* dist-zilla-app-command-authordebs :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: dist-zilla-app-command-authordebs :END: A [[http://dzil.org/][Dist::Zilla]] command to list or install author dependencies with Debian perl packages. This command is useful to work on the source of a Perl module that uses =Dist::Zilla=. This list or install missing author dependencies, i.e. mostly =Dist::Zilla= dependencies. These dependencies can be used in Debian's =BuildDepends= list. Note that other dependencies (runtime or used in tests) are not handled. To install the author dependencies (i,e, all the =Dist::Zilla= plugins and extensions) required to build a module, run either: #+begin_src shell dzil authordebs --install # require sudo to allow apt-get install #+end_src #+begin_src shell sudo apt-get install $(dzil authordebs) #+end_src The former command is preferred as only =apt-get= command is run as root. * Installation :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: installation :END: On Debian and derivatives: #+begin_src shell sudo apt install libdist-zilla-app-command-authordebs-perl #+end_src