 * Author:	William Chia-Wei Cheng (william@cs.ucla.edu)
 * @(#)$Header: /mm/src/tgif/v4/tgifintl/RCS/README,v 1.1 1999/04/10 17:30:49 william Exp $

This is the README file for tgifintl -- tgif's native language support (NLS)
message catalogs.  The current release of tgif only supports native
language in the menus (strings obtained from "menuinfo.c").

1)  Tgifintl is only useful for tgif-4.1.5 and above, and it is to be
    installed in the tgif source directory.  For example, if your tgif
    is installed in ~/src/tgif/tgif-4.1.5 and you have tgifintl-1.0.0,

        cd ~/src/tgif/tgif-4.1.5
        gunzip -c tgifintl-1.0.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
        cd tgifintl-1.0.0

    If you don't have tgif, please download tgif source from tgif's
    download link mentioned below.

2)  Although Tgifintl-1.0.0 is release as part of tgif-4.1.5 (in the po
    subdirectory), tgifintl is maintained separately.  The home page of
    tgifintl is:


3)  Please copy Po.tmpl-PLATFORM to Po.tmpl (where PLATFORM
    depends on the platform you are on).  For example, if you are on a
    Solaris platform, do:

        rm Po.tmpl
        cp Po.tmpl-solaris Po.tmpl

    The default Po.tmpl is identical to Po.tmpl-linux.  There's only a few
    Po.tmpl-* files in the current release of tgifintl.  More will be added
    when they become available.  I only have access to limited number of
    platforms, so if you don't find your platform listed, please ask a local
    expert to modify Po.tmpl and send a working version to me so I can create
    new Po.tmpl-* files.

4)  Modify lines in Po.tmpl to match your configuration.

5)  If you want to compile all message catalogs, do:

        make Makefile
        make Makefiles
        make depend
        make all
        make install

    If you only want to make one message catalog, say, the "ja" catalog, do:

        make Makefile
        make Makefiles
        make depend
        cd ja
        make all
        make install
        cd ..

6)  Tgif resources:

                     Home Page: http://bourbon.cs.umd.edu:8001/tgif/
                           FAQ: http://bourbon.cs.umd.edu:8001/tgif/faq/
    Current Release & Download: http://bourbon.cs.umd.edu:8001/tgif/current.html
          Join to Mailing List: kragen-tgif-subscribe@kragen.dnaco.net
                  Mailing List: kragen-tgif@kragen.dnaco.net
           Bug Reports Send To: bill.cheng@acm.org