NAME OPM::Maker::Command::depcheck - Check if ticketsystem addon dependencies are installed (works for ((OTRS)) Community Edition, Znuny and OTOBO) VERSION version 1.0.1 DESCRIPTION Ticketsystem addons can define dependencies in the .opm files, e.g. FAQ Geo::IP2Location HTTP::AcceptLanguage In this case, the addon requires an other addon - FAQ with minimum version 6.0.0 - and two CPAN modules. This OPM::Maker command checks for a given .sopm or .opm file if the dependencies are already installed. HOW IT WORKS For the other addons, this command tries to find the ticketsystem installation (it searches for /opt/otrs, /opt/otobo or /opt/znuny) and searches the database for installed addons. If it doesn't find the addons in the database, it looks for a /opt/{otrs,otobo,znuny}/$addonname.sopm file. If that file exists the addon is marked as installed. For the CPAN dependencies, this command tries to use the module. AUTHOR Renee Baecker COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)