# NAME Promise::XS - Fast promises in Perl # SYNOPSIS use Promise::XS (); my $deferred = Promise::XS::deferred(); # Do one of these once you have the result of your operation: $deferred->resolve( 'foo', 'bar' ); $deferred->reject( 'oh', 'no!' ); # Give this to your caller: my $promise = $deferred->promise(); The following aggregator functions are exposed: # Resolves with a list of arrayrefs, one per promise. # Rejects with the results from the first rejected promise. my $all_p = Promise::XS::all( $promise1, $promise2, .. ); # Resolves/rejects with the results from the first # resolved or rejected promise. my $race_p = Promise::XS::race( $promise3, $promise4, .. ); For compatibility with preexisting libraries, `all()` may also be called as `collect()`. The following also exist: my $pre_resolved_promise = Promise::XS::resolved('already', 'done'); my $pre_rejected_promise = Promise::XS::rejected('it���s', 'bad'); All of `Promise::XS`���s static functions may be exported at load time, e.g., `use Promise::XS qw(deferred)`. # DESCRIPTION This module exposes a Promise interface with its major parts implemented in XS for speed. It is a fork and refactor of [AnyEvent::XSPromises](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent::XSPromises). That module���s interface, a ���bare-bones��� subset of that from [Promises](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promises), is retained. # STATUS Breaking changes in this interface are unlikely; however, the implementation is relatively untested since the fork. Your mileage may vary. # DIFFERENCES FROM ECMASCRIPT PROMISES This library is built for compatibility with pre-existing Perl promise libraries. It thus exhibits some salient differences from how ECMAScript promises work: - Promise resolutions and rejections consist of _lists_, not single values. - Neither the `resolve()` method of deferred objects nor the `resolved()` convenience function define behavior when given a promise object. - The `all()` and `race()` functions accept a list of promises, not a ���scalar-array-thing��� (ECMAScript ���arrays��� being what in Perl we call ���array references���). So whereas in ECMAScript you do: Promise.all( [ promise1, promise2 ] ); ��� in this library it���s: Promise::XS::all( $promise1, $promise2 ); See [Promise::ES6](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise::ES6) for an interface that imitates ECMAScript promises more closely. # EVENT LOOPS This library, by default, uses no event loop. This is a perfectly usable configuration; however, it���ll be a bit different from how promises usually work in evented contexts (e.g., JavaScript) because callbacks will execute immediately rather than at the end of the event loop as the Promises/A+ specification requires. To achieve full Promises/A+ compliance it���s necessary to integrate with an event loop interface. This library supports three such interfaces: - [AnyEvent](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent): Promise::XS::use_event('AnyEvent'); - [IO::Async](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Async) - note the need for an [IO::Async::Loop](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Async::Loop) instance as argument: Promise::XS::use_event('IO::Async', $loop_object); - [Mojo::IOLoop](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::IOLoop): Promise::XS::use_event('Mojo::IOLoop'); Note that all three of the above are event loop **interfaces**. They aren���t event loops themselves, but abstractions over various event loops. See each one���s documentation for details about supported event loops. **REMINDER:** There���s no reason why promises _need_ an event loop; it just satisfies the Promises/A+ convention. # MEMORY LEAK DETECTION Any promise created while `$Promise::XS::DETECT_MEMORY_LEAKS` is truthy will throw a warning if it survives until global destruction. # SUBCLASSING You can re-bless a [Promise::XS::Promise](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise::XS::Promise) instance into a different class, and `then()`, `catch()`, and `finally()` will assign their newly-created promise into that other class. (It follows that the other class must subclass [Promise::XS::Promise](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise::XS::Promise).) This can be useful, e.g., for implementing mid-flight controls like cancellation. # TODO - `all()` and `race()` should be implemented in XS, as should `resolved()` and `rejected()`. # KNOWN ISSUES - Interpreter-based threads may or may not work. - This module interacts badly with Perl���s fork() implementation on Windows. There may be a workaround possible, but none is implemented for now. # SEE ALSO Besides [AnyEvent::XSPromises](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent::XSPromises) and [Promises](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promises), you may like [Promise::ES6](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise::ES6), which mimics ECMAScript���s `Promise` class as much as possible. It can even (experimentally) use this module as a backend, so it���ll be _almost_���but not quite���as fast as using this module directly.