CGI::Plus -- Extra utilities for CGI


    This module adds a few enhancements to CGI::Safe
    <>, which itself
    adds a few security-based enancements to
    <>. The enhancement are almost entirely
    additions - the only method that is overridden is new(), and the
    changes there are only addition. The enhancements in this module
    entirely use the object-oriented interface.


     use CGI::Plus;
     my ($cgi, $cookie, $url, $param);
     # new CGI::Plus object
     $cgi = CGI::Plus->new();
     # turn on checks for cross-site request forgeries (CSRF)
     # get a cookie and look at its values
     $cookie = $cgi->incoming_cookies->{'mycookie'};
     print $cookie->{'values'}->{'x'}, "\n";
     print $cookie->{'values'}->{'y'}, "\n";
     # more concise way to get an incoming cookie
     $cookie = $cgi->ic->{'mycookie'};
     # resend a cookie, but change one of its values
     $cookie = $cgi->resend_cookie('mycookie');
     $cookie->{'values'}->{'x'} = 2;
     # add an outgoing cookie, set some values
     $cookie = $cgi->new_send_cookie('newcookie');
     $cookie->{'values'}->{'val1'} = '1';
     $cookie->{'values'}->{'val2'} = '2';
     # output HTTP header with outgoing cookies, including CSRF
     # check cookie, automatically added
     print $cgi->header_plus;
     # output header again if it hasn't already been sent, but if it
     # has then output an empty string
     print $cgi->header_plus;
     # output the URL of the current page but set a new value
     # for the "t" param and remove the "j" param
     $url = $cgi->self_link(params=>{t=>2, j=>undef});
     # check if the submitted form includes the value of the CSRF
     # cookie that was sent
     if (! $cgi->csrf_check)
         { die 'security error' }
     # output the randomly generated value of the CSRF cookie,
     # output: KTFnGgpkZ4
     print $cgi->csrf_value, "\n";
     # output the hidden input form field that uses the same
     # value as the CSRF cookie
     # output: <input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="KTFnGgpkZ4">
     print $cgi->csrf_field, "\n";
     # get the CSRF check param for use in a URL
     # output: csrf=KTFnGgpkZ4
     print $cgi->csrf_param;
     # set a custom header
     $cgi->set_header('myheader', 'whatever');
     # change content type
     # output HTTP headers, including added cookies, the CSRF cookie,
     # and the new header
     print $cgi->header_plus;
     # outputs something like this:
     # Set-Cookie: newcookie=val2&2&val1&1; path=/
     # Set-Cookie: mycookie=y&2&x&2; path=/
     # Set-Cookie: csrf=v&KTFnGgpkZ4; path=/
     # Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 04:08:06 GMT
     # Myheader: whatever
     # Content-Type: text/json; charset=ISO-8859-1


    CGI::Plus can be installed with the usual routine:

     perl Makefile.PL
     make test
     make install



    Creates and returns a CGI::Plus object. New calls the super-class'
    new() method, so all params sent to this method will be passed through
    to CGI and CGI::Safe.

 $cgi->ic, $cgi->oc


    Returns a url that is a relative link to the current page. The local
    path of the URL is sent, but not the protocol or host. So, for example,
    if the URL of the current page is

    then $cgi->self_link() would return something like as follows. Note
    that the order of the URL params mght be changed.


    NOTE: If all you want is to do is get the URL of the current page, then
    <> is a
    better choice because it preserves the order of URL params.

    option: params

    The params option allows you to change the values of some of the URL
    params while leaving others as-is. params is a hashref of URL params
    and their new values. For example, consider this URL:

    Suppose you want to change just that t param from 2 to 3. You would do
    that like this:


    which gives us this relative URL with the x and y values as they were
    before, but with the new t value:


    If the value of the param is an array ref, then the param is output
    once for each value in the array ref. So, for example, you could set
    that t to have the values 4 and 5 like this:


    which gives us


    You can remove params by setting their values to undef:


    which gives us


    option: clear_params

    clear_params removes all params from the URL. For example, using our
    example URL from above:



    returns this URL;


    You can use clear_params in conjunction with params to wipe the slate
    clean and send only specific params. So, for example, this call

     $cgi->self_link(clear_params=>1, params=>{j=>10})

    gives us this URL:


    option: html

    The html option returns the URL HTML-escaped. So, for example, this

     $cgi->self_link(params=>{t=>[4,5]}, html=>1)

    returns this:


Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) defenses

    A Cross-site request forgery
    <> (CSRF) is a
    technique for breaching a web site's security. CSRF is one of the most
    common web-site vulnerabilities. CGI::Plus provides a technique for


    Returns the string used in CSRF checks. This value must be included in
    an HTML form (see "$cgi->csrf_value()")


    Returns a hidden HTML field with the CSRF check value in it. This field
    must be included in HTML forms if you do a CSRF check. The string will
    look something like this:

     <input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="8hFnVjSr25">


    Returns the URL parameter to use in a URL. The return value will look
    something like this:


    The string will never contain HTML or URL meta characters, so it does
    not need to be HTML or URL escaped.


    Checks if a CSRF check value was sent and that it matches the CSRF
    check cookie. CSRF checks must be turned on or this method will croak.
    The following code is a typical usage of csrf checking:

     if (! $cgi->csrf_check) {
        die 'security error';


    Copyright (c) 2012 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This
    program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with NO
    WARRANTY of any kind.


    Miko O'Sullivan


    Version 0.10 November 22, 2012

      Initial release

    Version 0.12 November 28, 2012

      Fixing prerequisite lists in CPAN upload.

    Version 0.13 April 25, 2014

      Fixed error in META.yml.