UKTeX V88 #16 Friday 3 June 1988 Cyrillic font .MF files mail server - site report. FAST LASER Web 2 C. separate chapter bibliographies with LaTeX and BibTeX Male and female Files from Aston LSE template for BibTeX TeX copying FTP problem web2c.shar unget-at-able LSE module for LaTeX Epson driver Latest tapes in the UK information request --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott I think that a number of your systems were closed down for the Bank Holiday. Issue 15 had the largest number of rejected messages. I have just received a message from Barbara Beeton and part of it is reproduced here. Subject: An early-warning system for TeX system bugs, etc. greetings. i've taken it upon myself to try to build a distribution list of tex implementors and others working in the tex front lines. i include here anyone who is in charge of maintaining a "master" version of tex or metafont that is intended for further distribution, primary maintainers of tex bulletin boards or information distribution centers, and the like. for the first real message, i intend to send out the details of recent tex bugs (version 2.7 was posted by don knuth on nov 18). .... .... i also intend to limit the content of mailings to this list to information absolutely relevant to maintaining a tex system distribution at a current level. suggestions are indeed welcome. .... -- bb I have created a new subgroup texstatus and it now contains the following files. Directory [PUBLIC.TEXSTATUS] MESSAGE_000.25_NOV_1987 MESSAGE_001.25_NOV_1987 MESSAGE_002.17_DEC_1987 MESSAGE_003.24_DEC_1987 MESSAGE_004.29_MAY_1988 MESSAGE_005.30_MAY_1988 Thanks to Maria (pcl.mole) DosTeX is now available. Directory [PUBLIC.PC.DOSTEX] 111READ.ME 240.BOO 263.BOO 288.BOO 315A.BOO 315B.BOO 346.BOO 379.BOO AMSTEX.BOO BIGEXE.BOO DVIEPS.BOO INPUTS1.BOO INPUTS2.BOO INSTALL.BOO LATEX.BOO PLAIN.BOO POOLFILE.BOO Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #52 --------------------------------- Received: from by gnnt.Cl.Cam.AC.UK id aa00478; 31 May 88 9:55 BST Date: Tue, 31 May 88 9:49:30 BST From: R Fairbairns To: Subject: Cyrillic font .MF files Message-ID: <8805310955.aa00478@gnnt.Cl.Cam.AC.UK> I have a clear recollection of having seen Cyrillic .MF files in the archive. Am I dreaming? Looking at my copy of the directory listing this morning I couldn't find them. Can anybody help? (They are part of the AMSFONTS set, and there are lots of .GF and other sorts of files. How does one tell what printer they were generated for?) Robin Fairbairns Laser Scan Laboratories Science Park Milton Rd Cambridge CB4 4FY (0223 315414, until BT changes it) --------------------------------- Received: from acorn by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa12685; 31 May 88 11:05 BST Received: by acorn.UUCP (5.51/SMI-3.2) id AA26269; Tue, 31 May 88 11:02:42 BST Message-Id: <8805311002.AA26269@acorn.UUCP> To: Cc: gtoal@uucp.acorn Subject: mail server - site report. Date: Tue,31 May 1988.10:33:58 From: GToal@uucp.acorn - SITE REPORT Hello Peter, you hadn't heard anything about the experimental mail-server at Edinburgh? Great! (That means it's working well...) To date, we have had about 25 clients: mostly using it lightly; one or two using it quite heavily. A couple use it to pick up texhax regularly. There have only been too technical problems - Max Calvanni from Italy chose to call through at a time when the Janet->Earn mailer was a bit ill; one other caller had problems because his machine was not configured to give the correct Janet domain address for the return mail. Otherwise, the service has been running very smoothly. No-one has attempted to fetch 'awkward' files (as far as I'm aware) so no problems there. The usage started off quite high and I was seriously considering having to withdraw the server as the first week strained my budget quite heavily - but since the initial rush, requests have settled down and I think I can keep it running if there are no excessive requests made. (If anyone wants anything REALLY big like web2c, mail me ( first!!!) To remind anyone who missed the original posting, you access files from aston.spock by sending mail to -- no subject line if you want the latest ReadMe file, otherwise set the Subject: line to the name of the file you want to fetch. Graham. --------------------------------- Date: 31-MAY-1988 11:41:50 GMT From: CENSWM@UK.AC.HW.VAXA To: abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON.CLUST Subject: FAST LASER Peter, Having got Tex working well on our LN03, we would now like a faster laser printer, can anyone out there suggest a Laser Printer capable of about 40ppm and having a TEX driver available. It must have a serial connection so it can be put on our VAXCluster. Thanks Stuart. +++Editor - DEC market the LPS40 printserver engine which may satisfy your needs (always assuming you have sufficent money).+++ --------------------------------- Received: from acorn by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa15419; 31 May 88 13:08 BST Received: by acorn.UUCP (5.51/SMI-3.2) id AA26401; Tue, 31 May 88 11:17:45 BST Message-Id: <8805311017.AA26401@acorn.UUCP> To: Cc: gtoal@uucp.acorn Subject: Web 2 C. Date: Tue,31 May 1988.10:48:43 From: GToal@uucp.acorn Hello again Netlanders, I thought I would jot down some quick notes on the web2c shar file recently released. 1) Web2c is VERY heavily Unix dependent. If you are thinking about using it for a different operating system, you'll still need a Unix to do the initial building. 2a) It is a supplement to the distributed Unix tape from Pierre MacKay. (Univ. of Washington) -- all the change-files assume the versions of the sources on that tape. Usually they can be edited just to reverse the version-number string, but not always. I had to bring TeX2.0 up to TeX2.9 from the diff file on the aston archive. It wasn't easy, as it wasn't a real diff file! (Blank lines, indentation lost...) 2b) (Because it is a supplement, none of the sources are in the shar file.) 3) Once these minimal changes were made, it ported very smoothly. However, it is not a general Pascal to C converter - unlike another I have seen - it uses change files heavily and has some hand-written bits for every program it knows about. (Including mf, and assorted texware and mfware) 4) Highly recommended for Unix sites. I'd like to say it works on any ansi-c compiler, but I haven't been able to test it on the Acorn system because I'm a bit short on disc space. (Isn't 20Mb tiny nowadays!) I'll let you know when I have done - it'll be an interesting comparison between tex-in-c, commontex & pascal-tex when running on the same machine. Graham. --------------------------------- Date: Mon, 30 May 88 15:44:52 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz To: Subject: separate chapter bibliographies with LaTeX and BibTeX Harvey Richardson wants to have a set of chapters each with their own BibTeX'ed reference list (as opposed to a global bibliography). I asked in TeXhax about this last year, and no-one suggested a better solution than what I have in fact twice done, which is to create a separate bibliography for each chapter, and \input it at the appropriate place, with the normal LaTeX resolution of references throughout the book. I do it in practice by having a small 'harness' which asks for a chapter name, runs it through with correct setup, and runs BibTeX to create a .bbl file. So if I have a chapter in my book called 'deguio' (as I do), I have a deguio.tex and generate a deguio.bbl. I have a global book file which does a \input deguio \input deguio.bbl and all works out OK after the usual multiple LaTeX runs. The only thing that makes this bearable is using the Unix 'make' utility to keep track of when I change chapters or the booklist. You need to keep all the references in one file, as you need unique keys throughout the book for the cross-referencing. Compared to other problems of creating a book, it isn't that much trouble! sebastian rahtz --------------------------------- Date: 1-JUN-1988 11:21:20 GMT From: RBAILEY@UK.AC.AFRC.RESB To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Male and female The latest bulletin contains a request for a font containing the male and female symbols. I think I have seen some macros in TUGBOAT which provide them. I had a similar problem when I wanted to produce the symbol which computer screens use for the "form feed" character. I managed to create it from \circ and + by careful juggling of boxes and sizes. I could send the code if anyone wants, but unfortunately not at once: I do not have that file with me today, and shall be away from this network until July. Rosemary Bailey Rothamsted Experimental Station --------------------------------- Date: 1-JUN-1988 19:15:18 GMT From: RM001A@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.CDVC To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Peter, I received the following message from one of our users concerning one of the files we obtained from you. Any comments? Christopher P Andrasic From: T::BHK "Brian HAMILTON KELLY" 20-MAY-1988 18:19 To: SYSTEM,BHK Subj: Files from Aston Christopher, After I number of attempts to ``decompress' the file [PUBLIC.TAR]MAKEINDEX.TAR_Z from the Aston tapes, I've come to the conclusion that whomsoever created it did so through some connection which strips off bit 8, since there isn't one of these in the whole file; in particular, the first two bytes should be 037 235 (octal) which equates to 1F 9D in hex, but are actually 1F 1D. Perhaps you should tell Aston and ask them to get a proper version! Brian +++Editor - Can anyone oblige please+++ --------------------------------- Date: 1-JUN-1988 19:14:24 GMT From: RM001A@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.CDVC To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Niel Kempson has written an LSE template to assist with the creation of BibTeX bibliography databases. LSE stands for Language Sensitive Editor and is a DEC layered product available on VAX/VMS machines. Hence you need LSE to use this software, which consists of three files: AAAREADME.TXT - Tells you how to install it. BIBTEX.LSE - the BibTeX language definition for LSE BIBTEX.HLP - the online help file for the BibTeX language Christopher P Andrasic +++Editor - The files are in [public.vms.lse] +++ --------------------------------- Date: 2-JUN-1988 10:39:09 GMT From: CENSWM@UK.AC.HW.VAXA To: abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON.CLUST Subject: TeX copying Peter, I have had a request from someone at Ferrantis here in Edinburgh for a copy of TeX for VAX/VMS. I am not sure of the licensing rules for TeX is it Public Domain or only available free for Academic Institutions?. As he is unable to use Janet is there another distibution facility for your news-letters. I think it would be best if they were to get their TEX copy from you rather than me. Stuart. +++Editor - The contents of the archive are public domain and available to anyone. If necessary I can create a tape of Aston's working version excluding the parts purchased. I can also supply a backup save set of the archive (2 reels at 6250bpi). Please ask them to send one or two tapes (or three if they want both) with return postage and labels to me. The digest can be sent via PSS if they have a suitable address (even reverse charging so that they pay for the material is supported). At present paper copies ARE NOT DISTRIBUTED. +++ --------------------------------- Date: Tue, 31 May 88 15:43:14 BST From: Ian Moor To: Subject: FTP problem Message-ID: <> I am trying to fetch [PUBLIC.AMSFONTS.PXL300]EURM10.300PK from aston.spock, the transfer is rejected with : record format incompatible with transfer code. I am using fcp from a Unix machine and have had no problems with other files in that directory. Ian W. Moor +++Editor - Please can you try the mail route detailed above. Some files seem to cause problems for UNIX systems. Alternatively if you have the option binary please try that. Please let me know if either or both work. Thanks +++ --------------------------------- Via:; 26 May 88 8:59 BST Received: from by; Fri, 20 May 88 14:59:59 BST From: Nick North Date: Fri, 20 May 88 14:59:52 BST Message-Id: <> To: Subject: web2c.shar unget-at-able I have tried to retrieve the file web2c.shar using FTP and get the following reply: > The transfer of file [public.texvms.tex.web]WEB2C.SHAR > from host over janet failed. > The reason given by the remote host was: > > > Invalid value in command: invalid attribute - filename "[public.texvms.tex.web]WEB2C.SHAR". > File open failure reason - directory not found. > VAX/VMS FTP (80) Version 4.3a. I have tried several times and failed, although I succeeded in getting [public]000directory.list which advertised the file's existence. What am I doing wrong? Nick North National Physical Laboratory. +++Editor - I have checked all the directories and files and the protections are OK. I have moved the file to another system here. Please let me know what system you are using. Also has anyone else had problems. Here is my attempt using TRANSFER (no options) Note using two different versions of the FTP software. File transfer 20728 completed Status %FTPB80-S-NORMAL, completed successfully Information : VAX/VMS FTP (80) Version 4.2-4 VAX/VMS FTP (80) Version 4.3a. Remote sitename ASTON.SPOCK Local filename DUA1:[ACS.ABBOTTP]WEB2C.TEST; Remote filename [public.texvms.tex.web]web2c.shar +++ --------------------------------- Date: 18-MAY-1988 09:15:44 GMT From: PHY5RI@UK.AC.LEEDS.UCS.VMS1 To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: LSE module for LaTeX Dear Peter, In a recent issue of UKTEX I read of the TPU source for a LaTeX LSE editor module. It was part of a collection on the SPAN network, maintained by Max Calvani at ASTRPD.INFNET. I looked in Aston's 000directory.list and could not find it mentioned anywhere, so I contacted Max and asked for a copy. Because of its size he suggested I tried you first, as he says he supplied a copy of this, amongst other stuff. If so, could you tell me where it is, or could you send a copy? On another note, many thanks for the great service of the Aston TeX collection---I have found many useful LaTeX style files and device drivers and it has introduced me to Metafont. Cheers, Richard Noble +++EDitor - My apologies but I do not yet have the file in the archive. I have the files at Aston but am checking with Barbara Beeton that they are Public Domain. TugBoat charge for the LSE tape and manual. +++ --------------------------------- From: Luke Whitaker Date: Thu, 2 Jun 88 12:42:08 +0100 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Epson driver Is there an Epson driver that runs under Unix? I've looked in 000directory.list at aston but couldn't see anything obvious. Alternativly is there a commercial one --- if so where from? Luke Whitaker, City University. --------------------------------- Date: 2-JUN-1988 17:37:42 GMT From: SJK1@UK.AC.YORK.VAXA To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON I have a Washington address from where to order a full release of TeX, is this the only place to get the latest release from or is there a UK address? We currently are using Common TeX, Version 2.0 on SUN 3/50's. As TeX is fast becoming the most popular text formatter within the department any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Simon Klyne Department of Electronics University of York Y01 5DD SJK1@UK.AC.YORK +++Editor - I am prepared to update a file with details of the tapes in the UK if owners send me the details. I suggest the following information is needed. Date tape received, System (e.g VAX/VMS UNIX SUN etc),address for copies, media. The file will include the following header. ---------------------------------------------- You may obtain copies from the addresses below. you MUST send the media requested with a label on the media giving your address, a return label AND sufficent postage for return. Ideally the packing should be reusable (such as a JIFFY bag). It would be helpful if you sent a message (email) before sending the tape. ---------------------------------------------- +++ --------------------------------- !! !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue