<?xml version='1.0'encoding='utf-8'?>encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE rfc [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> <!ENTITY zwsp "​"> <!ENTITY nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITY wj "⁠"> ]><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?> <!-- generated by https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc version 1.7.19 (Ruby 3.2.2) --> <?rfc stand-alone="yes"?><rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations-19" number="9726" category="bcp" consensus="true" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true"version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.23.0version="3" xml:lang="en" updates="" obsoletes="" submissionType="IETF"> <!--[rfced] This document has been assigned a new BCP number. Please let us know if this is not correct (i.e., it should be part of an existing BCP). See the complete list of BCPs here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/bcps --> <front> <titleabbrev="mud-iot-dns">Operationalabbrev="DNS in IoT Devices">Operational Considerations for Use of DNS inIoTInternet of Things (IoT) Devices</title> <seriesInfoname="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations-19"/>name="RFC" value="9726"/> <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="241"/> <author initials="M." surname="Richardson" fullname="Michael Richardson"> <organization>Sandelman Software Works</organization> <address> <email>mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca</email> </address> </author> <author initials="W." surname="Pan" fullname="Wei Pan"> <organization>Huawei Technologies</organization> <address> <email>william.panwei@huawei.com</email> </address> </author> <dateyear="2024" month="October" day="03"/> <area>Operations</area> <workgroup>OPSAWG Working Group</workgroup> <keyword>Internet-Draft</keyword>year="2025" month="March"/> <area>OPS</area> <workgroup>opsawg</workgroup> <keyword>DNS</keyword> <keyword>MUD</keyword> <keyword>round-robin</keyword> <keyword>tailored response</keyword> <keyword>DNSSEC</keyword> <keyword>IoT security</keyword> <keyword>Device Identity</keyword> <!--[rfced] FYI, this sentence has been updated as follows for clarity. Please review whether these terms convey the same meaning: "Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) definitions" replaced with "Manufacturer Usage Descriptions (MUDs)" (plural). We note the plural is used in the abstract of RFC 8520. Original: These concerns become acute as network operators begin deploying RFC 8520 Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) definitions to control device access. Current: These concerns become acute as network operators begin deploying Manufacturer Usage Descriptions (MUDs), as specified in RFC 8520, to control device access. --> <abstract><?line 74?><t>This document details considerations about how Internet of Things (IoT) devices use IP addresses and DNS names. These concerns become acute as network operators begin deployingRFC 8520Manufacturer UsageDescription (MUD) definitionsDescriptions (MUD), as specified in RFC 8520, to control device access.</t> <t>Also, this document makes recommendations on when and how to use DNS names in MUD files.</t> </abstract><note removeInRFC="true"> <name>About This Document</name> <t> Status information for this document may be found at <eref target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations/"/>. </t> <t> Discussion of this document takes place on the opsawg Working Group mailing list (<eref target="mailto:opsawg@ietf.org"/>), which is archived at <eref target="https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/opsawg/"/>. Subscribe at <eref target="https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/opsawg/"/>. </t> <t>Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at <eref target="https://github.com/mcr/iot-mud-dns-considerations"/>.</t> </note></front> <middle><?line 82?><section anchor="introduction"> <name>Introduction</name> <!--[rfced] Please clarify "a specific purpose device". This term has not been used in past documents; perhaps it is in contrast to "a general-purpose device", a term used in RFC 8520. May it be rephrased as below, or does it mean the same as "a single-purpose device"? Original: [RFC8520] provides a standardized way to describe how a specific purpose device makes use of Internet resources. Perhaps: [RFC8520] provides a standardized way to describe how a device for a specific purpose makes use of Internet resources. --> <t><xref target="RFC8520"/> provides a standardized way to describe how a specific purpose device makes use of Internet resources. Access Control Lists (ACLs) can be defined inan RFC 8520a Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) file <xref target="RFC8520" format="default"/> thatpermitpermits a device to access Internet resources by their DNS names or IP addresses.</t><t>Use<t>The use of a DNS name rather than an IP address in an ACL has many advantages:notNot only does the layer of indirection permit the mapping of a name to IPaddress(es)addresses to be changed over time, but it also generalizes automatically to IPv4 and IPv6addresses,addresses as well aspermittingpermits a variety ofload balancingload-balancing strategies, including multi-CDN deployments whereinload balancingload-balancing can account for geography and load.</t> <t>However, the use of DNS names has implications on howACLACLs are executed at the MUD policy enforcement point (typically, a firewall). Concretely, the firewall has access only to the Layer 3 headers of the packet. This includes the source and destination IPaddress, andaddresses and, if not encrypted by IPsec, the destination UDP or TCP port number present in the transport header. The DNS name is not present!</t><t>So<t>So, in order to implement thesename basedname-based ACLs, there must be a mapping between the names in the ACLs and IP addresses.</t> <t>In order for manufacturers to understand how to configure DNS associated withname basedname-based ACLs, a model of how the DNS resolution will be done by MUD controllers is necessary. <xref target="mapping"/> models some good strategies thatarecould be used.</t> <t>This model isnon-normative:non-normative but is included so that IoT device manufacturers can understand how the DNS will be used to resolve the names they use.</t> <t>There are some ways of using DNS that will present problems for MUD controllers, which <xref target="dns-anti-p"/> explains.</t> <t><xref target="sec-priv-out"/> details how current trends in DNS resolution such as public DNS servers, DNS over TLS (DoT) <xref target="RFC7858"/>, DNS over HTTPS (DoH) <xref target="RFC8484"/>, or DNS over QUIC (DoQ) <xref target="RFC9250"/> can cause problems with the strategies employed.</t><t>The<!--[rfced] Please clarify "with MUD supporting IoT devices". Does it mean (A) "with IoT devices that support MUD" or (B) "with MUD to support IoT devices" or otherwise? Original: The core of this document, is<xref target="sec-reco"/>,Section 6, which makes a series of recommendations ("best current practices") for manufacturers on how to use DNS and IP addresses with MUD supporting IoTdevices.</t>devices. Perhaps (if A): The core of this document is Section 6, which makes a series of recommendations ("best current practices") for manufacturers on how to use DNS and IP addresses with IoT devices that support MUD. --> <t>The core of this document is <xref target="sec-reco"/>, which makes a series of recommendations ("best current practices") for manufacturers on how to use DNS and IP addresses with IoT devices described by MUD.</t> <t><xref target="sec-privacy"/> discusses a set of privacy issues that encrypted DNS(DoT, DoH, for example)(for example, DoT and DoH) are frequently used to deal with. How these concerns apply to IoT devices located within a residence or enterprise is a key concern.</t> <t><xref target="sec-security"/> also covers some of the negative outcomes should MUD/firewall managers and IoT manufacturers choose not to cooperate.</t> </section> <section anchor="Terminology"> <name>Terminology</name> <t>This document makes use of terms defined in <xref target="RFC8520"/> and <xreftarget="I-D.ietf-dnsop-rfc8499bis"/>.</t>target="RFC9499"/>.</t> <t>The term "anti-pattern" comes from agile software design literature, as per <xreftarget="antipatterns"/>.</t> <t>CDNtarget="antipattern"/>.</t> <t>"CDNs" refers to Content Distribution Networks, such as those describedbyin <xref section="1.1" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC6707"/>.</t> </section> <section anchor="mapping"> <name>AmodelModel for MUDcontroller mappingController Mapping of DNSnamesNames toaddresses</name>Addresses</name> <t>This section details a strategy that a MUD controller could take. Within the limits of the DNS use detailed in <xref target="sec-reco"/>, this processcancould work. The methods detailed in <xref target="failingstrategy"/> just will not work.</t> <t>The simplest successful strategy fortranslating DNS names fora MUD controller totaketranslate DNS names is to do a DNS lookup on the name (a forwardlookup),lookup) and then use the resulting IP addresses to populate the actual ACLs.</t> <!--[rfced] May this be rephrased for simplicity? Original: The simplest successful strategy for translating DNS names for a MUD controller to take is to do a DNS lookup on the name ... Perhaps: The simplest successful strategy for a MUD controller to translate DNS names is to do a DNS lookup on the name ... --> <t>There are a number of possible failures, and the goal of this section is to explain how some common DNS usages may fail.</t> <section anchor="non-deterministic-mappings"> <name>Non-Deterministic Mappings</name><t>The most important one is that<t>Most importantly, the mapping of the DNS names to IP addressesmaycould be non-deterministic.</t> <t><xref target="RFC1794"/> describes the very common mechanism that returns DNS A (or reasonably AAAA) records in a permuted order. This is known asRound Robin DNS,"round-robin DNS" andithas been used for many decades. The historical intent is that the requestor will tend to use the first IP address that is returned. As each query results in addresses being in a differentordering,order, the effect is to split the load among many servers.</t> <t>This situation does not result in failures as long as all possible A/AAAA records are returned. The MUD controller and the device get a matching set, and the ACLs that are set up cover all possibilities.</t> <t>There are a number of circumstances in which the list is not exhaustive. The simplest is when the round-robin DNS does not return all addresses. This is routinely done by geographical DNSload balancingload-balancing systems:onlyOnly the addresses that the balancing system wishes to be used are returned.</t><t>It<t>Failure can alsohappenoccur if there are more addresses than what will conveniently fit into a DNS reply. The reply will be marked as truncated. (If DNSSEC resolution will be done, then the entire RR must be retrieved over TCP (or using a larger EDNS(0) size) before beingvalidated)</t>validated.)</t> <t>However, in a geographical DNSload balancingload-balancing system, different answers are given based upon the locality of the system asking. There may also be further layers of round-robin indirection.</t> <t>Aside from the list of records being incomplete, the list may have changed between the time that the MUD controller did the lookup and the time that the IoT device did the lookup, and this change can result in a failure for the ACL to match. If the IoT device did not use the same recursive servers as the MUD controller, then tailored DNS replies and/or truncated round-robin results could return adifferent,different and non-overlapping set of addresses.</t> <t>In order to compensate for this, the MUD controller performs regular DNS lookups in order to never have stale data. These lookups must berate limitedrate-limited to avoid excessive load on the DNS servers, and it may be necessary to avoid local recursive resolvers. A MUD controller that incorporates its own recursive caching DNS client will be able to observe the TTL on theentries,entries andexpirecause them to expire appropriately. Thiscachedcache will last for at least some number ofminutes,minutes and up to some number of days (respecting the TTL), while the underlying DNS data can change at a higher frequency, providing different answers to different queries!</t> <t>A MUD controller that is aware of which recursive DNS server the IoT device will use can instead query that server on a periodic basis. Doing so provides three advantages:</t> <ol spacing="normal"type="1"><li>type="1"> <li> <t>Any geographicload balancingload-balancing will base the decision on the geolocation of the recursive DNS server, and the recursive name server will provide the same answer to the MUD controller as to the IoT device.</t> </li> <li> <t>The resulting mapping (of name to IPaddress mappingaddress) in the recursive name server will becached,cached and will remain the same for the entire advertisedTime-To-LiveTTL reported in the DNS query return. This also allows the MUD controller to avoid doing unnecessary queries.</t> </li> <li><t>if<t>If any addresses have been omitted in a round-robin DNS process, the cache will have the same set of addresses that were returned.</t> </li> </ol> <t>The solution of using the same caching recursive resolver as the target device is very simple when the MUD controller is located in a residentialCPECustomer Premises Equipment (CPE) device. The device is usually also thepolicy enforcementpolicy-enforcement point for the ACLs, and a caching resolver is typically located on the same device. In addition to convenience, there is a shared fate advantage:asAs all three components are running on the same device, if the device isrebooted, clearingrebooted (which clears thecache,cache), then all three components will get restarted when the device is restarted.</t><t>Where the<t>The solution is more complex and sometimes more fragileiswhen the MUD controller is located elsewhere in anEnterprise,enterprise or remotely in acloudcloud, such as when aSoftware DefinedSoftware-Defined Network (SDN) is used to manage the ACLs. The DNS servers for a particular device may not be known to the MUD controller,norand the MUD controllerbemay not even be permitted to make recursive queries to that server if it is known. In this case, additionalinstallation specificinstallation-specific mechanisms are probably needed to get the right view of the DNS.</t> <t>A critical failure can occur when the device makes a new DNS request and receives a new set of IP addresses, but the MUD controller's copy of the addresses has not yet reached theirtime to live.TTL. In that case, the MUD controller still has the oldaddress(es)addresses implemented in the ACLs, but the IoT device has a new address not previously returned to the MUD controller. This can result in a connectivity failure.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="dns-anti-p"> <name>DNS and IP Anti-Patterns for IoT Device Manufacturers</name> <t>In many design fields, there are good patterns that should be emulated, and often there are patterns that should not be emulated. The latter are called anti-patterns, as per <xreftarget="antipatterns"/>.</t>target="antipattern"/>.</t> <t>This section describes a number of thingswhichthat IoT manufacturers have been observed to do in the field, each of which presents difficulties for MUD enforcement points.</t> <section anchor="inprotocol"> <name>Use of IP Address Literals</name> <t>A common pattern for a number of devices is to look for firmware updates in a two-step process. An initial query is made (often over HTTPS, sometimes with a POST, but the method is immaterial) to a vendor system that knows whether an update is required.</t> <t>The current firmware model of the device is sometimesprovidedprovided, and then the vendor's authoritative server provides a determination if a new version is required and, if so, what version. In simpler cases, an HTTPS endpoint isqueriedqueried, which provides the name and URL of the most recent firmware.</t> <t>The authoritative upgrade server then responds with a URL of a firmware blob that the device should download and install. Best practice is that either firmware iseithersigned internally(<xref target="RFC9019"/>)<xref target="RFC9019"/> so that it can be verified, or a hash of the blob is provided.</t> <t>An authoritative server might be tempted to provide an IP address literal inside the protocol. An argument for doing this is that it eliminates problems with firmware updates that might be caused by a lack ofDNS,DNS or by incompatibilities with DNS. Forinstanceinstance, a bug that causes interoperability issues with some recursive servers would become unpatchable for devices that were forced to use that recursive resolver type.</t> <t>But, there are several problems with the use of IP address literals for the location of the firmware.</t> <t>The first is that the update service server must decide whether to provide an IPv4 or an IPv6 literal, assuming that only one URL can be provided. A DNS name can contain both kinds ofaddresses,addresses and can also contain many different IP addresses of each kind. <!--[rfced] Please review; does the updated sentence convey the intended meaning? It has been rephrased to avoid the use of two "but" phrases in a row. (Also, "literate" was changed to "literal".) Original: An update server might believe that if the connection was on IPv4, that an IPv4 literate would be acceptable, but due to NAT64 [RFC6146] a device with only IPv6 connectivity will often be able to reach an IPv4 firmware update server by name (through DNS64 [RFC6147]), but not be able to reach arbitrary IPv4 address. Current: An update server might believe that if the connection were on IPv4, then an IPv4 literal would be acceptable. However, due to NAT64 [RFC6146], a device with only IPv6 connectivity will often be able to reach an IPv4 firmware update server by name (through DNS64 [RFC6147]) but not be able to reach an arbitrary IPv4 address. --> An update server might believe that if the connection were on IPv4, then an IPv4 literal would be acceptable. However, due to NAT64 <xreftarget="RFC6146"/>target="RFC6146"/>, a device with only IPv6 connectivity will often be able to reach an IPv4 firmware update server by name (through DNS64 <xreftarget="RFC6147"/>),target="RFC6147"/>) but not be able to reach an arbitrary IPv4 address.</t><t>A<!--[rfced] May we change "A MUD file definition" to simply "A MUD file"? We see zero usage of "MUD file definition" in RFC 8520 or other RFCs. Original: A MUD file definition for this access would need to resolve ... Original: A MUD file for this access would need to resolve ... --> <t>A MUD file for this access would need to resolve to the set of IP addresses that might be returned by the update server. This can be done with IP address literals in the MUD file, but this may require continuing updates to the MUD file if the addresses change frequently. A DNS name in the MUD could resolve to the set of all possible IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that would be used, with DNS providing a level of indirection that obviates the need to update the MUD file itself.</t> <t>A third problem involves the use of HTTPS. It is often more difficult to get TLS certificates for an IP address, and so it is less likely that the firmware download will be protected by TLS. An IP address literal in the TLS ServerNameIndicator <xreftarget="RFC6066"/>,target="RFC6066"/> might not provide enough context for a web server to distinguish which ofpotentially many tenants,the (potentially many) tenants the client wishes to reach. Thisthendrives the use of an IP addressper-tenant,per tenant, and for IPv4 (at least), this is no longer a sustainable use of IP addresses.</t> <t>Finally, it is common in someContent Distribution Networks (CDNs)CDNs to use multiple layers of DNS CNAMEs in order to isolate thecontent-owner'scontent owner's naming system from changes in how the distribution network is organized.</t> <t>When a name or address is returned within an update protocol for which a MUD rule cannot be written, then the MUD controller is unable to authorize the connection. In order for the connection to be authorized, the set of names returned within the update protocol needs to be known ahead oftime,time and must be from a finite set of possibilities. Such a set of names or addresses can be placed into the MUD file as an ACL in advance, and the connections can be authorized.</t> </section> <section anchor="use-of-non-deterministic-dns-names-in-protocols"> <name>Use ofNon-deterministicNon-Deterministic DNS Names inprotocols</name>Protocols</name> <t>A second pattern is for a control protocol to connect to a known HTTP endpoint. This is easily described in MUD. References within that control protocol are made to additional content at other URLs. The values of those URLs do not fit any easily described pattern and may pointatto arbitrary DNS names.</t> <t>Those DNS names are often within some third-party CDNsystem,system or may be arbitrary DNS names in a cloud-provider storage system (e.g., <xreftarget="AmazonS3"/>,target="AmazonS3"/> or <xref target="Akamai"/>). Some of the name components may be specified by thethird partythird-party CDN provider.</t> <t>Such DNS names may be unpredictably chosen by theCDN,CDN and not the devicemanufacturer,manufacturer andsotherefore impossible to insert into a MUD file. Implementation of the CDN system may also involve HTTP redirections to downstream CDN systems.</t> <t>Even if the CDN provider's chosen DNS names aredeterministicdeterministic, they may change at a rate much faster than MUD files can be updated.</t> <t>This situation applies to firmwareupdates,updates but also applies to many other kinds of content: video content, in-game content, etc.</t> <t>A solution may be to use a deterministic DNSname,name within the control of the device manufacturer. <!--[rfced] Should "CDN vendor's DNS" be "CDN provider's DNS" here, because that phrase is used earlier within this section? (Note: The apostrophe was added because it seems possessive was intended.) Original: the CDN vendors DNS will do all the appropriate work Current: the CDN vendor's DNS will do all the appropriate work Perhaps: the CDN provider's DNS will do all the appropriate work --> The device manufacturer is asked to point a CNAME to the CDN, to a name that might look like "g7.a.example", with the expectation that the CDNvendorsprovider's DNS will do all the appropriate work to geolocate the transfer. This can be fine for a MUD file, as the MUD controller, if located in the same geography as the IoT device, can follow theCNAME,CNAME andcancollect the set of resulting IPaddresses,addresses along with the TTL for each.TheThen, the MUD controller canthentake charge of refreshing that mapping at intervals driven by the TTL.</t> <t>In some cases, a complete set of geographically distributed servers may be known ahead of time (or that it changes very slowly), and the device manufacturer can list all those IP addresses in the DNS for thethename that it lists in the MUD file. As long as the active set of addresses used by the CDN is a strict subset of that list, then the geolocated name can be used for the content download itself.</t> </section> <section anchor="use-of-a-too-generic-dns-name"> <name>Use of a Too Generic DNS Name</name> <t>Some CDNs make all customer content available at a single URL (such as "s3.example.com"). This seems to be ideal from a MUD point of view: a completely predictable URL.</t> <t>The problem is that a compromised device could then connect to the contents of any bucket, potentially attacking the data from other customers.</t> <t>Exactly what the risk is depends upon what the other customers are doing:itIt could be limited to simply causing a distributed denial-of-service attack resulting in high costs to those customers, or such an attack could potentially include writing content.</t> <t>Amazon has recognized the problems associated with thispractice,practice and aims to change it to a virtual hosting model, as per <xref target="awss3virtualhosting"/>.</t> <t>The MUD ACLs provide only for permittingend pointsendpoints (hostnames andports),ports) but do not filter URLs (nor could filtering be enforced within HTTPS).</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="sec-priv-out"> <name>DNS Privacy and Outsourcing versus MUD Controllers</name> <t><xref target="RFC7858"/> and <xref target="RFC8094"/> provide for DoT and DoH. <xreftarget="I-D.ietf-dnsop-rfc8499bis"/>target="RFC9499"/> details the terms. But, even with the unencrypted DNS (a.k.a. Do53), it is possible to outsource DNS queries to other public services, such as those operated by Google, CloudFlare, Verisign, etc.</t> <t>For some users and classes of devices, revealing the DNS queries to those outside entities may constitute a privacy concern. For otherusersusers, the use of an insecure local resolver may constitute a privacy concern.</t> <t>As describedabovein <xreftarget="mapping"/>target="mapping"/>, the MUD controller needs to have access to the sameresolver(s)resolver or resolvers as the IoT device. If the IoT device does not use the DNS servers provided to it via DHCP or Router Advertisements, then the MUD controller will need to be told which servers will in fact be used. As yet, there is no protocol to do this, but future work could provide this as an extension to MUD.</t> <t>Until such time as such a protocol exists, the best practice is for the IoT device to always use the DNS servers provided by DHCP or Router Advertisements.</t> </section> <section anchor="sec-reco"> <name>RecommendationsToto IoT Device Manufacturers on MUD and DNS Usage</name> <t>Inclusion of a MUD file with IoT devices is operationally quite simple. It requires only a few small changes to the DHCP client code to express the MUD URL. It can even be done without code changes via the use of a QR code affixed to the packaging (see <xreftarget="RFC9238"/>)</t>target="RFC9238"/>).</t> <t>The difficult part is determining what to put into the MUD file itself. There are currently tools that help with the definition and analysis of MUDfiles,files; see <xref target="mudmaker"/>. <!--[rfced] May "now" be removed from these two sentences, or do you want to use a different phrase? (The preceding sentence is included for context.) Original: There are currently tools that help with the definition and analysis of MUD files, see [mudmaker]. The remaining difficulty is now the actual list of expected connections to put in the MUD file. An IoT manufacturer must now spend some time reviewing the network communications by their device. Perhaps (if removing two instances of "now"): There are currently tools that help with the definition and analysis of MUD files; see [mudmaker]. The remaining difficulty is the actual list of expected connections to put in the MUD file. An IoT manufacturer must spend some time reviewing the network communications by their device. --> The remaining difficulty is the actual list of expected connections to put in the MUD file. An IoT manufacturer must spend some time reviewing the network communications by their device.</t> <t>This document discusses a number of challenges that occur relating to how DNS requests are made and resolved, and the goal of this section is to make recommendations on how to modify IoT systems to work well with MUD.</t> <section anchor="consistently-use-dns"> <name>ConsistentlyuseUse DNS</name> <t>For the reasons explained in <xref target="inprotocol"/>, the most important recommendation is to avoid using IP address literals in any protocol. DNS names should always be used.</t> </section> <section anchor="use-primary-dns-names-controlled-by-the-manufacturer"> <name>Use Primary DNS Names ControlledBy Theby the Manufacturer</name> <t>The second recommendation is to allocate and use DNS names within zones controlled by the manufacturer. These DNS names can be populated with an alias (see <xreftarget="I-D.ietf-dnsop-rfc8499bis"/> section 2)target="RFC9499" section="2" sectionFormat="comma"/>) that points to the production system. Ideally, a different name is used for each logical function, allowingfordifferent rules in the MUD file to be enabled and disabled.</t> <t>While it used to be costly to have a large number of aliases in a web server certificate, this is no longer the case. Wildcard certificates are also commonlyavailable whichavailable; they allow for an infinite number of possible DNS names.</t> </section> <section anchor="use-content-distribution-network-with-stable-dns-names"> <name>UseContent-Distributiona Content Distribution Network with Stable DNS Names</name> <t>When aliases point to a CDN,prefergive preference to stable DNS names that point to appropriatelyload balancedload-balanced targets. CDNs that employ very lowtime-to-live (TTL)TTL values for DNS make it harder for the MUD controller to get the same answer as the IoTDevice.device. A CDN that always returns the same set of A and AAAA records, but permutes them to provide the best onefirstfirst, provides a more reliable answer.</t> </section> <section anchor="tailorednames"> <name>Do Not Use Tailored Responses toanswerAnswer DNS Names</name> <t><xref target="RFC7871"/> defines the edns-client-subnet (ECS) EDNS0option,option and explains how authoritative servers sometimes answer queries differently based upon the IP address of the end system making the request. Ultimately, the decision is based upon some topological notion of closeness. This is often used to provide tailored responses to clients, providing them with a geographically advantageous answer.</t> <t>When the MUD controller makes its DNS query, it is critical that itreceivereceives an answerwhichthat is based upon the same topological decision as when the IoT device makes its query.</t> <t>There are probably ways in which the MUD controller could use the edns-client-subnet option to make a query that would get the same treatment as when the IoT device makes its query. If thisworkedworked, then it would receive the same answer as the IoT device.</t> <t>In practice it could be quite difficult if the IoT device uses a different Internet connection, a different firewall, or a different recursive DNS server. The edns-client-server might be ignored or overridden by any of the DNS infrastructure.</t> <t>Some tailored responses might onlyre-orderreorder the replies so that the most preferred address is first. Such a system would be acceptable if the MUD controller had a way to know that the list was complete.</t> <t>But, due to the above problems, a strong recommendation is to avoid using tailored responses as part of the DNS names in the MUD file.</t> </section> <sectionanchor="prefer-dns-servers-learnt-from-dhcprouter-advertisements">anchor="prefer-dns-servers-learned-from-dhcprouter-advertisements"> <name>Prefer DNS ServersLearnt FromLearned from DHCP/Router Advertisements</name> <t>The best practice is for IoTDevicesdevices to do DNS with theDHCP providedDHCP-provided DNSservers,servers or with DNS serverslearntlearned from Router Advertisements <xref target="RFC8106"/>.</t> <t>TheADD WGAdaptive DNS Discovery (ADD) Working Group has written <xreftarget="RFC9463"/>target="RFC9462"/> and <xreftarget="RFC9462"/>target="RFC9463"/> to provide information to end devices on how to find locally provisioned secure/private DNS servers.</t> <t>Use of public resolvers instead of the locally provided DNS resolver, whether Do53, DoQ,DoTDoT, orDoHDoH, is discouraged.</t> <t>Some manufacturers would like to have a fallback to using a public resolver to mitigate against local misconfiguration. There are a number of reasons to avoid this, detailed in <xref target="tailorednames"/>. The public resolver might not return the same tailored names that the MUD controller would get.</t> <t>It is recommended thatuse ofnon-local resolversisare onlydoneused when the locally provided resolvers provide no answers to any queries atall,all and do so repeatedly. The status of theoperator providedoperator-provided resolvers needs to be re-evaluated on a periodic basis.</t><t>Finally,<!--[rfced] FYI, this sentence has been updated to use singular "resolver" and "destination". Please let us know if that was not the intention. Original: Finally, if a device will ever attempt to use a non-local resolvers, then the address of that resolver needs to be listed in the MUD file as destinations that are to be permitted. Current: Finally, if a device will ever attempt to use a non-local resolver, then the address of that resolver needs to be listed in the MUD file as a destination that is to be permitted. --> <t>Finally, if a device will ever attempt to use non-local resolvers, then the addresses of those resolvers need to be listed in the MUD file as destinations that are to be permitted. This needs to include the port numbers (i.e., 53, 853 for DoT, 443 for DoH) that will be used as well.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="interactions-with-mdns-and-dnssd"> <name>Interactions with mDNS andDNSSD</name>DNS-SD</name> <t>Unicast DNS requests are not the only way to map names to IP addresses. IoT devices might also usemDNSMulticast DNS (mDNS) <xref target="RFC6762"/>, both to be discovered by otherdevices,devices and also to discover other devices.</t> <t>mDNS replies include A and AAAA records, and it is conceivable that these replies contain addresseswhichthat are not local to the link on which they are made. This could be the result of another devicewhichthat contains malware. An unsuspecting IoT device could be led to contact some external host as a result. Protecting against such things is one of the benefits of MUD.</t> <t>In the unlikely case that the external host has been listed as a legitimate destination in a MUD file,thencommunication will continue as expected. As anexample of this,example, an IoT device might look for a name like "update.local" in order to find a source of firmware updates. It could be led to connect to some external host that was listed as "update.example" in the MUD file. This should work fine if the name "update.example" does not require any kind of tailored reply.</t> <t>In residentialnetworksnetworks, there has typically not been more than one network (although this is changing through work like <xref target="I-D.ietf-snac-simple"/>), but on campus or enterprise networks, having more than one network is not unusual. In such networks, mDNS is being replaced withDNS-SDDNS-based Service Discovery (DNS-SD) <xref target="RFC8882"/>, and in such a situation, connections could be initiated to other parts of the network. Such connections might traverse the MUD policy enforcement point (an intra-departmentfirewall),firewall) and could very well be rejected because the MUD controller did not know about that interaction.</t> <t><xref target="RFC8250"/> includes a number of provisions for controlling internal communications, including complex communications like same manufacturer ACLs. To date, this aspect of MUD has been difficult to describe. This document does not consider internal communications to be in scope.</t> </section> <section anchor="sec-privacy"> <name>Privacy Considerations</name> <t>The use of non-local DNS servers exposes the list of DNS names resolved to a third party, including passive eavesdroppers.</t> <t>The use of DoT and DoH eliminates the threat from passiveeavesdropping,eavesdropping but still exposes the list to the operator of the DoT or DoH server. There are additional methods to help preserve privacy, such as that described by <xref target="RFC9230"/>.</t> <t>The use of unencrypted (Do53) requests to a local DNS server exposes the list to any internal passiveeavesdroppers, and foreavesdroppers. For somesituationssituations, that may be significant, particularly if unencryptedWi-FiWiFi is used.</t> <t>Use ofEncryptedan encrypted DNS connection to a local DNS recursive resolver is the preferred choice.</t> <t>IoT devices that reach out to the manufacturer at regular intervals to check for firmware updates are informing passive eavesdroppers of the existence of a specific manufacturer's device being present at the origin location.</t> <t>Identifying the IoT device type empowers the attacker to launch targeted attacks to the IoT device (e.g.,Attackerthe attacker can take advantage of any known vulnerability on the device).</t> <t>While possession of aLarge (Kitchen) Appliance"large kitchen appliance" at a residence may be uninteresting to most, possession of intimate personal devices (e.g., "sex toys") may be a cause for embarrassment.</t> <t>IoT device manufacturers are encouraged to find ways to anonymize their update queries. For instance, contracting out the update notification service to a third party that deals with a large variety of devices would provide a level of defense against passive eavesdropping. Other update mechanisms should be investigated, including use ofDNSSEC signedDNSSEC-signed TXT records with current version information. This would permit DoT or DoH to convey the update notification in a private fashion. This is particularly powerful if a local recursive DoT server is used, which then communicates using DoT over the Internet.</t> <t>The more complex case of <xref target="inprotocol"/> postulates that the version number needs to be provided to an intelligent agent that can decide the correct route to do upgrades. <xref target="RFC9019"/> provides a wide variety of ways to accomplish the same thing without having to divulge the current version number.</t> </section> <section anchor="sec-security"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t>This document deals with conflictingSecuritysecurity requirements:</t><ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li><ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>deviceswhichthat an operator wants to manage using <xref target="RFC8520"/></t> </li> <li> <t>requirements for the devices to get access to network resources that may be critical to their continued safeoperation.</t>operation</t> </li></ol></ul> <t>This document takes the view that the two requirements do not need to be in conflict, but resolving the conflict requires careful planning on how the DNS can be safely and effectively be used by MUD controllers and IoT devices.</t> <t>When an IoT device with an inaccurate MUD file is deployed into a network that uses MUD, there is a significant possibility that the device will cause a spurious security exception to be raised. There is significant evidence that such spurious exceptions can cause significant overhead to personnel. In particular, repeated spurious exceptions are likely to cause the entire exception process to be turned off. When MUD alerts are turned off, then even legitimate exceptions are ignored. This is very much a Boy Who Calls Wolf <xref target="boywhocriedwolf"/> situation.</t> <t>In order to avoid this situation, and for MUD alerts to be given appropriate attention, it is key that IoT device manufacturers create accurate MUD files. This may require some significantthought,thought and even rework of keysystems,systems so that all network access required by the IoT device can be described by a MUD file. This level of informed cooperation within the IoT device vendor and with MUD controller manufacturers is key to getting significant return on investment from MUD.</t> <t>Manufacturers are encouraged to write MUD files that are goodenough,enough rather than perfect. If in doubt, they should write MUD files that are somewhat more permissive ifit resultsthe files result in no spurious alerts.</t> </section> </middle> <back> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-snac-simple" to="AUTO-STUB-NETWORKS"/> <references anchor="sec-combined-references"> <name>References</name> <references anchor="sec-normative-references"> <name>Normative References</name><reference anchor="RFC8520" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8520" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8520.xml"> <front> <title>Manufacturer Usage Description Specification</title> <author fullname="E. Lear" initials="E." surname="Lear"/> <author fullname="R. Droms" initials="R." surname="Droms"/> <author fullname="D. Romascanu" initials="D." surname="Romascanu"/> <date month="March" year="2019"/> <abstract> <t>This memo specifies a component-based architecture for Manufacturer Usage Descriptions (MUDs). The goal of MUD is to provide a means for end devices to signal to the network what sort of access and network functionality they require to properly function. The initial focus is on access control. Later work can delve into other aspects.</t> <t>This memo specifies two YANG modules, IPv4 and IPv6 DHCP options, a Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) TLV, a URL, an X.509 certificate extension, and a means to sign and verify the descriptions.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8520"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8520"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC1794" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1794" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.1794.xml"> <front> <title>DNS Support<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8520.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.1794.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9499.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9019.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8094.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8250.xml"/> </references> <references anchor="sec-informative-references"> <name>Informative References</name> <!-- [rfced] FYI, forLoad Balancing</title> <author fullname="T. Brisco" initials="T." surname="Brisco"/> <date month="April" year="1995"/> <abstract> <t>This RFC is meant to first chronicle a foray intotheIETF DNS Working Group, discuss other possible alternatives to provide/simulate load balancing support for DNS, andreferences toprovide an ultimate, flexible solution for providing DNS support for balancing loads of many types. This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="1794"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC1794"/> </reference> <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-dnsop-rfc8499bis" target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8499bis-10" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-dnsop-rfc8499bis.xml"> <front> <title>DNS Terminology</title> <author fullname="Paul E. Hoffman" initials="P. E." surname="Hoffman"> <organization>ICANN</organization> </author> <author fullname="Kazunori Fujiwara" initials="K." surname="Fujiwara"> <organization>Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd.</organization> </author> <date day="25" month="September" year="2023"/> <abstract> <t>The Domain Name System (DNS) is defined in literally dozens of different RFCs. The terminology used by implementers and developers of DNS protocols, and by operators of DNS systems, has changed in the decades since the DNS was first defined. This document gives current definitions for many of the terms used in the DNS in a single document. This document updates RFC 2308 by clarifying the definitions of "forwarder" and "QNAME". It obsoletes RFC 8499 by adding multiple terms and clarifications. Comprehensive lists of changed and new definitions can be found in Appendices A and B.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8499bis-10"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9019" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9019" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9019.xml"> <front> <title>A Firmware Update Architecture for Internet of Things</title> <author fullname="B. Moran" initials="B." surname="Moran"/> <author fullname="H. Tschofenig" initials="H." surname="Tschofenig"/> <author fullname="D. Brown" initials="D." surname="Brown"/> <author fullname="M. Meriac" initials="M." surname="Meriac"/> <date month="April" year="2021"/> <abstract> <t>Vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devicesWikipedia pages - [AmazonS3], [Akamai] [boywhocriedwolf] - we haveraisedupdated theneed for a reliable and secure firmware update mechanism suitable for devices with resource constraints. Incorporating such an update mechanism is a fundamental requirement for fixing vulnerabilities, but it also enables other important capabilities such as updating configuration settings and adding new functionality.</t> <t>In addition to the definition of terminology and an architecture, this document provides the motivation for the standardization of a manifest format as a transport-agnostic means for describing and protecting firmware updates.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9019"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9019"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8094" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8094" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8094.xml"> <front> <title>DNS over Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)</title> <author fullname="T. Reddy" initials="T." surname="Reddy"/> <author fullname="D. Wing" initials="D." surname="Wing"/> <author fullname="P. Patil" initials="P." surname="Patil"/> <date month="February" year="2017"/> <abstract> <t>DNS queries and responses are visibledata tonetwork elements on the path betweentheDNS client and its server. These queriesmost current revision andresponses can contain privacy-sensitive information, which is valuable to protect.</t> <t>This document proposesupdated theuse of Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) for DNS, to protect against passive listeners and certain active attacks. As latency is critical for DNS, this proposal also discusses mechanismsURL toreduce DTLS round trips and reducetheDTLS handshake size. The proposed mechanism runs over port 853.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8094"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8094"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8250" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8250" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8250.xml"> <front> <title>IPv6 Performance and Diagnostic Metrics (PDM) Destination Option</title> <author fullname="N. Elkins" initials="N." surname="Elkins"/> <author fullname="R. Hamilton" initials="R." surname="Hamilton"/> <author fullname="M. Ackermann" initials="M." surname="Ackermann"/> <date month="September" year="2017"/> <abstract> <t>To assess performance problems, this document describes optional headers embedded in each packet that provide sequence numbers and timing information as a basis for measurements. Such measurements may be interpreted in real time or after the fact. This document specifies the Performance and Diagnostic Metrics (PDM) Destination Options header. The field limits, calculations, and usage in measurement of PDM are included in this document.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8250"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8250"/> </reference> </references> <references anchor="sec-informative-references"> <name>Informative References</name>date-specific URL. Please let us know if you prefer otherwise. --> <reference anchor="AmazonS3"target="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_S3">target="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amazon_S3&oldid=1280379498"> <front> <title>Amazon S3</title> <author><organization/><organization>Wikipedia</organization> </author> <dateyear="2019"/>day="14" month="March" year="2025"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="Akamai"target="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akamai_Technologies">target="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Akamai_Technologies&oldid=1277665363"> <front><title>Akamai</title><title>Akamai Technologies</title> <author><organization/><organization>Wikipedia</organization> </author> <dateyear="2019"/>day="26" month="February" year="2025"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="mudmaker" target="https://mudmaker.org"> <front><title>Mud<title>MUD Maker</title> <author> <organization/> </author><date year="2019"/><date/> </front> </reference> <referenceanchor="antipatterns"anchor="antipattern" target="https://www.agilealliance.org/glossary/antipattern"> <front> <title>AntiPattern</title> <author><organization/><organization>Agile Alliance</organization> </author><date year="2021" month="July" day="12"/><date/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="boywhocriedwolf"target="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_Who_Cried_Wolf">target="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Boy_Who_Cried_Wolf&oldid=1274257821"> <front><title>Boy who<title>The Boy Who Cried Wolf</title> <author><organization/><organization>Wikipedia</organization> </author> <dateyear="2024" month="August" day="15"/>year="2025" month="February" day="6"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="awss3virtualhosting" target="https://techmonitor.ai/techonology/cloud/aws-s3-path-deprecation"> <front> <title>Down to the Wire: AWS Delays 'Path-Style' S3 Deprecation at Last Minute</title> <author><organization/><organization>Tech Monitor</organization> </author> <dateyear="2021" month="July" day="12"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC7858" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7858" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7858.xml"> <front> <title>Specification for DNS over Transport Layer Security (TLS)</title> <author fullname="Z. Hu" initials="Z." surname="Hu"/> <author fullname="L. Zhu" initials="L." surname="Zhu"/> <author fullname="J. Heidemann" initials="J." surname="Heidemann"/> <author fullname="A. Mankin" initials="A." surname="Mankin"/> <author fullname="D. Wessels" initials="D." surname="Wessels"/> <author fullname="P. Hoffman" initials="P." surname="Hoffman"/> <date month="May" year="2016"/> <abstract> <t>This document describes the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) to provide privacy for DNS. Encryption provided by TLS eliminates opportunities for eavesdropping and on-path tampering with DNS queries in the network, such as discussed in RFC 7626. In addition, this document specifies two usage profiles for DNS over TLS and provides advice on performance considerations to minimize overhead from using TCP and TLS with DNS.</t> <t>This document focuses on securing stub-to-recursive traffic, as per the charter of the DPRIVE Working Group. It does not prevent future applications of the protocol to recursive-to-authoritative traffic.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7858"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7858"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8484" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8484" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8484.xml"> <front> <title>DNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH)</title> <author fullname="P. Hoffman" initials="P." surname="Hoffman"/> <author fullname="P. McManus" initials="P." surname="McManus"/> <date month="October" year="2018"/> <abstract> <t>This document defines a protocol for sending DNS queries and getting DNS responses over HTTPS. Each DNS query-response pair is mapped into an HTTP exchange.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8484"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8484"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9250" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9250" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9250.xml"> <front> <title>DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections</title> <author fullname="C. Huitema" initials="C." surname="Huitema"/> <author fullname="S. Dickinson" initials="S." surname="Dickinson"/> <author fullname="A. Mankin" initials="A." surname="Mankin"/> <date month="May" year="2022"/> <abstract> <t>This document describes the use of QUIC to provide transport confidentiality for DNS. The encryption provided by QUIC has similar properties to those provided by TLS, while QUIC transport eliminates the head-of-line blocking issues inherent with TCP and provides more efficient packet-loss recovery than UDP. DNS over QUIC (DoQ) has privacy properties similar to DNS over TLS (DoT) specified in RFC 7858, and latency characteristics similar to classic DNS over UDP. This specification describes the use of DoQ as a general-purpose transport for DNS and includes the use of DoQ for stub to recursive, recursive to authoritative, and zone transfer scenarios.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9250"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9250"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC6707" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6707" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6707.xml"> <front> <title>Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) Problem Statement</title> <author fullname="B. Niven-Jenkins" initials="B." surname="Niven-Jenkins"/> <author fullname="F. Le Faucheur" initials="F." surname="Le Faucheur"/> <author fullname="N. Bitar" initials="N." surname="Bitar"/> <dateyear="2020" month="September"year="2012"/> <abstract> <t>Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) provide numerous benefits for cacheable content: reduced delivery cost, improved quality of experience for End Users, and increased robustness of delivery. For these reasons, they are frequently used for large-scale content delivery. As a result, existing CDN Providers are scaling up their infrastructure, and many Network Service Providers (NSPs) are deploying their own CDNs. It is generally desirable that a given content item can be delivered to an End User regardless of that End User's location or attachment network. This is the motivation for interconnecting standalone CDNs so they can interoperate as an open content delivery infrastructure for the end-to-end delivery of content from Content Service Providers (CSPs) to End Users. However, no standards or open specifications currently exist to facilitate such CDN Interconnection.</t> <t>The goal of this document is to outline the problem area of CDN Interconnection for the IETF CDNI (CDN Interconnection) working group. This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6707"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6707"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC6146" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6146" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6146.xml"> <front> <title>Stateful NAT64: Network Address and Protocol Translation from IPv6 Clients to IPv4 Servers</title> <author fullname="M. Bagnulo" initials="M." surname="Bagnulo"/> <author fullname="P. Matthews" initials="P." surname="Matthews"/> <author fullname="I. van Beijnum" initials="I." surname="van Beijnum"/> <date month="April" year="2011"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6146"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6146"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC6147" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6147" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6147.xml"> <front> <title>DNS64: DNS Extensions for Network Address Translation from IPv6 Clients to IPv4 Servers</title> <author fullname="M. Bagnulo" initials="M." surname="Bagnulo"/> <author fullname="A. Sullivan" initials="A." surname="Sullivan"/> <author fullname="P. Matthews" initials="P." surname="Matthews"/> <author fullname="I. van Beijnum" initials="I." surname="van Beijnum"/> <date month="April" year="2011"/> <abstract> <t>DNS64 is a mechanism for synthesizing AAAA records from A records. DNS64 is used with an IPv6/IPv4 translator to enable client-server communication between an IPv6-only client and an IPv4-only server, without requiring any changes to either the IPv6 or the IPv4 node, for the class of applications that work through NATs. This document specifies DNS64, and provides suggestions on how it should be deployed in conjunction with IPv6/IPv4 translators. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6147"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6147"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC6066" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6066" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6066.xml"> <front> <title>Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions: Extension Definitions</title> <author fullname="D. Eastlake 3rd" initials="D." surname="Eastlake 3rd"/> <date month="January" year="2011"/> <abstract> <t>This document provides specifications for existing TLS extensions. It is a companion document for RFC 5246, "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2". The extensions specified are server_name, max_fragment_length, client_certificate_url, trusted_ca_keys, truncated_hmac, and status_request. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6066"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6066"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9238" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9238" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9238.xml"> <front> <title>Loading Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) URLs from QR Codes</title> <author fullname="M. Richardson" initials="M." surname="Richardson"/> <author fullname="J. Latour" initials="J." surname="Latour"/> <author fullname="H. Habibi Gharakheili" initials="H." surname="Habibi Gharakheili"/> <date month="May" year="2022"/> <abstract> <t>This informational document details a protocol to load Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) definitions from RFC 8520 for devices that do not have them integrated.</t> <t>This document is published to inform the Internet community of this mechanism to allow interoperability and to serve as a basis of other standards work if there is interest.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9238"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9238"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC7871" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7871" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7871.xml"> <front> <title>Client Subnet in DNS Queries</title> <author fullname="C. Contavalli" initials="C." surname="Contavalli"/> <author fullname="W. van der Gaast" initials="W." surname="van der Gaast"/> <author fullname="D. Lawrence" initials="D." surname="Lawrence"/> <author fullname="W. Kumari" initials="W." surname="Kumari"/> <date month="May" year="2016"/> <abstract> <t>This document describes an Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0) option that is in active use to carry information about the network that originated a DNS query and the network for which the subsequent response can be cached. Since it has some known operational and privacy shortcomings, a revision will be worked through the IETF for improvement.</t> </abstract>day="24"/> </front><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7871"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7871"/></reference><reference anchor="RFC8106" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8106" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8106.xml"> <front> <title>IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS Configuration</title> <author fullname="J. Jeong" initials="J." surname="Jeong"/> <author fullname="S. Park" initials="S." surname="Park"/> <author fullname="L. Beloeil" initials="L." surname="Beloeil"/> <author fullname="S. Madanapalli" initials="S." surname="Madanapalli"/> <date month="March" year="2017"/> <abstract> <t>This document specifies IPv6 Router Advertisement (RA) options (called "DNS RA options") to allow IPv6 routers to advertise a list of DNS Recursive Server Addresses and a DNS Search List to IPv6 hosts.</t> <t>This document, which obsoletes RFC 6106, defines a higher default value of the lifetime of the DNS RA options to reduce the likelihood of expiry of the options on links with a relatively high rate of packet loss.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8106"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8106"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9463" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9463" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9463.xml"> <front> <title>DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for the Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR)</title> <author fullname="M. Boucadair" initials="M." role="editor" surname="Boucadair"/> <author fullname="T. Reddy.K" initials="T." role="editor" surname="Reddy.K"/> <author fullname="D. Wing" initials="D." surname="Wing"/> <author fullname="N. Cook" initials="N." surname="Cook"/> <author fullname="T. Jensen" initials="T." surname="Jensen"/> <date month="November" year="2023"/> <abstract> <t>This document specifies new DHCP and IPv6 Router Advertisement options to discover encrypted DNS resolvers (e.g., DNS over HTTPS, DNS over TLS, and DNS over QUIC). Particularly, it allows a host to learn an Authentication Domain Name together with a list of IP addresses and a set of service parameters to reach such encrypted DNS resolvers.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9463"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9463"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9462" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9462" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9462.xml"> <front> <title>Discovery of Designated Resolvers</title> <author fullname="T. Pauly" initials="T." surname="Pauly"/> <author fullname="E. Kinnear" initials="E." surname="Kinnear"/> <author fullname="C. A. Wood" initials="C. A." surname="Wood"/> <author fullname="P. McManus" initials="P." surname="McManus"/> <author fullname="T. Jensen" initials="T." surname="Jensen"/> <date month="November" year="2023"/> <abstract> <t>This document defines Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR), a set of mechanisms for DNS clients to use DNS records to discover a resolver's encrypted DNS configuration. An Encrypted DNS Resolver discovered in this manner is referred to as a "Designated Resolver". These mechanisms can be used to move from unencrypted DNS to encrypted DNS when only the IP address of a resolver is known. These mechanisms are designed to be limited to cases where Unencrypted DNS Resolvers and their Designated Resolvers are operated by the same entity or cooperating entities. It can also be used to discover support for encrypted DNS protocols when the name of an Encrypted DNS Resolver is known.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9462"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9462"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC6762" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6762" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6762.xml"> <front> <title>Multicast DNS</title> <author fullname="S. Cheshire" initials="S." surname="Cheshire"/> <author fullname="M. Krochmal" initials="M." surname="Krochmal"/> <date month="February" year="2013"/> <abstract> <t>As networked devices become smaller, more portable, and more ubiquitous, the ability to operate with less configured infrastructure is increasingly important. In particular, the ability to look up DNS resource record data types (including, but not limited to, host names) in the absence of a conventional managed DNS server is useful.</t> <t>Multicast DNS (mDNS) provides the ability to perform DNS-like operations on the local link in the absence of any conventional Unicast DNS server. In addition, Multicast DNS designates a portion of the DNS namespace to be free for local use, without the need to pay any annual fee, and without the need to set up delegations or otherwise configure a conventional DNS server to answer for those names.</t> <t>The primary benefits of Multicast DNS names are that (i) they require little or no administration or configuration to set them up, (ii) they work when no infrastructure is present, and (iii) they work during infrastructure failures.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6762"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6762"/> </reference> <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-snac-simple" target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-snac-simple-05" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-snac-simple.xml"> <front> <title>Automatically Connecting Stub Networks to Unmanaged Infrastructure</title> <author fullname="Ted Lemon" initials="T." surname="Lemon"> <organization>Apple Inc.</organization> </author> <author fullname="Jonathan Hui" initials="J." surname="Hui"> <organization>Google LLC</organization> </author> <date day="8" month="July" year="2024"/> <abstract> <t>This document describes a set of practices for connecting stub networks to adjacent infrastructure networks. This is applicable in cases such<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7858.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8484.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9250.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6707.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6146.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6147.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6066.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9238.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7871.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8106.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9463.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9462.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6762.xml"/> <!-- [I-D.ietf-snac-simple] IESG State: I-D Exists asconstrained (Internet of Things) networks where there is a need to provide functional parity of service discovery and reachability between devices on the stub network and devices on an adjacent infrastructure link (for example, a home network).</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-snac-simple-05"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8882" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8882" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8882.xml"> <front> <title>DNS-Based Service Discovery (DNS-SD) Privacy and Security Requirements</title> <author fullname="C. Huitema" initials="C." surname="Huitema"/> <author fullname="D. Kaiser" initials="D." surname="Kaiser"/> <date month="September" year="2020"/> <abstract> <t>DNS-SD (DNS-based Service Discovery) normally discloses information about devices offering and requesting services. This information includes hostnames, network parameters, and possibly a further description of the corresponding service instance. Especially when mobile devices engage in DNS-based Service Discovery at a public hotspot, serious privacy problems arise. We analyze the requirements of a privacy-respecting discovery service.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8882"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8882"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9230" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9230" xml:base="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9230.xml"> <front> <title>Oblivious DNS over HTTPS</title> <author fullname="E. Kinnear" initials="E." surname="Kinnear"/> <author fullname="P. McManus" initials="P." surname="McManus"/> <author fullname="T. Pauly" initials="T." surname="Pauly"/> <author fullname="T. Verma" initials="T." surname="Verma"/> <author fullname="C.A. Wood" initials="C.A." surname="Wood"/> <date month="June" year="2022"/> <abstract> <t>This document describes a protocol that allows clients to hide their IP addresses from DNS resolvers via proxying encrypted DNS over HTTPS (DoH) messages. This improves privacyofDNS operations by not allowing any one server entity to be aware of both the client IP address and the content of DNS queries and answers.</t> <t>This experimental protocol has been developed outside the IETF and is published here to guide implementation, ensure interoperability among implementations, and enable wide-scale experimentation.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9230"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9230"/> </reference>02/26/25 --> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-snac-simple.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8882.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9230.xml"/> </references> </references> <?line 468?> <section anchor="failingstrategy"> <name>A FailingStrategy ---Strategy: Anti-Patterns</name> <t>Attempts to map IP addresses to DNS names in real time oftenfailsfail for a number of reasons:</t> <ol spacing="normal"type="1"><li> <t>ittype="1"> <li> <t>It can not be done fastenough,</t>enough.</t> </li> <li><t>it<t>It reveals usage patterns of thedevices,</t>devices.</t> </li> <li><t>the<t>The mappings are oftenincomplete,</t>incomplete.</t> </li> <li> <t>Even if the mapping is present, due to virtual hosting, it may not map back to the name used in the ACL.</t> </li> </ol> <t>This is not a successfulstrategy:strategy for the reasons explained below.</t> <section anchor="too-slow"> <name>Too Slow</name> <t>Mappings of IP addresses to DNS namesrequiresrequire a DNS lookup in the in-addr.arpa or ip6.arpa space. For a cold DNS cache, this will typically require 2 to 3 NS record lookups to locate the DNS server that holds the information required. At 20 to 100 ms per round trip, this easily adds up to a significant amount of time before the packet that caused the lookup can be released.</t> <t>While subsequent connections to the same site (and subsequent packets in the same flow) will not be affected if the results are cached, the effects will be felt. The ACL results can be cached for a period of time given by the TTL of the DNS results, but the DNS lookup must be repeated,e.g,e.g., in a few hours ordays,whendays, when the cached binding (of IP address toname bindingname) expires.</t> </section> <section anchor="reveals-patterns-of-usage"> <name>Reveals Patterns of Usage</name> <t>By doing the DNS lookups when the traffic occurs, then a passive attacker can see when the device isactive,active and may be able to derive usage patterns. They could determine when a home was occupied or not. This does not require access to all on-path data, just to the DNS requests to the bottom level of the DNS tree.</t> </section> <section anchor="mappings-are-often-incomplete"> <name>Mappings Are Often Incomplete</name> <t>An IoT manufacturer with a cloud service provider that fails to include an A or AAAA record as part of their forward name publication will find that the new server is simply not used. The operational feedback for that mistake is immediate. The same is not true for reverse DNS mappings:theyThey can often be incomplete or incorrect for months or even years without a visible effect on operations.</t> <t>IoT manufacturer cloud service providers often find it difficult to update reverse DNS maps in a timely fashion, assuming that they can do it at all. Manycloud basedcloud-based solutions dynamically assign IP addresses to services, often as the service grows and shrinks, reassigning those IP addresses to other services quickly. The use of HTTP 1.1 Virtual Hosting may allow addresses and entire front-end systems to bere-usedreused dynamically without even reassigning the IP addresses.</t> <t>In somecasescases, there are multiple layers of CNAME between the original name and the target service name. This is often due to aload balancingload-balancing layer in theDNS,DNS followed by aload balancingload-balancing layer at the HTTP level.</t> <t>The reverse DNS mapping for the IP address of the load balancer usually does not change. If hundreds of web services are funneled through the load balancer, it would require hundreds of PTR records to be deployed. This would easily exceed the UDP/DNS and EDNS0limits,limits and require all queries to use TCP, which would further slow down loading of the records.</t> <t>The enumeration of all services/sites that have been at that load balancer might also constitute a security concern. To limit the churn of DNS PTRrecords,records and reduce failures of the MUD ACLs, operators would want to add all possible DNS names for each reverse DNS mapping, whether or not the DNSload balancingload-balancing in the forward DNS space lists thatend-pointendpoint at that moment.</t> </section> <section anchor="forward-dns-names-can-have-wildcards"> <name>Forward DNS Names Can Have Wildcards</name> <t>In some large hostingprovidersproviders, content is hosted through a domain name that is published as a DNS wildcard (and uses a wildcard certificate). <!--[rfced] Please clarify "the Editors' copy of internet drafts". What is this referring to? If this is referring to I-Ds created using the i-d template build system, then perhaps "including the Editors' copies of some Internet-Drafts that are stored on GitHub". Original: For instance, github.io, which is used for hosted content, including the Editors' copy of internet drafts stored on github, does not actually publish any DNS names. Current: For instance, github.io, which is used for hosted content, including the Editors' copy of Internet-Drafts stored on GitHub, does not actually publish any DNS names. --> For instance, github.io, which is used for hosting content, including the Editors' copy of Internet-Drafts stored on GitHub, does not actually publish any DNS names. Instead, a wildcard exists to answer all potential DNS names:requestsRequests are routedappropriateappropriately once they are received.</t> <t>This kind of system works well for self-managed hosted content. However, while it is possible to insert up to a few dozen PTR records, manythousandthousands of entries are not possible, nor is it possible to deal with the unlimited (infinite) number of possibilities that a wildcard supports.</t><t>It<t>Therefore, it would bethereforeimpossible for the PTR reverse lookup to ever work with these wildcard DNS names.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="contributors" numbered="false"toc="include" removeInRFC="false">toc="include"> <name>Contributors</name> <contact initials="T."surname="Reddy"surname="Reddy.K" fullname="TirumaleswarReddy">Reddy.K"> <organization>Nokia</organization> <address> </address> </contact> </section> </back> <!--##markdown-source: H4sIAAAAAAAAA5V9WZfbRpLuO34FWn5w1bkktXqrlzvVKrutM7JarSqP7psP CCRJjEAkB0uVaB399xtfLJkJkOWZ8TnToyKJXCIjI75YsVwus6EeGneV//Pg umKofVs0+Wvf9nWlf/f5xnf5773L/Sa/eXeb123+xt/lN+6+Ll2fFet15+6v 8v1YLWs/LKu2zypftsWeRq26YjMsazdslv7QFw/bZfKzZTmZZ/n8pyyrD91V PnRjP7x49uynZy+yonNFsro+e9jSn+9vrz/+I//ou091u83/0fnxkH16uMrf tIPrWjcsbzBxVhbDVb4uD1l2qK9y+u+bvCzafKTNFF1XHPOLepMXTZMfXX+Z 0zZ3Rb/Ld65zWZ4PvrzCF/TP3ndD5zb9FQ9RuU0xNkNPv7Dvj3v5Wv8cirZa Fo1vHW/GZVkxDjvfXWXZkuhHP/xtlX+oy13RVb1v6REh12/4yDXTr3xHO76l EV2zp8Xf+s3wQFTh3WM2ty/qhuhfdv8HhP633n66Kosw38dV/r6IE310tf7N o/86Fg/0yZ0rd61v/LZ2ycAPddPUxX51KFr60b/t+Ler0u+zrPXdno7l3l3R zz/88vrH7148038+/+GnV1egFliGzqet6H/XxDv9eDgQOelXb5Y3K2YN4gV/ WHab8sdXP/20rnsd4qdnz3+inf/+5u76w+tfdYZnNCyxSbtJp77eF3/69vYl /k0HJxz9RD7Nb18+kY+LbuuIH57shuHQXz196trVQ/2pPriqLlZEh6f466k8 9Yc9VRUDjfWCloJ5PhVEk9ks/Nn/bgp+5I+U3Gcmo5uyLz65bjrdb2OV/4aP H5nRnsJsZwYt2qE+FANuSX91foSHh4dVsa0bV+Dc29LxwreN7/uiOz5NRngy JQR98T79wiZ+8Xz57Ifl8xcZfbr2x4edL7vaVQ++2TyyhPNku9u5P/7uj398 3Pk/XmOEPz7SENNF0Pc5TZDz93n8Pqzl1fLZj8vn32EtxUPfv7yvu2Esmp3v BxIlU1rf+IcWl3zY0W2rO/ro+uMtCb6mOPb5t7TX3fJ2ODbuW+Ix+vjQuZKF VF4M+duiH+g+t+PgHjmpgY5/79t68N2qqPlPz+xwfFo2fqye0vqW/cvlAfNU cfTHiEvSdOjq9Th4Zhm56Hd1N+6LxvUkMvIPrqqOduff+U81yYfs3rUjXyK5 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Please review and let us know if any updates are needed. edns-client-subnet (ECS) EDNS0 option edns-client-subnet option edns-client-server EDNS0 --> <!-- [rfced] FYI - we added expansions to the following acronyms. Please verify that these are correct. DNS-SD: DNS-based Service Discovery mDNS: Multicast DNS CPE: Customer Premises Equipment --> <!-- [rfced] Please review the "Inclusive Language" portion of the online Style Guide <https://www.rfc-editor.org/styleguide/part2/#inclusive_language> and let us know if any changes are needed. Updates of this nature typically result in more precise language, which is helpful for readers. Note that our script did not flag any words in particular, but this should still be reviewed as a best practice. --> </rfc>