# perl6-Gravatar-URL - Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fayland/perl6-Gravatar-URL.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/fayland/perl6-Gravatar-URL) ## SYNOPSIS ``` use Gravatar::URL; my $gravatar_id = gravatar_id('whatever@wherever.whichever'); # 'a60fc0828e808b9a6a9d50f1792240c8' my $gravator_url = gravatar_url( :email, :size<32> ); my $gravator_url = gravatar_url( :email, default => '/local.png', :rating, :size<80>, :short_keys<0>, :https<1> ); ``` ## DESCRIPTION * email - required, if Str.chars=32 passed, we'll treat it as id * default - default image * rating - G, PG, R, X * size - Int 1 to 512 * short_keys - use r instead of rating, d instead of default in url * https - use https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/ instead of http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ as the base