= IRC::Client::Plugin::Github :toc: preamble A plugin for Github functionality in IRC::Client projects. == Features This module is currently only handling Github notifications through the webhook system. === Notifications through Github webhooks Using https://github.com/Bailador/Bailador[Bailador] as webserver, the plugin can act upon Github webhook calls. This means immediate notifications whenever something happens on a configured repository. == Usage Install the module through https://github.com/ugexe/zef[zef]: ---- zef install IRC::Client::Plugin::Github ---- Sample setup for an `IRC::Client` project using `IRC::Client::Plugin::Github`: [source,perl6] ---- use Config; use IRC::Client; use IRC::Client::Plugin::Github; sub MAIN { my Config $config = Config.new; .run with IRC::Client.new( :nick, :plugins( IRC::Client::Plugin::Github.new(config => $config) ) ); } ---- === Configuration Configuration is done using https://github.com/scriptkitties/p6-Config[Config]. My preferred way of configuration is with `toml` files, so that's what I'll use here to layout the configuration options. If you want to use another style, adapt as necesary and make sure there's a parser available and installed to use with `Config`. [source,toml] ---- # Set this to true to get more output on reasons why things might not be # working for you. debug = false # General configuration of the plugin [github.webhook] # Which IP to bind Bailador to. host = "" # Which port to bind Bailador to. port = 8000 # Set the message-style to "notice" to send notices instead of PRIVMSGs message-style = "privmsg" # The default channels to send to. If no channels are configured on the # repository's configuration key, this array will be used instead. channels = ["#scriptkitties"] # If set to true, it will notify for every repository that POSTs a payload to # the Bailador instance. Note this could be abused to spam through the bot. # When false, every repository should be properly defined if you want to see # any notifications from it. allow-unknown = false # Every repository must be configured with a heading similar like this, # "github.webhook.repos.", where the repo name is the `full-name` # attribute on the `repository` key from the webhook payload. Every "/" in the # `full-name` must be converted to a "-", in order to play nice with toml. [github.webhook.repos.scripkitties-perl6-IRC-Client-Plugin-Github] # An array of channels to post notifications in. Overrides the # `default-channels` from `github.webhook` if set. channels = ["#scriptkitties"] ---- == License This sourcecode is distributed under the GPLv3 license.