#!/usr/bin/env perl # # $Id: faqprog.pl,v 1.22 2000/09/05 12:03:15 casper Exp $ # # Convert faq format to postable FAQ/HTML FAQ/or search the FAQ. # # A FAQ looks like this: # - will be subsituted by new contents. # - will be replace by section number. # - will be replaced by section.sub. # - defines a symbolic reference to the next question/section # - resolves a symbolic reference # - defines keywords for the next question # - will be replaced by subsection counter # \[H\s*([^]]*)\] - will be replaced by <$1> (HTML tag) # \[\$var=value\] - define (possible multiline) variable, only allowed at start # \[\$var\] - use variable, if defined. # # Written for the Solaris 2 FAQ by Casper.Dik@Holland.Sun.COM # # Copyright (c) 1994-1996, 1998, 2000 by Casper Dik. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Casper Dik. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE CASPER DIK ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CASPER DIK BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING # IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # require "getopts.pl"; umask (022); $opt_h = !!($0 =~ /html/); $opt_s = !!($0 =~ /sfaq/); $opt_l = 1; $opt_m = 5; if (!&Getopts('VSf:m:hsl:') || ($#ARGV < 0 && $opt_s)) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-S] [-h] [-f faq] [output]\n"; print STDERR "Usage: $0 -s [-m max] [-l 0|1|2] [-f faq] expr ...\n"; exit 255; } if ( $opt_V ) { print "faqprog.pl 1.0\n"; exit 0; } $faq = $opt_f || $ENV{'FAQSOURCE'} || die "$0: no FAQ specified\n"; $opt_f = "keep perl -w happy"; $tmpf = "/tmp/convert.$$"; $trailer = "\n"; open(SRC, "<$faq") || die; $Q = "#q"; $E = ""; if ($opt_s) { $maxmatch = $opt_m; } else { open(TMP, ">$tmpf") || die; if ($#ARGV == 0) { $out = shift; if ($opt_S) { die "Can't make $out" if (!mkdir($out, 0755) && ! -d $out); $Q = "Q"; $E = ".html"; open(POST, ">$out/index.html") || die; } else { open(POST, ">$out") || die; } } else { $out = "(stdout)"; die "-S requires output name\n" if defined($opt_S); open(POST, ">&STDOUT") || die; } } $xref = "$faq.xref"; if (-f "$xref") { open(XREF,"<$xref"); while() { m/(.*)\0(.*)/; $ref{$1} = $2; } close(XREF); } print STDERR "Converting $faq to $out", $opt_h ? $opt_S ? " (split-html)" : " (html)" : "" , "\n" unless($opt_s); $section = 0; $question = 0; $file = "POST" unless ($opt_s); # # Read initial variable definitions. # while () { if (/^\[\$([a-zA-Z]+)=([^]]*)(\])?/) { if (!defined($3) || $3 ne "]") { $_ .= ; redo; } $var = $1; $value = $2; $value =~ s/^\n// if ($value =~ /^\n/); $vars{$var} = $value; } else { last; } } if ($opt_s) { while() { last if (//); } $section = 1; for (@ARGV) { $_ = "\Q$_\E" ; s/\s+/\s+/g ; } $expr = "(" . join(")|(",@ARGV) . ")"; $prints = 0; $printcurrent = 0; @qrefs = (); $qtext = ""; } elsif ($opt_h) { print POST &mktitle(); } else { print POST &getvar('usenetheader'), "\n"; } $in_q = 0; $in_pre = 0; # # ..[|].. (not yet implemented) # #@if_list = (); #$showoutput = 1; main: while () { if (/\[\$([a-zA-Z]+)\s*\]/) { $_ = $` . &getvar($1) . $'; redo; } # Remove http stuff. if ((($slash,$tag) = m:^\s*\[H\s*(/)?([^]]*)\]\s*$:)) { $in_pre = !defined($slash) if ($tag eq "pre"); next unless ($opt_h); } if (!$opt_h) { $url = $' if (s/\[H\s*([aA][^]]+)\]/\001/ && $1 =~ /href=/i && ! /(:\/|ftp|http)/); if (defined $url) { if (length($_) + length($url) < 75) { chomp; } else { $_ .= "\t "; } $_ .= " <$url>\n"; undef $url; } s/\001//; s:\[H\s*/?B\]:*:g; s/\[H\s*[^]]*\]//og; s/^\s+$/\n/; } if (/^/) { next if ($opt_s); print POST "\n" if ($opt_h); $file = "TMP"; } elsif (/^]*)>/) { $newref = $1; next; } elsif (/^]*)>/) { $newkey = $1; next; } elsif (/]*)>/) { # Replace w/ $ref{ref}) $thisref = &get_ref($1); local($pre,$post) = ($`, $'); push(@qrefs,$thisref) if ($opt_s); $thisref = "[H a HREF=$Q$thisref$E]${thisref}[H/a]" if ($opt_h && !($in_q || //)); $_ = $pre.$thisref.$post; redo main; } elsif ($in_q) { if (/^$/) { $in_q = 0; if ($opt_h) { if ($opt_s) { $_ = "\n"; } else { print TMP "\n"; print POST "\n"; } } redo main unless $opt_s; } if (!$opt_s) { &htmlize($_) if $opt_h; print TMP $_; s/^\s*/ / unless ($opt_h); print POST $_; } } elsif (//) { $subsection = 0; $question++; $in_q = 1; $ref = "$section.$question"; &mkref($ref,"Question"); $_ = $'; &htmlize($_) if $opt_h; if ($opt_s) { &store_q; if ($opt_h) { $_ = "

\n$ref)$_"; } else { $_ = "$`$ref)$_"; } $kwmatch = defined($newkey); $kwmatch ++ if ($kwmatch && "$newkey $ref" =~ m/$expr/io); undef $newkey; #print STDERR $_; } elsif ($opt_h) { print TMP "

\n$ref)$_"; print POST "
  • $ref)$_"; } else { $tmp = $`; $tmp = " " if (length($tmp) == 0); print TMP "$`$ref)$'"; print POST " $tmp$ref)$'"; } } elsif (//) { $section++; $line = "$section.$'"; &mkref($section,"Section"); &htmlize($line) if ($opt_h); if ($opt_s) { &store_q; } elsif ($opt_h) { print TMP "


    \n"; print POST "


    \n"; } else { $tmp = $`; $tmp = " " if (length($tmp) == 0); print TMP $line; print POST "\n$tmp$line"; } $subsection = 0; $question = 0; } elsif (//) { $subsection++; $_ = $`. ($last ne "

    \n" && $opt_h ? '[H BR]' : "") . "$subsection)$'"; &htmlize($_) if $opt_h; print TMP $_ unless ($opt_s); } else { if ($opt_h) { $_ = $' if (/^ /); &htmlize($_); } print $file $_ unless ($opt_s); } if ($opt_s) { if (!$printcurrent && ($kwmatch == 2 || !$kwmatch && /$expr/io)) { $prints ++; die "Too many matching questions\n" if ($maxmatch > 0 && $prints > $maxmatch); $printcurrent = 1; } $qtext .= $_; } $last = $_; } if ($opt_s) { if ($prints) { $output = ""; $cheat = 0; $mods = 0; foreach $q (sort sortq keys(%qprint)) { $cheat ++ if ($qtext{$q} =~ /^\+/); $mods ++ if ($qtext{$q} =~ /^\*/); $output .= $qtext{$q}; } if ($cheat) { print "The FAQ maintainer cheated and added this to the FAQ:\n\n"; } else { print &getvar('sfaqheader'), "\n\n"; } print $output; print " --- end of excerpt from the FAQ\n\n"; print "Questions marked with a * or + have been changed or added since\n", "the FAQ was last posted\n\n" if ($mods || $cheat); print &getvar('sfaqfooter') unless ($opt_h); } else { print "No matching questions\n"; } } else { &mkref(); print POST "

  • \n" if ($opt_h); unless ($opt_S) { open(TMP, "<$tmpf") || die; print POST $_ while ; } close(TMP); unlink "$tmpf"; print POST $trailer if ($opt_h); } if (defined($refchanged)) { print STDERR "$0: writing $xref\n"; open(XREF,">$xref"); foreach $k (keys(%newref)) { print XREF "$k\0$newref{$k}\n"; } close(XREF); exit 1; } exit 0; # # Do two levels of references only. # sub store_q { #print $qtext if ($printcurrent); if (defined($lastq)) { $qtext{$lastq} = $qtext; $qrefs{$lastq} = join(":",@qrefs); if ($printcurrent) { $qprint{$lastq} = 1; if ($opt_l >= 1) { foreach $r (@qrefs) { $qprint{$r} = 1; if ($opt_l >= 2 && defined($qrefs{$r})) { foreach $r2 (split(':',$qrefs{$r})) { $qprint{$r2} = 1; } } } } } } if (defined($lastq) && $lastq eq $ref) { undef $lastq; } else { $lastq = $ref if (defined($ref)); } $printcurrent = 0; $qtext = ""; @qrefs = (); } sub add_ref { local($qref,$ref) = @_; if (!defined($ref{$qref}) || $ref{$qref} ne $ref) { unless (defined($refchanged)) { warn "$0: references changed, rerun\n"; $refchanged = 1; } $ref{$qref} = $ref; } $newref{$qref} = $ref; } sub get_ref { local($qref) = @_; if (!defined($ref{$qref})) { warn "$0: no reference \"$qref\"\n"; "error in FAQ: no reference \"$qref\""; } else { $ref{$qref}; } } sub sortq { local(@q1,@q2); @q1 = split('\.', $a); @q2 = split('\.', $b); $q1[0] <=> $q2[0] || $q1[1] <=> $q2[1]; } sub htmlize { if ($_[0] =~ /^$/) { $_[0] = "

    \n" unless ($in_pre); } elsif ($_[0] =~ /[&<>"\[]/) { if (! $in_pre) { $_[0] =~ s/&/\&/g; $_[0] =~ s/"/\"/g; } $_[0] =~ s/>/\>/g; $_[0] =~ s//g; } } sub getvar { local($v) = $vars{$_[0]}; unless (defined($v)) { warn "\$$_[0] not defined in FAQ\n"; "FAQ source ERROR: '\$$_[0]' not defined"; } else { $v; } } sub mktitle { local($q) = @_; "\n" . &getvar('htmltitle') . (defined($q) ? " $q" : "") . "\n\n\n"; } sub mkref { local($next, $title) = @_; if (!$opt_S) { if (defined($newref) && defined($next)) { &add_ref($newref,$next); undef $newref; } return; } if (defined($PrevQ)) { print TMP "PREV\n"; } print TMP "INDEX\n"; if (defined($next)) { print TMP "NEXT\n"; $PrevQ = $CurQ if (defined $CurQ); $CurQ = $next; } print TMP $trailer; if (defined($next)) { open(TMP,">$out/$Q$next$E"); print TMP &mktitle("$title $next"); } }