=begin pod =head1 Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinal A way to transform numbers into ordinal form, for English. =head2 Summary Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinal is designed to provide a way of writing ordinal numbers (e.g. first, second) when the situation requires it. It provides two subs: C and C. Both accept an integer number. =head3 C This sub returns the ordinal form of C<$input> as english text, e.g. "second" or "forty-fifth". It currently goes up to the trillions, so the largest number you can use is C<999999999999>. Note that this sub uses the short-scale numbering method (e.g. 1000000000 is one billion, I one milliard). =head3 C This sub returns the ordinal form of C<$input> as the number with a two-letter suffix, e.g. "1st" or "39th". There is no upper limit on this sub (it works on 1 googol!). Note it uses "nd" and "rd" for second and third, rather than "d" for both of them. (e.g. you'll get "2nd" and "3rd", not "2d" and "3d"). =head2 Installation If you aren't using panda, then simply go into this module's directory (probably where you found this README.pod6) and type $ ufo $ make install You will need Carl Mäsak's program C to do this. See L. =head2 Copyright Copyright © 2015 Faye N. (ShimmerFairy) under the Artistic License 2.0. =end pod