Text::Starfish version 1.39
Note: The above lines are generated based on the following code:
<? read_starfish_conf(); &set_readme_line1; !>

The Text::Starfish module and starfish command-line utility support
processing of embedded Perl code in an arbitrary text and provide for
flexible text patterns that identify such code or activate more
general text replacement.

The main Starfish web site is:

Documentation is part of the file Starfish.pm in the Pod format.  To
convert it into the manual page format, use the following commands
('$' is just a shell prompt, do not type it!):

 $ pod2html Starfish.pm


To install this module type the following:

 $ perl Makefile.PL
 $ make
 $ make test
 $ make install

If you do not have permissions to install the module in the
system-wide module repository, you can install it locally; e.g.,

 $ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/mydir


No significant dependencies, as far as I know.  All used Perl modules
should be a part of Perl core.  Let me know if you find something
important to add.


 2001-2021 Vlado Keselj http://web.cs.dal.ca/~vlado
 	   and contributing authors:
      2007 Charles Ikeson (overhaul of test.pl)


This script is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself, or more precisely, it is provided under
The Artistic License 1.0 (see the file LICENSE).