rfc9754v3.txt   rfc9754.txt 
skipping to change at line 460 skipping to change at line 460
client via a CB_GETATTR for the fattr4_time_deleg_access attribute client via a CB_GETATTR for the fattr4_time_deleg_access attribute
(see Section 5.2) and the fattr4_time_deleg_modify attribute (see (see Section 5.2) and the fattr4_time_deleg_modify attribute (see
Section 5.2). (Note that the change time can be derived from the Section 5.2). (Note that the change time can be derived from the
modify time.) Further, when a server gets a SETATTR with those modify time.) Further, when a server gets a SETATTR with those
attributes set, then it MUST accept those changes in the attributes set, then it MUST accept those changes in the
fattr4_time_deleg_access and fattr4_time_deleg_modify attributes and fattr4_time_deleg_access and fattr4_time_deleg_modify attributes and
derive the change time, or it MUST reject the changes with derive the change time, or it MUST reject the changes with
When the server grants a delegation stateid, it MUST inform the When the server grants a delegation stateid, it MUST inform the
client by setting the approriate flag in the open_delegation_type4 client by setting the appropriate flag in the open_delegation_type4
response. The server MUST set OPEN_DELEGATE_READ_ATTRS_DELEG when it response. The server MUST set OPEN_DELEGATE_READ_ATTRS_DELEG when it
grants a read attribute delegation and MUST set grants a read attribute delegation and MUST set
OPEN_DELEGATE_WRITE_ATTRS_DELEG when it grants a write attribute OPEN_DELEGATE_WRITE_ATTRS_DELEG when it grants a write attribute
delegation. delegation.
These new attributes are invalid to be used with GETATTR, VERIFY, and These new attributes are invalid to be used with GETATTR, VERIFY, and
NVERIFY, and they can only be used with CB_GETATTR and SETATTR by a NVERIFY, and they can only be used with CB_GETATTR and SETATTR by a
client holding an appropriate delegation. The SETATTR SHOULD be client holding an appropriate delegation. The SETATTR SHOULD be
either 1) in a separate compound before the one containing the either 1) in a separate compound before the one containing the
DELEGRETURN or 2) in the same compound as an operation before the DELEGRETURN or 2) in the same compound as an operation before the
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

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