# This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public # License in effect on August 2001. For further information please see # http://www.fsf.org # Copyright (C) 2001 Jagadeesh Venugopal gpg-dialog@jagadeesh.org # This program is a simple menu interface to GNUPG 1.0.6. I find myself # forgetting the command line options, so I created this. You can essentially # run this script on Windows and Unix systems that have Perl 5.x installed. # This was meant to be a quick and dirty script, but if you provide feedback # I will incorporate it. Send all feedback to gpg-dialog@jagadeesh.org # To run this script, all you need to do is to type # perl gpg-dialog.pl # on your command line. ########################################################################### # The main routine where the main menu is presented. Depending upon what # the user selected, the appropriate subroutine is called ########################################################################### while(1) { print "\nWelcome to the GNUPG Wizard!\n"; print "============================\n\n"; $value = menu( "Main Menu", "Key Management", "Encryption/Decryption", "Clear Signature/Verification", "Detached Signature/Verification", ); ($value == 1) && key_management(); ($value == 2) && encrypt_decrypt(); ($value == 3) && clear_signature(); ($value == 4) && detached_signature(); ($value == 0) && exit; } ########################################################################### # The submenus # ########################################################################### sub key_management { my $value; $value = menu( "Key Management Submenu", "Generate public and private keypair", "Export keys", "Import keys", "Revoke keys", "List keys", "List signatures", "Show fingerprints", "Show private keys", "Delete key", "Delete private key", "Edit key", ); ($value == 1) && call_gpg("--gen-key"); ($value == 2) && export_keys(); ($value == 3) && import_keys(); ($value == 4) && revoke_keys(); ($value == 5) && list_keys(); ($value == 6) && list_signatures(); ($value == 7) && show_fingerprints(); ($value == 8) && show_private_keys(); ($value == 9) && delete_key(); ($value == 10) && delete_private_key(); ($value == 11) && edit_key(); ($value == 0) && return; } sub encrypt_decrypt{ my $value; $value = menu( "Encryption/Decryption Submenu", "Encrypt and sign file", "Decrypt file and verify signature", "Conventional encrypt file", "Conventional decrypt file" ); ($value == 1) && encrypt_and_sign(); ($value == 2) && decrypt_and_verify(); ($value == 3) && conventional_encrypt(); ($value == 4) && conventional_decrypt(); ($value == 0) && return; } sub clear_signature { my $value; $value = menu( "Clear Signature/Verification Menu", "Clear sign a file", "Verify a clearsigned file" ); ($value == 1) && create_clear_signature(); ($value == 2) && verify_clear_signature(); ($value == 0) && return; } sub detached_signature { my $value; $value = menu( "Detached Signature/Verification Menu", "Detached sign a file", "Verify a detached signature" ); ($value == 1) && create_detached_signature(); ($value == 2) && verify_detached_signature(); ($value == 0) && return; } sub create_detached_signature { $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter input file to sign"); $output_file = file_dialog("output", "Enter output signature file name"); call_gpg("-o $output_file --armor --detach-sig $input_file"); } sub verify_detached_signature { $sig_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter signature file name"); $signed_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter signed file name"); call_gpg("--verify $sig_file $signed_file"); } sub create_clear_signature{ $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter input file to clearsign"); $output_file = file_dialog("output", "Enter output file name"); call_gpg("-o $output_file --clearsign $input_file"); } sub verify_clear_signature { $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter input file to verify"); call_gpg("$input_file"); } sub export_keys { $output_file = file_dialog("output", "Enter output file"); $username = accept_string( "Enter optional username [none exports all users]"); call_gpg("--export -a -o $output_file $username"); } sub import_keys { $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter key file name"); call_gpg("--import $input_file"); } sub revoke_keys { $output_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter revocation certificate file name"); $username = accept_string("Enter user name to revoke"); call_gpg(" -a -o $output_file --gen-revoke $username"); } sub list_keys { call_gpg("--list-keys"); } sub list_signatures { call_gpg("--list-sigs"); } sub show_fingerprints { call_gpg("--fingerprint"); } sub show_private_keys { call_gpg("--list-secret-keys"); } sub delete_key { $username = accept_string("Enter username to be deleted"); call_gpg(" --delete-key $username"); } sub delete_private_key { $username = accept_string("Enter username to be deleted"); call_gpg(" --delete-secret-key $username"); } sub edit_key { $username = accept_string("Enter username to be edited"); call_gpg("--edit-key $username"); } sub encrypt_and_sign { $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter input file to encrypt"); $output_file = file_dialog("output", "Enter encrypted file name"); $recipient = accept_string("Enter recipient\'s username"); call_gpg("-o $output_file --armor --recipient $recipient --sign --encrypt $input_file"); } sub decrypt_and_verify { $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter input file to decrypt"); $output_file = file_dialog("output", "Enter decrypted file name"); call_gpg("-o $output_file --decrypt $input_file"); } sub conventional_encrypt { $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter input file to encrypt"); $output_file = file_dialog("output", "Enter encrypted file name"); call_gpg("-o $output_file --armor --symmetric $input_file"); } sub conventional_decrypt { decrypt_and_verify(); } sub call_gpg { my $arg = $_[0]; print "gpg $arg\n"; $output = `gpg $arg`; print "$output"; } sub menu { my @options; my $title; ($title, @options) = @_; my $title_length = length($title); while(1) { my $count = 0; print "\n$title\n" . "-" x $title_length . "\n\n"; my $option; foreach $option (@options) { $count++; print "$count: " . $options[$count-1] . "\n"; } print "0: Return"; print "\n\nSelect an option(0-$count): "; my $input_number; $input_number = ; chomp($input_number); if(($input_number < 0) or ($input_number > $count)) { print "\nError. Choose a number from 0 to $count\n"; } else { return $input_number; } } } sub menu_test { my @menu_opts = ("Choose only one option", "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"); print "You selected: " . $menu_opts[menu(@menu_opts)] . "\n"; } #&menu_test; sub file_dialog { my $mode = shift; #should be "input" or "output" my $prompt = shift; if($mode eq "input") { #input mode; just check that the file exists and return the file #name. If the file does not exist, then loop endlessly my $input_file_name = ""; while(1) { print "$prompt: "; $input_file_name = ; chomp($input_file_name); if(-r $input_file_name) { return $input_file_name; } else { print "Error. File $input_file_name is not readable\n"; } } } else { my $output_file_name = ""; while(1) { print "$prompt: "; $output_file_name = ; chomp($output_file_name); if((! -e $output_file_name) or ((-e $output_file_name) and (-w $output_file_name))){ return $output_file_name; } else { print "Error. File $output_file_name is not writeable\n"; } } } } sub file_dialog_test { my $input_file = file_dialog("input", "Enter a file name for input"); print "You entered $input_file for read\n"; my $output_file = file_dialog("output", "Enter a file name for output"); print "You entered $output_file for write\n"; } #&file_dialog_test; sub accept_string { my $prompt = $_[0]; print "$prompt: "; $choice = ; chomp($choice); return($choice); } 1;