This a first draft if Inter-Kernel Communication for POE. It is intended as a point of reference for discusion of issues involved. As "Mythical Man Month" says : Plan to throw one away. You will need the latest version of POE. IKC has a sneaky way of discovering bugs and lacunae in POE :) Quick test : perl Makefile.PL make ./server & ./client ... and wait Better yet, run ./server and ./client in seperate windows. ./client should output a . every 10 seconds. Running many clients will give you an idea of the overhead :) STABILITY I used to use IKC full time on my sites. However, I've moved to exclusively developing Intranet applications. One of my main apps ( has a POEx::HTTP::Server front end and talks IKC with an application server. This means IKC handles thousands of requests an hour. I trust it, but then I know what I'm doing. -Philip Gwyn, <>