use strict; use Tk; use Win32::ODBC; my @Data; my $db; my $dsn = "x"; # <- put the name of your database in place of x my $statement = "SELECT * FROM x"; # <- put the name of your table in place of x my $top = MainWindow->new; $top->title('SQL Front End'); if (!($db = new Win32::ODBC($dsn))){ print "Error connecting to $dsn\n"; print "Error: " . Win32::ODBC::Error() . "\n"; exit; } if ($db->Sql($statement)){ print "SQL failed.\n"; print "Error: " . $db->Error() . "\n"; $db->Close(); exit; } while($db->FetchRow()){ @Data = $db->Data(); my $label = $top->Label(-text => "@Data\n"); $label->pack(); } my $button = $top->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => \&on_quit, )->pack(); MainLoop; $db->Close(); sub on_quit { exit 0;; } =head1 NAME sqltk - This script connects to an SQL table and prints out the information in Tk. =head1 DESCRIPTION This program is useful for grabbing the information out of SQL for viewing on a workstation. =head1 README This script connects to an SQL table and prints out the information in Tk. This script provides the groundwork for an SQL front end. =head1 PREREQUISITES This script has a few requirements. You will need the Win32::ODBC and Tk modules. You will also need to change the values for dsn and the SQLstatment. =head1 COREQUISITES None =pod OSNAMES MSWin32 =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Win32/Utilities =cut