NAME CatalystX::Script::Server::Starman - Replace the development server with Starman SYNOPSIS [options] -d --debug force debug mode -? --help display this help and exits -h --host host (defaults to all) -p --port port (defaults to 3000) --follow_symlinks follow symlinks in search directories (defaults to false. this is a no-op on Win32) --background run the process in the background --pidfile specify filename for pid file --workers Initial number of workers to spawn (defaults to 5) --min_servers Minimum number of worker processes runnning --min_spare_servers Minimum number of spare workers (more are forked if there are less spare than this) --max_spare_servers Maximum number of spare workers (workers are killed if there are more spare than this) --max_servers Maximum number of workers in total. --max_requests Maximum number of requests each worker will handle --backlog Number of backlogged connections allowed --user User to run as --group Group to run as See also: perldoc Starman perldoc plackup perldoc Catalyst::PSGI DESCRIPTION A Catalyst extension to replace the development server with Starman. This module replaces the functionality of Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork, which is now deprecated. It provides access to the prefork engine specific options which were previously added by hacking your server script. Adding this to your application Just add a server script module to your application which inherits from this package. Catalyst::ScriptRunner will automatically detect and use it when script/ is started. For example: package MyApp::Script::Server; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; extends 'CatalystX::Script::Server::Starman'; 1; SEE ALSO plackup - can be used to start your application ".psgi" under Starman Catalyst::PSGI AUTHOR Tomas Doran (t0m) "<>" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 the above author(s). This sofware is free software, and is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.