TeXhax Digest Friday, January 12, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 9 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Re: Circle fonts in LaTeX - the modification blues Converting the ---.idx file Metafont LN03 printer def SliTeX, Bell & Howell, HP7475, Calcomp Plotmaster FTPing to ymir.claremont.edu A continuation of Network Sources of TeXware v2 (file TEXSERV.TEX) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 7 Jan 90 18:47 PST From: DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU Subject: Re: Circle fonts in LaTeX - the modification blues Keywords: LaTeX, fonts The change from circle10 to lcircle10 is strictly in name. This change was suggested a while ago by Pierre MacKay so that all of LaTeX's fonts would begin with "l". It would appear that LL has made the change official and you can now rename your LaTeX circle fonts accordingly. dh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 7 January 1990 01:30:24 CST From: "ashish sen 996-2175 & 274-1947" Subject: Converting the ---.idx file Keywords: TeX Is there a simple way to convert the ---.idx file made by using index{---} and makeindex commands into an input file for making an index? I am using Latex on a PC. Also it would be useful to know for some of us what is TEX 3.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Jan 90 16:42:26 EST From: motsuk%cuavax.dnet@netcon.cua.edu Subject: Metafont LN03 printer def Keywords: METAFONT 'lo there I'm trying to generate some Cyrillic fonts for the LN03+s at CUA. Alas, I'm having no luck getting the printer definitions that are needed by Metafont so the fonts will look good. Can someone out there please send me the LN03 printer definitions? Thanks Paul Motsuk motsuk@cua.bitnet OR motsuk@cuavax.dnet@netcon.cua.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Jan 90 16:14:23 EST From: Rick Zaccone Subject: SliTeX, Bell & Howell, HP7475, Calcomp Plotmaster Keywords: SliTeX, Bell & Howell, HP7475, Calcomp Plotmaster Does anyone know of software that will take SliTeX output and direct it to an output device such as the Bell & Howell CDI-IV film recorder, the HP7475 pen plotter, or the Calcomp plotmaster thermal plotter. We have all of these things connected to either an Macintosh or IBM PC. I'd like to take my dvi file and produce color slides on one of these devices. I'd appreciate any leads. Rick Zaccone Bucknell University zaccone@bknlvms.bitnet zaccone@sol.bucknell.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 4 Jan 90 17:21 PST From: "D.A. HOSEK" Subject: FTPing to ymir.claremont.edu Keywords: general Apologies to all who have attempted to FTP files from ymir.claremont.edu and gotten protection errors... apparently the directory structure on that machine has been changed somewhat. The TeX stuff is in subdirectories of SOFTWARE:[ANONYMOUS.TEX] (note the anonymous stuck at the beginning of the directory part of the location). The login directory, incidentally, is SOFTWARE:[ANONYMOUS]. dh --------------------------------------------------------------------- A continuation of Network Sources of TeXware v2 (file TEXSERV.TEX) %%Moderators' note: The following file continues from TeXhax %%Digest Issue 8, due to its size. {\bf Notes:} Users in the UK should express their return address in the form:\nl {\tx user@UK.AC.site.machine} (Non-academic users will have to replace the `{\tx UK.AC}' with `{\tx UK.CO}')\nl EARN/BITNET users must express their return address in the form:\nl {\tx user\%nodename.BITNET@EARN-RELAY} in order for JANET to be able to send replies out through the EARN gateway correctly.\nl Users on other networks (eg, {\tx .EDU}, {\tx .COM} etc) should express their return address in a similar form to the EARN/BITNET one: {\tx user\%machine.site.EDU@EARN-RELAY}, since the NSFNET-RELAY gateway is not available for UK-to-US traffic.\nl Note that the order of specifying domains {\bf is} important to the EARN gateway. The syntax is similar for other networks accessed via the this gateway. Other users should try EARN in the first instance. If that fails, consult a local networking guru. If that fails, mail the archive maintainer, Peter Abbott <{\tx abbottp@aston.ac.uk}>, who should be able to put you in touch with someone who can help. {\bf Using Colour Book FTP (NIFTP):} Use your local {\tx TRANSFER} command (part of the Colour Book suite of XXX implementations) with the userID `{\tx public}' and the password `{\tx public}'. Give the fully-qualified nodename, directory and filename as the remote filename, and whatever you want as your local filename (where to put it when it arrives). A file transfer gateway between JANET and EARN/BITNET will be introduced experimentally during 1990. {\bf Return addresses}: As a temporary facility (pending rewriting of the mailer to obviate the need for users to quote their own addresses) Brian $\{$Hamilton Kelly$\}$ has provided a remote ``identification'' service at Aston. Send email to <{\tx rmcs\_tex@kirk.aston.ac.uk}> with the subject consisting of the words `{\tx Where~Am~I}' (the case doesn't matter, and you can have as much or as little white space between the words [including none]), but there must not be any leading or trailing space, nor any question mark. You should receive a reply telling you the address to `plug into' your email request to TEXSERVER. {\bf Examples of file specifications}:\nl VAX/VMS directory and filename format is tree-structured: a valid fully-qualified name therefore looks like\nl {\tx [TEX-ARCHIVE.directory.subdirectory]filename.type;version}\quad eg\nl {\tx [TEX-ARCHIVE.msdos.tex]sb08tex.arc;2}\nl A remote filename for FTP might look like\nl {\tx UK.AC.ASTON.TEX::[TEX-ARCHIVE.digests.texhax89]tex89.114;1} {\bf Post}: You can send snailmail to Peter Abbott, Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, England, enclosing blank formatted media: floppy disks or magnetic tape. \ser{archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu} {Clarkson University} This machine is one of the principal repositories of \TeX ware. {\bf Access by}: Internet FTP, Mail {\bf Commands}: These may vary depending on the implementation of Internet FTP. You should ask your System Administrator for details.\nl {\tx ftp} {\st machine.site.domain}\quad opens an FTP session with a remote machine. The next command may not be needed, depending on how the remote machine is set up.\nl {\tx user anonymous guest}\nl {\tx cd} {\st directoryname}\quad connects you with the specified directory.\nl {\tx dir} $[${\st filespec}$]$\quad lists the contents of the current directory.\nl {\tx type} {\st filename}\quad types out the specified file on your screen.\nl {\tx tenex}\quad switches to 8--bit byte-stream mode for getting binary files.\nl {\tx get} {\st filename}\quad retrieves the specified file into your local current directory.\nl {\tx mget} {\st wildcard-filenames}\quad retrieves multiple files matching the wildcards ({\tx *} and {\tx ?}).\nl {\tx ascii}\quad switches back to ASCII mode for text files. {\bf Example}: The commands typed by the user are \und{underlined}\nl {\tx \$} \und{ftp sun.soe.clarkson.edu}\nl {\tx Connected to sun.soe.clarkson.edu}\nl {\tx 220 SUN.SOE.CLARKSON.EDU Server Process (52)-5 at Tue 2-Jan-90}\nl {\tx 331 ANONYMOUS user ok, sent real ident as password}\nl {\tx 230 User ANONYMOUS logged in at Tues 2-Jan-90 14:14-XXX, job 2}\nl {\tx >} \und{cd /tex/binaries}\nl {\tx >} \und{dir latex.*}\nl (Listing appears on screen)\nl {\tx >} \und{tenex}\nl {\tx 200 Type L bytesize 8 ok.}\nl {\tx >} \und{get latex.exe}\nl (File is downloaded)\nl {\tx >} \und{quit}\nl {\tx 221 QUIT command received. Goodbye.}\nl {\tx \$} {\bf Notes}: This server is also accessible by mail: place your sequence of FTP commands in a mail message to the address above. Internet sites are also FTP-accessible to BITNET nodes via the server at <{\tx BITFTP@PUCC}> (see below). \ser{archive-server@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil} {The SIMTEL--20 server} SIMTEL--20 is a large file server on the Internet and operates in the same way as shown above for the Clarkson server. The \TeX ware is mainly for PCs and is held in directory {\tx /msdos.tex}\nl Non-Internet users can use the TRICKLE or BITFTP servers detailed below to access these files. The following Internet sites also have \TeX-related material: {\tx argon.rti.org} ( \TeX\ Previewer for VMS\nl {\tx b.scs.uiuc.edu} ( \LaTeX\nl {\tx cayuga.cs.rochester.edu} ( Xfig, \LaTeX\ styles, Jove, NL-KR mail list\nl {\tx crocus.waterloo.edu} ( STEVIE (vi-clone), \TeX, more\nl {\tx cs.washington.edu} ( \TeX, \TeX hax, netinfo\nl {\tx ctrsci.utah.edu} ( \TeX\ fonts, make\nl {\tx duke.cs.duke.edu} ( gnutex, others\nl {\tx freja.diku.dk} ( GNU, X11R3, \TeX, nn newsreader, rfcs, misc\nl {\tx gatech.edu} ( GNU, rfc, \TeX\nl {\tx gpu.utcs.toronto.edu} ( \TeX, C++, Ksh, Unixgames, etc. (lots)\nl {\tx hemuli.atk.btt.fi} ( bsd progs for hp-ux, tex2ps\nl {\tx hydra.helsinki.fi} ( misc, \TeX, X, comp.sources.misc, sun, uni\nl {\tx jpl-mil.jpl.nasa.gov} ( \TeX, Mac, Gnu, Xv11R{2, 3}\nl {\tx june.cs.washington.edu} ( \TeX hax, dviapollo, SmallTalk, web2c, gaat\nl {\tx labrea.stanford.edu} ( dvips, paranoia, \TeX, lots, X\nl {\tx linc.cis.upenn.edu} ( psfig for ditroff, \TeX\nl {\tx ncar.ucar.edu} ( maps, bsd, internet, Mac \TeX, resolve\nl {\tx njitgw.njit.edu} ( Mac, Sun, \TeX\nl {\tx purdue.edu} (128.102.1) bibtex, dvi, ethics\nl {\tx research.att.com} ( \TeX, gcc, ghostscript\nl {\tx science.utah.edu} ( \TeX\ things, Hershey (tenex)\nl {\tx score.stanford.edu} ( \TeX Hax, Atari, APL metafont (tenex)\nl {\tx sun.soe.clarkson.edu} ( Packet Driver, X11 fonts, \TeX, PCIP, Free\nl {\tx titan.rice.edu} ( sun-spots, amiga ispell, pc-bibtex.tar\nl {\tx uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu} ( BibTeX, CommonTeX\nl {\tx venus.ycc.yale.edu} ( SBTeX\nl {\tx walther.cso.uiuc.edu} ( \TeX, tib, ncar, dvi2ps, gif, texx2.7, amiga\nl {\tx wuarchive.wustl.edu} ( password: guest, mirrors simtel20 (lots), \TeX, Mac, X, GNU, GIF, Tcp-Ip \ser{bitftp@pucc.bitnet} {Princeton University} BITFTP is a mechanism for those without direct access to the Internet to request files by FTP from Internet servers (like {\tx archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu}) {\bf Access by}: Mail, RSCS FTP {\bf Commands}: The body of your mail message or file should contain the sequence of Internet FTP commands you would have used, one per line, just as if you had been doing a direct Internet FTP connection yourself. \ser{trickle@trearn.bitnet} {The TRICKLE servers} TRICKLE is a cache mechanism for EARN to allow users on that network to request files from SIMTEL--20. TRICKLE runs at various sites on EARN (see below). {\bf Access by}: Mail, RSCS FTP, Interactive message {\bf Commands}:\nl {\tx /HELP}\quad sends you a help file.\nl {\tx /PDDIR} {\st directoryname}\quad lists the names of files in that directory.\nl {\tx /PDGET <}{\st directory}{\tx>}{\st filename} $[${\st (tag\/}$]$ \quad sends the specified file. The tag can be {\tx (uue}, {\tx (xxe}, {\tx (ebc80} or {\tx (ebc32}, to determine how you want the file returned and in what format. {\bf Example}:\nl {\tx /pdget pcwritex.arc (uue}\quad will order the given file from directory {\tx } in UUencoded form.\nl {\tx /pddir }\quad will send the list of all files in the {\tx } directory. {\bf Notes}: TRICKLE runs at the following EARN nodes: {\tx awiwuw11}, {\tx banufs11}, {\tx imipoli}, {\tx dtuzdv1}, {\tx db0fub011} and {\tx eb0ub011}. They are all peered, so you should use the one which is logically nearest to your node (measured in network hops). \ser{jonradel@bogey.princeton.edu} {Jon Radel's Repository} Jon Radel offers a mail-order service for those users with no access to networking. {\bf Access by}: Post {\bf Commands}: I quote from his message in the TeXhax bulletin 1989 No.~13:\nl {\tx Date: Tue, 7 Feb 89 03:41:23 EST }\nl {\tx From: jonradel@bogey.Princeton.EDU (Jon Radel) }\nl {\tx Subject: For those who don't have access to TeX for PCs on the net...}\nl {\tx Keywords: general, TeX, PCs } Time to introduce myself again. As a service for people who do not have decent access to \TeX\ to PC material on the net, I distribute much of that material on floppies for a handling charge. That includes the 75 font, 5 magstep collection for a couple of the more popular printers, two versions of \TeX, and a variety of smaller items. For various reasons, I do all my dealings on this matter by `snail' mail, so you have to send me a self-addressed envelope to get the list of material that I have. 45 cents postage inside the USA, 4 International Reply Coupons or US\$1.60 for airmail elsewhere, half that for surface (and Canada/Mexico, where surface is air as far as the USPS is concerned). {\bf Example}:\nl Jon Radel, \nl PO Box 2276, \nl Reston, \nl VA 22090, \nl USA {\bf Notes}: The \TeX\ community's thanks are due to Jon for his provision of this service. \ser{tex/listings@bytecosy.tower.bix.us} {BIX, the BYTE magazine Information Exchange} Application has been made to BYTE magazine to start a \TeX\ conference and listings area in their BIX online conferencing and filestore system. No start date has been set for this service yet. {\bf Access by}: Interactive login via an ordinary X.29 (packet-switched) call to [0]310690157800 or using a standard modem ({\tx 8,n,1}) to +1~617~861~9767 (BELL tones for 300 and 1200 baud, BELL or CCITT for 2400 and up). Press the Enter or Return key and at the login prompt type {\tx bix}~. When asked for your name, type {\tx bix.flatfee} and you will automatically be taken through the new-user signup routine. Files can be downloaded through your modem or X.25 connection. {\bf Commands}:\nl {\tx join tex}\quad joins you to the {\tx TeX} conference.\nl {\tx topic listings}\quad joins you to the {\tx listings} area for \TeX\ files. \nl {\tx receive} {\st filename}\quad starts downloading to your workstation the file you specify. Immediately after pressing the Return or Enter key for this command, you need to instruct your workstation to receive a file using the XMODEM protocol (by default---other protocols are available, such as KERMIT).\nl {\tx option receive kermit}\quad instructs BIX to use the KERMIT protocol when it sends you a file. \nl {\tx quit}\quad leaves the listings area.\nl {\tx bye}\quad signs you off back to your PAD or modem link. {\bf Example}: \nl {\tx join tex }\nl {\tx topic listings}\nl {\tx opt rec ymodem}\nl {\tx receive dostex.arc}\nl {\tx quit}\nl {\tx bye } {\bf Notes}: You can only use BIX for downloading files if you are equipped with a computer running terminal emulation software which includes file-download protocols such as KERMIT, XMODEM, YMODEM or similar. \bigskip \hrule%----------------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip Source code for the {\tx uudecode} program is known to reside on the SIMTEL-20 server in the following files. They may be ordered from TRICKLE in the manner detailed above. {\tx UUDECODE.PAS}\nl {\tx UUDECODE.BAS}\nl {\tx UUDECODE.EXE}\nl {\tx UUDECODE.C}\nl {\tx UUENCODE-UUDECODE.TAR-Z} I have a copy of a program called {\tx vmsdecod.exe} for VAX/VMS which I am happy to send to any VAX/VMS site on EARN/BITNET. \bigskip \hrule%----------------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip Users of commercial mailing and messaging systems will need access to the academic and research networks in order to use these servers. This is currently available through an organisation called DASnet. With a subscription to DASnet (and a small charge per 1,000 characters either direction) you can send and receive mail from your local commercial mailbox to and from the academic and research networks. The format of address depends a little on your host system, but for an example I quote a mail from their coordinator: {\tx From: IN\%"AnnaB@11.DAS.NET"}\nl {\tx To: cbts8001@IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE }\nl {\tx Subj: DASnet } Peter, How one addresses BITNET through the DASnet Service depends on the source system. From GeoMail, it's as follows: To use DASnet(R) to send me electronic mail from GeoMail, send mail as follows: {\tx To: GEO4:DASNET }\nl {\tx Subject: user@site.bitnet!the subject } One could address to anyone on the Internet in the same way. [DASnet are on +1 408 559 7434] \bye ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------