--- meta: Producers: $0: /home/pause/.plenv/versions/5.36.0/bin/rrr-aggregate File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile: 0.0.9 time: '1721817181.81083' aggregator: - 6h - 1d - 1W - 1M - 1Q - 1Y - Z canonize: naive_path_normalize comment: These files are part of the CPAN mirroring concept, described in File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent dirtymark: '1389168062.25724006' filenameroot: RECENT interval: 1h merged: epoch: '1721817181.71455' into_interval: 6h time: '1721817181.81075' minmax: max: '1721817181.71455' min: '1721814735.40689' mtime: '1721817181' protocol: 1 serializer_suffix: .yaml recent: - epoch: '1721817181.71455' path: 02STAMP type: new - epoch: '1721816281.98248' path: p6binaries.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1721816281.95281' path: p6provides.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1721816281.61156' path: p6dists.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1721815142.18332' path: 08pumpkings.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1721815142.17311' path: 02authors.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1721815142.11183' path: 01mailrc.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1721815142.02659' path: 00whois.xml type: new - epoch: '1721815142.01714' path: 00whois.html type: new - epoch: '1721814757.38095' path: id/R/RW/RWF/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814757.13046' path: id/R/RR/RRWO/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814756.5095' path: id/R/RE/REEDFISH/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814754.90569' path: id/P/PE/PEVANS/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814752.98193' path: id/P/PE/PERLANCAR/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814748.83002' path: id/N/NH/NHORNE/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814745.39653' path: id/K/KI/KIMOTO/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814742.7465' path: id/J/JD/JDEGUEST/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814739.53967' path: id/E/ET/ETJ/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1721814735.40689' path: id/A/AU/AUDREYT/CHECKSUMS type: new