# NAME Text::LTSV::Liner - Line filter of LTSV text # SYNOPSIS use Text::LTSV::Liner; my $liner = Text::LTSV::Liner->new( key => \@keys ); while(<>) { $liner->run($_); } # DESCRIPTION Labeled Tab-separated Values (LTSV) format is a variant of Tab-separated Values (TSV). (cf: [http://ltsv.org/](http://ltsv.org/)) This module simply filters text whose format is LTSV by specified keys. # METHODS ## new Constructor. You can specify some options to filter lines. - **key** You can choose keys as array reference which you want to see in filtered output. - **no-color** If you prefer no-colorized output, specify this option. - **no-key** If you don't need to see keys in the output, specify this option. Then you'll see values only in the output. ## run Process lines and print output to STDOUT. ## parse my $liner = Text::LTSV::Liner->new( key => \@keys ); for my $line (@lines) { my $parsed = $liner->parse($line); } This method is convinent if you want to use the filtered output in your codes. # AUTHORS IKEDA Kiyoshi <yasutake.kiyoshi@gmail.com> # LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013-2017 IKEDA Kiyoshi. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. That means either (a) the GNU General Public License or (b) the Artistic License.