#!/usr/bin/perl # # addrcheck - mail address checker # by tchrist@perl.com # Copyright 1997 Tom Christiansen # version 1.001 Fri Feb 14 15:20:02 MST 1997 #################################### # this program takes an email address as its argument # and decides whether you're being spoofed or not. # it exists 0 if it likes the address, and 1 if it doesn't. # # can be tested interactively. if not interactive, it will # use syslog. # # should be rewritten instead of just growing via hacks. #################################### $LOGGER = '/usr/bin/logger'; # or /usr/ucb? $NSLOOKUP = '/usr/bin/nslookup'; # or /usr/ucb? $DEBUG = -t STDIN && -t STDOUT; $address = shift || die "usage: $0 address\n"; for ($address) { s/^-+//; tr/A-Z/a-z/; } ($user, $host) = split /\@/, $address; # we check in this order because of speed; # this way it will fail more quickly. check_passwd($user); # picky if ($address =~ /\@./) { check_host($host); ck822($address); # inscrutable dns_check($host); # slow } exit 0; #################################### sub bad { # GLOBAL $hispass and $what if ($DEBUG) { print "$what `$hispass' is bad: @_\n"; } else { system $LOGGER, "-p", "daemon.notice", "-t", "ftpucheck", "BOGUS \U$what\E $hispass (@_)"; } exit 1; } #################################### ############# sub check_passwd { local $what = 'user'; local $hispass = shift; for (@rude) { bad("rude") if index($hispass, lc $_) != -1; } for (@anywhere) { bad("inside") if index($hispass, lc $_) != -1; } for (@full) { bad("full") if $hispass eq lc $_; } for (@start) { bad("start") if index($hispass, lc $_) == 0; } # single char bad("single") if length($hispass) == 1; study $hispass; bad("dup letters") if $hispass =~ /(\w)\1{3,}/; bad("white") if $hispass =~ /\s/; bad("junk") if $hispass =~ /[;,\/#^*]/; $V = 'aeiouy'; if ($hispass =~ /netscape/ || $hispass =~ /^m[$V]*[sz]+[$V]*l+[$V]*\W*$/) { bad("mozilla"); } if ($hispass =~ /xyz+y/) { bad("xyzzy"); } # all same letter bad("dup letters") if $hispass =~ /^(.)\1+$/; # want letters bad("ugly") unless $hispass =~ /[a-z]/; bad("backspace") if $hispass =~ /[\010\177]/; $letters = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfrdsapoiuytrewq"; # consecutive bad("consecutive") if length($hispass) > 2 && ( index($letters, $hispass) != -1 || ($hispass =~ /^(\w+)\1$/ && length($1) > 2 && index($letters, $1) != -1) ); bad("repeats") if $hispass =~ /^(\w+?)\1{2,}$/; print "$what: $hispass is good\n" if $DEBUG; } ############# sub check_host { local $what = 'host'; local $hispass = shift; bad("dotless") unless index($hispass, '.') >= 0; for (@rude) { bad("rude") if index($hispass, lc $_) != -1; } for (@full) { bad("full") if $hispass eq lc $_; } for (@bad_host) { bad("naughty host") if $hispass =~ /$_/i; } # single char bad("single") if length($hispass) == 1; study $hispass; bad("white") if $hispass =~ /\s/; bad("junk") if $hispass =~ /[;,\/#^*]/; # want letters, darnit; this will cause 127.1 to fail though bad("ugly") unless $hispass =~ /[a-z]/; bad("backspace") if $hispass =~ /[\010\177]/; $letters = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfrdsapoiuytrewq"; # consecutive bad("consecutive") if length($hispass) > 2 && ( index($letters, $hispass) != -1 || ($hispass =~ /^(\w+)\1$/ && length($1) > 2 && index($letters, $1) != -1) ); print "$what: $hispass is good\n" if $DEBUG; } sub dns_check { # first try an MX record, then an A rec (for badly configged hosts) my $host = shift; local $/ = undef; local $what = "DNS record"; local $hispass = $host; # the following is comment out for security reasons: # if ( `nslookup -query=mx $host` =~ /mail exchanger/ # otherwise there could be naughty bits in $host # we'll bypass system() and get right at execvp() if (open(NS, "-|")) { if ( =~ /mail exchanger/) { print "$what MX: $hispass is good\n" if $DEBUG; close NS; return; } } else { open(SE, ">&STDERR"); open(STDERR, ">/dev/null"); exec $NSLOOKUP, '-query=mx', $host; open(STDERR, ">&SE"); die "can't exec nslookup: $!"; } if (open(NS, "-|")) { $_ = ; if (/answer:.*Address/s) { print "$what A: $hispass is good\n" if $DEBUG; close NS; return; } if (/Name:.*$host.*Address:/si) { print "$what A: $hispass is good\n" if $DEBUG; close NS; return; } } else { open(SE, ">&STDERR"); open(STDERR, ">/dev/null"); exec $NSLOOKUP, '-query=a', $host; open(STDERR, ">&SE"); die "can't exec nslookup: $!"; } bad("No DNS"); } sub ck822 { # ck822 -- check whether address is valid rfc 822 address # tchrist@perl.com # # pattern developed in program by jfriedl; # see "Mastering Regular Expressions" from ORA for details # this will error on something like "ftp.perl.com." because # even though dns wants it, rfc822 hates it. shucks. local $what = 'address'; local $hispass = shift; local $_; $is_a_valid_rfc_822_addr = ''; while () { chomp; $is_a_valid_rfc_822_addr .= $_; } bad("rfc822 failure") unless $hispass =~ /^${is_a_valid_rfc_822_addr}$/o; print "$what: $hispass is good\n" if $DEBUG; } ############################## # initializations ############################## BEGIN { @full = qw{ admin alpha ananymous anon anonymous bar big-liar bin bizarre bla blah bogus bummy cache plukyou phukyou collect compuserve cool crud DeleGateMaster devnull dialup dork dummy dunno employee first1 foo friendly ftpsearch-collect fu god guest gunk anonimouse gw hacker harvest hello here hi hostmaster howdy ident ie30user imaservice info informix interceptor internet junk lame lamer liar login lycos maxima me mirror mosaic source src nobody none none-known nouser ntcon ok outbound postmaster president public Put_Your_Email_Address report_abuse root sales satan sesame socks somebody spanky src sticky system there unknown Unknown_Netscape_User Unregistered unverified user UserName vice-president vividnet webmaster whoever WinGate wow xyz }; @start = qw{ aaa abc account anon anon asquid daemon delegate ftp gopher gotch oracle otthttp pass satan squid student test web xx }; @bad_host = qw{ perl\.com cyberpromo\.com bar\.com }; @anywhere = qw{ adresse asdf address asfd sdf jkl hjk cache firewall private -gw http mail mirror mother service sdf lkj khj name nobody proxy sadf system user www }; @rude = qw{ asshole crap cunt damn fuck piss shit suck tits upyour }; } # don't touch this stuff down here or you'll break the rfc822 matcher. __END__ (?:[\040\t]|\((?:[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]|\\[^\x80-\xff]|\((?:[^\\\x80-\xff\n \015()]|\\[^\x80-\xff])*\))*\))*(?:(?:[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\ xff]+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff])|"(?:[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015" ]|\\[^\x80-\xff])*")(?:(?:[\040\t]|\((?:[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]|\\[^\x80-\xf f]|\((?:[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]|\\[^\x80-\xff])*\))*\))*\.(?:[\040\t]|\((?:[ ^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]|\\[^\x80-\xff]|\((?:[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]|\\[^\x80-\ xff])*\))*\))*(?:[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+(?![^(\040)<>@,; 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