TeXhax Digest Friday, 9 Oct 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 018 Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott % The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group % % and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group % Today's Topics: translations between Mac and Unix texts 4 second delay on startup Macros for formatting scripts for plays and/or film ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 10:16:39 -0600 From: phayes@herodotus.cs.uiuc.edu Subject: translations between Mac and Unix texts Help. There are two communities growing up which send text files around the net. One uses TeX on Unix, the other uses things like Word4/5 or Nisus on Macintoshes. I am trying to find ways to translate back and forth. Does anyone know of software which can can translate text files between TeX and RTF (in either direction) and be ported to a mac? Pat Hayes Beckman Institute (217)244 1616 office 405 North Mathews Avenue (217)328 3947 home Urbana, IL. 61801 hayes@cs.stanford.edu (217)244 8371 fax ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Sep 92 14:25:23 -0700 From: jerry@math.ep.utexas.edu (Jerry) Subject: 4 second delay on startup This is my first posting; please be kind. I built TeX3.14t3 which I got from u.washington. The only problem (so far) that I've encountered is a 4 or 5 second delay on startup, before TeX says This is TeX, C Version 3.14t3 I built TeX fairly easily (as these things go) and didn't have this problem at first. I rebuilt it a few times (to add amstex and, maybe this is important, to update the lplain.tex and latex.tex files) and after that I got this annoying delay on our Sun SPARC 1+, IPC, and 2 workstations running SunOS 4.1.1. TEXINPUTS only has two directories: .:/usr/local/lib/tex/inputs so I'm curious as to how to get rid of this delay that I somehow inadvertently introduced. Please email your reply; I have yet to get postings of this list/group. Muchas gracias. -Jerry Jerry Graves UTEP Math Sysadmin jerry@math.ep.utexas.edu PHONE/FAX (915) 747-5761/5067 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Sep 92 16:00:48 -0700 From: MCCOLLUM DAVID SCOTT Subject: Macros for formatting scripts for plays and/or film I am interested in creating a play script or a film script using LaTeX/TeX. I have scanned several archives without success. If anyone is aware of such macros, or where I might find some information, please let me know. Thanks. Dave McCollum mccollum@spot.colorado.edu P. O. Box 7083 Boulder, CO 80306-7083 USA (303) 786-8562 ------------------------------ %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% To subscribe, unsubscribe: %%% On BITNET: %%% send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% On Internet: %%% send a similar one line mail message to TeXhax-request@tex.ac.uk %%% On JANET: %%% send a similar one line mail message to TeXhax-request@uk.ac.tex %%% %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@tex.ac.uk %%% %%% Back issues available for anonymous ftp from tex.ac.uk %%% in [.digests.texhax.YY]texhax.NN %%% where YY = last two digits of year %%% NN = issue number %%% %%%\bye End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 92 Issue 18] *****************************************