use WWW::wordpress; use Data::Dumper; $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME} = 0; my $wordpress = WWW::wordpress->new( blog => '', blog_id => '000', access_token => 'XXX'); # site info $site_info = $wordpress->site_info; $post_count = $site_info->{post_count}; $subscribers_count = $site_info->{subscribers_count}; print "post_count $post_count \n"; print "subscribers_count $subscribers_count \n"; sleep 10; # post $content = "this is my test body "; $title = "New Raspberry Pi Model B+"; $tags = "linux"; my $post_data = { content => $content,title => $title,tags => $tags }; $post_info = $wordpress->post(post_data => $post_data ); $id = $post_info->{id}; $URL = $post_info->{URL}; print "id $id URL $URL \n"; # edit post $new_content = "The Raspberry Pi foundation has just announced the Raspberry Pi B+. The basic specs haven't changed much"; $post_id = 19; my $post_data = { content => $new_content}; $status = $wordpress->edit_post(post_data => $post_data, post_id => $post_id); print "status $status \n"; #follow my $post_data = { pretty => 1}; $status = $wordpress->follow(blog => '',post_data => $post_data); print "status $status \n"; sleep 4; #unfollow my $post_data = { pretty => 1}; $status = $wordpress->unfollow(blog => '',post_data => $post_data); print "status $status \n";