Catalyst::View::GD::Thumbnail - Catalyst view to resize images for

        Create a thumbnail view:

            script/myapp_create view Thumbnail Thumbnail

        Then in your controller:

            sub thumbnail :Local :Args(1) {
                    my ($self, $c, $image_file_path) = @_;

                    $c->stash->{x}     = 100;    
                    # Create a 100px wide thumbnail


                    $c->stash->{y}     = 100;    
                    # Create a 100px tall thumbnail

                    $c->stash->{image} = $image_file_path;        

    Catalyst::View::GD::Thumbnail resizes images to produce thumbnails, with
    options to set the desired x or y dimensions. Uses the GD image library
    for those who are already using something more advanced than Imager.

    The view is controlled by setting the following values in the stash:

        Contains the file path for the full-size source image.

        This is a mandatory option.

    x   The width (in pixels) of the thumbnail.

        This is optional, but at least one of the "x" or "y" parameters must
        be set.

    y   The height (in pixels) of the thumbnail.

        This is optional, but at least one of the "x" or "y" parameters must
        be set.

  Image formats
    The generated thumbnails will always be produced in the same format
    (PNG, JPG, etc) as the source image.

    Catalyst::View::GD::Thumbnail uses the Image::Resize module to crop and
    resize images, so it accept any image format supported by
    *Image::Resize*: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, xbm, xpm.

    Please see the Image::Resize documentation for more details and
    installation notes.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "bug-catalyst-view-thumbnail at", or through the web
    interface at
    il>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
    progress on your bug as I make changes.

    Nick Logan (ugexe) <>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.