Apache::Centipaid Version 1.3.1
Author: Adonis El Fakih (me@centipaid.com)


This is the perl centipaid micro payment module as an apache add-on.  It runs 
on any Apache web server with mod_perl support. It allows content providers 
to collect small transaction fees as payment for accessing  parts of 
their website.  The module checks for payment in the URL or HTTP header 
information, and grants or declines access to the paid content.  Declined
connections are forwarded to centipaid's payment gateway to make the requiered
payment, and they are checked for autheticity when the payment has been 

The module also keeps track of payments and grants access to returning users
that are permitted to access the paid sections for a pre-determined amount 
of time.

Centipaid.com provides a complete micro payment solution to content providers 
wishing to charge their customers nominal fees for accessing their online 
resources.  For example, a site could charge customers $1 to use their search 
facility for seven days, and $0.05 to access a public forum for one day, without 
having to redesign their website, or integrate complex subscription applications. 

Apache::Centipaid allows content and service providers to seamlessly accept 
micro payments from online visitors without changing their website design.  
The micro payment system relies on specially designed internet stamps which 
are used by their visitors to make payments online quickly and securely. Paying 
with an Internet stamp is secure and easy, there are no usernames, or 
password to enter.  No financial or personal information is used or transmitted 
while making a payment.  When paying with an internet stamp, a user only provides 
the stamp itself. There is no need to provide a credit card number or any other 
form of identification

Internet stamps
Internet stamps are specially crafted electronic images containing encrypted 
information required for clearing payments through Centipaid. The stamps are 
assembled using our patent-pending process to create steganographically encrypted 
stamps used in making secure and anonymous micro payments online.

Each internet stamp is unique from an electronic point of view, having an 
individual serial number.  Each one is treated as a virtual pre-paid card and 
is uploaded to Centipaid whenever payment is requested.  This parallels the 
swiping of a credit cards through a card reader at a physical store location.  
By uploading the stamp, there is no need to remember, enter, or jot down 
usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers. 

Latest Version
Please check for the latest version of this software for important fixes and
added features at http://www.centipaid.com/download/apache_centipaid.html

Centipaid maintains current support issues in the Knowledgebase at 
http://www.centipaid.com/faq/ and the support forums at

To install:

A. Create table in existing database, or create a new database 
   and table

B. Compile the Apache::Centipaid module
    cd Apache-Centipaid=x.xx
    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

C. Insert configuration in httpd.com or .htaccess
    Edit either the httpd.conf or htaccess depending
    on your preference, to refelect the rate you want to 
    charge for access to your site.  
    Ideally httpd.conf is used to set a rate for a site
    or a major part of the site, while .htaccess files 
    are designed for sites that have many different rates 
    for different sections, so they can have the desired
    reseved for paid customers

Bugs can be email to <bugs /at/ centipaid . com>