TeXhax Digest Friday, March 24, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 22 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Needed: a network version of PCTeX LaTeX fonts at 118 dpi Needed: general information concerning TeX fonts BIGTeX Patches by FTP? Alternating Page Headers in LaTeX LaTeX challenge Commutative diagram macros for LaTeX Re: Problem with \underline Using LaTex to format an article in 9 point -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 09 Mar 89 14:22 CST From: A10PRR1%NIU.BITNET@UICVM.uic.edu Subject: Needed: a network version of PCTeX Keywords: PCTeX I am brand-new to TeX, so I hope this question won't be too stupid. Our department recently purchased a copy of PCTeX from Personal TeX in Mill Valley. We were so impressed with it that we would like to have a network copy to install in one of our PC labs. Personal TeX says that they do not have a network version. Does anyone know if PCTeX is available from another vendor who might have a network version? If so, would this be the same TeX as the one we got from Personal TeX? Thanks in advance. Phil Rider Northern Illinois Univ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 16:11:38 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: Needed: general information concerning TeX fonts Keywords: TeX, fonts I have seen many font formats for use with TeX. Examples are PXL, PK, GF,....etc. Does anybody have a text file, magazine article,...etc., that gives an overview of: 1) The evolution of these fonts 2) The differences between them 3) What is needed to convert one into the other 3) How they are used by TeX Probably these issues are discussed in TUG publications which, unfortunately, I have no access to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. |Hamed Nassar |Internet : hxn8477%njitx.decnet@njitc.njit.edu | |EE Department |UUCP : bellcore!argus!mars!nancy | |NJ Institute of Technology |CompuServe: 74000,130 | |Newark, NJ 07102 |Fidonet : 1:107/701 | %%% Moderators' note: It is best to forget about pxl. It has long been %%% obsolete, and I am not sure where, outside TUGboat volume 2, you could %%% find a description. For gf and pk, the formats are repeated in several %%% WEB files. Weave gftype.web and pktype.web (no change file needed, and %%% in fact it is better to leave it out) and you will have the official %%% description of both formats. Incidentally---the format of dvi files %%% can be found by *weave*ing dvitype. GF is general format, pk is a %%% packed version. With one very obscure limitation involving gf %%% specials of a sort that has never yet been used, they are interchangeable %%% via gftopk and pktogf. PK format takes a lot less space. Present %%% day output programs use gf or pk, with a natural tendency to move %%% in the direction of the better packed pk. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1989 08:49:47 CST From: "Robert E. Smith" Subject: BIGTeX Patches by FTP? Keywords: BIGTeX, ftp Hi, Can anyone help me get the BIGTeX patches from the UNIX-TeX distribution? I have UNIX-TeX, but this file was accidently lost, and now I find I need it. Please mail to me directly, since I am not subscribed to this list. Thanks, Rob. %%% Moderators' note: Look on june.cs.washington.edu, in ~ftp/tex ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 09:54:02 EST From: jsv@cs.brown.edu Subject: Alternating Page Headers in LaTeX Keywords: LaTeX, page headers Has anyone ever gotten the twoside alternating headers to work in article document style (with twoside option) and headings page style in LaTeX? I'm somewhat new to LaTeX; for the last nine years, I've used my own macro package in TeX. But from what the LaTeX manual says about marks, it should *definitely* be giving me alternating headers. What I get using the headings page style and the twoside option to the article document style is the correct headers for even-numbered pages but the headers for odd-numbered pages contain only the page number and not the running section title. The odd-numbered header should contain the title of the most recent section or subsection. Both \section and \subsection are supposed to set the appropriate mark. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. -- Jeff Vitter (jsv@cs.brown.edu) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 7 Mar 89 10:49:35 GMT From: Nick North Subject: LaTeX challenge Keywords: LaTeX Here is a challenge, for those who enjoy such things: A colleague is writing a book containing two similar texts, which are to be presented on facing pages, with matching paragraphs lining up with each other; so a typical pair of facing pages looks like this: |------------------------|------------------------| | The first paragraph | Matching paragraph on | | on a page. | the opposite page, but | | | a bit longer. | | | | | Second paragraph on | Another paragraph. | | the left page. | | | | | | And so on... | And so on... | | | | | 234 | 235 | |-------------------------------------------------| The text will be entered in a form like: \twopars{The first paragraph on a page.} {Matching paragraph on ... longer.} \twopars{Second paragraph on the left page.} {Another paragraph.} etc. Ideally I would like a definition of \twopars and any necessary output routine changes to run under LaTeX and have it set pages as above, in the current document style, but I would be happy with anything that even approximates that. Please e-mail me any ideas you have, Nick North ndn@seg.npl.co.uk National Physical Laboratory mcvax!ukc!nplseg!ndn Middlesex, UK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Mar 89 19:20 CST From: Subject: Commutative diagram macros for LaTeX Keywords: macros, LaTeX These commutative diagram macros for LaTeX were developed for our technical typist. They are adapted from the commutative diagram macros in AmSTeX. Additional types of ``arrows'' are defined, but otherwise they have the same features (and limitations) of those in AmSTeX. In particular, the horizontal arrows will stretch with the superscripts and subscripts, but, as in AmSTeX, arrows in a given column are not automatically the same length (see The Joy of TeX, p. 149). It should be noted that other solutions to this problem have been presented in TeXhax. Michael Barr provides sqmac.sty, with more general kinds of arrows and arrows which stretch with the node size (but not with the superscript). Also, credit goes to M. Spivak for designing macros which were easy to adapt. The @-syntax of AmSTeX is included. Look for comments in the file cd.sty if you wish to remove the code for this. One difference from AmSTeX: The @-syntax cannot be used outside of \CD. The syntax described in the file cddoc.tex below can be used outside of \CD. LaTeX the file cddoc.tex, and examine the output. I believe it will adequately document the syntax. Darrel Hankerson (Bitnet: hank@auducvax) Algebra, Combinatorics, & Analysis Auburn University Auburn, Alabama 36849 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cut Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % cddoc.tex \documentstyle[11pt,cd]{article} \nofiles \addtolength{\textwidth}{1in} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-.5in} \newcommand{\AmSTeX}{$\cal A$\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox {$\cal M$}\kern-.125em{$\cal S$}-\TeX} \newcommand{\cdrl}{\cd\rightleftarrows} \newcommand{\cdlr}{\cd\leftrightarrows} \newcommand{\cdr}{\cd\rightarrow} \newcommand{\cdl}{\cd\leftarrow} \newcommand{\cdu}{\cd\uparrow} \newcommand{\cdd}{\cd\downarrow} \newcommand{\cdud}{\cd\updownarrows} \newcommand{\cddu}{\cd\downuparrows} \begin{document}\thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} {\Large Commutative Diagrams for \LaTeX} \\ March 3, 1989 \end{center} \paragraph{Commutative diagrams} These were adapted from those in \AmSTeX\ (see p.\ 146 of {\em The Joy of \TeX}). All of the horizontal ``arrows'' will stretch with the superscripts and subscripts. These can also be used outside of \verb"\CD", where they will be somewhat shorter. You must put `{\tt cd}' in with the other style options, for example \verb"\documentstyle[12pt,cd]{article}". The \verb"@"-commands from the \AmSTeX\ still work, but the new \verb"\cd"-style is the preferred format. The table below shows the arrows and names, along with suggested abbreviations. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c||c|c|c|} \hline Arrow & Name & Abbr. & Arrow & Name & Abbr.\\ \hline $\rightarrow$ & \verb"\cd\rightarrow", \verb"\cd>" & \verb"\cdr" & $\leftarrow$ & \verb"\cd\leftarrow", \verb"\cd<" & \verb"\cdl" \\ $\cd\rightleftarrows {}{}$ &\verb"\cd\rightleftarrows" &\verb"\cdrl" & $\cd\leftrightarrows{}{}$ &\verb"\cd\leftrightarrows" &\verb"\cdlr" \\ $\uparrow$ &\verb"\cd\uparrow" & \verb"\cdu" & $\downarrow$ &\verb"\cd\downarrow" &\verb"\cdd" \\ $\uparrow\downarrow$ &\verb"\cd\updownarrows" & \verb"\cdud" & $\downarrow\uparrow$ &\verb"\cd\downuparrows" &\verb"\cddu" \\ $|$ & \verb"\cd|" && $\|$ & \verb"\cd\|" & \\ $\cd={}{}$ & \verb"\cd=" && None & \verb"\cd." & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \paragraph{Example} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l} \verb"$$\CD" \\ \verb"G \cdrl {\gamma}{\delta} H \cdr {}{\Delta} K \\" \\ \verb"\cd. \cdud {f}{g} \cd| {h}{k} \\" \\ \verb"0 \cdr {}{} G' \cd= {\beta}{} H'" \verb"\endCD $$" \end{tabular} \hfil $\CD G \cdrl {\gamma}{\delta} H \cdr {}{\Delta} K \\ \cd. \cdud {f}{g} \cd| {h}{k} \\ 0 \cdr {}{} G' \cd= {\beta}{} H' \endCD$ \end{center} \bigskip\noindent The abbreviations were made with the following \verb"\newcommand"'s at the top of the file: \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\cdrl}{\cd\rightleftarrows} \newcommand{\cdlr}{\cd\leftrightarrows} \newcommand{\cdr}{\cd\rightarrow} \newcommand{\cdl}{\cd\leftarrow} \newcommand{\cdu}{\cd\uparrow} \newcommand{\cdd}{\cd\downarrow} \newcommand{\cdud}{\cd\updownarrows} \newcommand{\cddu}{\cd\downuparrows} \end{verbatim} \bigskip \begin{center} Darrel Hankerson (Bitnet: \verb"hank@auducvax") \\ Algebra, Combinatorics, \& Analysis \\ Auburn University \\ Auburn, Alabama 36849 \end{center} \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cut Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % cd.sty - Commutative diagram macros modified from AmSTeX 3-Mar-89 % Intended as a LaTeX style file. Darrel Hankerson (Bitnet: hank@auducvax) %\catcode`\@=11 \def\ssize{\scriptstyle} \newdimen\ex@ \ex@.2326ex \def\vspace@{\def\vspace##1{\noalign{\vskip##1\relax}}} \def\Let@{\relax\iffalse{\fi\let\\=\cr\iffalse}\fi} \let\ampersand@\relax \newdimen\bigaw@ \newdimen\minaw@ \minaw@11.11128\ex@ \newdimen\minCDaw@ \minCDaw@2.5pc \newif\ifCD@ \def\minCDarrowwidth#1{\relax\ifmmode\ifinner\onlydmatherr@\minCDarrowwidth \else\minCDaw@#1\relax\fi\else\onlydmatherr@\minCDarrowwidth\fi} \def\CD{\bgroup\catcode`\@=\active %\catcode added for LaTeX \vspace@\relax\iffalse{\fi\let\ampersand@&\iffalse}\fi \CD@true\vcenter\bgroup\Let@\tabskip\z@skip\baselineskip20\ex@ \lineskip3\ex@\lineskiplimit3\ex@\halign\bgroup &\hfill$\m@th##$\hfill\cr} \def\endCD{\cr\egroup\egroup\egroup} \def\cd#1{\csname cd\string#1\endcsname} \def\cddef#1{\expandafter\def\csname cd\string#1\endcsname} \cddef.{\relax\ifmmode&&\else\leavevmode.\spacefactor3000 \fi} \cddef\rightarrow#1#2{\harrow@{#1}{#2}\rightarrowfill} \cddef>{\cd\rightarrow} \cddef\leftarrow#1#2{\harrow@{#1}{#2}\leftarrowfill} \cddef<{\cd\leftarrow} \def\harrow@#1#2#3{\ampersand@\setbox\z@\hbox{$\ssize \;\;{#1}\;$}\setbox\@ne\hbox{$\ssize\;\;{#2}\;$}\setbox\tw@ \hbox{$#2$}\ifCD@ \global\bigaw@\minCDaw@\else\global\bigaw@\minaw@\fi \ifdim\wd\z@>\bigaw@\global\bigaw@\wd\z@\fi \ifdim\wd\@ne>\bigaw@\global\bigaw@\wd\@ne\fi \ifCD@\hskip.5em\fi \ifdim\wd\tw@>\z@ \mathrel{\mathop{\hbox to\bigaw@{#3}}\limits^{#1}_{#2}}\else \mathrel{\mathop{\hbox to\bigaw@{#3}}\limits^{#1}}\fi \ifCD@\hskip.5em\fi\ampersand@} \cddef\uparrow#1#2{\llap{$\vcenter{\hbox {$\ssize#1$}}$}\Big\uparrow\rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#2$}}$}&&} \cddef\downarrow#1#2{\llap{$\vcenter{\hbox {$\ssize#1$}}$}\Big\downarrow\rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#2$}}$}&&} \cddef=#1#2{\ampersand@\setbox\z@\hbox{$\ssize \;{#1}\;\;$}\setbox\@ne\hbox{$\ssize\;{#2}\;\;$}\setbox\tw@ \hbox{$#2$}\ifCD@ \global\bigaw@\minCDaw@\else\global\bigaw@\minaw@\fi \ifdim\wd\z@>\bigaw@\global\bigaw@\wd\z@\fi \ifdim\wd\@ne>\bigaw@\global\bigaw@\wd\@ne\fi \ifCD@\hskip.5em\fi \ifdim\wd\tw@>\z@ \mathrel{\mathop{\vbox{\hrule width\bigaw@\vskip3\ex@\hrule width \bigaw@}}\limits^{#1}_{#2}}\else \mathrel{\mathop{\vbox{\hrule width\bigaw@\vskip3\ex@\hrule width \bigaw@}}\limits^{#1}}\fi \ifCD@\hskip.5em\fi\ampersand@} \cddef|#1#2{\llap{$\vcenter{\hbox {$\ssize#1$}}$}\Big\vert\rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#2$}}$}&&} \cddef\|#1#2{\llap{$\vcenter{\hbox {$\ssize#1$}}$}\Big\vert\Big\vert\rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#2$}}$}&&} \def\pretend#1\haswidth#2{\setbox\z@\hbox{$\scriptstyle{#2}$}\hbox to\wd\z@{\hfill$\scriptstyle{#1}$\hfill}} \cddef\updownarrows#1#2{\llap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#1$}}$} \Big\uparrow\Big\downarrow\rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#2$}}$}&&} \cddef\downuparrows#1#2{\llap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#1$}}$} \Big\downarrow\Big\uparrow\rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$\ssize#2$}}$}&&} \cddef\rightleftarrows#1#2{\harrows@{#1}{#2}\rightarrowfill\leftarrowfill} \cddef\leftrightarrows#1#2{\harrows@{#1}{#2}\leftarrowfill\rightarrowfill} \def\harrows@#1#2#3#4{\ampersand@\setbox\z@\hbox{$\ssize \;{#1}\;\;$}\setbox\@ne\hbox{$\ssize\;{#2}\;\;$}\setbox\tw@ \hbox{$#2$}\ifCD@ \global\bigaw@\minCDaw@\else\global\bigaw@\minaw@\fi \ifdim\wd\z@>\bigaw@\global\bigaw@\wd\z@\fi \ifdim\wd\@ne>\bigaw@\global\bigaw@\wd\@ne\fi \ifCD@\hskip.5em\fi \ifdim\wd\tw@>\z@ \mathrel{\mathop{\harrowsfill@#3#4}\limits^{#1}_{#2}}\else \mathrel{\mathop{\harrowsfill@#3#4}\limits^{#1}}\fi \ifCD@\hskip.5em\fi\ampersand@} \def\harrowsfill@#1#2{\stackrel{\raisebox{0pt}[2\ex@][0pt]{\hbox to\bigaw@{#1}}}{\raisebox{-1\ex@}[0pt][0pt]{\hbox to \bigaw@{#2}}}} %\endinput % End here if AmSTeX @-syntax not needed. %%%%% The following code adds the AmSTeX @-syntax %%%%% %\newlinechar=`\^^J \def\err@#1{\errmessage{AmS-TeX error: #1}} \newhelp\athelp@ {Only certain combinations beginning with @ make sense to me.^^J Perhaps you wanted \string\@\space for a printed @?^^J I've ignored the character or group after @.} \def\futureletnextat@{\futurelet\next\at@} {\catcode`\@=\active \lccode`\Z=`\@ \lccode`\I=`\I \lowercase {\gdef@{\expandafter\csname futureletnextatZ\endcsname}\expandafter \gdef\csname atZ\endcsname {\ifcat\noexpand\next a\def\next{\csname atZZ\endcsname}\else \ifcat\noexpand\next0\def\next{\csname atZZ\endcsname}\else \ifcat\noexpand\next\relax\def\next{\csname atZZZ\endcsname}\else \def\next{\csname atZZZZ\endcsname}\fi\fi\fi\next} \expandafter\gdef\csname atZZ\endcsname#1{\expandafter \ifx\csname #1Zat\endcsname\relax\def\next {\errhelp\expandafter=\csname athelpZ\endcsname \csname errZ\endcsname{Invalid use of \string@}}\else \def\next{\csname #1Zat\endcsname}\fi\next} \expandafter\gdef\csname atZZZ\endcsname#1{\expandafter \ifx\csname \string#1ZZat\endcsname\relax\def\next {\errhelp\expandafter=\csname athelpZ\endcsname \csname errZ\endcsname{Invalid use of \string@}}\else \def\next{\csname \string#1ZZat\endcsname}\fi\next} \expandafter\gdef\csname atZZZZ\endcsname#1{\errhelp \expandafter=\csname athelpZ\endcsname \csname errZ\endcsname{Invalid use of \string@}}}} \def\atdef@#1{\expandafter\def\csname #1@at\endcsname} \def\atdef@@#1{\expandafter\def\csname \string#1@@at\endcsname} \newhelp\defahelp@{If you typed \string\define\space cs instead of \string\define\string\cs\space^^J I've substituted an inaccessible control sequence so that your^^J definition will be completed without mixing me up too badly.^^J If you typed \string\define{\string\cs} the inaccessible control sequence^^J was defined to be \string\cs, and the rest of your^^J definition appears as input.} \newhelp\defbhelp@{I've ignored your definition, because it might^^J conflict with other uses that are important to me.} \atdef@.{\cd.} % AmSTeX @-format \atdef@>#1>#2>{\cd\rightarrow{#1}{#2}} \atdef@<#1<#2<{\cd\leftarrow{#1}{#2}} \atdef@ A#1A#2A{\cd\uparrow{#1}{#2}} \atdef@ V#1V#2V{\cd\downarrow{#1}{#2}} \atdef@|{\Big\Vert&&} \atdef@@\vert{\Big\Vert&&} \atdef@={&\hskip.5em\mathrel {\vbox{\hrule width\minCDaw@\vskip3\ex@\hrule width \minCDaw@}}\hskip.5em&} %\catcode`\@=\active \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cut Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 12:15:16 CST From: William LeFebvre Subject: Re: Problem with \underline Keywords: \underline, TeX > If you put the following on the same line, you can see how ugly it > looks. > \underline{This is a test.} \underline{This is a good test.} I know this may be more irritating than helpful, but... See The TeXbook, page 178, Exercise 18.26. It points out this problem. Then go read the answer to that exercise on page 323. It gives the definition for a macro that will draw an underline that crosses through descenders: \def\undertext#1{$\underline{\smash{\hbox{#1}}}$} But the answer goes on to say: Underlining is actually not very common in fine typography, since font changes usually work just as well or better, when you want to emphasize something. If you really want underlined text, it's best to have a special font in which all the letters are underlined. William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 09:37:05 -0500 From: kolodner@proton.LCS.MIT.EDU Subject: Using LaTex to format an article in 9 point Keywords: LaTeX, article I'm preparing a paper for an ACM conference proceedings. They want the papers to be formatted using 9 point type with 10 points from baseline to baseline. (It seems rather crowded to me; but that's what they want.) Does anyone have a LaTex .sty file for formatting articles in 9 point? If so, please send it to me by email or send me a message how I might obtain it using anonymous ftp on the Internet. The deadline is approaching fast, so I would appreciate a quick answer. Thanks, Elliot --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% University of Washington %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@UWAVM %%% SUBSCRIBE TEXHAX % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEXHAX %%% %%% All others: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% Please be sure you send a valid internet address!! %%% in the form name@domain or name%routing@domain %%% and use the style of the Bitnet one-line message, so that %%% we can find your subscription request easily. %%% %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%% For further information about TeX Users Group services and publications %%% contact Karen at KLB@SEED.AMS.COM or write to TUG at %%% TeX Users Group %%% P.O. Box 9506 %%% Providence, R.I. 02940-9506 %%% Telephone (401) 751-7760 %%% %%% Current versions of the software now in general distribution: %%% TeX 2.95 metafont 1.7 %%% plain.tex 2.94 plain.mf 1.0 %%% LaTeX 2.09 ( 8/10/88) cmbase.mf see cm85.bug %%% SliTeX 2.09 gftodvi 1.7 %%% tangle 2.9 gftopk 1.4 %%% weave 2.9 gftype 2.2 %%% dvitype 2.9 pktype 2.2 %%% pltotf 2.3 pktogf 1.0 %%% tftopl 2.5 mft 0.3 %%% BibTeX 0.99c dvipage 3.0 %%% AmSTeX 1.1d %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------