README for XML-SAX-Machines XML::SAX::Machines is a collection of APIs that allow complex SAX machines to be constructed without a huge amount of extra typing. This distribution contains three kinds of modules: machines, helpers, and filters. Here's how they are laid out: - XML::SAX::* contains machines and helpers. - XML::SAX::Machines lets you import the "classic" constructor functions like Tap(), Pipeline(), Manifold(), and ByRecord(). - Each machine type has a class that implements it, like XML::SAX::Tap, XML::SAX::Pipeline, etc. - There is currently only one available helper, XML::SAX::EventMethodMaker, which is most useful for building a collection of methods to handle different events in the same way, without having to know all of their names. It is also useful as a reference for all of the SAX events by looking at the source code, which contains simple tables of what events occur for what kind of handler (compiled by Robin Berjon). - XML::Filter::* contains filters that are used by ByRecord and Manifold machines to handle SAX events (machines don't handle SAX events, they delegate to the generators/filters/handlers they contain). - XML::Filter::DocSplitter - Splits one doc in to multiple documents, optionally coordinating with an aggregator like XML::Filter::Merger to reassemble them. ByRecord uses this. - XML::Filter::Distributor - buffers a document and reemits it to each handler in turn. Used by Manifold. - XML::Filter::Tee - a dynamically reconfigurable tee fitting. Does not buffer. Used by Tap. Morally equivalent to XML::Filter::SAXT but more flexible. - XML::Filter::Merger - collects multiple documents and merges them, inserting all secondary documents in to one master document. Used by both ByRecord and Manifold. All of the XML::Filter::* classes are useful outside of the machines that use them. For instance, XML::Filter::DocSplitter has been used (not by me) in a Pipeline to split a huge record oriented file in to individual files containing single records (using a custom class derived from XML::SAX::Writer). XML::Filter::Merger is useful as a general way to implement <XInclude> style processing when XInclude is not a good fit. See the examples/ directory for, well, examples (and feel free to write up creative examples, eventually I'd like to compile a cookbook). To give a more concrete idea of how SAX machines are typically used, here's how to build a pipeline of SAX processors: use XML::SAX::Machines qw( Pipeline ); use My::SAX::Filter2; my $p = Pipeline( "My::SAX::Filter1", My::SAX::Filter2->new( ... ), \$output ); $p->parse_uri( $ARGV[0] ); That loads (if need be) XML::SAX::Writer and calls it's new() function with an Output => \$output option, calls the passed-in instance of XML::SAX::Filter2 and calls its set_handler() method to point it to the XML::SAX::Writer that was just created, and then loads (if need be) My::SAX::Filter1 and calls it's new() function with a Handler => option pointing to the XML::SAX::Filter2 instance.