <t>The censorship reports, with a focus on Asia, and specifically India, as well as Russia, as an example where censorship has changed significantly recently, discussed the legal frameworks and courtactsactions that put legal obligations on regional network providers to block traffic. Further, measurements to validate the blocking as well as analyses of how blocking is implemented were discussed,i.e.i.e., which protocols are used but also whichkindkinds of devices are used to configure the blocking rules and wherearetheydeployed.</t>are deployed. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.3: We cannot determine what "specifically" and "example" refer to in this sentence. If the suggested text is not correct, please clarify the use of "specifically" and "example". Original: The censorship reports, with a focus on Asia, and specifically India, as well as Russia, as an example where censorship has changed significantly recently, discussed the legal frameworks and court acts that put legal obligations on regional network providers to block traffic. Suggested (assuming that "specifically" refers to India only and that "example" refers to Russia only): The censorship reports - with a focus on Asia and (specifically) India, as well as Russia (which provides an example of where censorship has changed significantly recently) - discussed the legal frameworks and court actions that put legal obligations on regional network providers to block traffic. --> </t> <section anchor="censorship-orders-measurements-and-device-analysis"> <name>Censorship Orders, Measurements, and Device Analysis</name> <t><xref target="SAMSUDIN"/> reported on confirmed blocking from 10 countries (Cambodia, Hong Kong (China), India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam) in the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. The blocking was either confirmed byOONIOpen Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) measurements for existing blocking fingerprints, heuristics,i.e.i.e., for new blocking fingerprints as well as news reports of blocking orders, or user experiences. Most of these countries block specific content such as porn, gambling, or certain news pages.InterestinglyInterestingly, the blocking in Hong Kong and Myanmar is focused on the military and governmental pages of foreign countries. Blocking is often realized by either DNS tampering or HTTP tampering. For DNS, either adecidedchosen IP address, a bogon IP address (, or an empty domain(nxdomain)(NXDOMAIN) is used. In the case of DNS tampering using adecidedchosen IP address or HTTPtamperingtampering, some countries provide a block page that exposes theblocking,blocking; however, more transparencyaboutrelated to blocking is requested by civil society organizations and theiMAP project.</t>Internet Monitoring Action Project (iMAP). <!-- [rfced] Section 2.3.1: a) It is not clear what "either" refers to in this sentence. Also, we defined "OONI" as "Open Observatory of Network Interference" per <https://ooni.org/>. If the suggested text regarding "either" and the definition of "OONI" are not correct, please clarify the text. Original: The blocking was either confirmed by OONI measurements for existing blocking fingerprints, heuristics, i.e. for new blocking fingerprints as well as news reports of blocking orders, or user experiences. Suggested: The blocking was confirmed by either (1) Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) measurements for existing blocking fingerprints or heuristics (i.e., for new blocking fingerprints as well as news reports of blocking orders) or (2) user experiences. b) Per Internet searches, a bogon address could be any one of a number of inappropriate addresses and is not necessarily However, is the only possible bogon address when discussing DNS? If not, should "(" be "(e.g.,"? Original: For DNS, either a decided IP address, a bogon IP address (, or an empty domain (nxdomain) is used. --> </t> <t><xref target="GROVER"/> further focused the discussion on online censorship in India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. In India, where providers are responsible for implementing the blocking but no method is mandated, the six major ISPs (covering 98.82% of all subscribers) were tested on 4379 blocked websites (based on court orders, user reports, and publicly available or leaked government orders) on DNS poisoning/injection or HTTP/SNI-based censorship.UsedThe censorship techniques used and websites blocked were different across ISPs. Multiple ISPs used two different techniques (depending on the website), and all but one provided censorship notices. Providers blocked between 1892toand 3721 (of 4379) pages with only 1115(27.64%) ofpages (27.64%) blocked by allISPs.ISPs <xreftarget="Singh2020"/>target="Singh2020"/>. In contrast, in Pakistan, the government can also order theIPSsISPs to performblockingblocking, and blocking has even been observed in the pastonat theIXPInternet Exchange Point (IXP) level. Since 2020, there has also been a central Web Monitoring System deployed at lines of international connectivity. In Indonesia, initially, the government guided ISPs in how to perform the blocking. The regulations were updated in 2020 to allow Indonesian ISPs to block websites at their discretion. In 2022, there was a proposal byinternet service providersISPs tocentralisecentralize DNS. In Indonesia, a partialblock listblocklist is publicly available, but without any indication of why something isblocked.blocked <xreftarget="Grover2023"/></t>target="Grover2023"/>. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.3.1: We had trouble following these sentences, in part because the text related to the citation for [Singh2020]* has some issues. * We consulted <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.08590>, which provides the full [Singh2020] paper, and found that "27.64%" in the current text seems to be out of "4379", which is not correct. (The full paper mentions "only 1115 websites out of the 4033 (just 27.64%)"). (We have an item later in our list of questions for you, where we ask if we can update the URL for the reference listing so that readers can access the full Singh paper at no cost.) May we update the text as suggested? If not, please * clarify what "tested on" refers to * provide the correct definitions of "SNI", "IPSs" (noting that for now we changed "IPSs" to "ISPs"), and "IXP" * review the numbers provided in [Singh2020] and correct the numbers as needed. For example, because 1115 is 27.64% of 4033, we added "4033" to the suggested text below, per <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.08590>. Original: [GROVER] further focused the discussion on online censorship in India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. In India, where providers are responsible for implementing the blocking but no method is mandated, the six major ISPs (covering 98.82% of all subscribers) were tested on 4379 blocked websites (based on court orders, user reports, and publicly available or leaked government orders) on DNS poisoning/ injection or HTTP/SNI-based censorship. Used censorship techniques and websites blocked were different across ISPs. Multiple ISPs used two different techniques (depending on the website), and all but one provided censorship notices. Providers blocked between 1892 to 3721 (of 4379) pages with only 1115 (27.64%) of pages blocked by all ISPs. [Singh2020] In contrast, in Pakistan, the government can also order the IPSs to perform blocking and blocking has even been observed in the past on the IXP level. Suggested (also assuming that "tested on" refers to DNS poisoning/injection or on censorship using HTTP or SNI): [GROVER] further focused the discussion on online censorship in India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. As discussed in [Singh2020], in India, where providers are responsible for implementing the blocking but no method is mandated, the six major ISPs (covering 98.82% of all subscribers) were tested on a total of 4379 blocked websites (based on court orders, user reports, and publicly available or leaked government orders) by using DNS poisoning/injection or using censorship based on HTTP or the Server Name Indication (SNI). The censorship techniques used and websites blocked were different across ISPs. Multiple ISPs used two different techniques (depending on the website), and all but one provided censorship notices. A list of 4379 potentially blocked websites was tested; 4033 of those websites appeared in at least one ISP's blocklist. Providers blocked between 1892 and 3721 of the 4033 websites, with only 1115 websites (27.64%) blocked by all six ISPs. In contrast, in Pakistan, the government can also order the ISPs to perform blocking, and blocking has even been observed in the past at the Internet Exchange Point (IXP) level. --> </t> <t><xref target="BASSO"/> reported that for Russia ahighlarge increase in additions totheRoskomnadzor'sblock listblocklist was observed in March 2022 as well as in December 2022, foremost covering news pages but also covering human rights organizations and social media, where more than 3500 blocking orders were added to the list by an "Unknown body". Further, blocking of domains that are not in the officialRoskomnadzor's listRoskomnadzor blocklist has been observed as well.</t> <t>An invited talkpresentedincluded a presentation of the work in <xref target="WANG"/> on locating censorship devices by using HTTP and TLS traceroutes, identifying device vendors through fingerprinting, and reverse-engineering censorship triggers by the use of fuzzing.E.g. forFor example, in the case of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, they showed that a significant portion of measurements from remote countriesareis blocked at the endpoint, indicating localpoliciespolicies, but showed that connection resets are also happening in Belarus and Russia. Further, they could identify a set of commercial network devices (with filtering techniques such as firewalls) that are used in these countries for censorship and show how fuzzing can be used to fingerprint and clusterbehavioursbehaviors as well as potentially circumvent the deployed methods.</t> <t>All speakers called for more transparency by requiring blocking messages as well as publication and auditing of blocklists.PotentiallyPotentially, even standardization could help.</t> </section> <section anchor="use-of-vpns-for-censorship-circumvents-and-user-expectations"> <name>Use of VPNs for Censorship Circumvents and User Expectations</name> <t>Further on in the session, the possibility and prevalence of using VPNs for circumventionhas been discussedwere discussed, including user expectations and an analysis of security shortcomings of commercial VPN services. The analysis presented in <xref target="RAMESH"/> has shown various problems that lead to data leaks such as leakage of IPv6 traffic, non-browser traffic, or tunnel failure, not upholding user expectations, especially when used in authoritarian regimes for censorship circumvention or privatecommunication.</t>communication. <!-- [rfced] Section 2.3.2: In this sentence as written, it is not clear what "not upholding user expectations" refers to. It appears that in [RAMESH], "user expectations" is treated as a separate concept. May we update this sentence as suggested? Original: The analysis presented in [RAMESH] has shown various problems that lead to data leaks such as leakage of IPv6 traffic, non-browser traffic, or tunnel failure, not upholding user expectations, especially when used in authoritarian regimes for censorship circumvention or private communication. Suggested: The analysis presented in [RAMESH] has shown various problems that lead to data leaks, such as (1) leakage of IPv6 traffic, (2) non-browser traffic, or (3) tunnel failure, in addition to failing to uphold user expectations, especially when used in authoritarian regimes for censorship circumvention or private communication. --> </t> <t>The question of how common the use of VPNs for circumvention is and its legal implications, as VPNs are illegal in a few countries,has beenwas discussed.E.g.For example, VPNs are not officially banned inIndiaIndia, but VPN providers need to store log data andthose,those who haven'tcomplied,complied stopped serving India. However, more data on VPN use and blocking might be needed.</t> </section> <section anchor="discussion-2"> <name>Discussion</name> <t>After all, there is a cat-and-mouse game between censors andcircumvents,circumvents; however, continued work on protocol enhancements that protect user privacy is essential.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="key-take-aways"> <name>KeyTake Aways</name>Takeaways</name> <t>Some key takeaways from the workshop are-</t>as follows:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>There is a need for the technical community to address the management gaps in operating Community Networks.</t> </li> <li> <t>Work should be donein documentingto document best practices for operating Community Networks.</t> </li> <li> <t>During the development of protocols, explicit manageability considerations related to Community Networks should beconsidered.</t>carefully thought out.</t> </li> <li> <t>Build consensus on solutions that have the most significant impact in fostering digital inclusion. Further, promoting these solutions ensures that efforts to bridge the digital divide are effective and inclusive.</t> </li> <li> <t>Further work should be done to enhanceprotocolsprotocols, ensuring that user privacyshould continue.</t>is preserved.</t> </li> <li> <t>Develop further protocols (or extensions to existing protocols) that enable more transparency onfilteringfiltering, and promote their use and deployment.</t> </li> <li> <t>Develop new VPN-like services and potentially support measurements to understand their deployment and use.</t> </li> <li> <t>Further discussion of these topics could happen inGAIA, HRPC, PEARG,the GAIA Research Group, the Human Rights Protocol Considerations (HRPC) Research Group, the Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research Group (PEARG), andMAPRGthe Measurement and Analysis for Protocols Research Group (MAPRG), based ontherelevance to the research group.The managementManagement-related and operations-relateddiscussiondiscussions can be taken toOPSAWG.the IETF Operations and Management Area Working Group (OPSAWG). The community could also exploreifwhether a group focused on censorship (and its circumvention)focused groupcould be created.</t> </li> </ul> </section> </section></middle> <back> <references anchor="sec-informative-references"> <name>Informative References</name> <reference anchor="RFC7962"> <front> <title>Alternative Network Deployments: Taxonomy, Characterization, Technologies, and Architectures</title> <author fullname="J. Saldana" initials="J." role="editor" surname="Saldana"/> <author fullname="A. Arcia-Moret" initials="A." surname="Arcia-Moret"/> <author fullname="B. Braem" initials="B." surname="Braem"/> <author fullname="E. Pietrosemoli" initials="E." surname="Pietrosemoli"/> <author fullname="A. Sathiaseelan" initials="A." surname="Sathiaseelan"/> <author fullname="M. Zennaro" initials="M." surname="Zennaro"/> <date month="August" year="2016"/> <abstract><section><name>IANA Considerations</name> <t>This documentpresents a taxonomy of a set of "Alternative Network Deployments"has no IANA actions.</t> </section> <!-- [rfced] [Document Shepherd] We see thatemerged in the last decade with the aim of bringing Internet connectivity to people or providingthis document does not contain alocal communication infrastructureSecurity Considerations section. Please see Section 4.8.5 of RFC 7322 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7322). Also, please provide appropriate text for this document. For example, should "security shortcomings" in Section 2.3.2 be mentioned/addressed? If you verify that security considerations do not apply toserve various complementary needs and objectives. They employ architectures and topologies different from those of mainstream networks and rely on alternative governance and business models.</t> <t>The document also surveysthis document, we could add something like thetechnologies deployedfollowing (as done inthese networks, and their differing architectural characteristics, including a setIAB RFCs 8700 ("Fifty Years ofdefinitionsRFCs") andshared properties.</t> <t>The classification considers models such as Community Networks, Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs), networks owned by individuals but leased out to network operators who use them as a low-cost medium to reach the underserved population, networks that provide connectivity by sharing wireless resources of the users,9419 ("Considerations on Application - Network Collaboration Using Path Signals")): 4. Security Considerations This document has no security considerations. Please review andrural utility cooperatives.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7962"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7962"/> </reference>advise. --> </middle> <back> <references anchor="sec-informative-references"> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7962.xml"/> <referenceanchor="SDG"anchor="SDGs" target="https://sdgs.un.org/goals"> <front><title>Sustainable Development<title>The 17 Goals</title> <author><organization/><organization>United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Sustainable Development</organization> </author><date>n.d.</date></front> </reference> <reference anchor="MARTINEZ" target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-community-networks-and-the-quest-for-quality-00.pdf"> <front> <title>Community Networks and the Quest for Quality</title> <author initials="L. M." surname="Martínez-Cervantes" fullname="Luis Miguel Martínez Cervantes"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="R." surname="Guevara-Martínez" fullname="Rolando Guevara Martínez"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="GUIFI" target="https://guifi.net/en"> <front><title>Guifi.net</title><title>guifi.net</title> <author> <organization/> </author><date>n.d.</date></front> </reference> <reference anchor="APC" target="https://www.apc.org/"> <front> <title>The Association for Progressive Communications (APC)</title> <author> <organization/> </author><date>n.d.</date></front> </reference> <reference anchor="ISOC" target="https://www.internetsociety.org/action-plan/community-networks/"> <front><title>Community<title>Connecting the Unconnected: Community networks help bridge the connectivity gap</title> <author><organization/><organization>Internet Society</organization> </author><date>n.d.</date></front> </reference> <reference anchor="TBB" target="https://tribalbroadbandbootcamp.org/"> <front> <title>Tribal Broadband Bootcamp</title> <author> <organization/> </author><date>n.d.</date></front> </reference> <reference anchor="BENSON" target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-a-c-in-cdn-access-service-to-and-from-the-internet-at-cost-for-community-networks-00.pdf"> <front> <title>A 'C' inCDN -CDN: Access service to and from the Internet at cost for community networks</title> <author initials="T. A." surname="Benson" fullname="Theophilus A. Benson"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Fayed" fullname="Marwan Fayed"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="PANGEA" target="https://www.cloudflare.com/en-gb/pangea/"> <front> <title>ProjectPangea from Cloudflare</title>Pangea: Helping underserved communities expand access to the Internet for free</title> <author><organization/><organization>Cloudflare</organization> </author><date>n.d.</date></front> </reference> <reference anchor="HU" target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-closing-the-performance-and-management-gaps-with-satellite-internet-challenges-approaches-and-future-directions-01.pdf"> <front> <title>Closing the Performance and Management Gaps with SatelliteInternet -Internet: Challenges, Approaches, and Future Directions</title> <author initials="P." surname="Hu" fullname="Peng Hu"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="RENNO" target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-position-paper-by-raquel-renno-01.pdf"> <front> <title>MaximisingConnectivity -Connectivity: The Spectrum's Vital Role in Technology Access</title> <author initials="R." surname="Rennó" fullname="Raquel Rennó"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="GAIA" target="https://www.irtf.org/gaia.html"> <front> <title>Global Access to the Internet for All ResearchGroup</title>Group (GAIA)</title> <author> <organization/> </author><date>n.d.</date></front> </reference> <reference anchor="SAMSUDIN"target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-position-paper-by-raquel-renno-01.pdf">target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-imap-internet-monitoring-action-project-internet-censorship-report-02.pdf"> <front> <title>iMAP (Internet Monitoring Action Project) 2023 Internet Censorship Report</title> <author initials="S." surname="Samsudin" fullname="Siti Nurliza Samsudin"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="GROVER" target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-online-censorship-in-india-pakistan-and-indonesia-00"> <front> <title>Online censorship in India, Pakistan and Indonesia</title> <author initials="G." surname="Grover" fullname="Gurshabad Grover"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="Grover2023" target="https://archive.org/details/eaten-by-the-internet/"> <front> <title>The infrastructure of censorship in Asia</title> <author initials="G." surname="Grover" fullname="Gurshabad Grover"> <organization/> </author><author initials="C." surname="Cath" fullname="Corinne Cath (ed.)"> <organization/> </author><date year="2023" month="October"/> </front> <refcontent>in "Eaten by the Internet", ed. Corinne Cath, pp. 75-81</refcontent> <refcontent>Internet Archive, Meatspace Press</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="Singh2020" target="https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3394231.3397891"> <front> <title>How India Censors the Web</title> <author initials="K." surname="Singh" fullname="Kushagra Singh"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="G." surname="Grover" fullname="Gurshabad Grover"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="V." surname="Bansal" fullname="Varun Bansal"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2020" month="July"/> </front> <refcontent>WebSci '20: Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, pp. 21-28</refcontent> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1145/3394231.3397891"/> </reference> <!-- [rfced] References: The provided URL for [Singh2020] only provides the Abstract. May we update this listing as follows, so that readers may access the full article at no cost? Original: [Singh2020] Singh, K., Grover, G., and V. Bansal, "How India Censors the Web", July 2020, <https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3394231.3397891>. Suggested: [Singh2020] Singh, K., Grover, G., and V. Bansal, "How India Censors the Web", WebSci '20: Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, DOI 10.1145/3394231.3397891, July 2020, <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.08590>. --> <reference anchor="BASSO"target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-online-censorship-in-india-pakistan-and-indonesia-00">target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-slide-how-internet-censorship-changed-in-russia-during-the-1st-year-of-military-conflict-in-ukraine-00.pdf"> <front> <title>How Internet censorship changed in Russia during the 1st year of military conflict in Ukraine</title> <author initials="S." surname="Basso" fullname="Simone Basso"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="WANG"target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-online-censorship-in-india-pakistan-and-indonesia-00">target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-network-measurement-methods-for-locating-and-examining-censorship-devices-00.pdf"> <front> <title>Network Measurement Methods for Locating and Examining Censorship Devices</title> <author initials="R. S." surname="Raman" fullname="Ram Sundara Raman"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="M." surname="Wang" fullname="Mona Wang"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="J." surname="Dalek" fullname="Jakub Dalek"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="J." surname="Mayer" fullname="Jonathan Mayer"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="R." surname="Ensafi" fullname="Roya Ensafi"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2023" month="November"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="RAMESH" target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-investigating-the-vpn-ecosystem-through-the-lens-of-security-privacy-and-usability-00"> <front> <title>Investigating the VPN Ecosystem through the lens of Security, Privacy, and Usability</title> <author initials="R." surname="Ramesh" fullname="Reethika Ramesh"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2024" month="January"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="HOLZ" target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-evidence-for-a-digital-divide-measuring-dns-dependencies-in-the-context-of-the-indigenous-population-of-australia-00.pdf"> <front> <title>Evidence for a digital divide? Measuring DNS dependencies in the context of the indigenous population of Australia</title> <author initials="R." surname="Holz" fullname="Ralph Holz"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="N." surname="Nazemi" fullname="Niousha Nazemi"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="O." surname="Tavallaie" fullname="Omid Tavallaie"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="A. Y." surname="Zomaya" fullname="Albert Y. Zomaya"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2023"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="HUSSAIN" target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-universal-acceptance-of-domain-names-and-email-addresses-a-key-to-digital-inclusion-01.pdf"> <front> <title>Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and EmailAddresses -Addresses: A Key to Digital Inclusion</title> <author initials="S." surname="Hussain" fullname="SarmadHusain">Hussain"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2023"/> </front> </reference> <!-- Used <https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3603269.3604872> to verify the author list --> <reference anchor="HABIB" target="https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-a-framework-for-improving-web-affordability-and-inclusiveness-00.pdf"> <front> <title>A Framework for Improving Web Affordability and Inclusiveness</title> <author initials="R." surname="Habib" fullname="Rumaisa Habib"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="S." surname="Tanveer" fullname="Sarah Tanveer"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="A." surname="Inam" fullname="Aimen Inam"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="H." surname="Ahmed" fullname="Haseeb Ahmed"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="A." surname="Ali" fullname="Ayesha Ali"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="Z. A." surname="Uzmi" fullname="Zartash Afzal Uzmi"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="Z. A." surname="Qazi" fullname="Zafar Ayyub Qazi"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="I. A." surname="Qazi" fullname="Ihsan Ayyub Qazi"> <organization/> </author> <date year="2023" month="September"/> </front> <refcontent>ACM SIGCOMM '23, pp. 592-607</refcontent> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1145/3603269.3604872"/> </reference> </references><?line 336?><section anchor="position-papers"> <name>Position Papers</name><t>19<t>Nineteen position papers were submitted to the workshop call for papers. Eleven were selected for publication. Papers that were not published either (1) only provided a very prelimited analysis of an idea that was felt to be incomprehensive for discussion at the workshop or (2) addressed problems that were considered "beyond scope" as dedicated for the workshop discussion, e.g., discussing cybersecurity threats as a barrier to participation or implication of technology in a regulation that imposes blocking. Both of these topics pose a potentially severe risk for the open Internet; however, these risks might pose a high risk for all Internet users but do not necessarily imply an unbalance. <!-- [rfced] Appendix A: We see a list of twelve published papers under "This is the list of all published papers", but this sentence indicates eleven. Should we update to "twelve"? If not, should the M-Lab paper be placed in a separate category even though it's included in the list of accepted papers? Looking at <https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/biasws/materials/>, we see 26 (twenty-six) papers listed with "interim-2024-biasws-<##>", so "19 position papers" in the current text is also unclear to us. Please review, and let us know if any updates are needed. Original: 19 position papers were submitted to the workshop call for papers. 11 were selected for publication. --> <!-- [rfced] Appendix A: We had trouble following this sentence and updated it as noted below. Please review, and let us know if anything is incorrect. Also, please note that we changed "threads" to "threats" here. Please let us know if this is incorrect. In addition, please confirm that "prelimited"* is the correct word here and that "scope as dedicated for the workshop discussion" will be clear to readers; we do not understand the meaning of "dedicated for ..." * Please see <https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prelimited>. Original: Papers that were not published either (1) only provided a very prelimited analysis of an idea that was felt to be incomprehensive for discussion at the workshop, or (2) addressed problems that were beyond the scope as dedicated for the workshop discussion e.g. discussing cyber security threads as a barrier for participation or implication of technology in regulation that imposes blocking. Currently: Papers that were not published either (1) only provided a very prelimited analysis of an idea that was felt to be incomprehensive for discussion at the workshop or (2) addressed problems that were considered "beyond scope" as dedicated for the workshop discussion, e.g., discussing cybersecurity threats as a barrier to participation or implication of technology in a regulation that imposes blocking. Possibly: Papers that were not published either (1) only provided a very prelimited analysis of an idea that was felt to be incomprehensive for discussion at the workshop or (2) addressed problems that were considered beyond the scope of the workshop discussions, e.g., discussing cybersecurity threats as a barrier to participation or implication of technology in a regulation that imposes blocking. --> <!-- [rfced] Appendix A: "risks might provide a high risk" reads oddly. May we update as suggested (assuming that "these risks" means "these scenarios")? Original: Both of these topics pose a potentially severe risk on the open Internet, however, these risks might provide a high risk for all Internet users but do not necessarily imply anunbalance.</t>unbalance. Suggested: Both of these scenarios pose a potentially severe risk for the open Internet; however, they might pose a high risk for all Internet users but do not necessarily imply an unbalance. --> </t> <t>All accepted papers are availableat: https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/biasws/materials/</t>at <eref target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/biasws/materials/" brackets="angle"/>.</t> <t>This is the list of all published papers:</t> <t>Community Networks:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li><t>L. M. Martínez-Cervantes, R. Guevara-Martínez:<t>Martínez-Cervantes, L. M. and R. Guevara-Martínez: Community Networks and the Quest for Quality <xref target="MARTINEZ"/></t> </li> <li><t>T. Benson, M. Fayed:<t>Benson, T. A. and M. Fayed: A‘C’'C' in CDN: Access service to and from the Internet at cost for community networksat-cost<xref target="BENSON"/></t> </li> <li><t>P. Hu:<t>Hu, P.: Closing the Performance and Management Gaps with Satellite Internet: Challenges, Approaches, and Future Directions <xref target="HU"/></t> </li> <li><t>R. Rennó:<t>Rennó, R.: Maximising Connectivity: The Spectrum's Vital Role in Technology Access <xref target="RENNO"/></t> </li> </ul> <t>Digital Divide:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li><t>R. Holz, N.<t>Holz, R., Nazemi,O.N., Tavallaie,A.Y. Zomaya:O., and A. Y. Zomaya: Evidence for a digital divide? Measuring DNS dependencies in the context of the indigenous population of Australia <xref target="HOLZ"/></t> </li> <li><t>S. Hussain:<t>Hussain, S.: Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email Addresses: A Key to Digital Inclusion <xref target="HUSSAIN"/></t> </li> <li><t>R. Habib, S.<t>Habib, R., Tanveer,A.S., Inam,H.A., Ahmed,A.H., Ali,Z.A.A., Uzmi,Z.A.Z. A., Qazi,I.A. Qazi:Z. A., and I. A. Qazi: A Framework for Improving Web Affordability and Inclusiveness <xref target="HABIB"/></t> </li> <li><t>J. Ott, G.<t>Ott, J., Bartolomeo,M.M.G., Bese,R.M.M., Bose,M.R., Bosk,D.M., Guzman,L.D., Kärkkäinen,M.L., Kosek,N. Mohan:M., and N. Mohan: The Internet: Only for the Fast (and Furious)?</t> </li> <li><t>L.Y. Ohlsen:<t>Ohlsen, L.Y.: BIAS workshop - M-Lab Position Papersubmission</t>submission <!-- [rfced] Appendix A: Would you like to add references for these two papers? We note other papers in this section have corresponding references. Current: * Ott, J., Bartolomeo, G., Bese, M.M., Bose, R., Bosk, M., Guzman, D., Kärkkäinen, L., Kosek, M., and N. Mohan: The Internet: Only for the Fast (and Furious)? * Ohlsen, L.Y.: BIAS workshop - M-Lab Position Paper submission Perhaps: * Ott, J., Bartolomeo, G., Bese, M.M., Bose, R., Bosk, M., Guzman, D., Kärkkäinen, L., Kosek, M., and N. Mohan: The Internet: Only for the Fast (and Furious)? [OTT] * Ohlsen, L.Y.: BIAS workshop - M-Lab Position Paper submission [OHLSEN] where in the References section: [OTT] Ott, J., Bartolomeo, G., Bese, M.M., Bose, R., Bosk, M., Guzman, D., Kärkkäinen, L., Kosek, M., and N. Mohan, "The Internet: Only for the Fast (and Furious)?", January 2024, <https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-the-internet-only-for-the-fast-00.pdf>. [OHLSEN] Ohlsen, L.Y., "BIAS workshop - M-Lab Position Paper submission", [Date], <https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-m-lab-position-paper-00.pdf>. NOTE: The PDF at that URL is errored and needs to be replaced. This has been reported to support@ietf.org. --> </t> </li> </ul> <t>Censorship:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li><t>S. Nurliza Samsudin:<t>Samsudin, S.: iMAP (Internet Monitoring Action Project) 2023 Internet Censorship Report <xref target="SAMSUDIN"/></t> </li> <li><t>G. Grover:<t>Grover, G.: The infrastructure of censorship in Asia <xref target="Grover2023"/></t> </li> <li><t>S. Basso:<t>Basso, S.: How Internet censorship changed in Russia during the 1st year of military conflict in Ukraine <xref target="BASSO"/></t> </li> </ul> <t>In addition to the submittedpaperpapers, two invited talks werepresentedincluded, based on published papers:</t> <ul spacing="normal"><li> <t>R. Sundara Raman, M.<li>Raman, R. S., Wang,J.M., Dalek,J.J., Mayer,R. Ensafi:J., and R. Ensafi: Network Measurement Methods for Locating and Examining Censorship Devices <xreftarget="WANG"/></t> </li> <li> <t>R.target="WANG"/></li> <li>Ramesh, R., Vyas, A., and R. Ensafi: "All of them claim to be the best": Multi-perspective study of VPN users and VPN providers</li> <!-- [rfced] Appendix A: We found this URL for this additional Ramesh paper: <https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity23/ presentation/ramesh-vpn>. We suggest that it be cited here and included in the References section. Would it be acceptable to change [RAMESH] to [RAMESH-1] and use [RAMESH-2] for this paper? Original: * R. Ramesh, A. Vyas, R. Ensafi:“All"All of them claim to be thebest”:best": A multi-perspective study of VPN users and VPNproviders</t> </li>providers Suggested: * Ramesh, R., Vyas, A., and R. Ensafi: "All of them claim to be the best: Multi-perspective study of VPN users and VPN providers" [RAMESH-2] In the References section: [RAMESH-2] Ramesh, R., Vyas, A., and R. Ensafi, "'All of them claim to be the best': Multi-perspective study of VPN users and VPN providers", 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '23), 2023, <https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity23/ presentation/ramesh-vpn>. --> </ul> </section> <section anchor="workshop-participants"> <name>Workshop Participants</name> <t>The workshop participants wereArnaud Taddei, Carlos Pignataro, Carsten Bormann, Cindy Morgan, Colin Perkins, Cory Myers, Dan Sexton, David Guzman, David Millman, David Schinazi, Dhruv Dhody, Gurshabad Grover, Hanna Kreitem, Jane Coffin, Jiankang Yao, Jörg Ott, Juan Peirano, Lai<contact fullname="Arnaud Taddei"/>, <contact fullname="Carlos Pignataro"/>, <contact fullname="Carsten Bormann"/>, <contact fullname="Cindy Morgan"/>, <contact fullname="Colin Perkins"/>, <contact fullname="Cory Myers"/>, <contact fullname="Dan Sexton"/>, <contact fullname="David Guzman"/>, <contact fullname="David Millman"/>, <contact fullname="David Schinazi"/>, <contact fullname="Dhruv Dhody"/>, <contact fullname="Gurshabad Grover"/>, <contact fullname="Hanna Kreitem"/>, <contact fullname="Jane Coffin"/>, <contact fullname="Jiankang Yao"/>, <contact fullname="Jörg Ott"/>, <contact fullname="Juan Peirano"/>, <contact fullname="Lai YiOhlsen, Luis Martinez, Mallory Knodel, Marwan Fayed, Matthew Bocci, Michael Welzl, Michuki Mwangi, Mirja Kühlewind, Mona Wang, Peng Hu, Ralph Holz, Raquel Renno, Reethika Ramesh, Rumaisa Habib, Sarmad Hussain, Simone Basso, SitiOhlsen"/>, <contact fullname="Luis Martinez"/>, <contact fullname="Mallory Knodel"/>, <contact fullname="Marwan Fayed"/>, <contact fullname="Matthew Bocci"/>, <contact fullname="Michael Welzl"/>, <contact fullname="Michuki Mwangi"/>, <contact fullname="Mirja Kühlewind"/>, <contact fullname="Mona Wang"/>, <contact fullname="Peng Hu"/>, <contact fullname="Ralph Holz"/>, <contact fullname="Raquel Rennó"/>, <contact fullname="Reethika Ramesh"/>, <contact fullname="Rumaisa Habib"/>, <contact fullname="Sarmad Hussain"/>, <contact fullname="Simone Basso"/>, <contact fullname="Siti NurlizaSamsudin, Suresh Krishnan, Theophilus Benson, Tirumaleswar Reddy, Tommy Pauly, Vesna Manojlovic, and Wes Hardaker.</t>Samsudin"/>, <contact fullname="Suresh Krishnan"/>, <contact fullname="Theophilus Benson"/>, <contact fullname="Tirumaleswar Reddy.K"/>, <contact fullname="Tommy Pauly"/>, <contact fullname="Vesna Manojlovic"/>, and <contact fullname="Wes Hardaker"/>.</t> </section> <section anchor="workshop-program-committee"> <name>Workshop Program Committee</name> <t>The workshop program committee members wereChristopher Wood<contact fullname="Christopher Wood"/> (IAB, Cloudflare),Dhruv Dhody<contact fullname="Dhruv Dhody"/> (IAB, Huawei),Mallory Knodel<contact fullname="Mallory Knodel"/> (IAB, Center for Democracy and Technology),Mirja Kühlewind<contact fullname="Mirja Kühlewind"/> (IAB, Ericsson), andTommy Pauly<contact fullname="Tommy Pauly"/> (IAB, Apple).</t> </section> <section numbered="false" anchor="iab-members-at-the-time-of-approval"> <name>IAB Members at the Time of Approval</name> <t>Internet Architecture Board members at the time this document was approved for publication were:TODO</t>TODO <!-- [rfced] IAB Members at the Time of Approval: Please provide the list of IAB members at the time this document was approved for publication. Original: Internet Architecture Board members at the time this document was approved for publication were: TODO --> </t> </section> <section numbered="false" anchor="acknowledgments"> <name>Acknowledgments</name> <t>Thanks toArnaud Taddei<contact fullname="Arnaud Taddei"/> for helpful suggestions to improve this report.</t> </section> </back> <!--##markdown-source: H4sIAAAAAAAAA9V9W3NbR3buO35FF6dSQ6YASJTs8ZhTpzwgKUu0xMuQlJ2Z twZ2A2hzXzD7QghSqco/I6lK3vKap1TlKW/+J/4lWd9a3b17b4CS7PHknDOZ jEDs3bfV6/KtSzdGo9GgtnVqjtTe2eRYHeuytKasVF2os7w2ZW5qNZnNTFWp Yq5uTHlv6Q+1f3w2uTlQ3xXlXbUsVurarIqy3hvo6bQ099QZnm8/nunaLIpy c6RsPi8Gg6SY5TqjwZNSz+uR1dPR1OpqtHYNRyU3HD1+MqiaaWaryhZ5vVlR C5rtIG+yqSmPBgl1ezSYFXll8qqpjlRdNmZA03g6uDMb6iw5GqhRf0H46oQa FGW1tCv8NSuyrMltvVH0Fs8B3yZ2YWud0r/3NqFuTd7QaErRt8tmSmu1ea3L 2XJa6DJ59OGV7FG7lGZb1dRuWder6ujRo7j9WHod2+IjPX3k8XhZZ+neYKCb elmUWD6NrNS8SVOh+N65Lb/X6uWP/71MzdrmyR6/YDJtU6zJ1PM/3jXGPRwT QfZ2dHK6LJt7dboskk23fZL8McGzBI/GRNhdrc91mhI3qJd5kZi020F2x1/+ 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qY/vikJujB5GP9520GEc9/hFo9fGHvT31DeGshFf4NRkxaxETIAzSAG8HGxv oWv8rCR4T6Ry+fuINu4FQlupOWAi4A7Sc7ca5xzdWin0Z0xGGGfw7kh+CNYk /2dvTsDZ7LEuffjK7KzbId9N271ymfO73P+22+gOjt5enl5ihpOZP2Mv58l3 zuaWTMUdBxM6aoO7Rt4Al8S6Yn4fIvG3PkR3G44H/wMeXMhYsHcAAA==[rfced] Although this document discusses inclusiveness extensively, as part of our process we still need to ask you to review the "Inclusive Language" portion of the online Style Guide at <https://www.rfc-editor.org/styleguide/part2/#inclusive_language> and let us know if any changes are needed. Updates of this nature typically result in more precise language, which is helpful for readers. Note that our script did not flag any words in particular, but this should still be reviewed as a best practice. --> <!-- [rfced] Please let us know if any changes are needed for the following: a) The following terms were used inconsistently in this document. We chose to use the latter forms. Please let us know any objections. block list / blocklist (Section 2.3.1) community network(s) (12 instances in text) / Community Network(s) (14 instances in text) (per RFC 7962) (Non-)Terrestrial / (non-)terrestrial b) The following terms appear to be used inconsistently in this document. Please let us know which form is preferred. internet / Internet (used generally, e.g., "the Internet community", "the internet community") internet access (1 instance) / Internet Access (2 instances) / Internet access (2 instances) (in text; used generally) (We also see "in Internet Access of Services" in the Abstract.) satellite / Satellite (e.g., "satellite constellations", "via Satellite-dependent community networks") c) Please let us know how/if the following should be made consistent (asking because "circumvents" is normally a verb; please see <https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/circumvents>): circumvents (noun) / circumvention (noun) --> </rfc>