## File: $Id: README 6706 2006-07-25 02:14:50Z spadkins $


This is the App-Widget-ChartDirector distribution.
It implements the Graph Widget abstraction from the App-Widget/App-Context
frameworks on top of the ChartDirector graphing library.

Thus, it is a widget for displaying line graphs, bar charts, pie charts,
meters/gauges, and more.

The underlying ChartDirector module is not free software. 
However, it has a very liberal try-before-you-buy policy,
starting with free, anonymous downloading.
The unlicensed version simply puts a small "Unregistered" message at
the bottom of every graph.  This is quite workable for prototyping and
development.  When you are ready to buy, the price is quite reasonable.

As of 25-Oct-2005 when I checked the prices for Linux licenses were

   * USD 99 each (for 1 - 4 server licenses)
   * USD 79 each (for 5 - 19 server licenses)
   * USD 59 each (for >= 20 server licenses)

The web site for ChartDirector is at

   http://www.advsofteng.com/index.html      # Product/company home page
   http://www.advsofteng.com/cdperl.html     # Perl library page
   http://www.advsofteng.com/download.html   # Download page
   http://www.advsofteng.com/gallery.html    # Chart gallery


Install ChartDirector for Perl first.

Then install this distribution.  cd to the directory that contains this README
file and type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install