rfc9726v1.txt   rfc9726.txt 
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There are some ways of using DNS that will present problems for MUD There are some ways of using DNS that will present problems for MUD
controllers, which Section 4 explains. controllers, which Section 4 explains.
Section 5 details how current trends in DNS resolution such as public Section 5 details how current trends in DNS resolution such as public
DNS servers, DNS over TLS (DoT) [RFC7858], DNS over HTTPS (DoH) DNS servers, DNS over TLS (DoT) [RFC7858], DNS over HTTPS (DoH)
[RFC8484], or DNS over QUIC (DoQ) [RFC9250] can cause problems with [RFC8484], or DNS over QUIC (DoQ) [RFC9250] can cause problems with
the strategies employed. the strategies employed.
The core of this document is Section 6, which makes a series of The core of this document is Section 6, which makes a series of
recommendations ("best current practices") for manufacturers on how recommendations ("best current practices") for manufacturers on how
to use DNS and IP addresses with MUD supporting IoT devices. to use DNS and IP addresses with IoT devices described by MUD.
Section 8 discusses a set of privacy issues that encrypted DNS (for Section 8 discusses a set of privacy issues that encrypted DNS (for
example, DoT and DoH) are frequently used to deal with. How these example, DoT and DoH) are frequently used to deal with. How these
concerns apply to IoT devices located within a residence or concerns apply to IoT devices located within a residence or
enterprise is a key concern. enterprise is a key concern.
Section 9 also covers some of the negative outcomes should MUD/ Section 9 also covers some of the negative outcomes should MUD/
firewall managers and IoT manufacturers choose not to cooperate. firewall managers and IoT manufacturers choose not to cooperate.
2. Terminology 2. Terminology
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"CDNs" refers to Content Distribution Networks, such as those "CDNs" refers to Content Distribution Networks, such as those
described in [RFC6707], Section 1.1. described in [RFC6707], Section 1.1.
3. A Model for MUD Controller Mapping of DNS Names to Addresses 3. A Model for MUD Controller Mapping of DNS Names to Addresses
This section details a strategy that a MUD controller could take. This section details a strategy that a MUD controller could take.
Within the limits of the DNS use detailed in Section 6, this process Within the limits of the DNS use detailed in Section 6, this process
could work. The methods detailed in Appendix A just will not work. could work. The methods detailed in Appendix A just will not work.
The simplest successful strategy for translating DNS names for a MUD The simplest successful strategy for a MUD controller to translate
controller to take is to do a DNS lookup on the name (a forward DNS names is to do a DNS lookup on the name (a forward lookup) and
lookup) and then use the resulting IP addresses to populate the then use the resulting IP addresses to populate the actual ACLs.
actual ACLs.
There are a number of possible failures, and the goal of this section There are a number of possible failures, and the goal of this section
is to explain how some common DNS usages may fail. is to explain how some common DNS usages may fail.
3.1. Non-Deterministic Mappings 3.1. Non-Deterministic Mappings
Most importantly, the mapping of the DNS names to IP addresses should Most importantly, the mapping of the DNS names to IP addresses could
be non-deterministic. be non-deterministic.
[RFC1794] describes the very common mechanism that returns DNS A (or [RFC1794] describes the very common mechanism that returns DNS A (or
reasonably AAAA) records in a permuted order. This is known as reasonably AAAA) records in a permuted order. This is known as
"round-robin DNS" and has been used for many decades. The historical "round-robin DNS" and has been used for many decades. The historical
intent is that the requestor will tend to use the first IP address intent is that the requestor will tend to use the first IP address
that is returned. As each query results in addresses being in a that is returned. As each query results in addresses being in a
different order, the effect is to split the load among many servers. different order, the effect is to split the load among many servers.
This situation does not result in failures as long as all possible A/ This situation does not result in failures as long as all possible A/
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The first is that the update service server must decide whether to The first is that the update service server must decide whether to
provide an IPv4 or an IPv6 literal, assuming that only one URL can be provide an IPv4 or an IPv6 literal, assuming that only one URL can be
provided. A DNS name can contain both kinds of addresses and can provided. A DNS name can contain both kinds of addresses and can
also contain many different IP addresses of each kind. An update also contain many different IP addresses of each kind. An update
server might believe that if the connection were on IPv4, then an server might believe that if the connection were on IPv4, then an
IPv4 literal would be acceptable. However, due to NAT64 [RFC6146], a IPv4 literal would be acceptable. However, due to NAT64 [RFC6146], a
device with only IPv6 connectivity will often be able to reach an device with only IPv6 connectivity will often be able to reach an
IPv4 firmware update server by name (through DNS64 [RFC6147]) but not IPv4 firmware update server by name (through DNS64 [RFC6147]) but not
be able to reach an arbitrary IPv4 address. be able to reach an arbitrary IPv4 address.
A MUD file definition for this access would need to resolve to the A MUD file for this access would need to resolve to the set of IP
set of IP addresses that might be returned by the update server. addresses that might be returned by the update server. This can be
This can be done with IP address literals in the MUD file, but this done with IP address literals in the MUD file, but this may require
may require continuing updates to the MUD file if the addresses continuing updates to the MUD file if the addresses change
change frequently. A DNS name in the MUD could resolve to the set of frequently. A DNS name in the MUD could resolve to the set of all
all possible IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that would be used, with DNS possible IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that would be used, with DNS
providing a level of indirection that obviates the need to update the providing a level of indirection that obviates the need to update the
MUD file itself. MUD file itself.
A third problem involves the use of HTTPS. It is often more A third problem involves the use of HTTPS. It is often more
difficult to get TLS certificates for an IP address, and so it is difficult to get TLS certificates for an IP address, and so it is
less likely that the firmware download will be protected by TLS. An less likely that the firmware download will be protected by TLS. An
IP address literal in the TLS ServerNameIndicator [RFC6066] might not IP address literal in the TLS ServerNameIndicator [RFC6066] might not
provide enough context for a web server to distinguish which of the provide enough context for a web server to distinguish which of the
(potentially many) tenants the client wishes to reach. This drives (potentially many) tenants the client wishes to reach. This drives
the use of an IP address per tenant, and for IPv4 (at least), this is the use of an IP address per tenant, and for IPv4 (at least), this is
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Even if the CDN provider's chosen DNS names are deterministic, they Even if the CDN provider's chosen DNS names are deterministic, they
may change at a rate much faster than MUD files can be updated. may change at a rate much faster than MUD files can be updated.
This situation applies to firmware updates but also applies to many This situation applies to firmware updates but also applies to many
other kinds of content: video content, in-game content, etc. other kinds of content: video content, in-game content, etc.
A solution may be to use a deterministic DNS name within the control A solution may be to use a deterministic DNS name within the control
of the device manufacturer. The device manufacturer is asked to of the device manufacturer. The device manufacturer is asked to
point a CNAME to the CDN, to a name that might look like point a CNAME to the CDN, to a name that might look like
"g7.a.example", with the expectation that the CDN vendor's DNS will "g7.a.example", with the expectation that the CDN provider's DNS will
do all the appropriate work to geolocate the transfer. This can be do all the appropriate work to geolocate the transfer. This can be
fine for a MUD file, as the MUD controller, if located in the same fine for a MUD file, as the MUD controller, if located in the same
geography as the IoT device, can follow the CNAME and collect the set geography as the IoT device, can follow the CNAME and collect the set
of resulting IP addresses along with the TTL for each. Then, the MUD of resulting IP addresses along with the TTL for each. Then, the MUD
controller can take charge of refreshing that mapping at intervals controller can take charge of refreshing that mapping at intervals
driven by the TTL. driven by the TTL.
In some cases, a complete set of geographically distributed servers In some cases, a complete set of geographically distributed servers
may be known ahead of time (or that it changes very slowly), and the may be known ahead of time (or that it changes very slowly), and the
device manufacturer can list all those IP addresses in the DNS for device manufacturer can list all those IP addresses in the DNS for
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6. Recommendations to IoT Device Manufacturers on MUD and DNS Usage 6. Recommendations to IoT Device Manufacturers on MUD and DNS Usage
Inclusion of a MUD file with IoT devices is operationally quite Inclusion of a MUD file with IoT devices is operationally quite
simple. It requires only a few small changes to the DHCP client code simple. It requires only a few small changes to the DHCP client code
to express the MUD URL. It can even be done without code changes via to express the MUD URL. It can even be done without code changes via
the use of a QR code affixed to the packaging (see [RFC9238]). the use of a QR code affixed to the packaging (see [RFC9238]).
The difficult part is determining what to put into the MUD file The difficult part is determining what to put into the MUD file
itself. There are currently tools that help with the definition and itself. There are currently tools that help with the definition and
analysis of MUD files; see [mudmaker]. The remaining difficulty is analysis of MUD files; see [mudmaker]. The remaining difficulty is
now the actual list of expected connections to put in the MUD file. the actual list of expected connections to put in the MUD file. An
An IoT manufacturer must now spend some time reviewing the network IoT manufacturer must spend some time reviewing the network
communications by their device. communications by their device.
This document discusses a number of challenges that occur relating to This document discusses a number of challenges that occur relating to
how DNS requests are made and resolved, and the goal of this section how DNS requests are made and resolved, and the goal of this section
is to make recommendations on how to modify IoT systems to work well is to make recommendations on how to modify IoT systems to work well
with MUD. with MUD.
6.1. Consistently Use DNS 6.1. Consistently Use DNS
For the reasons explained in Section 4.1, the most important For the reasons explained in Section 4.1, the most important
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resolver to mitigate against local misconfiguration. There are a resolver to mitigate against local misconfiguration. There are a
number of reasons to avoid this, detailed in Section 6.4. The public number of reasons to avoid this, detailed in Section 6.4. The public
resolver might not return the same tailored names that the MUD resolver might not return the same tailored names that the MUD
controller would get. controller would get.
It is recommended that non-local resolvers are only used when the It is recommended that non-local resolvers are only used when the
locally provided resolvers provide no answers to any queries at all locally provided resolvers provide no answers to any queries at all
and do so repeatedly. The status of the operator-provided resolvers and do so repeatedly. The status of the operator-provided resolvers
needs to be re-evaluated on a periodic basis. needs to be re-evaluated on a periodic basis.
Finally, if a device will ever attempt to use a non-local resolver, Finally, if a device will ever attempt to use non-local resolvers,
then the address of that resolver needs to be listed in the MUD file then the addresses of those resolvers need to be listed in the MUD
as a destination that is to be permitted. This needs to include the file as destinations that are to be permitted. This needs to include
port numbers (i.e., 53, 853 for DoT, 443 for DoH) that will be used the port numbers (i.e., 53, 853 for DoT, 443 for DoH) that will be
as well. used as well.
7. Interactions with mDNS and DNS-SD 7. Interactions with mDNS and DNS-SD
Unicast DNS requests are not the only way to map names to IP Unicast DNS requests are not the only way to map names to IP
addresses. IoT devices might also use Multicast DNS (mDNS) addresses. IoT devices might also use Multicast DNS (mDNS)
[RFC6762], both to be discovered by other devices and also to [RFC6762], both to be discovered by other devices and also to
discover other devices. discover other devices.
mDNS replies include A and AAAA records, and it is conceivable that mDNS replies include A and AAAA records, and it is conceivable that
these replies contain addresses that are not local to the link on these replies contain addresses that are not local to the link on
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