UKTeX V88 #14 Friday 20 May 1988 Unix "comp.sources" archive at ukc. TeX request CALLING Re: Fig Pictex U.K. distributors for TeXtures *** DosTeX 2.7a *** Non-math Greek Fonts --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott Thanks to Max Calvani the following files are now available. The .EXE amd .CLD are vms based files. Directory [PUBLIC.TEXVMS.TEX.IDX_GLO] AAAREADME.TXT;1 BUILD.COM;1 CRLEXT.STY;1 GLOBLDFIL.C;1 GLOBLDLAB.C;1 GLOCMD.C;1 GLODEF.H;1 GLOMISS.C;1 GLOSCAN.C;1 GLOTBL.CLD;1 GLOTEX.C;1 GLOTEX.EXE;1 GLOTEX.GDF;1 GLOTEX.HLP;1 GLOTEX.MAP;1 GLOTEX.RNH;1 GLOTEX.TEX;1 IDXBUILD.C;1 IDXCMD.C;1 IDXDEF.H;1 IDXGEN.C;1 IDXMASTER.C;1 IDXPARSE.C;1 IDXRANGE.C;1 IDXSPELL.C;1 IDXTABLE.CLD;1 IDXTEX.C;1 IDXTEX.EXE;1 IDXTEX.HLP;1 IDXTEX.MAP;1 IDXTEX.RNH;1 IDXTEX.TEX;3 PAM11.STY;1 PAMPHLET.STY;1 USERGUIDE.CVRSTY;1 Thanks to a number of contributors including Peter Illieve there is now a subgroup UTILITIES containing various items for easing the access to the Archive and removing some of the problems. Directory [PUBLIC.UTILITIES] ATOB.C;1 BTOA.1;1 BTOA.C;1 COMPRESS.1;1 COMPRESS.C;1 COMPRESSDIR.;1 COMPRESSDIR.1;1 MAKEFILE.;1 README.;1 README3.0;1 TARMAIL.;1 UNCOMPRESSDIR.;1 UNTARMAIL.;1 USERMEM.;1 ZCMP.;1 ZCMP.1;1 ZDIFF.;1 ZMORE.;1 ZMORE.1;1 Thanks to Sebastian Rahtz we now have another group PICTEX. Directory [PUBLIC.PICTEX] PICTEX.SHAR;1 Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #47 --------------------------------- Received: from acorn by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa04149; 13 May 88 20:14 BST Received: by acorn.UUCP (5.51/4.7) id AA16829; Fri, 13 May 88 20:04:22 BST Message-Id: <8805131904.AA16829@acorn.UUCP> To: Cc: gtoal@uucp.acorn Subject: Unix "comp.sources" archive at ukc. Date: Fri,13 May 1988.19:34:27 From: GToal@uucp.acorn (Most of the mail below originally came from ukc) On the subject of mail-servers, the UUNET distribution of comp.sources.unix is avalable from ukc: send mail to, (no subject field) containing these two lines: request: comp.sources.unix topic: help Files can also be picked up by FTP from: using a path of the form: /filename where filename is a topic name followed by `.Z'. For example. /v12i002.Z This will yield a compressed file (and as such is `binary'). The following files are also available: /help This file /index-header The header file used to generate the `index' request - you need this to understand the index. /index The working index. The username guest should be supplied and a password is not required, but please supply some identifier so that we can work out who has obtained a file. The current list of Requests that can be requested from the info server are: index This index catalogue Details of the available software - a file per item giving access methods and other details sources Public domain shared software system (the actual files) uknet Uknet information files comp.sources.unix Copies of the Unix source archive (from volume 8) The request to find what is in a group is obtained with the following: request: [group of interest, in the above list] topic: index request: end Here are the files relevant to TeX users: v10i032 89046 Translate troff to LaTex v08INF3 36829 Repost of textool2, part 2 v08i061 44062 A collection of tools for TeX users, Part01/02 v08i096 62878 Including PostScript/Macintosh figures in TeX documents, Part01/03 v08i097 56907 Including PostScript/Macintosh figures in TeX documents, Part02/03 v08i098 10580 Including PostScript/Macintosh figures in TeX documents, Part03/03 v07i022 61068 TeX DVI driver for TTY's, etc. v07i028 55086 A collection of tools for TeX users, Part01/02 v07i029 26723 A collection of tools for TeX users, Part02/02 --------------------------------- From: Les Carr To: Date: Mon, 16 May 88 8:24:17 GMT Subject: Re: TeX request X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5] could we have a TeX distribution for the Vax on a 1/2" tape, please. does it come in binary form on the tape? can we have a dvi2hplaserjet (not Laser Jet Plus) binary too? thank you very much for your trouble -- Les Carr (, lac@sot-cm.uucp) +++Editor - Would VMS users please mail info-tex with the date their tape was acquired so that we can find the latest one. Thanks +++ --------------------------------- Date: 16 May 88 17:51:14 bst From: G.Toal @ Subject: CALLING To: Message-ID: <16 May 88 17:51:14 bst 050861@EMAS-A> Peter - if you have a mail connection with, could you please pass this on - otherwise could you put it out to the net in the hope that he/she will read it? "reverett", where are you! The address is not in the JANET name tables. Would you please mail to so that I can get your mail and work out a return address. If you know a registered site which your mail routes through, you could try sending to tex-server with a"Reply-To:" field set of "" Thanks. Graham. --------------------------------- Date: Mon, 16 May 88 10:28:50 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz To:, Subject: [Supoj Sutanthavibul: Re: Fig] Can either of you do an ftp on this and put it in Aston for public consumption? sebastian ----- Forwarded message # 1: Date: Thu, 12 May 88 12:56:19 CDT >From: Supoj Sutanthavibul Posted-Date: Thu, 12 May 88 12:56:19 CDT Message-Id: <> Received: by (5.54/5.51) id AA10042; Thu, 12 May 88 12:56:19 C To: spqr Subject: Re: Fig The most recent version of fig is 1.4 rel 2. It is available via anonymous ftp on If you can act as a redistribution point for European community, I would aprreciate. Please let me know if you run into any problem in getting fig. enjoy, supoj ----- End of forwarded message +++Editor - The file is in London but at present the colour book software gives an error message when trying to move it to Aston. Sebastian, Joe and I are still trying to sort this one out+++ --------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 May 88 18:56:10 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz To: Subject: Pictex several people have asked me how to get PicTeX; I got it from Micah Beck, who was only allowed to send me the macros. The manual costs some dollars - TUG sell it for the author. I dont have it yet, but have ordered it. For those who want to work it for themselves, I am sending Peter a Unix 'shar' archive, which VMS hackers should be able to unpick as well, containing the macros. Good luck! The only use I have made of it is with a 'fig' to PicTeX converter, for those unlucky enough not to have a PostSCript printer. Be warned, Pictex is big, and slow. your average TeX will run out of memory quite early on. On which subject, I'd recommend the generic 'webtoC' conversion system now available from Aston to all Unix people out there. It cuts the pain of remaking TeX down by getting away from the monolithic Pascal compilation which takes forever. I've remade TeX about 5 times today and survived. sebastian rahtz --------------------------------- Date: 18-MAY-1988 15:18:01 GMT From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Information only:- The U.K. distributors for TeXtures are now: TeXpert systems 5, Northernhay Square Exeter EX4 3ES Telephone: (0392) 76091 The cost is 395.00 pounds (no VAT is chargeable). --------------------------------- Date: 19-MAY-1988 11:31:40 From: MARIA@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON *** DosTeX 2.7a *** I have got Gary Beihl's ok for putting DosTeX in the archive. (DosTeX is a pd version of TeX for PC's supplied complete with an Epson driver and several font files, its only drawback being that it needs at least 599k to run in). Does anyone have a copy of BOO that I can have? If so I'll send DosTeX to Peter by email. Maria Poly of Central London --------------------------------- Date: 18-MAY-1988 16:20:46 GMT From: RM001A@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.CDVC To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Peter, In the UKTeX V88 #12 Newsletter Graeme McKinstry was asking for the latest updates to BibTeX. The one we are using is the what we received from Stanford not more than a couple of months ago. Christopher P Andrasic +++Editor - Thanks I have compared the two files and they are identical+++ --------------------------------- Date: 18-MAY-1988 16:20:29 GMT From: RM001A@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.CDVC To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Peter, In the UKTeX V88 #12 Newsletter Cathy Booth (Uni. of Exeter) was asking if any one had non-math Greek Fonts. We do. Brian Hamilton Kelly created them using Metafont and is kindly offered them for general release. The metafont sources of the non-Math Greek fonts are: CMGI10.MF, CMGTT10.MF, CMG10.MF, CMG810.MF, GRKTXT.MF Christopher P. Andrasic +++Editor - Thanks the files are now available in [public.mffiles] +++ --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue