# perl6-WebService-HazIP [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cbk/WebService-HazIP.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cbk/WebService-HazIP) ## SYNOPSIS Simple Internet web service used to obtain the host's current public addressable IP address. Connects to the canihazip.com web site using LWP::Simple and returns the data. Valadates the returned data to ensure there is a valid IPv4 address. ## TODO * Add other services other then www.canihazip.com ## Methods * returnIP() ## Retruns * Valid IPv4 address if successful. * "ERROR! - No Internet connection." on a invalid responce. ## Example use WebService::HazIP; my $ipObj = WebService::HazIP.new; say "My public IP address is: " ~ $ipObj.returnIP();