================================================================= DDN NEWS 39, SPECIAL ISSUE DCA DDN Program Mgt Office 26 Apr 1985 Published by: Network Info Center (NIC@SRI-NIC.ARPA) 1-800-235-3155 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK NEWSLETTER Maximum Distribution Requested. The DDN NEWSLETTER is distributed by the Network Information Center under DCA contract. For addition to the online mailing list, contact NIC@SRI- NIC.ARPA. Back issues may be obtained by FTP from the directory DDN-NEWS: at SRI-NIC [ and] using the filename format DDN-NEWS:DDN-NEWS-xx.TXT (where"xx" is the newsletter number). ================================================================= Section I. OFFICIAL TOPICS 1. MILNET/MINET INTEGRATION 2. DDN NODE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE 3. DODIIS NETWORK 4. HOST INTERFACE QUALIFICATION ACTIVITY 5. DRAFT DCA CIRCULAR FOR X.25/1822 HDH QUALIFICATION TESTING 6. DDN HOST INTERFACE ACQUISITION 7. PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC) SUPPORT 8. MILNET TAC ACCESS CONTROL 9. DEADBOLT--AN ENCRYPTION/AUTHENTICATION DEVICE 10. USER REQUIREMENTS DATABASE (URDB) STATUS 11. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE REQUESTS (TSRs) 12. DDN COST ALLOCATION MODEL 13. DDN LOGISTIC SUPPORT 14. NETWORK ACCESS COMPONENT (NAC) UNITS FOR THE DEFENSE DATA NETWORK 15. REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS 16. DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETINS AND NEWSLETTERS MILNET/MINET INTEGRATION Integration of the USEUCOM MINET communication subsystem (including all backbone and access lines) into the DDN unclassified segment (MILNET) was completed on 18 December 1984. The ongoing MINET stage II (western Med.) installation will be completed under current contract arrangements. Further expansion of communications support to the MINET user community, including engineering and installation of stage III (eastern Med.), will evolve through follow-on expansion of the MILNET. This expansion will include increased inter- and intra-theater connectivity as part of the DDN program. (James Powell, B613, 703-285-5101, (V) 356-5101.) DDN NODE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE The DDN PMO has completed an initial draft Node Installation Schedule which encompasses 120 new DDN MILNET, DISNET, and DODIIS installations between February 1985 and April 1986. A majority of sites have completed their nomination/presurvey and site survey processes, and many are ready to begin equipment installation. Detailed schedules which were coordinated in February with Service representatives and the DDN principal contractor, BBNCC, have been published and forwarded to the Services and DCA Action Offices for implementation. Two major changes to installation approach have been directed: 1. Node equipment (i.e., processor, modem and crypto cabinets) will be installed and integrated into site facilities in accordance with site survey documentation independent of the availability of interswitch trunk (IST) lines. In those cases where IST availability does not support activation at the time installation is complete, DCA will have the contractor revisit the site when the ISTs are turned on for use not only to complete integration of the node into the network, but to execute line and equipment performance testing and acceptance. 2. DCA will fund and/or perform site engineering and installation tasks in support of the installation plan and schedule when the Service E&I agency cannot support the required schedule. This approach is taken temporarily to expedite completion of the crucial expansion effort through April 1986 and to permit the services to successfully complete programming actions to support site E&I work beginning April 1986. (Ltc Bruce Sweeney, B647, 703-285-5007, (V) 356-5007.) DODIIS NETWORK The Department of Defense Intelligence Agency Information System (DIA/DODIIS) community will have a secure data network consisting of C/30 IMPs and a C/70 Monitoring Center at approximately 40 sites around the world within the next four years. The subnetwork, provided by the DDN PMO, will be integrated into the DDN Integrated Secure Network (DISNET) when blacker devices become available. Service O&M commands have been requested to confirm site selection/nominations made by DIA for the 1985 DODIIS expansion. DODIIS also has a test facility consisting of 2 C/30s, a C/70 MC, and supporting TEMPEST terminals and printers located in the DIAC at Bolling AFB. The initial phase of installation, including sites and trunks, is underway. The completion of the DODIIS AFIS site has been delayed due to a facility rehabilitation project. Other DODIIS site installations are being delayed due to problems with ATTIS and BOCs in providing interswitch trunks. Current information indicates an IOC in the May/June 1985 time period. (Mr. Charles F. Russell, 703-285-5102, (V) 356-5102.) HOST INTERFACE QUALIFICATION ACTIVITY The Test and Evaluation Branch, B617, recently tested the Advanced Computer Communications (ACC) IF-11/X.25 version 3.7 interface and it was granted a fully qualified status to operate on the DDN. Several other interfaces are currently being tested and are close to passing the qualification test. (Mr. Chuck Ely, B617, 703-285-5337, (V) 356-5337) DRAFT DCA CIRCULAR FOR X.25/1822 HDH QUALIFICATION TESTING A draft DCAC 370-P195-XX entitled "Defense Data Network Qualification Testing-Link and Network Layers" is complete and in the process of being edited. This circular provides the administrative actions and test procedures necessary to insure that candidate hosts for the Defense Data Network (DDN) will properly interface with the network. Both access protocols--X.25 and 1822 HDH--required for qualification are covered. (Mr. Chuck Ely, B617, 703-285-5337, (V) 356-5337.) DDN HOST INTERFACE ACQUISITION To increase the commercial availability of DDN interfaces for major computer systems, the DDN PMO has now awarded to various vendors a total of seven contracts. The two most recent contracts were awarded to Honeywell Information Systems for the DPS 8 GCOS 8 family, and to IBM Corporation for the IBM 370 VM family. An eighth contract is currently in progress. Contracts awarded to-date are listed below: Company Host Family Control Data Corporation CDC Cyber 170 - NOS Gould Software Division DEC VAX - VMS Honeywell Information Systems HIS DPS 8 - GCOS 8 Honeywell Information Systems HIS Level 6 - GCOS 6 MOD 400 Network Solutions IBM 370 - MVS IBM Corporation IBM 370 - VM Internet Systems Sperry 1100 - OS/1100 These contracts require that the interface be installed and tested in a government-designated test site. The U.S. Army Information Systems Software Support Command, Falls Church, Virginia, has been designated as the test site for the IBM 370 VM interface. Selection of other test sites is in progress. PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC) SUPPORT The DDN PMO has launched several initiatives to improve personal computer access to the MILNET, recognizing that the use of personal computers is one of the Military Department's fastest growing needs in computer processing. To provide a more suitable PC interface for the short term, some minor enhancements are planned for the C/30 TAC. While the C/30 TAC is superb at providing an interface with a human at a keyboard, it was never intended to handle the steady data stream generated by a personal computer uploading a file, or to provide many of the applications being requested by the growing tide of personal computer users. Enhancements currently being worked on include changes in flow control handling and provision for direct communication from PC to PC. For instance, the effective data throughput of a C/30 TAC for a pc-to-host connection is between 300 and 1200 baud, depending on the make of the PC and the software in use on it. In particular, flow control handling problems are caused when a TAC transmits an XOFF signal to the PC to stop the flow of data. Currently, this occurs when the input buffer is within 12 characters from overflow. This is more than adequate when the TAC is interfacing with a human being, as it was designed to do. However, many PCs simply do not react to the XOFF quickly enough to avoid overflowing the 12 character spaces left in the TAC's input buffer. A corrective action under consideration to compensate for this problem includes raising the TAC's XOFF trigger point from 12 characters to a greater value, thus giving the PC more time to react. For the long term, a different approach is required. Although some limited gains such as described above are possible with the C/30, any other substantial changes would require major modifications to TAC hardware or software or both. This is not desirable for a variety of reasons. A number of options are under study, and a decision is expected later this year regarding the optimum approach. (Maj. Glynn Parker, 703-285-5133, (V) 356-5133.) MILNET TAC ACCESS CONTROL The MILNET TAC Access Control System (TACACS), Phase 1, was extended into Europe in January 1985. Initially, the system was implemented with a universal password for familiarization purposes as was done with MILNET TACACS, in the CONUS and Pacific areas, and the system became fully operational using unique individual IDs and Access Codes on 6 February 1985. ARPANET introduced a separate login system in January 1985. ARPANET TAC login uses conventional passwords which are validated by login hosts whereas MILNET TACACS validation of IDs and passwords is handled in the IMP or node. Phase 2 of MILNET TACACS involves a plan to use login hosts, pending a period of observation and careful evaluation of the ARPANET system. (Maj. Glynn Parker, 703-285-5133, (V) 356-5133.) DEADBOLT--AN ENCRYPTION/AUTHENTICATION DEVICE A prototype device, known as DEADBOLT, is being constructed for NSA by the MITRE Corporation. DCA is participating with NSA in the development of this Low-cost Encryption/Authentication Device (LEAD) for terminal-to-host communication in unclassified applications. This prototype will be used in an operational test to be conducted in late spring. (Maj. Glynn Parker, 703-285-5133, (V) 356-5133.) USER REQUIREMENTS DATABASE (URDB) STATUS As of 31 January 1985, the User Requirements Data Base has a total of 4561 Hosts and 16641 Terminals registered. Navy and Air Force have started validation efforts in order to clean up their portion of the database. On-site training was conducted at COMNAVTELCOM in Washington, and Gunther AFB, Alabama. Efforts have also begun in the redesign of the database in preparation for conversion to ADABAS. This work is scheduled to begin during the next quarter. (Ms. Sandy Vest, B616, 703-285-5456, (V) 356-5456.) TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE REQUESTS (TSRS) The DDN PMO Telecommunications Management Section has been reorganized, according to Mr. John Claitor, Chief of the Data Base and Configuration Management Branch. This section, presently under control by this branch, is responsible for processing all requirements attached to the Feeder TSR forms--the forms to request DDN service. Headed by Mr. Ron Gutschmidt, the section encompasses three data entry personnel, two port allocators, four technical administrative personnel and one work administrator. An additional three technical administrative personnel and one port allocator are being recruited in order to satisfy user and backbone requirements in an orderly and effective manner. The requirements processed within the DDN PMO have increased considerably over the past two years. In FY 1983, a total of 521 DDN TSRs were processed, and in FY 1984, 1290 DDN TSRs were issued. So far in FY 1985, a total of 800 DDN TSRs (Oct-Jan) were processed, with an estimation of 3000 DDN TSRs to be processed during the FY 1985 year. Presently, this section processes approximately 40 DDN TSRs to the field each week, including user requirements, backbone trunks and dial-up service lines to the TAC. The processing of DDN TSRs is being accomplished using a semi-automated process by a direct connection to the DCA/DCAOC computer. Feeder TSRs are received, transformed into a DDN formatted TSR and turned over to the technical administrative personnel. Information is then added by the port allocators and technical administrative personnel, reviewed by the work administrator, and finally transmitted by the data entry personnel. However, the process is still being hindered because some TCOs have not addressed the Feeder TSRs to the correct RI (RUEJDDN) and PLA (DDN PMO TSR-CRP TRAFFIC WASHINGTON D.C.). DDN COST ALLOCATION MODEL The September 1984 Defense Data Network Cost Allocation Model was distributed on 10 January 1985. Publication of the Cost Allocation Model came in response to requests from prospective DDN users that a method be provided by which various proposals for utilization of the DDN may be compared and evaluated during the ADP acquisition process. Limited distribution was made to cognizant DoD agencies and MILDEP activities and each MILDEP, DCS, or O&M command was provided with 150 copies for their distribution. Entry of this publication into the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is also planned. In the interim, requests for copies should be addressed to the parent agency or MILDEP, DCS, or O&M commands. (James Powell, B613, 703-285-5101, (V) 356-5101.) DDN LOGISTIC SUPPORT The 1 December 1984 DDN Newsletter reported that the DDN PMO had tasked Dynamics Research Corporation to do a comparative logistic support concept analysis for DDN. The final report of the analysis has been delivered and is being integrated into the Logistic Support Concept for DDN. A Management Team (ILSMT), hosted by the Deputy Program Manager for Logistics (DPML), was held at 7915 Westpark Drive, McLean, Virginia on 12 and 13 March 1985. (James A. Evans, B635, 703-285-5443, (V) 356-5443.) NETWORK ACCESS COMPONENT (NAC) UNITS FOR THE DEFENSE DATA NETWORK A firm-fixed-price contract, DCA200-85-C-0007, was awarded on 12 February 1985 to Aydin Monitor Systems, 502 Office Center Drive, Fort Washington, Pa 19034, in the amount of $3,890,732. This contract is for the development of NAC units. These units are to be configured as Mini-terminal Access Controllers (MINI-TACs), Host Front End Processors (HFEPs) or Terminal Emulation Processors (TEPs). The contract also includes optional production in the amount of $14,109,268. The schedule calls for the development to be completed by September of 1985 with production units to be available 7 months later. RFP DCA200-84-R-0027 was released on 27 June 1984 to 93 contractors, and four responses were received. The contracting office is DECCO D560 and the contracting officer is Major George Tucker, Code D560, phone 618-256-5196. The contracting officers' technical representative is Ronald Hyrkas, Code B626, 703-285-5105. (James Powell, B613, 703-285-5101, (V) 356-5101.) REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS Private companies have made numerous calls and requests to the DDN PMO for copies of documents while preparing responses to requests for proposals (RFPs). To obtain copies of most DDN documents, the following procedures are suggested: If your organization is a member of the Defense Technical Information Center, (DTIC), documents may be obtained through them at the following address: Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22304-6145 703-274-7633 Also, many documents may be obtained from the following public information center: National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 703-487-4650 Military Standards may be ordered (use DD Form 1425) from the following: Naval Publications and Forms Center (NAV-PUBS) 5801 Tabor Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120 215-697-3321 If you are not sure where to obtain needed documents, contact User Assistance at the DDN Network Information Center using the toll-free "hotline", 1-800-235-3155, or by electronic mail to NIC@SRI-NIC.ARPA. (Charlotte Hart, B613, 703-285-5031, (V) 356-5031.) DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETINS AND NEWSLETTERS The following lists summarize the most current DDN Management Bulletins and DDN Newsletters. These are available online from the host, SRI-NIC, at the DDN Network Information Center (NIC). Users may obtain copies of these files via FTP from the SRI-NIC machine [,] by logging in as "anonymous" with password="guest" and using the pathnames: DDN-NEWS:DDN-MGT-BULLETIN-xx.TXT and DDN-NEWS:DDN-NEWS-xx.TXT where xx = the issue number. DDN Management Bulletins DDN Management Bulletins, distributed by the NIC for DCA, are a means of communicating official policy, procedures, and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities and other management organizations. Issue Number Date Topic(s) 12 1 Sep 83 Public Host Available for Software Verifica 17 21 Dec 83 Registration: A Vital Requirement; TAC Numbers Published; Questions asked about User Registration 18 13 Jan 84 Interim Guidance for Host Password Discipli 20 6 Mar 84 Implementation of Mail Bridge Filters 22 16 Mar 84 Domain Names Transition 23 29 Aug 84 New Host to Primary and Secondary Mailbridge Assignments 24 17 Sep 84 Node Site Coordinator Duties; Host Administrator Duties; Technical Liaison Dut 26 30 Jan 85 Management of DDN TACs DDN Newsletters The DDN Newsletter provides information of general interest to users. Both official and unofficial articles are published in the DDN Newsletter. Articles in the official section contain policy announcements and general information disseminated for review, adherence, and possible response. Articles in the unofficial section contain items of general information which do not necessarily represent official policy or practice. As space permits, this section may include items submitted by users. Such items should be as brief as possible, and should be forwarded to NEWS@SRI-NIC.ARPA or DCACODEB613@DDN1.ARPA for consideration. All articles for the unofficial section should be signed and should provide the organizational affiliation of the contributor. Issue Number Date Topic(s) 23 7 Apr 83 ARPANET IMPs and TACs 36 17 Oct 84 DDN TAC Mgt; ARPANET TAC Access; TAC Standardization; DDN User Assistance; DDN Directory 37 1 Dec 84 Special Issue 38 8 Mar 85 Network Protocols If access to the network is via a TAC, users may read online issues with the TACNEWS service. To access the TACNEWS service, just after connecting to a TAC - Type "@n" - Log in to the TAC - Type "tacnews" at the @ sign - Type "help " for further instructions or help If you experience problems invoking these procedures please call User Assistance at the NIC, 1-800-235-3155. (Mr. Jack Snively, B646, 703-285-5227, (V) 356-5227.)