TeXhax Digest Friday, April 3, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 24 TEXHAX24.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Form letter/mailing list processing. Some notes on replying Re: Include sixel graphics in TeX-output with F. Rose's DVI2LN3 hyphenation Wanted DVI driver for Xerox 4050 or 9700 printer verbatim environments Customized Headers and Footers, Reply Re: numbering in the appendix; Headline & footline; changing the pitch First Paragraph Indent Driver for IBM 3812? pxtool program Re: Metafont problems on Sun 3.2 Re: hyphenation Re: Wanted DVI driver for Xerox 4050 or 9700 printer Implementation on IBM 4361 Anyone have a DeTeX program? font resembling hand-lettering Mini-indexes in TeX: The Program ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 26-Mar-87 06:09:21-PST,9242;000000000000 From: To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Form letter/mailing list processing. In Vol. 87, Issue 22, Eric Skinner inquires about a set of TeX macros which will produce form letters. I developed such a procedure here (in plain TeX) at the University of Kansas for use by our departmental secretaries, and it has been in use now for several months. John Lee in the October 1986 issue of TUGBoat asked the same question and the result was a reply which I expect to appear in the March 1987 TUGBoat along with another reply in LaTeX. For those of you who do not receive TUGBoat (or are impatient) here is a copy of it as I sent it. A label formatting procedure utilizing the same address file is also available. Ed Bell BITnet: BELL@UKANVAX SPAN: KUPHSX::BELL %%% Ed's macros are too lengthy for distribution via the digest. I have %%% placed a complete copy on Score at Stanford under the file name %%% "bellmac.txh" for FTPing. Digest subscribers on BITNET using the %%% TEX-L relay can also get a copy %%% Malcolm Brown ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 87 09:15 EST From: HALLETT JEFFREY A Subject: Some notes on replying Dear moderator: This has no bearing on Latex, but rather concerns the style with which questions are answered on your Texhax. In particular, I refer to Leslie Lamport's replies to some question in vol 87 #22. If you can find some way of directing this to him or even putting it out in the next issue, that would be nice. People do not submit questions to have them critiqued, but rather, answered. It is not the place of the answerer to make fun of what the requestor is asking. For example Mr. Lamport's comments of "stupid" and "nonsensical" in reference to the STANDARD sociological format are completely out of line and uncalled for. Just because it is not used in Mr. Lamport's circles, doesn't give him the right to degrade it. I would like to point out that this format is by far the most widely used and accepted. Futher, I would request that if he cannot answer a question without degrading its contents, that he not respond; the person is only looking for a solution to a problem, not a roasting session. If this seems out of line, perhaps one should refer to the newsgroup newusers.announce on proper conduct over e-mail newlines. Flame off. Sorry if this got a little longwinded. JAH ------------------------------ From: Markus Schaad To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Re: Include sixel graphics in TeX-output with F. Rose's DVI2LN3 1. produce sixel graphics of the appropriate size for the document and store it on a file with a name like foo.pxl. You need to know the size of your graphics in inch, centimeters ... 2. declare your figure environement with an addional \special command (explained in the TeX book) ... \begin{figure} \special{ln03:plotfile [JOHN]FOO.PXL} \vspace{12.2cm} % use whatever is the size of your graphics \caption{I hope you will see your graphics here.} \end{figure} ... Within the \special command the string "ln03:plotfile" has to appear if you want to use it with Flavio Rose's DVI2LN3 written in C (have a look at the source!). The following is the file name of your pixel file. You may need to write a small program which positions (e.g. centered) and scales the pixel file to the desired size (usually not wider than the text and with the height you want it to have). I hope this was clear enough, good look! Markus Schaad, Physics Institute, University of Z\"urich, Switzerland. ------------------------------ From: NINANE%BUCLLN11.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: hyphenation From: Alain Ninane +32-10-43(3273) NINANE at BUCLLN11 To: TEXHAX at SU-SCORE Does anybody knows if there exist somewhere an hyphenation table for French words ? Thanks Alain Ninane nina at uclfynu.uucp NINANE at BUCLLN11.BITNET %%% See Barbara Beeton's reply, later in this issue %%% Malcolm ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 87 11:44:17 PST From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Wanted DVI driver for Xerox 4050 or 9700 printer Date: Thu, 26 Mar 87 11:41 PST From: (NAME NIK ZAPANTIS) Subject: Wanted DVI driver for Xerox 4050 or 9700 printer We are in need of a DVI driver for the Xerox 4050/9700 printers, which are connected to an IBM VM(CMS) system. Any information on the existence of such a driver will be appreciated. Please send your replies to: U0201@UVVM.bitnet or system@uvphys.bitnet Thank you in advance, Nik Zapantis UVIC, Physics system@uvphys.bitnet %%% Barbara Beeton strikes again! Her reply to Nik is also included %%% in this issue. Malcolm ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 87 19:15 +0330 From: Vincent Gogan To: TeXhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: verbatim environments I was wondering if anyone had a verbatim environment for LaTeX that understands tabs. Plain TeX just maps tabs into spaces but I was wondering if anyone has managed to get TeX to count characters so the correct tab stops could be determined. Here, the main use for verbatim is to list programs inside documents so this would be useful. While it is no problem to expand tabs into spaces outside of TeX, I would like to let users be ignorant of using such filters. Vincent Gogan vincent@garfield.mun.cdn vincent@garfield.uucp or for ARPA/csnet vincent%garfield.mun.cdn@ubc.csnet@relay.cs.net ------------------------------ From: Mary Beth Renze Subject: Customized Headers and Footers, Reply To: texhax@score.stanford.edu@smtp@tcpgateway Lixin Tao requested help on creating headers and footers. The following is an example of how to create your own headings and footers; I have not taken the time to turn it into a style-file option, but the following set-up seems to work well. This particular example has a two-line header including nifty things like the section title, the date, the document name. The footer includes our `company confidential' banner as well as the page numer. Mary Beth Renze, renze@ge-crd General Electric, Research and Development Center Software Technology Program % ----------cut here----------- \documentstyle{article} % % Put this in your preamble % \makeatletter\def\ps@private{ \makeatletter \setlength{\headheight}{24pt} \setlength{\headsep}{35pt} \def\@oddhead{\parbox{\textwidth} {{\bf Document Name}\hfill\today \linebreak {\sl{}\rightmark}\hfill{\sl{}Internal Design}}} \def\@oddfoot{{\it{}General Electric Company}\hfil\thepage\hfil{\it{}Company Confidential}} \makeatother \def\sectionmark##1{\markright{\uppercase{##1}}} }\makeatother % \begin{document} % \end{document} %------------cut here -------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Mar 87 19:27 PST From: "Don Hosek, Editor, TeXMaG" Subject: Re: numbering in the appendix; Headline & footline; changing the pitch To: TeXHAX@Score.STANFORD.EDU To Benjamin Pashkoff who wants to change the numbering format for his appendix, you may include the following just after the first appendix command: \renewcommand{\theequation}{A\arabic{equation}.0} \setcounter{equation}{0} Or alternatively, you might wish to modify the \appendix command in your .sty file to do this for you. %%%----- For Lixin Tao: In your preamble, you may define a new pagestyle that includes your definitions for the page headers and footers. This can be done with the following: \def\ps@whatever{% whatever would be the pagestyle name, invoked with % \pagestyle{whatever} or \thispagestyle{whatever} \def\@oddhead{Odd head text goes here...} \def\@evenhead{Even head text goes here...} \def\@oddfoot{Odd foot text goes here...} \def\@evenfoot{Even foot text goes here...}} (None of this is in the LaTeXbook.) The current section name is in \sectionmark, the current subsectionname in \subsectionmark. You will need to modify the section and subsection macros so they emit a mark containing the appropriate text to be read by the heading macros. I haven't played with this myself, so I can't be too much more specific. Places to look for more information on all of this are the file latex.tex which should be on-line somewhere on your machine, and the TeXbook, chapter 23. %%%----- For Mark Roth: You are a silly person. If you are using LaTeX, try using an 11pt (for 12.75-pitch) or 12pt (for 11.67- pitch) environment. If you are using plain TeX, you will need to load the font in yourself. \font\eleventt=amtt10 scaled 1095 %(or cmtt10 if you have that series of fonts) will give you 12.75-pitch type, \font\twelvett=amtt10 scaled 1200 %(is there a cmtt12? it would look better.) will give you 11.67-pitch, and \font\fourteentt=amtt10 scaled 1440 will give you a little bigger that 10-pitch type. I'm told that typewriters do a superb job of simulating typewriters, although I've not had much experience with them myself. (-: %%%----- Wheh, -Don Hosek Editor, TeXMaG ------------------------------ From: Lawrence Crowl To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: First Paragraph Indent How do I indent the first paragraph in a section in LaTeX? I have tried changing \@afterindentfalse to \afterindenttrue in \def\part in art11.doc. It has no effect. ------------------------------ From: MAP3%IPDUNIV.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: Driver for IBM 3812? Date: 27 March 1987, 11:36:09 GMT From: Flavio Sartoretto +39 49 831-928 MAP3 at IPDUNIV To: TEXHAX at SU-SCORE We run TeX in a IBM VM/CMS environment and we should like to print the output on an IBM Pageprinter 3812. Does anyone know how it is possible to get a TeX driver for such a device? Thank you, Flavio Sartoretto ( MAP3@IPDUNIV.BITNET ). ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 87 01:16:45 EST From: John Robert LoVerso To: TeXhax@buffalo.csnet Subject: pxtool program I just recently sent out a message to TeXhax@su-score.ARPA that *should* have gone to our local TeXhax mailing list! I would have noticed this sooner, but we haven't been receiving TeXhax for some reason. I didn't notice until I started getting requests for "pxtool". I did not write pxtool and have no relationship to it. It looks like a fantastic package. It was written by John Coker of UC/Berkeley - john@berkeley.edu. The source can be ftp'd from ucbvax.berkeley.edu from pub/pxtool.tar. I am *not* distributing it! Sorry to bother you all! (two mistakes on mailing lists this week; obviously this is not my year...) John ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 87 13:42:36 CST From: William LeFebvre Subject: Re: Metafont problems on Sun 3.2 I just tried recompiling Metafont on our 3/280 running 3.2, and whadayaknow? The MFlib will not compile. Specifically, the file mf84/MFlib/mf_sunwin.c gets a load of compile-time errors. The identical program compiles fine under 3.0. What does this mean? Why that Sun did it again! Once again they have made an incompatible change that could require anything from minor revision to major rewrite. I haven't looked at the documentation that came with 3.2 yet (I don't even know if any did). I just discovered this last night when trying to recover from a mistake (but that's another story). So I still don't know if Sun even bothered documenting what they did. The problem is very liekly with the line "#include ". Probably something like "you aren't supposed to use that anymore". But who knows what else you have to change to bring the code "up to date". Personally, I'm pretty tired of Sun changing their minds every few months. And when 4.0 comes out, EVERYTHING is going to change AGAIN! So, Steve, you are not alone. If you have a machine that is running 3.0, then you might try compiling it there. Meantime, is there any lead on what the problem is here? William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: hyphenation To: NINANE%BUCLLN11.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU i know of two implementations of french hyphenation patterns. both have been described in tugboat, as cited below jacques desarmenien, 5#2 (1984), p 91: how to run tex in a french environment: hyphenation, fonts, typography (jacques desarmenien, departement de mathematique, 7, rue rene-descartes, 67084 strasbourg cedex, france) michael j ferguson, 6#2 (1985), p 57: a multilingual tex (michael j. ferguson, inrs - telecommunications, univ du quebec, 3 place du commerce, verdun, quebec, canada h3e 1h6; 514-768-6691) neither of these individuals in accessible via e-mail, unfortunately. jacques desarmenien's patterns operate as a standalone system; michael ferguson's operate in conjunction with english patterns (i'm not sure whether they are entirely separate or additive) and hyphenation may be attributed to one language or the other at the paragraph level. -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: Wanted DVI driver for Xerox 4050 or 9700 printer the lists maintained by the tex users group show the following sources for dvi drivers for a xerox 9700 printer: arbortext, ann arbor michigan; contact bruce baker, 313-996-3566 university of delaware; contact daniel grim, 302-451-1990 -- barbara beeton editor, tugboat ------------------------------ From: carl meyer Subject: Implementation on IBM 4361 To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU I would like to hear from anyone who TeX up and running on an IBM 4361 VM/CMS machine. We would like to know your setup. Reply to: CDM@NCSUMATH.BITNET ------------------------------ From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@nmfecc.arpa To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Anyone have a DeTeX program? Does anyone know of a program to DeTeX a TeX file. The idea is to strip out enough of the control sequences so that the result can be fed into a spelling or syntax checker. Charles Karney Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA CC: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU KARNEY ------------------------------ From: Barbara Beeton Subject: font resembling hand-lettering does anyone know of the existence of a font that resembles good hand-lettering, rather like old leroy lettering? this is wanted for filling in blanks on sample tex forms, as part of the instructions on how to fill out the forms. metafont sources preferred, but any such font compatible with tex will be welcome. -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ From: CAD.BEIHL@MCC.COM Subject: Mini-indexes in TeX: The Program To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU In the program listing for TeX (TeX: The Program), Don Knuth has a footnoted 'mini-index' on each odd-numbered page. It gives information about each variable and procedure mentioned on the pair of pages preceding. How is this sort of thing generated? Running WEAVE followed by TeX on a .WEB file gives me a full index at the end of document, but no little mini-indexes, which I like almost better than the full index. Any TeX hackers know the answer to this one? ------------------------------ %% %%\bye %% End of TeXhax Digest **************************