Getopt::GetArgs - README


GetArgs needs to know
  * what your subroutine was passed,
  * and what it expected to be passed.
  * If you like, you can also supply default values to use
    when an argument is not passed.

Using this information, GetArgs will create a hash of
arguments for you to use throughout your subroutine.

Using GetArgs has several advantages:

  1) Calls to your subroutine can pass named arguments, making the code more readable.
  2) If it's easier to pass a list of arguments as you normally would, that's fine.
  3) With GetArgs your use of arguments in your subroutine code is more readable.
  4) Your subroutines are no longer limited in the number of arguments they expect.
  5) Arguments can be passed in any order (if passed inside the hash ref), thus
     only the arguments relevant to that call need to be passed--unnecessary
     arguments can be ignored.
  6) Case is not important, as GetArgs matches argument names case insensitively.


  sub WHATEVER {
    my @DEFAULT_ARGS =
      ( Content => "Default content",
        Verbose => 0
    my %ARGS=GetArgs(@_,@DEFAULT_ARGS);
    # do some stuff with $ARGS{Content}
    # show all kinds of detail if $ARGS{Verbose}

  # a simple call to WHATEVER
  WHATEVER( "Just deal with my content" );

  # a flexible call to WHATEVER
  WHATEVER({ verbose => 1,
             content => "This is my content",

See the t/*.t tests for additional examples.


Copyright (c) 2001, Rob Brown.  All rights reserved.
Getopt::GetArgs is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

$Id: README,v 1.1 2001/06/08 06:29:11 rob Exp $