#!/usr/bin/perl -w ### ### $Id: newsyslog.pl,v 1.14 2006/04/07 17:21:17 aaronsca Exp $ ### ### Maintain log files to manageable sizes. This is a Perl rewrite of the ### MIT newsyslog utility, with a number of features and ideas taken from ### the FreeBSD and NetBSD versions. ### ### Copyright (s) 2001-2006 Aaron Scarisbrick <aaronsca@cpan.org> ### All rights reserved. ### ### Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org> ### All rights reserved. ### ### Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ### modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ### are met: ### 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ### notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ### 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ### notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ### documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ### ### THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ### ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ### IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ### ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ### FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ### DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ### OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ### HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ### LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ### OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ### SUCH DAMAGE. ### ### This file contains changes from the Open Software Foundation. ### ### Copyright 1988, 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ### ### Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software ### and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is ### hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice ### appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and ### this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, ### and that the names of M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. not be ### used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution ### of the software without specific, written prior permission. ### M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. make no representations about ### the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is ### provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ### require 5.00503; ## - Minimum version of perl use strict; ## - Enforce strict syntax use Config; ## - Get usable signals use FileHandle; ## - Filehandle object methods use File::Basename; ## - Pathname parsing use File::Copy; ## - Perl equiv of "cp" and "mv" use Time::Local; ## - Opposite of localtime() my($DEBUG) = 0; ## - Debug mode (-d) my($VERBOSE) = 0; ## - Verbose mode (-v) my($NOOP) = 0; ## - No op mode (-n) my($NOSIG) = 0; ## - No signal daemon mode (-s) my($ROOT) = 0; ## - Run as non-root flag (-r) my($FORCE) = 0; ## - Forced log trim flag (-F) my($min_pid) = 5; ## - Minimum PID to signal my(@conf) = (); ## - Array of config entries my(%pidm) = (); ## - PID map my(%sigs) = (); ## - Array of supported signals my(%elist) = (); ## - Explicit hash of logfiles my($arch_d) = ""; ## - Archive directory (-a) my($conf_f) = "/etc/newsyslog.conf"; ## - Configuration file my($pid_f) = "/var/run/syslog.pid"; ## - Syslog PID file my($gzip_b) = "gzip"; ## - gzip binary my($gzip_a) = "-f"; ## - gzip argument my($bzip2_b) = "bzip2"; ## - bzip2 binary my($bzip2_a) = "-f"; ## - bzip2 argument my($pid) = ""; ## - PID iterator for wait() my($sig_wait) = 10; ## - Wait time in sec after kill my($hour_s) = 3600; ## - Hour in seconds my($day_s) = 86400; ## - Day in seconds my($week_s) = 604800; ## - Week in seconds my($kilo_s) = 1024; ## - Kilobyte my($meg_s) = 1048576; ## - Megabyte my($gig_s) = 1073741824; ## - Gigabyte my($time) = time; ## - Get current time my($ltime) = scalar(localtime($time)); ## - Current readable time my(@ltm) = localtime($time); ## - Parse epoch time into array $ltm[9] = $ltm[5] + 1900; ## - Set long year $ltm[10] = substr($ltm[9], 0, 2); ## - Set century $ltm[11] = substr($ltm[9], 2, 2); ## - Set year grep($sigs{$_}=1, split(/ /,$Config{sig_num})); ## - Get supported signals STDERR->autoflush(1); STDOUT->autoflush(1); ## - Set STDOUT/ERR to autoflush $0 =~ s/^.*\///; ## - Strip dirname from $0 sub usage { ### ### -- Display usage if ($_ = shift) { print STDERR "${0}: $_\n"; } print STDERR "Usage: ${0} [-Fdnrsv] [-f config-file] [-a directory] \n", "[-z path_to_gzip] [ -j path_to_bzip2] [-p path_to_pid]\n", "[-y debug_string]\n", "\nFor more help: perldoc $0\n\n"; exit(1); } sub error { ### ### -- Display error message, and optionally exit my($mesg) = shift || $!; ## - Error message my($exit) = shift || 0; ## - Exit level print STDERR "${0}: ${mesg}\n"; exit($exit) if $exit > 0; } sub debug { ### ### -- Display debug messages if $DEBUG is true my($msg) = shift || $!; ## - Debug message my($trc) = ''; ## - Stack backtrace my(@c, @s) = (); ## - Caller stacks my($f, $l) = ''; ## - File and line num my($i) = 0; unless ($DEBUG) { ## - Check debug flag return; } while (@c = caller($i)) { ## - Backtrace stack unshift(@s, $c[3]) if $i > 0; $f = $c[1]; $l= $c[2]; $i++; } $trc = join(' ', $$, $f, 'line', $l, '>', ## - pretty print backtrace scalar(@s) ? join(' > ', @s) : (), ); print STDERR "${trc}: ${msg}\n"; } sub parse_argv { ### ### -- Parse command line arguments while($_ = shift(@ARGV)){ last if $_ eq "--"; ## - Explicit last arg "--" &usage() if $_ eq "--help"; ## - Standard usage arg unless($_ =~ s/^\-//o) { ## - All others start with "-" unshift(@ARGV, $_); last; } if (length > 1) { ## - Ugly multi-arg kludge foreach(reverse(split(//))){ unshift(@ARGV, "-${_}"); } next; } $DEBUG = 1, next if $_ eq "d"; ## - Debug mode $FORCE = 1, next if $_ eq "F"; ## - Forced archive mode $NOOP = 1, next if $_ eq "n"; ## - No op mode $NOSIG = 1, next if $_ eq "s"; ## - No signal daemon mode $ROOT = 1, next if $_ eq "r"; ## - Non-root mode $VERBOSE = 1, next if $_ eq "v"; ## - Verbose mode if ($_ eq "f") { ## - Explicit configuration file $conf_f = shift(@ARGV) || &usage("option requires an argument -- ${_}"); next; } if ($_ eq "a") { ## - Exclicit archive directory $arch_d = shift(@ARGV) || &usage("option requires an argument -- ${_}"); next; } if ($_ eq "y") { ## - Decode "why" debug string tm_decode(shift(@ARGV)); exit(0); } if ($_ eq "z") { ## - Explicit gzip path $gzip_b = shift(@ARGV) || &usage("option requires an argument -- ${_}"); next if -x ${gzip_b}; &error("${gzip_b}: not executable or missing path", 1) } if ($_ eq "j") { ## - Explicit bzip2 path $bzip2_b = shift(@ARGV) || &usage("option requires an argument -- ${_}"); next if -x ${bzip2_b}; &error("${bzip2_b}: not executable or missing path", 1) } if ($_ eq "p") { ## - Explicit syslog.pid path $pid_f = shift(@ARGV) || &usage("option requires an argument -- ${_}"); unless(-r $pid_f && -s $pid_f){ &error("${pid_f}: no such file or zero size", 1); } next; } &usage("illegal option -- ${_}"); } while($_ = shift(@ARGV)){ ## - Explicit logs to archive $elist{$_} = 1; &debug("explicit: $_"); } unless($> == 0 || $ROOT) { ## - Must be root unless "-r" &error("must have root privs", 1); } unless($conf_f eq "-" || -r $conf_f){ ## - Conf file sanity check &error("${conf_f}: unreadable", 1); } } sub parse_conf { ### ### -- Parse configuration file my($fh) = new FileHandle $conf_f; ## - Config filehandle unless(defined($fh)){ ## - Open configuration file &error("open: ${conf_f}: $!", 1); } while(<$fh>){ ## - Get fields next if /^\s*(#.*)?$/o; ## - Skip comments chomp; ## - Strip trailing garbage my($ent) = &parse_ent($_); ## - Parse entry next unless defined($ent->{log}); ## - Skip blank entries push(@conf, $ent); ## - Add entry to global array if ($DEBUG) { ## - Dump record in debug mode foreach(sort {$a cmp $b} (keys %$ent)) { if ($_ eq "mod") { my($mod) = sprintf("%o", $ent->{$_}); &debug("[$.]: mod -> $mod"); } else { &debug("[$.]: ${_} -> $ent->{$_}"); } } &debug("----"); ## - Debug record seperator } } $fh->close; } sub parse_ent { ### ### -- Parse a configuration entry my(@l) = split; ## - Tokenize line my($ent) = {}; ## - Configuration entry if ($#l < 4) { ## - Token sanity check &error("missing fields on line $.",1); } if ($l[0] !~ /^\//o) { ## - Sanity check logfile &error("illegal filename field on line $.",1); } if (%elist && !defined($elist{$l[0]})) { ## - Explicit logfile check &debug("skipping: $l[0]"); return $ent; } $ent->{log} = $l[0]; ## - Get logfile NAME $ent->{own} = $ent->{grp} = -1; ## - Default own/grp for chown() if ($l[1] =~ /^[0-7]{3}$/o) { ## - Get MODE $ent->{mod} = oct($l[1]); } elsif ($l[1] =~ /^(\w+)?:(\w+)?$/o) { ## - Get OWNER/GROUP if (defined($1)) { $ent->{own} = getpwnam($1); unless(defined($ent->{own})){ &error("unknown user on line $. -- $1",1); } } if (defined($2)) { $ent->{grp} = getgrnam($2); unless(defined($ent->{grp})){ &error("unknown group on line $. -- $2",1); } } if ($l[2] =~ /^[0-7]{3}$/o) { $ent->{mod} = oct($l[2]); shift(@l); } else { &error("illegal mode on line $. -- $l[2]",1) } } else { &error("illegal owner/mode on line $. -- $l[1]",1); } if ($l[2] =~ /^\d+$/o && $l[2] >= 0) { ## - Get COUNT $ent->{ct} = $l[2]; } else { &error("illegal count on line $. -- $l[2]",1); } if ($l[3] eq "*") { ## - Get SIZE $ent->{sz} = 0; } elsif ($l[3] =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)([kKmMgG])?$/o) { $ent->{sz} = parse_size($1, defined($3) ? $3 : 'k'); } else { &error("illegal size on line $. -- $l[3]",1); } unless(defined($l[4])){ ## - Get WHEN &error("missing when field on line $.",1); } if ($l[4] eq "*") { $ent->{when} = 0; } elsif ($l[4] =~ /^(\d+)?@(.*)$/o) { ## - Interval/ISO-8601 $ent->{when} = &parse_8601($2); if ($ent->{when} == -1) { &error("illegal ISO-8601 date format on line $. -- $l[4]",1); } $ent->{intr} = $1 if defined($1); } elsif ($l[4] =~ /^(\d+)?\$(.+)$/o) { ## - Interval/DWMT $ent->{when} = &parse_dwmt($2); if ($ent->{when} == -1) { &error("illegal DWM date format on line $. -- $l[4]",1); } $ent->{intr} = $1 if defined($1); } elsif ($l[4] =~ /^\d+$/o) { ## - Interval only $ent->{intr} = $l[4]; } else { &error("illegal when field on line $. -- $l[4]",1); } if (defined($ent->{intr})) { ## - Sanity check interval if ($ent->{intr} <= 0) { &error("illegal interval on line $. -- $ent->{intr}",1); } } else { $ent->{intr} = 0; } return $ent unless defined($l[5]); ## - Get FLAGS &parse_flags($ent, $l[5]); return $ent unless defined($l[6]); ## - Get PID_FILE/EXT_PROG unless($l[6] =~ /^\//o){ &error("bad pid/exe field on line $. -- $l[6]",1); } if (defined($ent->{exe})) { unless(-x $l[6]){ &error("ext not executable on line $. -- $l[6]",1); } $ent->{exe} = $l[6]; if (defined($l[7])) { &error("sig_num not allowed with ext on line $.",1); } } else { $ent->{pid} = $l[6]; } return $ent unless defined($l[7]); ## - Get SIG_NUM unless(defined($sigs{$l[7]})){ &error("bad sig_num on line $. -- $l[7]",1); } unless(defined($ent->{sig})){ $ent->{sig} = $l[7]; } return $ent; ## - Return parsed entry } sub parse_flags { ### ### -- Parse configuration entry flags my($ent, $f) = @_; ## - Config entry and flags my(@flag) = split(//, $f); foreach(@flag){ last if $_ eq "-"; ## - Flag placeholder $_ = uc($_); ## - Force uppercase $ent->{flag} .= $_; ## - Save flags $ent->{bin} = 1, next if $_ eq "B"; ## - Binary file $ent->{zip} = ".gz", next if $_ eq "Z"; ## - Compress logfile with gzip $ent->{bz2} = ".bz2", next if $_ eq "J"; ## - Compress logfile with bzip2 $ent->{exe} = 1, next if $_ eq "X"; ## - Execute external program $ent->{hst} = 1, next if $_ eq "P"; ## - Preserve first hist logfile $ent->{mak} = 1, next if $_ eq "C"; ## - Create logfile if missing $ent->{sig} = 0, next if $_ eq "S"; ## - Don't send daemon signal $ent->{trn} = 1, next if $_ eq "T"; ## - Truncate instead of rename &error("illegal flag on line $. -- $_",1); } if (defined($ent->{zip}) && defined($ent->{bz2})) { &error("J and Z flags mutually exclusive on line $.",1); } } sub parse_size { ### ### -- Parse size from human readable to kilobytes my($num) = shift || return 0; ## - size number my($exp) = shift || return 0; ## - size exponent $exp = uc($exp); if ($exp eq "G") { ## - Gigabyte(s) return $num * $gig_s; } if ($exp eq "M") { ## - Megabyte(s) return $num * $meg_s; } if ($exp eq "K") { ## - Kilobyte(s) return $num * $kilo_s; } 0; } sub pp_size { ### ### -- pretty print size in human readable format my($num) = shift || return ''; ## - size number to format my($pp) = sub { abs(sprintf("%.1f", (shift() / shift()))) . shift() }; if ($num >= $gig_s) { ## - Gigabyte(s) return $pp->($num, $gig_s, "G"); } if ($num >= $meg_s) { ## - Megabyte(s) return $pp->($num, $meg_s, "M"); } $pp->($num, $kilo_s, "K"); ## - Kilobyte(s) } sub parse_8601 { ### ### -- Parse ISO 8601 time format into epoch time format my($date) = shift; ## - ISO 8601 Date in my($yy) = $ltm[11]; ## - Year my($cc) = $ltm[10]; ## - Century my($year) = $ltm[9]; ## - Long year my($mm) = $ltm[4]; ## - Month my($dd) = $ltm[3]; ## - Day my($epoch) = 0; ## - Return value my($h) = 0; ## - Hour my($m) = 0; ## - Minutes my($s) = 0; ## - Seconds my(@tmp) = (); ## - Temp array holder my($str) = (); ## - Temp string holder if ($date =~ /^(\d{2,8})?(T(\d{2,6})?)?$/o) { if (defined($1)) { ## - Left side of "T" @tmp = (); $str = $1; while($_ = substr($str, 0, 2, "")){ unshift(@tmp, $_); } if (defined($tmp[0])) {$dd = $tmp[0]} if (defined($tmp[1])) {$mm = $tmp[1] - 1} if (defined($tmp[2])) {$yy = $tmp[2]} if (defined($tmp[3])) {$cc = $tmp[3]} } if (defined($3)) { ## - Right side of "T" @tmp = (); $str = $3; while($_ = substr($str, 0, 2, "")){ push(@tmp, $_); } if (defined($tmp[0])) {$h = $tmp[0]} if (defined($tmp[1])) {$m = $tmp[1]} if (defined($tmp[2])) {$s = $tmp[2]} } } else { ## - Bad 8601 date format return -1; } if (&tm_verify($s, $m, $h, $dd, $mm, $cc . $yy)) { $epoch = timelocal($s, $m, $h, $dd, $mm, ($cc . $yy) - 1900); } else { ## - Invalid date return -1; } if ($DEBUG) { ## - Show date if debug mode &debug("[$.]: $date -> ". scalar(localtime($epoch))); } $epoch; ## - Return date in epoch format } sub parse_dwmt { ### ### -- Parse day, week and month time format my($date) = shift; ## - DWM Date in my($year) = $ltm[9]; ## - Long year my($yr) = $ltm[5]; ## - Year my($mm) = $ltm[4]; ## - Month my($dd) = $ltm[3]; ## - Day of month my($wk) = $ltm[6]; ## - Day of week my($epoch) = 0; ## - Return value my($w_off) = 0; ## - Day of week offset my($h) = 0; ## - Hour of day my($m) = 0; ## - Minutes my($s) = 0; ## - Seconds my($o1, $v1) = 0; ## - DayofWeek/DayofMonth Opt if ($date =~ /^(([MW])([0-9Ll]{1,2}))?((D)(\d{1,2}))?$/o) { $o1 = defined($2) ? $2 : undef; ## - DOW/DOM Option $v1 = defined($3) ? $3 : undef; ## - DOW/DOM Value $h = $6 if defined($6); ## - HOD Value } else { ## - Bad DWMT date format return -1; } if (defined($o1) && $o1 eq "M") { if ($v1 =~ /^[Ll]$/o) { ## - Last day of month $dd = &tm_ldm($mm, $year); } else { ## - Specific day of month return -1 unless $v1 =~ /^\d{1,2}$/o; $dd = $v1; } } elsif (defined($o1) && $o1 eq "W") { ## - Specific day of week return -1 unless $v1 =~ /^[0-6]$/o; if ($v1 != $wk) { ## - Calculate DOW offset $w_off = ($v1 - $wk) * $day_s; if ($w_off < 0) { $w_off += $week_s; } } } if (&tm_verify($s, $m, $h, $dd, $mm, $year)) { $epoch = timelocal($s, $m, $h, $dd, $mm, $yr) + $w_off; } else { ## - Invalid date return -1; } if ($DEBUG) { &debug("[$.]: $date -> ". scalar(localtime($epoch))); } $epoch; ## - Return date in epoch format } sub tm_agelog { ### ### -- Get age of last historical logfile archive in hours my($ent) = shift || return -1; ## - Config entry to process my($log,$dir) = fileparse($ent->{log}); ## - Parse logfile path my($name) = $dir; ## - Logfile full pathname if ($arch_d) { if ($arch_d =~ /^\//o) { ## - Absolute path $name = $arch_d; } else { ## - Relative path $name .= "${arch_d}"; } unless($name =~ /\/$/o){ ## - Fix trailing "/" $name .= "/"; } } $name .= "${log}.0"; $name .= "$ent->{zip}" if defined($ent->{zip}); $name .= "$ent->{bz2}" if defined($ent->{bz2}); unless(stat($name)) { return -1; } return int(($time - (stat(_))[9]) / $hour_s); } sub tm_decode { ### ### -- Determine why a log was rotated, and how long ago the last rotation was. my($hex) = shift || return; return unless $hex =~/^[0-9a-fA-F]{5}$/; ## - validate string my(%bit) = ( ## - reason bits 'force' => 1 << 0, 'when' => 1 << 1, 'intr' => 1 << 2, 'size' => 1 << 3 ); my(%set) = (); ## - "set" reason bits my($mask) = hex(substr($hex, 0, 1)); ## - logfile reason mask my($age) = hex(substr($hex, 1, 4)); ## - last logfile age foreach (keys %bit) { ## - find the "set" bits $set{$_} = $mask & $bit{$_} ? 'YES' : 'NO'; } $age = $age < 0xffff ? $age : 'NEVER'; ## - log ever rotated? print STDOUT "Forced rotation:\t$set{force}\n", "Specific date/time:\t$set{when}\n", "Interal elapsed:\t$set{intr}\n", "Size exceeded:\t\t$set{size}\n", "Last rotation (hrs):\t$age\n"; } sub tm_ldm { ### ### -- Return the last day of the month. If the month is February and the year ### is evenly divisable by 4, but not evenly divisable by 100 unless it is ### also evenly divisable by 400, the last day of the month is 29. my($mm, $yr) = @_; ## - Month and year to check my(@ldm) = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, ## - Last day of the month array 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); if ($mm == 1 && $yr % 4 == 0 && ($yr % 100 != 0 || $yr % 400 == 0)) { return 29; } $ldm[$mm]; } sub tm_verify { ### ### -- Verify date/time contraints my(@tm) = @_; ## - Date/time to verify my($ld) = &tm_ldm($tm[4], $tm[5]); ## - Get last day of month return 0 if $tm[4] < 0 || $tm[0] > 11; ## - Check month return 0 if $tm[3] < 1 || $tm[2] > $ld; ## - Check day return 0 if $tm[2] < 0 || $tm[2] > 23; ## - Check hour return 0 if $tm[1] < 0 || $tm[1] > 59; ## - Check minutes return 0 if $tm[0] < 0 || $tm[0] > 59; ## - Check seconds 1; } sub do_entry { ### ### -- Test whether to trim logfile my($ent) = shift || return 0; ## - Config entry to process my($t_when) = 0; ## - "when" test flag my($t_intr) = 0; ## - "interval" test flag my($t_size) = 0; ## - "size" test flag my($mtime) = 0; ## - Age of logfile in hrs my($ret) = 0; ## - Return value my($sz) = 0; ## - Logfile size my($str) = ""; ## - Report string if ($VERBOSE || $NOOP){ ## - Build string if needed $str = sprintf("%s <%s%s>:", $ent->{log}, $ent->{ct}, defined($ent->{flag}) ? $ent->{flag} : "" ); } if ($VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "$str "; } unless(stat($ent->{log})){ ## - Check that logfile exists if ($VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "does not exist.\n"; } if (defined($ent->{mak})) { ## - Create if "C" flag &mk_log($ent); } return $ret; } $sz = (-s _) + 1023; ## - Logfile size (rounded up) $mtime = &tm_agelog($ent); ## - Age of first hist logfile if ($ent->{when}) { ## - Test "when" if ( ($time >= $ent->{when}) && (($time - $ent->{when}) < $hour_s) && $mtime ) { if ($VERBOSE && $ent->{intr} <= 0) { print STDOUT "--> time is up\n"; } $t_when = 1; } elsif ($VERBOSE && $ent->{intr} == 0) { print STDOUT "will trim at ", scalar(localtime($ent->{when})), "\n"; unless($ent->{sz} || $FORCE){ return $ret; } } } if ($ent->{sz}) { ## - Test "size" if ($sz >= $ent->{sz}) { $t_size = 1; } if ($VERBOSE) { printf(STDOUT "size: %s [%s] ", pp_size($sz), pp_size($ent->{sz})); } } if ($ent->{intr}) { ## - Test "interval" if ($mtime >= $ent->{intr} || $mtime < 0) { $t_intr = 1; } elsif ($t_when) { ## - No trim unless when && intr $t_when = 0; } if ($VERBOSE) { printf(STDOUT " age (hr): %d [%d] ", $mtime, $ent->{intr}); } } if ($FORCE || $t_when || $t_intr || $t_size) { if ($VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "--> trimming log....\n"; } elsif ($NOOP) { print STDOUT "$str trimming\n"; } ## - pack string to explain why a logfile was rotated - see tm_decode() $ent->{why} = join('', unpack('H1H4', pack('B4S', join('', $FORCE, $t_when, $t_intr, $t_size), $mtime ))); &debug("REASON: $ent->{why}"); $ret = 1; } elsif ($VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "--> skipping\n"; } $ret; } sub do_trim { ### ### -- Trim a logfile my($ent) = shift; ## - Config entry to process my($i) = 0; ## - Increment counter my($suf) = ""; ## - Logfile pathname suffix my($log,$src) = fileparse($ent->{log}); ## - Parse logfile path my($dst) = $src; ## - Destination dir $suf = $ent->{zip} if defined($ent->{zip}); $suf = $ent->{bz2} if defined($ent->{bz2}); if ($arch_d) { ## - Build destination dir if ($arch_d =~ /^\//o) { ## - Absolute path $dst = $arch_d; } else { ## - Relative path $dst .= "${arch_d}"; } unless($dst =~ /\/$/o){ ## - Fix trailing "/" $dst .= "/"; } } unless(stat($dst) && -d _){ ## - Make archive dir if needed &mk_dir($dst); } for($i = $ent->{ct}; $i >= 0; $i--){ my($n) = $i + 1; if ($i == 0 && stat("${dst}${log}.${i}")) { ## - First historical logfile &do_move("${dst}${log}.${i}", "${dst}${log}.${n}"); &do_perm($ent, "${dst}${log}.${n}"); &do_zip($ent, "${dst}${log}.${n}"); next; } next unless stat("${dst}${log}.${i}${suf}"); if ($i == $ent->{ct}) { ## - Last historical logfile if ($NOOP) { print STDOUT "rm ${dst}${log}.${i}${suf}\n"; } else { unless(unlink("${dst}${log}.${i}${suf}")){ &error("${dst}${log}.${i}${suf}: unlink failed",1); } } next; } ## - Other historical logfiles &do_move("${dst}${log}.${i}${suf}", "${dst}${log}.${n}${suf}"); &do_perm($ent, "${dst}${log}.${n}${suf}"); } if (defined($ent->{trn})) { ## - Truncate base logfile, or &do_trunc($ent, "${src}${log}", "${dst}${log}.0"); &do_perm($ent, "${dst}${log}.0"); } else { ## - Move base logfile &do_move("${src}${log}", "${dst}${log}.0"); &do_perm($ent, "${dst}${log}.0"); &mk_log($ent); } if (defined($ent->{exe})) { ## - Notify daemon return unless &do_exe($ent, "${dst}${log}.0"); } else { &do_sig($ent); } unless(defined($ent->{hst})){ ## - Compress logfile &do_zip($ent, "${dst}${log}.0"); } } sub mk_dir { ### ### -- Make archive directory paths as needed my($path) = shift; ## - Path to process my(@tmp) = split(/\//, $path); ## - Split path into dirs my($perm) = 0777; ## - Let umask do its thing my(@dir) = (); ## - Built array of dirs my($d) = ""; ## - Increment string if ($path =~ /^\//o) { ## - Remove leading null shift(@tmp); } foreach(@tmp){ ## - Build directory path array $d .= "/$_"; push(@dir, $d); } foreach(@dir){ ## - Iterate through path next if stat($_) && -d _; ## - Skip if directory exists if ($NOOP) { ## - Don't make if $NOOP print STDOUT "mkdir: $_\n"; } else { if (mkdir($_, $perm) && $VERBOSE) { ## - Make direcotry otherwise print STDOUT "mkdir: $_\n"; } else { &error("mkdir: ${_}: $!",1); } } } } sub mk_hdr { ### ### -- format turnover message return sprintf("%s %s[%d]: %s - %s\n", $ltime, $0, $$, "logfile turned over", shift->{why} ); } sub mk_log { ### ### -- Start a new log file with the O_EXCL flag, so we don't stomp on ### daemons that dynamically create missing log files. If the open ### fails, but the log file exists, this case is assumed. my($ent) = shift; ## - Config entry to process if ($NOOP) { print STDOUT "Start new log... $ent->{log}\n"; } else { my($fh) = new FileHandle $ent->{log}, ## - Create log O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL; unless(defined($fh)) { ## - Check failed open if (stat($ent->{log})) { &debug("$ent->{log}: already exists"); return; } &error("$ent->{log}: create failed",1); } unless(defined($ent->{bin})) { print $fh &mk_hdr($ent); ## - Write turnover message } $fh->close; ## - Close log file } &do_perm($ent, $ent->{log}); ## - Set ownership and perms } sub do_perm { ### ### -- Set mode, owner and group of a log file my($ent,$log) = @_; ## - Entry/logfile to process my($perm) = ""; my($user) = ""; if ($NOOP || $DEBUG) { ## - Make printable strings $perm = sprintf("%o", $ent->{mod}); $user .= $ent->{own} >= 0 ? getpwuid($ent->{own}) : ""; $user .= ":"; $user .= $ent->{grp} >= 0 ? getgrgid($ent->{grp}) : ""; } if ($NOOP) { ## - No actions if $NOOP print STDOUT "chmod $perm $log\n"; if ($user ne ":") { print STDOUT "chown $user $log\n" } } else { ## - Otherwise set mod/own/grp unless(chmod $ent->{mod}, $log){ &error("$log: chmod failed",1); } &debug("chmod $perm $log"); if ($ent->{own} >= 0 || $ent->{grp} >= 0) { unless(chown $ent->{own}, $ent->{grp}, $log){ &error("$log: chown failed",1); } &debug("chown $user $log"); } } } sub do_move { ### ### -- Move a file, using copy if necessary my($old,$new) = @_; ## - Old and new file paths if ($NOOP) { print STDOUT "mv $old $new\n"; return 1; } if (move($old, $new)) { return 1; } &error("move: $!",1); } sub do_trunc { ### ### -- Copy a file and truncate original my($ent) = shift; ## - Config entry to process my($old,$new) = @_; ## - Old and new file paths my($fh) = ''; ## - Old file handle my($hdr) = &mk_hdr($ent); ## - Turnover message header if ($NOOP) { print STDOUT "cp $old $new\n"; print STDOUT "truncate $old\n"; return 1; } $fh = new FileHandle $old, O_RDWR; ## - Filehandle to old file unless(defined($fh)){ ## - Open old file &error("open: ${old}: $!", 1); } unless(copy($fh, $new)) { ## - Copy old file to new $fh->close; &error("cp: $!",1); } unless(seek($fh, 0, 0)) { ## - Seek to start of old file $fh->close; &error("seek: $!",1); } unless(print $fh $hdr) { ## - Write turnover message $fh->close; &error("print_hdr: $!",1); } unless(truncate($fh, length($hdr))) { ## - Truncate file $fh->close; &error("truncate: $!",1); } $fh->close; } sub do_zip { ### ### -- Compress an archive my($ent,$log) = @_; ## - Entry/logfile to process my($exe_b) = ""; ## - Compress executable binary my($exe_a) = ""; ## - Compress executable args my($pid) = ""; ## - PID of spawned compress if (defined($ent->{zip})) { ## - Set exe/arg for gzip(1) $exe_b = $gzip_b; $exe_a = $gzip_a; } elsif (defined($ent->{bz2})) { ## - Set exe/arg for bzip2(1) $exe_b = $bzip2_b; $exe_a = $bzip2_a; } else { ## - Don't compress logfile return 0; ## unless "Z" or "J" flag } if ($exe_b !~ /^\//o) { ## - Find path if not set foreach(split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})){ my($name) = "${_}/${exe_b}"; &debug("trying: $name"); if (stat($name) && -x _) { $exe_b = $name; &debug("found: $name"); last; } } if ($exe_b !~ /^\//o) { &error("${exe_b}: path not found"); return 0; } if (-d _) { &error("${exe_b}: illegal path"); return 0; } } if ($NOOP || $VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "$exe_b $exe_a $log\n"; return 1 if $NOOP; ## - Don't compress if $NOOP } if ($pid = fork) { ## - Parent here &debug("spawned $pid"); $pidm{$pid} = $log; ## - Save log name for errors } elsif ($pid == 0) { ## - Child here close(STDIN); unless(exec($exe_b, $exe_a, $log)){ &error("exec: $exe_b failed",1); } exit(1); ## - Just in case } else { ## - Fatal fork error &error("fork failed",1); } } sub do_exe { ### ### -- Run an external program instead of sending daemon a signal my($ent) = shift; ## - Config entry to process my($log) = shift; ## - First historical log file if ($NOOP || $VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "executing $ent->{exe}\n"; return 1 if $NOOP; } system($ent->{exe}, $log); ($? >> 8) ? 0 : 1; ## - Return 1 for 0 exit status } sub do_sig { ### ### -- Send a signal to a process. If $ent->{exe} is defined, an external ### program is run instead of sending a signal to a daemon. my($ent) = shift; ## - Config entry to process my($ret) = 0; ## - Return value if ($NOSIG || (defined($ent->{sig}) && $ent->{sig} == 0)){ if ($VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "WARNING: not notifying daemon by user request\n"; } return 1; } elsif ($ROOT && !defined($ent->{pid}) && $> != 0) { if ($VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "WARNING: not notifying syslogd because user not root\n"; } return 1; } my($sig) = defined($ent->{sig}) ? ## - Signal number to send $ent->{sig} : 1; my($file) = defined($ent->{pid}) ? ## - PID file path $ent->{pid} : $pid_f; my($fh) = new FileHandle $file; ## - Filehandle to PID file my($pid) = 0; ## - PID to signal unless(defined($fh)){ &error("${file}: open failed"); return 0; } $pid = $fh->getline; ## - Get PID $fh->close; ## - Close PID file chomp($pid); ## - Strip trailing whitespace unless($pid =~ /^\d+$/o) { &error("Illegal PID in $file"); return 0; } if ($pid <= $min_pid) { &error("PID $pid <= $min_pid minimum"); return 0; } if ($NOOP || $VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "kill -${sig} ${pid}\n"; } unless ($NOOP) { kill $sig, $pid; ## - Signal syslogd / daemon } if ($VERBOSE) { print STDOUT "small pause to allow daemon to close log\n"; } sleep($sig_wait); return $ret; } ### Main ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### &parse_argv(); ## - Parse command line args &parse_conf(); ## - Parse configurartion file foreach(@conf){ ## - Iterate config entries do_entry($_) && do_trim($_); ## - Test and trim if necessary } while($pid = wait()) { ## - Wait for spawned processes last if $pid == -1; if ($? >> 8) { &error("$pidm{$pid}: compress failed"); } } exit(0); ### POD ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### no strict qw(subs); my($pod) = ___END___; =head1 NAME B<newsyslog> - maintain system log files to manageable sizes =head1 README B<newsyslog> is a highly configurable script for maintaining and archiving sets of log files. It archives log files based on size, date or interval, and can optionally compress log files with gzip or bzip2. =head1 SYNOPSIS B<newsyslog> [B<-Fdnrsv>] [B<-f> I<config_file>] [B<-a> I<directory>] [B<-z> I<path_to_gzip>] [B<-j> I<path_to_bzip2>] [B<-p> I<path_to_pid>] [I<file ...>] =head1 DESCRIPTION B<newsyslog> is a script that should be scheduled to run periodically by I<cron>(8). When it is executed it archives log files if necessary. If a log file is determined to require archiving, B<newsyslog> rearranges the files so that ``I<logfile>'' is empty, ``I<logfile>.0'' has the last period's logs in it, ``I<logfile>.1'' has the next to last period's logs in it, and so on, up to a user-specified number of archived logs. Optionally, the archived logs can be compressed to save space. A log can be archived for three reasons: =over 4 =item 1. It is larger than the configured size (in kilobytes). =item 2. A configured number of hours have elapsed since the log was last archived =item 3. This is the specific configured hour for rotation of the log. =back The granularity of B<newsyslog> is dependent on how often it is scheduled to run by I<cron>(8), but should be run once an hour. In fact, mode three (above) assumes that this is so. When starting up, B<newsyslog> reads in a configuration file to determine which logs may potentially be archived. By default, this configuration file is F</etc/newsyslog.conf>. Each line of the file contains information about a particular log file that should be handled by B<newsyslog>. Each line has five mandatory fields and four optional fields, with a whitespace separating each field. Blank lines or lines beginning with ``#'' are ignored. The fields of the configuration file are as follows: =over 8 =item I<logfile_name> Name of the system log file to be archived. =item I<owner:group> This optional field specifies the owner and group for the archive file. The ":" is essential, even if the I<owner> or I<group> field is left blank. The field may be numeric, or a name which is present in F</etc/passwd> or F</etc/group>. =item I<mode> Specify the mode of the log file and archives. =item I<count> Specify the number of archive files to be kept besides the log file itself. Be aware that this number is base zero. This means that to keep ten sets of archive files (0..9), the number "9" should be specified. =item I<size> When the size of the log file reaches I<size> in kilobytes, the log file will be trimmed as described above. If this field is replaced by an asterisk (`*'), then the size of the log file is not taken into account when determining when to trim the log file. Size is in kilobytes by default, but a more human readable format can also be used by appending a K, M or G for killobytes, megabytes and gigabytes, respectively. =item I<when> The I<when> field can consist of an interval or a specific time. If the I<when> field is an asterisk (`*') log rotation will depend only on the contents of the I<size> field. Otherwise, the I<when> field consists of an optional interval in hours or a specific time preceded by an `@'-sign and a time in restricted ISO 8601 format or by an `$'-sign and a time in DWM format (see time formats below). If a time is specified, the log file will only be trimmed if B<newsyslog> is run within one hour of the specified time. If an interval is specified, the log file will be trimmed if that many hours have passed since the last rotation. When both a time and an interval are specified, both conditions must be satisfied for the rotation to take place. There is no provision for specification of a timezone. All times are local system time. I<ISO 8601 restricted time format> The lead-in character for a restricted ISO 8601 time is an `@'-sign. The particular format of the time in restricted ISO 8601 is: [[[[[I<cc>]I<yy>]I<mm>]I<dd>][T[I<hh>[I<mm>[I<ss>]]]]]. There is little point in specifying an explicit minutes or seconds component unless this script is run more than once an hour. Optional date fields default to the appropriate component of the current date; optional time fields default to midnight; hence if today is January 22, 1999, the following examples are all equivalent: @19990122T000000 @990122T000000 @0122T000000 @22T000000 @T000000 @T0000 @T00 @22T @T @ I<Day, week and month time format> The lead-in character for day, week and month specification is a `$'-sign. The particular format of day, week and month specification is: [I<Dhh>], [I<Ww>[I<Dhh>]] and [I<Mdd>[I<Dhh>]] respectively. Optional time fields default to midnight. The ranges for day and hour specifications are: hh hours, range 0 ... 23 w day of week, range 0 ... 6, 0 = Sunday dd day of month, range 1 ... 31, or the letter ``L'' or ``l'' to specify the last day of the month. Some examples: $D0 every night at midnight $D23 every day at 23:00 hr $W0D23 every week on Sunday at 23:00 hr $W5D16 every week on Friday at 16:00 hr $MLD0 the last day of every month at midnight $M5D6 the 5th day of every month at 06:00 hr =item I<flags> This field specifies any special processing that is required. Individual flags and their meanings: - This flag means nothing - it is used as a spacer when no flags are set. B The file is a binary file or is not in syslogd(1) format: the ASCII message which newsyslog inserts to indicate that the logs have been trimmed should not be included. C Create an empty log file if none exists. J Archived log files should be compressed with bzip2(1) to save space. See "-j" in the OPTIONS section to specify a path for bzip2. P The first historical log file (i.e. the historical log file with the suffix ``.0'') should not be compressed. S No signal should be sent when the log file is archived. See "-s" in the OPTIONS section below to not send signals for any log files. T Truncate log file instead of renamimg or moving. This is necessary for daemons that can't be sent a signal and/or don't deal well with log files changing out from under them. X Execute an external program after the log file is archived instead of sending a signal. Be aware that executing external programs will be "blocking". That is, no other operations will happen until the external program exits. Also, external programs may pose a security risk, as newsyslog is typically run as the superuser. Z Archived log files should be compressed with gzip(1) to save space. See "-z" in the OPTIONS section to specify a path for gzip. =item I<path_to_pid_file> or I<path_to_external_program> This optional field specifies the file name to read to find the daemon process id. This field must start with "/" in order to be recognized properly. If no pid_file is specified, syslogd is assumed, which is F</var/run/syslog.pid> by default. To specify a different syslog pid_file, see B<-p> in the OPTIONS section below. This field is the path to an external program if the I<X> flag is used. This field must start with "/" in order to be recognized properly. If command line arguments are required for the external program, a wrapper script should be used. =item I<signal_number> This optional field specifies the signal number will be sent to the daemon process. By default a SIGHUP will be sent. =back =head1 OPTIONS The following options can be used with B<newsyslog>: =over 8 =item B<-F> Force B<newsyslog> to trim the logs, even if the trim conditions have not been met. This option is useful for diagnosing system problems by providing you with fresh logs that contain only the problems. =item B<-a> I<directory> Specify a I<directory> into which archived log files will be written. If a relative path is given, it is appended to the path of each log file and the resulting path is used as the directory into which the archived log for that log file will be written. If an absolute path is given, all archived logs are written into the given I<directory>. If any component of the path I<directory> does not exist, it will be created when B<newsyslog> is run. =item B<-d> Place B<newsyslog> in debug mode. In this mode it will print out information (hopefully) useful for debugging programtic or configuration issues. =item B<-f> I<config_file> Instruct B<newsyslog> to use I<config_file> instead of F</etc/newsyslog.conf> for its configuration file. =item B<-j> I<path_to_bzip2> Specify path for the bzip2(1) utility. By default, each directory in the PATH environment variable will be searched for "bzip2". =item B<-n> Cause B<newsyslog> not to trim the logs, but to print out what it would do if this option were not specified. =item B<-p> I<path_to_pid> Specifies the file name to read to find the I<syslogd>(8) process id. The default is F</var/run/syslog.pid>. =item B<-r> Remove the restriction that B<newsyslog> must be running as root. Of course, B<newsyslog> will not be able to send a HUP signal to syslogd(8) so this option should only be used in debugging. =item B<-s> Do not signal daemon processes. =item B<-v> Place B<newsyslog> in verbose mode. In this mode it will print out each log and its reasons for either trimming that log or skipping it. =item B<-y> I<debug_string> Decode a log turnover debug string. There is a five character "debug" hex string at the top of all rotated log files now. This string contains the reason why the log file was rotated, and how long ago (in hours) since the log was last rotated. =item B<-z> I<path_to_gzip> Specify path for the gzip(1) utility. By default, each directory in the PATH environment variable will be searched for "gzip". =back If additional command line arguments are given, B<newsyslog> will only examine log files that match those arguments; otherwise, it will examine all files listed in the configuration file. =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires the I<Config>, I<File::Basename>, I<File::Copy>, I<FileHandle>, I<strict> and I<Time::Local> modules. All of these modules should be present in a full perl installation. That is, it shouldn't be necessary to track down and install a bunch of extra modules to make this script work. =head1 FILES /etc/newsyslog.confE<9>E<9>B<newsyslog> configuration file =head1 EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION # # filename [owner:group] mode count size when [FLAGS] [/pidfile] [sig] # # Archive cron log when it excedes 1000KB, compress it with gzip, # keep 3 sets of archive logs, or create a new log if none exists. # New log and archive log permissions are set to "-rw-------". /var/log/cron 600 3 1000 * ZC # Archive messages log every Sunday at midnight, or when it exceeds # 100 megabytes, compress it with bzip2 and keep 5 sets of archive # logs. New log and archive log permissions are set to "-rw-r--r--". /var/log/messages 644 5 100M $W0D0 J # Archive wtmp log at 05:00 on the 1st of every month, keep 3 sets of, # archive logs and do not write a turnover message in the new log. # New log and archive log permissions are set to "-rw-r--r--". /var/log/wtmp 644 3 * @01T05 B # Archive daily log every night at midnight, compress it with gzip and # keep 7 sets of archive logs. New log and archive log permissions are # set to "-rw-r-----". /var/log/daily.log 640 7 * @T00 Z # Archive httpd log every day at 19:00, or when it exceeds 1000KB, # send a signal to the PID in /tmp/httpd.pid and compress it with bzip2 # when it is archived, or create a new log if one none exists. New log # and archive log permissions are set to "-rw-r--r--" with group and # ownership set to "www". /var/log/httpd.log www:www 640 10 1000 $D19 JPC /tmp/httpd.pid =head1 BUGS Due to the implicit nature of the [[cc]yy] ISO 8601 date format, a year greater than 37 without an explicit century may hit an integer limit on some systems. The COPYRIGHT section is way too long. =head1 AUTHORS Aaron Scarisbrick <aaronsca@cpan.org> Original newsyslog written by Theodore Ts'o, MIT Project Athena =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (s) 2001-2006 Aaron Scarisbrick <aaronsca@cpan.org> All rights reserved. Notices below applicable. Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This file contains changes from the Open Software Foundation. Copyright 1988, 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Unix/System_administration =cut