UKTeX V88 #24 Friday 27 July 1988 verbatim fig pictures in TeX documents multiple hyphenations LaTeX answer TUG TeX courses for September METAFONT help needed multiple hyphenation LaTeX macros/documentstyles with headers and footers Headings and Footngs (sic) in LaTeX TeX memory limits : support for virtual memory systems. LaTeX lfonts.truesizes Urgent submission for UK-TeX. \shew spaces TeX/METAFONT and C Latex section headings --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott There is a new file which may be of interest [public]000last30days.files Also [public.preview.ibmpc]cdvi.arc has been added to the archive The mail and ftp services have been disrupted several times this week On Monday we extracted 180 litres of water from under the false floor (it was mid Tuesday morning before the cluster was up again). Thursday was a half year DEC check so no service during the day. One user crashed the mail server with a large request for files. The network manager collapsed and lost outgoing mail. We should be back to normal now ( I hope) Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #67 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V2N4 --------------------------------- Received: from by NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK via Satnet with SMTP id aa01157; 20 Jul 88 4:01 BST Received: by (5.54/2.2) id AA16040; Tue, 19 Jul 88 22:27:33 EST Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 22:27:33 EST From: "W. Scott McCullough" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: verbatim The problem with verbatim is that it reads in the entire environment before "cutting the scroll". You can string \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} commands throughout the present environment. The chief disadvantage of this kludge is that it works and is easy. I have been letting digests build up, so this may be a bit late. Scott McCullough ARPAnet: (valid indefinitely) Dept. of Physics Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 (until July 27) Dept. of Physics Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078-0444 (after July 27) +++Editor - I send an enquiry out months ago. This solution is messy. Can anyone provide a variation on alltt which simply works as verbatim (i.e pages a document in tt style) without interpreting backslashes in the text.+++ --------------------------------- From: 22-JUL-1988 15:39 To: INFO-TEX Subj: fig pictures in TeX documents Received: from by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK via PSS (UKC CAMEL FTP) id aa25113; 22 Jul 88 15:35 BST Original-Via: SUNFS; Fri, 22 Jul 88 15:35 (V30 at UK.CO.GEC-EPL) From: Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 15:34:36 BST To: Cc:,, Subject: fig pictures in TeX documents Sender: At long last I've had a look at this. The problem IS the difference in dimensions between the canvas and the assumed page size in f2ps. By changing the dimensions in f2ps to match the canvas (I suggest sticking with a canvas 10" high as fig doesn't like different numbers of pixels per inch), you will get the bottom left hand corner of the canvas to match up with the point of the TeX \special command (which is NOT the left hand edge of the paper). While changing things, you may find it worthwhile to alter the width in const.h so that the canvas width corresponds to A4 paper (making aesthetic positioning of figures on the page easier). Of course, a 10" high canvas will not fill an A4 page unless you shift the picture up beyond the top of the canvas. Dunstan Vavasour Systems Design Division GEC Electrical Projects Boughton Road Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1BU Tel: (0788)542144 Ext: 3535 Email: --------------------------------- From: Antti Louko 22-JUL-1988 16:54 To: ABBOTTP Subj: multiple hyphenations Resent-Message-Id: <> Received: Via:; 22 Jul 88 15:47 GMT Received: from by; Fri, 22 Jul 88 15:08:21 +0100 Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1037; Fri, 22 Jul 88 15:07:49 BS Received: from fingate.bitnet by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1011; Fri, 22 Jul 88 15:07:45 B Received: by (5.57/ida/6.6/TeKoLa) id AA14432; Fri, 22 Jul 88 12:22:02 +03 Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 12:22:02 +0300 From: Antti Louko To: In-Reply-To: Sebastian Rahtz's message of Wed, 20 Jul 88 17:43:37 GMT <88072017 Subject: multiple hyphenations Resent-Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 15:51:16 GMT Resent-From: Resent-To: I have modified TeX to handle multiple hyphenation languages. This is done with integer parameter \patternsnum, which selects the pattern set currently used. The TeX version I modified is the web-to-c version. It should work with most UNIX-machines. For example: % tex This is TeX, C Version 2.9 (preloaded format=plain 88.7.5) **\relax *\patternsnum=0 % Well, this is default (English) *\showhyphens{hyphenation} Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) detected at line 0 [] \tenrm hy-phen-ation *\showhyphens{tavutus} % tavutus = hyphenation in Finnish Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) detected at line 0 [] \tenrm tavu-tus *\patternsnum=1 % Finnish *\showhyphens{hyphenation} +++Editor - The complete file is available in aston.spock::[public.]multhyphen.txh +++ --------------------------------- Date: 25-JUL-1988 13:17:14 From: GRAEME@NZ.AC.OTAGO To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: LaTeX answer Dear Peter, In reply to Steve Schwartz question about \newenvironment (UKTeX 23) going awry the problem is due to an OLD version of LaTeX (which is why it works on the Mac and not the other machine). We had the same problem with version 2.08 of LaTeX which went away with 2.09. In the of old version LaTeX does not expand the definition of \end{pareenum} to see that it does end the list environment. The answer is, of course, to upgrade LaTeX to the latest version. To get around in the mean time, however, use: \newenvironment{paraenum}{\list{\theparenum.\hfill} {\usecounter{parenum} \setlength{\labelwidth}{0pt} \setlength{\itemindent}{2em} \setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt} \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt} \setlength{\topsep}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} }}{\endlist} which is essentially the same but uses \list instead of \begin{list} (which is what gets called anyway) and \endlist instead of \end{list}. Doing this supsends LaTeX's environment name checking. Regards, Graeme McKinstry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. --------------------------------- Date: Mon, 25 Jul 88 11:46:32 BST To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL From: BOOTH.CM@UK.AC.EXETER Subject: TUG TeX courses for September Message-ID: #################################### # # # TeX USERS GROUP # # EUROPEAN TeX COURSES # # # # Exeter University, England # # September 1988 # # # #################################### For all those who missed out on the TeX88 short courses earlier this month, or who want a more in-depth approach, European TeX courses are being run for the second year running. These are: Intensive Beginning/Intermediate TeX 5th--9th September 1988 Advanced TeX/Macro Writing 19th--23rd September 1988 Both 5-day courses are being run on behalf of the TeX Users Group. Unlike last year, the course and accommodation bookings have been combined to give one `package' for each course. Bookings and payment will also be handled within the U.K. (in pounds sterling) thus simplifying and speeding up registration arrangements. The fee for each 5-day course for academics is (per person) \quid 360.00 and for non academics \quid 420.00 Accommodation and all meals can be booked for an additional \quid 112.50 Discounts on the course fees are available for TUG Institutional Members and for group bookings of three or more. Further details and booking form can be obtained from the address below. You can also email me (BOOTH.CM@EXETER) provided you steer clear of August, when I'm off on my travels... Details from: Mr. Clive Nicholas Continuing Education and Training Officer University of Exeter Cotley Streatham Rise Telephone: (0392) 411907 Exeter EX4 4PE Fax: (0392) 263108 U.K. Janet email: NICHOLAS.CS@UK.AC.EXETER --------------------------------- Date: 26-JUL-1988 12:17:09 GMT From: GPK@UK.AC.BRIGHTON.VMS To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: METAFONT help needed HELP!! Any METAFONT Wizards About? ================================== In my first "real" use of METAFONT, I'm trying to build our Polytechnic Logo, which is constructed mainly of letters in a simple slanted font. I can get the shape of the letters, but the spacing is wrong - the letters overlap each other, and I just can't figure out why. Can any METAFONT wizard cast a spell of understanding? Heres the font definition, with all except one character ripped out: mode=localfont; mode_setup; em#:=5pt#; cap#:=7pt#; thin#:=1/3pt#; thick#:=3/4pt#; theta:=angle(1,4); o#:=1/5pt#; define_pixels(em,cap); define_blacker_pixels(thin,thick); beginchar("B",em#,cap#,0); "The letter B"; penpos1(thick,theta); penpos2(thick,90); penpos3(thick,0); penpos4(thin,-90); penpos5(thick,90); penpos6(thick,0); penpos7(thick,-90); penpos8(thick,-180+theta); penpos9(thick,0); penpos10(thick,0); penpos11(thick,theta); y1r=y2r=h; x1l=w/4.5; x2=4w/4.5; x3l=4.7w/4.5; y3=4.4h/5.5; x4=x5=3.6w/4.5; y4r=y5=y11=.5h; x6r=5w/4.5; x7=2.5w/4.5; y8r=y7r=0; x8r=0; x9l=x11l=2w/4.5; x10l=.8w/4.5; y9=y1l; y10=y8l; y6=2h/5.5; penstroke z1e..z2e{right}..z3e{down}..z4e; penstroke z8e..z7e{right}..z6e{up}..z5e; penstroke z9e..z10e; penstroke z5e..z11e; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); endchar; end -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Date: Tue, 26 Jul 88 12:17:56 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz To: Subject: multiple hyphenation I have just finished installing the Finnish solution to multiple hyphenation in TeX (see a previous posting, and the advert in TeXhax), and can report that it does its job correctly; I have patterns for German, Italian and Portugese (anyone got French, please?), and with the same piece of text it duly does different things. It does NOT appear to solve the problem of hyphenating accented words, as Louko says it should - anyone care to test this further. The 'diff' file I forwarded to Aston is rather confusing. I have disentangled it, and generated a new '' file which also incorporates Mackay's 'gargantuan TeX', if anyone wants that (assumes TeX 2.93a). You will find that Louko assumes only two hyphenation patterns, and therefore sets pat_num to 1; this confused me at first, since I wanted to include 4 patterns... Can anyone offer a file that tests hyphenation? Sebastian Rahtz --------------------------------- Received: from by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK via PSS (UKC CAMEL FTP) id aa02846; 26 Jul 88 9:42 BST Original-Via: SUNFS; Tue, 26 Jul 88 09:42 (V30 at UK.CO.GEC-EPL) From: Date: Tue, 26 Jul 88 09:41:37 BST To: Subject: LaTeX macros/documentstyles with headers and footers Sender: Does anyone have or know of the existence of a LaTeX documentstyle or a set of macros to enable you to put your own headers and footers on a LaTeX document? The headers and footers will typically be about three or four lines long, and want to be set out using the \tabular environment. I had a bash with \myheadings, but this seems to be geared for one line headers. The right effect was achieved in a one-off using \footnotetext, but 1. It only goes on one page 2. there's no parallel for headings I could roll my own, but would rather not. Dunstan Vavasour Systems Design Division GEC Electrical Projects Boughton Road Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1BU Tel: (0788)542144 Ext: 3535 Email: --------------------------------- Received: from by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK via PSS (UKC CAMEL FTP) id aa11646; 26 Jul 88 14:26 BST Original-Via: SUNFS; Tue, 26 Jul 88 14:26 (V30 at UK.CO.GEC-EPL) From: Date: Tue, 26 Jul 88 14:26:14 BST To: Subject: Headings and Footngs (sic) in LaTeX Sender: I got the following from a LaTeX user on our site. Since I don't know the answers, I thought it worth posting. If anyone can help please reply via the digest, to myself or Dunstan. Don Ward Systems Design Division GEC Electrical Projects Ltd Boughton Road, Rugby, CV21 1BU. Email: Tel: (+44 788 or 0788) 542144 ------------------------------ From: Subject: Headings and Footngs in LaTeX Is there any convenient way of putting headings in in LaTeX. I have tried the \myheadings style, but it seems to be designed for a single line heading, including the page number which cannot be removed. Do you know whether there is anywhere a suitable TeX macro to enable you to produce multiple line \tabular headings and footings? You can achieve the desired effect in the foot of one page using \footnotetext{} (i.e. a three line footer, in a tabular environment), but getting sensible headers seems to be a no-no without some work. One could dive into the latex source and design one's header macros based on \myheadings and \footnotetext, but if someone has already done this it would save the effort and time. Surely someone somewhere who uses LaTeX will have had the need for this? Dunstan --------------------------------- Date: 28-JUL-1988 12:49:53 GMT +01:00 From: MACALLSTR@UK.AC.OX.PH.V1 To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: TeX memory limits : support for virtual memory systems. Sender: John_Macallister From: John_Macallister X-Info: Nuclear Physics Lab,Keble Rd,Oxford OX1 3RH. Phone+44-865-273388 X-Info2: Fax +44-865-273418. Telex 83295 NUCLOX G. TeX limits its internal memory addressing by using a ( 16-bit ) halfword which restricts maximum memory to 65535 ! This is 'silly' on virtual memory systems such as VMS where such a restriction means that only a tiny fraction of available memory is normally used. I've encountered some TeX files which hit this limit and would like to increase it. One solution might be to use a full word variable instead of the halfword variable for storing the maximum addressable memory. Perhaps that could be a mod for the next update of TeX? Another solution could be to redefine the word size from, say, 32 bits to 64 bits using the standard 'untangling of woven webs'. Although I've successfully extended TeX's capacity in other ways using the CHANGE file, the 32 to 64 bit word change would be a major change requiring careful checking of many variable relationships and have not attempted it. A third solution ( which perhaps should not even be contemplated as it might affect the portability of TeX to small systems ) for virtual memory systems would be to save processor time by NOT using internal packing of data structures and the first suggestion could then be implemented easily(?). Perhaps someone has a successful CHANGE file for increasing TeX's memory capacity already? John --------------------------------- Date: Thu, 28 Jul 88 13:11:58 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz To: Subject: LaTeX lfonts.truesizes I recently made myself a new LaTeX using the fonts at the right sizes (rather than blowing up 10pt all the time as Lamport does). I was horrified at the difference! I shall swear off any magnified fonts immediately - it almost makes me think CMR looks OK.... --------------------------------- Date: 28-JUL-1988 16:09:05 GMT From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB To: Abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Urgent submission for UK-TeX. Sender: JANET"CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB" Message-Id: <22201482_000A31B4.009168097404A160$46_1@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB> Originally-to: JANET%"Abbottp@Aston" Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.0a (07-Jun-1988) Urgent request for assistance ! I am trying to typeset a document from which the following extract is taken :- \def \shew #1{{\tt \string #1} (#1)} Character/diacritical-mark combinations (typically accented characters) may be expressed in one of three codes: DEC 169 (Digital's proprietary multinational character set); IBM PC multinational set (which omits some vital characters, such as \OE\ and \oe), or \TeX, in which diacritical marks are expressed as compound character sequences such as \shew {\'e}, \shew {\c c} and \shew {\oe}. \end The idea of \shew is that it displays both the textual and typeset forms of the parameter passed; for example the first use of \shew generates \'e () and the third generates \oe () where is replaced by the real, typeset, form of the metanotion. Unfortunately, the second use generates \cc () which is not the original form (note the omitted space between \c & c). Question: what arcane \TeX trickery will allow me to determine if the definition of a macro requires that it be separated by a space from a following letter ? In other words, how can I determine whether the name of a macro is entirely composed of \catcode 11 characters, apart from the initial \catcode 0 (escape) ? Replies urgently solicited ! ** Phil. --------------------------------- Received: from by NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK via Satnet with SMTP id aa06269; 28 Jul 88 20:03 BST Date: Thu 28 Jul 88 15:04:56-EDT From: b beeton Subject: \shew spaces To: CHAA006 cc: abbottp , bnb@com.ams.seed Message-ID: <12417969710.21.BNB@SEED.AMS.COM> peter abbott forwarded your urgent plea. i've managed to solve the disappearing space problem, but at the cost of fouling up the spacing on the cedilla'd c. here's my try. perhaps you can figure out how to deactivate the space_{13} in a way that can be reprocessed through tex's mouth. have fun! this is, by the way, a real cute question, and i'd like to publish it in the tugboat problems column. after you've got a good solution, of course. -- bb %\tracingall {\obeyspaces\gdef\disobeyspaces{\def {\catcode`\ =10\relax}}} \newtoks\accenttoks \newtoks\Accenttoks \def\xshew{\egroup %\showthe\accenttoks {\tt\expandafter\string\the\accenttoks} {(\Accenttoks=\expandafter{\disobeyspaces\the\accenttoks}% \the\Accenttoks)}} \def\shew{\bgroup\obeyspaces\afterassignment\xshew\global\accenttoks=} \shew {\'e}, \shew {\c c} and \shew {\oe}. \bye ------- --------------------------------- Date: Fri, 29 Jul 88 10:23:21 BST From: TFEB1@UK.AC.CAM.PHX To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: TeX/METAFONT and C Message-ID: <9EE2FC85EE86D650@UK.AC.CAM.PHX> I would dearly like to know the status of WEB2C: does it work for TeX ? Does it work for METAFONT? (all for Unix machines.) If it does work for either of the above, perhaps the converted versions could be put into the archive? That way one only has to FTP one huge file rather than two. Further: I have Common TeX, and at TeX88 I was told that it fails the trip test. I can live with this if it's just on something extremely obscure, but someone else said that it will break lines differently than proper TeX, i.e. it's not doing it's arithmetic properly: this worries me much more! Does anyone know if there is any truth in these rumours? ---Tim Bradshaw. --------------------------------- Date: 29-JUL-1988 11:09:40 GMT From: CENSWM To: abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON.CLUST Subject: Latex section headings Peter, Two simple problems (on the face of it) I am trying to get my section number in a LaTeX document to start at 0, but everything I try seems to fail, also I am trying to get the scetion title underlined also with no success. Can anyone out there help? Stuart. --------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest [public]000aston.readme !! [public]000directory.list !! [public]000directory_dates.list !! [public]000directory.size !! [public]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.9 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.3 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD VAX SUN 2/3 Pyramid Seqeunt SYS V: 3B2 Tar 1600 bpi blocked !! 20 1 file dated 26 may 1988 (from !! !! I have the facilty to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. !! !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue