This RPM binaries have been built and tested on PowerBook 2400c/180 running LinuxPPC R4. 1999/6/28 by Tatsuo Ishii ( egcs-2.90.25 980302 (egcs-1.0.2 prerelease) flex 2.5.4 bison 1.25 glibc-0.961212-1h kernel 2.2.1 (kernel 2.1.24 is also fine) configure --with-mb=EUC_JP --with-tcl --with-perl Note: tcl interfacs requires tcl-8.0p2jp/tk-8.0p2jp (rpms can be obtained from: Note: o This RPMs will not create your initial database. For example, to make a database under /pgsql/data: # mkdir /pgsql/data # chown postgres /pgsql/data # su - postgres $ initdb --pglib=/usr/lib/pgsql --pgdata=/pgsql/data make sure that following line in change /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql: su -l postgres -c '/usr/bin/postmaster -S -D/var/lib/pgsql' to: su -l postgres -c '/usr/bin/postmaster -S -D/pgsql/data' in the above case. o You will need to execute /sbin/chkconfig --add postgresql to automatically start up postmaster at the system booting time. o For unknown reason, docs will not be installed (Please let me know how to fix this!)