UKTeX Digest Friday, 15 Mar 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 11 Today's Topics: {Q&A}: Re: EmTeX distribution from Aston Re: Changebars.sty DVItoVDU RE: DVItoVDU Footnotes in the new style Footnotes in LaTeX Output on the Linotronic Re: Output on the Linotronic Reviews of TeX etc in magazines. Testing new software under VMS (LaTeX) changing header and footer when page is all figures RE: OzTeX questions How many sorts of s are there? How many sorts of s are there? (Part II) Re: xdvi with sunos/xview (__XtInherit) French hyphenation and the \language command RE: French hyphenation and the \language command Atari ST/MEGA/TT (TOS): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option RNOtoLaTeX, anyone? Headers and footers on pages of floats Re: Headers and footers on pages of floats Headers and footers on float pages RE: Headers and footers on float pages Cyrillic fonts articles data RE: articles data RE: articles data RE: articles data Re: articles data {Announcements}: Additions and changes to Listserv and DANTE FTP server Desktop Publishing in Astronomy And Space Sciences {Archive News}: old english fonts New version of BiBCard, an X interface for BiBTeX extended 256 char CM fonts new release of RTF tools outline fonts Administrivia: Moderator: Peter Abbott (Aston University) Editor: David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Mar 91 15:40:07 +0100 From: MATTES%DE.UNI-STUTTGART.INFORMATIK.AZU@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY Subject: Re: EmTeX distribution from Aston > You are missing lj_4 and lj_5a simply because the ZIP files are too > large for the low density 3.5" and (so I am told) on both densities at > 5.25". A member of the archivegroup is working on a procedure to split > ZIP files and this problem will eventually disappear. lj_4.fli and lj_5a.fli aren't ZIP files and both fit on 5.25" high density diskettes. If you want to put them on diskettes with less capacity, you may use slice/splice until you have some other utility for splitting. > If anyone needs the lj_4 and lj_5a urgently then they can be supplied in > the usual way as backup (DOS 3.3 only). Otherwise the new zip split > should be here soon. Unfortunately, BACKUP depends on the DOS version. You'll have problems restoring a backup created with a different DOS version. - -em ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Mar 91 15:41:15 +0100 From: MATTES%DE.UNI-STUTTGART.INFORMATIK.AZU@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY Subject: Re: Changebars.sty > is anyone rewriting this style file to support a case statement > instead of an if...else construct for \special support? I could > happily hack it to work with dvips, but would prefer to have a more > acceptable framework agreed in advance It should also be possible to hack it to work with the emTeX drivers. - -em ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 08 Mar 91 15:23:00 +0000 From: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: DVItoVDU I ftpd the DVITOVDU files from Aston but found in horror that the latest version explicitly omits Tektronix emulation, the very one we need most. Brian {H K} says his [...rmcs] version *includes* Tektronix, but on looking into the archive, it is only source, and we have no Modula-2 compiler. Has *anyone* out there a NEW copy of DVItoVDU.EXE for VMS, which *includes* Tektronix emulation AND will work with PK files stored in hierarchical dot-density directories (our old DVItoVDU did the Tek emulation OK but refused to handle hierarchical font storage). If so, plz could I colour-book-ftp it from your machine, as my users are beginning to prepare for war. ///Peter Flynn ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 10:47:44 +0000 From: TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS Subject: RE: DVItoVDU In a message (265) to UKTeX of Fri, 8 Mar 91 15:23 GMT, Peter Flynn UCC , wrote: > I ftpd the DVITOVDU files from Aston but found in horror that the latest > version explicitly omits Tektronix emulation, the very one we need most. > Brian {H K} says his [...rmcs] version *includes* Tektronix, but on looking > into the archive, it is only source, and we have no Modula-2 compiler. I'll put the appropriate .EXE into the Archive sometime today. In the meantime, I've made it available for FTP from here; username PUBLIC, password PUBLIC, filename [PUBLIC]DVITOVDU.EXE. The Modula-2 always raises a problem, because Andy Trevorrow used the Hamburg compiler, whilst we use a commercial development from this, written by Logitech. It relies, like most VAX languages, on a run-time library, and this obviously cannot be distributed or put on the archive (although the terms of the license do permit it to be incorporated into products). So putting .OBJ files into the archive is of little use, since the library (either shareable image, or for linking into the exe) cannot be `published'. Therefore, only .EXE files can go into the archive, but these are usually specific to a particular version of VMS. That reminds me; I have a horrible feeling that the executable I've just moved into our PUBLIC account is intended to pick up the RTL from the shareable image at run-time. I might have to relink with the object library inbuilt for the archive! Don't forget that you'll still need the RMCS version of DVITOVDU.CLD to use the image. Brian ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 08 Mar 91 16:53:33 +0000 From: David Murphy Subject: Footnotes in the new style Dear Peter, Here's something that you or Sebastian might be able to answer; if not, you could put it in the UKTeX digest. I'm unhappy about footnotes in LaTeX. For philosophical consistency shouldn't they be environements ? What I'd like to see is roughly a parallel with list; \begin{footnote}{A}{B} text \end{footnote} would give me a footnote with footnotetext{text}. In A, I'd put the default numbering, and in B I'd put the values of the parameters I'd like, so \footnote{blah} would be equivalent to \begin{footnote}{\arabic{footnote}}{} blah \end{footnote} The real gain would be the ability to introduce list--like parameters; \fnleftmargin, \fnlabelwidth, \fnlabelsep, \fnparsep, \fnparindent and so on; all things I've had to hack the ordinary \footnote at times to change. What do you think ? Is it worth doing ? Has it been done ? Would it be much work ? Many thanks. David Murphy, | JANET: Glasgow CS. 041-339-8855 E.6055 | UUCP: ..!mcsun!ukc!!dvjm A successful standard must avoid building insurmountable obstacles, but maybe a few surmountable ones are needed to be sure the user is paying attention. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 11:10:54 +0100 From: SCHOEPF%DE.ZIB-BERLIN.SC@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY Subject: Footnotes in LaTeX From: David Murphy Date: Fri, 8 Mar 91 16:53:33 GMT Subject: Footnotes in the new style I'm unhappy about footnotes in LaTeX. For philosophical consistency shouldn't they be environements ? What I'd like to see is roughly a parallel with list; \begin{footnote}{A}{B} text \end{footnote} would give me a footnote with footnotetext{text}. In LaTeX 3.0, all commands with text-producing arguments will be available in environment form. There will also be a simple method to specify paragraph parameters that depend on the context. Rainer Sch"opf Dr. Rainer Schoepf Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum ,,Ich mag es nicht, wenn fuer Informationstechnik Berlin sich die Dinge so frueh Heilbronner Str. 10 am Morgen schon so D-1000 Berlin 31 dynamisch entwickeln!'' Federal Republic of Germany Email: or ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 08 Mar 91 17:35:30 +0000 From: D.LOVE@UK.AC.DARESBURY Subject: Output on the Linotronic P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON writes: > It is possible to create a file which is output for evry page. > Is it possible in postscript to make a mirror image of each page? All you need is to put something like the following at the front of the output file or, if the driver produces proper EPS, get it included at the start of each page (in your if you have to. Putting it in a file and giving it to the -h option of dvips, for instance, works. Isn't PostScript wonderful? :-) 8.27 % page width in inches for A4 72 mul 0 translate -1 1 scale ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 09:47:00 +0000 From: MARTIN@UK.AC.ULCC.TYPESET Subject: Re: Output on the Linotronic } I am using OzTeX on a Mac to output to the Linotronic 300. } When using bromide there are no problems } When using film I need to output a mirror image. } } Using Mac software such as Pagemaker is simple in that the output } dialogue boxes have a suitable box to check for bromide/film. } } It is possible to create a file which is output for evry page. } Is it possible in postscript to make a mirror image of each page? Yes ---- there is a boolean in the statusdict dictionary on the Linotronic which controls the `mirror' attribute. It does not need to be set on a per-page basis, so if you can create a file which is only output at the start of the job then it would be sufficient, however it will do no harm to output it for every page. the incantation you need to include in your file is: statusdict /mirrorprint true put This will set the mirror attribute until the next end of job, or until you explicitly set mirrorprint to false, so you may wish to be tidy and force it off after your job. statusdict /mirrorprint false put The 'white on black' attribute is controlled in a similar manner: statusdict /negativeprint true put % print white on black statusdict /negativeprint false put % return to black on white Martin Powell University of London Phototypesetting Service ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 08 Mar 91 21:55:00 +0000 From: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: Reviews of TeX etc in magazines. Can anyone tell me what has been published in review or comment form on TeX etc in the regular computing magazines. I am having trouble locating even a few articles to refer to. There was one in ?BYTE? some time back I think, but I have no pointer(s). BTW this is *URGENT* ///Peter ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 Mar 91 13:13:00 +0100 From: FISICA%IT.ASTRO.ASTRPD@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: TESTING NEW SOFTWARE UNDER VMS Hello Peter, I think this may be useful. I installed (or tryed to!) the following programs under VMS, and here are few comments: 1) XDVI [tex-archive.drivers.xdvi] It is a preview for Vax stations running X windows. Indeed there are TWO of them, the second is in [tex-archive.[drivers.xdvi.decwindows]. This second one seems to be an older and less sophisticated version of the first, that is REALLY good. 2) DVIPS [tex-archive.drivers.dvi2ps.dvips] The present version has still some bugs/problems under VMS. In the previous one there was a flag VMS_ROOTED that allowed to search pk files in subdirs. This feature seems to be missing in the new release, that looks for all pk files in the same place, with names: fontname.(magnification)pk. I am trying to fix it with the help of Earle Ake. We are on the right track! 3) DVILN03 [tex-archive.drivers.ln03.rmcs] Just few words: it's a HIT! Hope this helps, Max ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 09:20:58 +0100 From: SCHOEPF%DE.ZIB-BERLIN.SC@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY Subject: (LaTeX) changing header and footer when page is all figures From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS My publisher tells me that his designer expects me to have blank headers and footers when a page is entirely occupied by floats. Any suggestions from gurus on how should be most easily achieved? sebastian rahtz Sebastian, if you look at the place in latex.tex where the output routine is defined you see the following: \output{\ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@M\@specialoutput\else \@makecol\@opcol\@floatplacement\@startcolumn \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi{\@opcol\@startcolumn}\fi \global\vsize\ifnum\outputpenalty >-\@Miv \@colroom \else \maxdimen\fi} Now, the first two lines handle normal pages, the while loop on the third line is for outputting float pages. So, if you want your flaot pages without any running heads you should include a \thispagestyle{empty} just before the call to \@opcol. (I have to admit that I didn't test it, but Frank agreed that it should work, also without testing it. :-) For double-column pages there is a similar mechanism in \@outputdblcol a bit further on. Hope that helps... Rainer Sch"opf ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 09:19:51 +0000 From: P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: RE: OzTeX questions In message 252 of Mon, 4 MAR 91 09:39:30 GMT, P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON wrote: > > I'd like to ask a few questions about the current version > of OzTeX. I am not so familiar with Mac, so please forgive me > if some questions seem absurdly elementary. > > 1. Does the current version include a driver for new Apple > Personla LaserWriter NT? I.e., Can I use it to print .dvi files > to that printer? > The current version supports postscript printers and the image writer > 2. Suppose that I have a 4M-RAM/20M-HD Mac Plus and a dvi file > that contains reasonably simple math text of about 4 printed pages. > With this set-up, very roughly speaking how long would it take > to print this on Personal LaserWriter NT? > (Less than 5 min? Could take as long as 20 min?) > Sorry but I have no idea but I assume that it would probably be limited to the speed of the printer. My output seems very dependent upon waiting for the printer most of the time. The only occasions I notice the printer waiting is when sending a picture (usually a megabyte or more). > 3. Could you please send me via e-mail, the Latex source of > OzTex user's manual, the guide of installing OzTeX > and other information about installation, compilation, etc. > of OzTeX on Mac that exists in LaTeX or TeX? > The source files will follow. > I would really appreciate your help. > Thank you veru much in advance. > > Jun Tarui > Dept. of Comp Sci > Univ. of Rochester > Rocheter, NY 14627 > Peter ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 16:24:54 From: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA Subject: How many sorts of s are there? I agree with Chris Thomson and Chris Rowley about the code on p377 of The TeXbook. The test for an active funny space seems wrong, although the following code always appears to give the correct results on my system (TeX v3.1) In fact, ``the whole story'' has not been presented here, since there is presumably another test to do: \ifactive. An active character can be \let to a normal or funny space, but certainly is not an explicit space. Thus there seem to be six cases to consider. Having tried Chris Rowley's solution without success, I tried the following, which might just work, but don't guarantee it. Are there any cases which it doesn't cover? Does anyone else even care? Why is it necessary to resort to this sort of contorted logic anyway for such a simple task. By the way, does anyone know of a way to convert a token list to a list of (charcode,catcode) pairs, subject to the restrictions on p209 of The TeXbook? Where is the \charcode primitive???? Mike Piff \newcount\A \def\lengthA#1#2\end{% \def\Temp{#2}% \ifx\Temp\empty \A=0 \else \A=1 \fi } \def\CR{\immediate\write16{}} \newif\ifspace \newif\iffunny\newif\ifexplicit \newif\ifactive \def\stest#1{% \expandafter\s\the#1 \stest \ifspace \ifexplicit \message{explicit}% \else \message{implicit}% \ifactive \message{active}% \fi \fi \iffunny\message{funny}\else\message{normal}\fi \message{space}% \else \message{nonspace} \fi \CR } \def\s{\futurelet\next\ss} \def\ss{% \ifcat\noexpand\next\stoken \spacetrue \ifx\next\stoken \let\next=\sss \else \let\next=\ssss \fi \else \spacefalse \let\next=\sssss \fi \next } \long\def\seeifactive#1{% \expandafter\lengthA\string#1\end \ifnum\A=0 \global\activetrue \else \global\activefalse \fi } \long\def\sss#1 #2\stest{% \funnyfalse \def\next{#1}% \ifx\next\empty \explicittrue \activefalse \else \explicitfalse \seeifactive{#1}% \fi } \long\def\ssss#1#2\stest{% \funnytrue \iffalse%\ifcat\noexpand#1\noexpand~% \explicitfalse \message{TRUE!!!}% \else {% \escapechar=\if*#1`?\else`*\fi \if#1\string#1% \global\explicittrue \global\activefalse \else \global\explicitfalse \seeifactive{#1} \fi }% \fi } \long\def\sssss#1\stest{\spacefalse} \newtoks\Test \def\1{\let\stoken= }\1 % normal implicit space \catcode`\!=\active \def\2{\let!= }\2 % ! active let to space \uccode` =`* \uppercase{\uppercase{\def\fspace{ }\let\ftoken= } } % \fspace expands to *space, \ftoken let to *space \catcode`|=\active \let|= \ftoken % active let to *space \CR \Test={ } % explicit normal space \stest\Test \Test=\expandafter{\fspace} % explicit funny space \stest\Test \Test={\stoken} %implicit normal space \stest\Test \Test={\ftoken} % implicit funny space \stest\Test \Test={!} % active normal space \stest\Test \Test={|} \stest\Test \end and the LOG is This is TeX, Version 3.1(c)sb34 (preloaded format=plain 91.3.5) 11 MAR 1991 15:58 ** spaces (spaces.tex \A=\count26 \Test=\toks12 explicit normal space explicit funny space implicit normal space implicit funny space implicit active normal space implicit active funny space ) No pages of output. From Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, PO Box 597, Hicks Noisy Building Site, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S10 2UN, England. Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 08:51:16 From: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA Subject: How many sorts of s are there? (Part II) Sorry, brain going soggy. In previous item of same name substitute the much simpler \long\def\seeifactive#1{% \expandafter\seex\string#1\seex } \long\def\seex#1#2\seex{% \def\Temp{#2}% \ifx\Temp\empty \global\activetrue \else \global\activefalse \fi } Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 10:21:55 +0000 From: PETER@UK.CO.MEMEX Subject: Re: xdvi with sunos/xview (__XtInherit) D.LOVE@UK.AC.DARESBURY and Rainer Sch\"opf talk about the `undefined symbol: __XtInherit' when building xdvi. Here is my understanding of what is happening, culled from lots of news. The problems: The loader, ld, will not link the .sa part of a Sun shared library (the bit that contains the unshared code) if the only references to it are in the .so (shared) part. The Xt library is like this, it has _XtInherit in the unshared part because the address of the function is taken in various places. This could be considered a bug, but Sun don't see it that way. (_XtInherit is the actual name in the source, ld, nm, etc. report it with the usual extra underscore, __XtInherit.) Ranlib doesn't work on a .sa library file. This might seem an irrelevent problem but it is not. The solutions: Touch /usr/lib/X11/ This `works' because when ld links things it sees the table of contents out of date and seems to link in the whole thing, which in Xt's case is only _XtInherit. However, ld complains that the table of contents is out of date and suggests re-running ranlib. Don't do this, because of the second problem above. See if you really need -lXt at all. If the program doesn't need it, don't include it, otherwise ld will still put the .so name in the file and will see it at run time. If you do need -lXt, then call XtToolkitInitialize somewhere in your program. All the Xt*Initialize routines call this internally so if you are using Xt based widgets you are almost bound to do this anyway. If you are only using other bits of Xt, like XtMalloc, then you can put a reference to XtToolkitInitialize in the program. It can go after the last exit() in main(), you do not have to call it, just ensure that it is referenced. This works because _XtInherit is in the same .o file as XtToolkitInitialize so it ensures that a reference exists to _XtInherit in your code so ld sees it. So, the short answer is: don't use any of Xt before intializing it properly. Peter Ilieve ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 10:30:00 +0000 From: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: French hyphenation and the \language command Where can I get a French HYPHEN.TEX, and how do we now go about using \language? ///Peter ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 11:54:23 +0000 From: P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX Subject: RE: French hyphenation and the \language command >>> Where can I get a French HYPHEN.TEX, See below. >>> and how do we now go about using \language? Preferably via \newlanguage ! [Start of included file: TeX_Inputs:FHyphen.TeX;1 (Copyright (C) Mike Ferguson)] % French hyphenation macros and patterns. % % Copyright (c) ArborText, Inc., and % Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications, 1986, 1989. % All rights reserved. %... {The French hyphenation patterns supplied can be found on the Aston TeX Archive in [tex-archive.langs.french]hyphen.tex --Ed.} ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 12:25:40 +0100 From: PRESSLER%NAMU03@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY Subject: Atari ST/MEGA/TT (TOS): searching for dvi-driver with landscape option Hallo, Does anyone know where to get a dvi-driver for the Atari with the following characteristics: - output on a NEC P6 plus Pinwriter (24-dot-matrix, 360x360 dpi) - the requested feature: the driver should be able to print in landscape mode as well as portrait mode, and it should be possible to switch between these modes with specials, so that one can use the portland.sty (LaTeX). It would be even better if for example two DIN A5 pages could be printed on a DIN A4 sheet of paper. Is anything like this around on a ftp site somewhere or available in another way (preferable as a binary (too) and for free)? It's quite important for me. Thanks a lot, Lutz Pressler (Goettingen, Germany) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 17:23:00 +0000 From: ROBIN@UK.CO.LASER-SCAN Subject: RNOtoLaTeX, anyone? I have used RNOtoTeX in the past, and it's somewhat sensitive to the Runoff-writing style of our people here. There's a real chance that I can persuade the firm as a whole to `go LaTeX' if I can translate our existing (enourmous) inventory of documentation. Unfortunately, this isn't an option with RNOtoTeX because of the amount of post-translation editing required. The code of RNOtoTeX is somewhat opaque (and yes, I _am_ a Pascal programmer), and I haven't been able to find out where in it our style causes it grief. On the Usenet group comp.text.tex, I've seen remarks every so often that imply that there's another translation program called RNOtoLaTeX (odd; RNOtoTeX produces LaTeX, too ;-). I've also seen things that imply it's a better bet than RNOtoTeX. Does anyone have this beast? Have opinions about it? If not, would it be possible for our wondrous archivists to pull it off some US site somewhere (it's presumably to be found on ymir)? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer - Robin Fairbairns ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 14:07:20 From: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA Subject: Headers and footers on pages of floats Sebastian Rahtz writes: > My publisher tells me that his designer expects me to have blank > headers and footers when a page is entirely occupied by floats. Any > suggestions from gurus on how should be most easily achieved? If the publisher is working from camera ready copy, the solution (sic) is in a little white bottle. Other solutions possible: - ---change publisher. - ---completely rewrite TeX/LaTeX float handling mechanism---you don't mention which one, and they are completely different. Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 15:25:21 +0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: Re: Headers and footers on pages of floats PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA writes: > > Other solutions possible: > ---change publisher. they have paid advance royalties > ---completely rewrite TeX/LaTeX float handling mechanism---you don't > mention which one, and they are completely different. actually, it aint so bad. i found a solution (in LaTeX): % if there are floats around % then set pagestyle to be empty \def\@tryfcolumn #1{\global\@fcolmadefalse \xdef\@trylist{#1}\xdef\@failedlist {}\begingroup \let\@elt\@xtryfc \@trylist \endgroup \if@fcolmade \typeout{Page with floats and nothing else} \thispagestyle{empty} \@vtryfc #1 \fi} ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 15:57:40 From: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA Subject: Headers and footers on float pages Seriously, though, .... One way to make headers and footers blank on float pages is to put the following in the preamble to a LaTeX document. \makeatletter \def\@outputpage{\begingroup\catcode`\ =10 \let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii \if@specialpage \global\@specialpagefalse\@nameuse{ps@\@specialstyle}\fi \if@twoside \ifodd\count\z@ \let\@thehead\@oddhead \let\@thefoot\@oddfoot \let\@themargin\oddsidemargin \else \let\@thehead\@evenhead \let\@thefoot\@evenfoot \let\@themargin\evensidemargin \fi\fi %% START OF ADDED TEXT \if@fcolmade \let\@thefoot\relax \let\@thehead\relax \count1=-1 % gives visual indication of float page \fi %% END OF ADDED TEXT \shipout \vbox{\normalsize \baselineskip\z@ \lineskip\z@ \let\par\@@par %% 15 Sep 87 \vskip \topmargin \moveright\@themargin \vbox{\setbox\@tempboxa \vbox to\headheight{\vfil \hbox to\textwidth {\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble \@thehead}} %% 22 Feb 87 \dp\@tempboxa\z@ \box\@tempboxa \vskip \headsep \box\@outputbox \baselineskip\footskip \hbox to\textwidth{\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble %% 22 Feb 87 \@thefoot}}}\global\@colht\textheight \endgroup\stepcounter{page}\let\firstmark\botmark} \makeatother Any solutions in plain TeX? Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 16:09:49 +0000 From: P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX Subject: RE: Headers and footers on float pages >>> Any solutions in plain TeX? \ifdim \ht 255 = 0 pt \ifdim \dp 255 = 0 pt \headline = {\hfil} \footline = {\hfil} \fi \fi Philip Taylor Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, ``The University of London at Windsor'' ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 16:20:00 +0000 From: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: Cyrillic fonts Can someone recommend macros to work with the Cyrillic fonts? I am told there are two sets? Which one is better and why? ///Peter ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 19:30:00 +0000 From: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: articles data I have the opportunity to submit an article to a mag on TeX 3, probably as a review of emTeX. I urgently need the following confirmed: CM was modelled on Monotype Series ??? (can't remember the number, can someone point me at a reference, my Mono catalogue has been lent to a friend). Who did the MF for the Euler fonts (and who was Euler, the name is familiar) and why are they so important to the AMS? Where can I get the Fraktur and Schwabacher (plus decoratives) as MF files that Yannis Haralambous showed us in Cork last Sept? Haven't been able to contact Ewart, does anyone know the current price of PC-TeX (also of the other commercial versions, Mac and PC. Northlake I can handle). What issue of TUGboat was the short article by Leslie Lamport in where he describes the diffs between visual and logical DTP? In haste///Peter ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Mar 91 08:30:00 +0000 From: MALCOLMC@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE Subject: RE: articles data monotype 8A (cf volume 5) i have a typeface book somewhere with an example of 8a. do you really need the reference. yannis: yannis@frictl81 textures, 300/350 (CM PS fonts 200/300) educational/non-educational. i might be able to answer some of the others tomorrow, but no doubt my colleagues have a pile of TUGboats handy. malcolm ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Mar 91 09:00:23 +0000 From: CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX Subject: RE: articles data > I have the opportunity to submit an article to a mag on TeX 3, > probably as a review of emTeX. I urgently need the following confirmed: Excellent: some hasty replies with No references to hand! > CM was modelled on Monotype Series ??? (can't remember the number, > can someone point me at a reference, my Mono catalogue has been lent > to a friend). Volume E may help (or Barbara beeton: fount of all knowledge). > Who did the MF for the Euler fonts (and who was Euler, the name is > familiar) and why are they so important to the AMS? There is a book on the project which I have but not with me: it was done at Stanford (it is also not "true" MF as the book explains). Euler was very famous mathematician (very roughly 1700s) worked in Berlin and K"onigsberg (as it was then called). > Haven't been able to contact Ewart, does anyone know the current price > of PC-TeX (also of the other commercial versions, Mac and PC. Northlake > I can handle). No idea: maybe someone in California will know if you give them a ring. > What issue of TUGboat was the short article by Leslie Lamport in where > he describes the diffs between visual and logical DTP? Guess: 1984/5, I know I dont have it! Not very useful I'm afraid. Will try to get further info. chris ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Mar 91 10:22:00 +0100 From: FISICA%IT.UNIPD.ASTRPD@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: RE: articles data Euler Leonhard (1707-1783), born in Basel. Famous for studies in math, optics, astronomy. Max ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 13:17:18 +0100 From: SCHOEPF%DE.ZIB-BERLIN.SC@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY Subject: Re: articles data Originally-from: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Who did the MF for the Euler fonts (and who was Euler, the name is familiar) and why are they so important to the AMS? I don't know who did the MF, but they were designed by the german typeface guru Hermann Zapf (Yes, the same after whom the Zapf Chancery are named) and then programmed in the old Metafont. Recently the AMS had them re-written in the new language. Unfortunately, they are not really "meta". Where can I get the Fraktur and Schwabacher (plus decoratives) as MF files that Yannis Haralambous showed us in Cork last Sept? Malcolm already gave Yannis' address. I have the MF source files, but at least one (important) file is missing. I can do without (for the moment and for myself), but I won't put them on the server(s) as they are now. Re: Malcolm's number, eh...sorry, Euler's number: it's called "e" and fights with pi for importance. In haste///Peter Sorry for the delay, mail to/from the UK is unpredictable at times. Rainer ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 13:43:46 +0700 From: JL2%EARN.DHDURZ1@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: Additions and changes to Listserv and DANTE FTP server There have been a few interesting additions to the LISTSERV@DHDURZ1: In TEX FILELIST, there are two new important files called README FIRST CHANGES LISTING Before ordering stuff from the list server you should indeed read the first of these. The second one contains a reverse chronological listing of what has been added/changed. I append it here for the time being: ========================================================================= File: CHANGES LISTING VMS-Date: 91/03/11 General: - -------- We are currently in the process of reducing all file sizes to below 64kB. DATE FILELIST FILENAME FILETYPE DESCRIPTION 91/03/11 DRIVER DVIPS * dvips 5.47, by Tom Rokicki 91/03/06 TTOOLS EDMAC * EDMAC macro package 91/03/05 TEX-UTIL ZOOMIPSU UUE ZOO executable for MIPS/ULTRIX 91/03/05 TEX-UTIL FIZMIPSU UUE FIZ executable for MIPS/ULTRIX 91/03/04 MFSOURCE OCRB * OCR B fonts 91/03/04 MFSOURCE DCFONT * 256 character fonts 91/03/04 TUGBOAT TUGPROC * TUG proceedings abstracts 91/03/01 TEX-UTIL UNZIP401 * Sources for public domain unzip 91/03/01 TEX-UTIL UNZ_SUN4 UUE Executable for Sun Sparc 91/02/28 PC-MSDOS RUMGRAPH * Update 91/02/28 TEX README FIRST Updated version 91/02/28 TEX DIRTY TRICKS How to access the archive 91/02/26 TEX CHANGES LISTING Lists recent changes 91/02/25 LATEX LATEX BUG New version 91/02/25 LATEX LPLAIN TEX New version 91/02/25 LATEX SFONTS TEX New version 91/02/25 LATEX SPLAIN TEX New version ========================================================================= The DANTE FTP server at Stuttgart is currently being reorganized, which has already caused some confusion (the most frequently asked question being ``Where has emTeX gone???!!!''). If you cannot find something under soft/tex, try soft/texold. We hope to have this settled by the end of March. The probably most interesting item on the above list, namely the 256 character fonts can be found in soft/tex/fonts/metafont/dc. Finally, to stall another frequently asked question: To access the listserv, send mail to . If you have never accessed a LISTSERV-type server before, put the following two lines into your mail message: HELP GET README FIRST TEX To access the Dante FTP server, do FTP to, Rainer Sch"opf DANTE-coordinator for servers ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 14:44:00 +0000 From: MALCOLMC@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE Subject: Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences DESKTOP PUBLISHING in ASTRONOMY and SPACE SCIENCES (Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory) (1 - 3 October 1991) =================================== Strasbourg Observatory / Astronomical Data Centre will be organizing from Oct. 1 to 3, 1991, a meeting on 'Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences'. Desktop publishing is widespread nowadays and a number of packages are used by astronomers, space scientists, engineers and technicians for producing their papers, reports, etc., as well as their everyday mail (typically Word, TeX, LaTeX, ...). The motivations behind the choice of a given package are various and not always rational ones (such as availability, financial constraints, mouth-to-ear recommendations). There is anyway an experience to be shared openly for the benefit of everybody and it would certainly be useful to confront performances, capabilities, as well as possible complementarities of the text processing S/W packages that are presently most frequently used in astronomy and space sciences. There is most likely no 'best' system, but it might be possible to get a digest of the best parts of the major ones without having to review lengthily computer journals. Not only the point of view of the authors or writers should matter here, but also the reasons behind the choices that a few publishers have already made (typically Springer TeX Macros, ...). On this side, the advantages are obvious: the manuscripts are delivered directly by the authors/scientific editors in a standardized machine-readable way (saving time and money) and the final appearance of the publications is substantially enhanced, be it only through its harmonization. What happens in other communities of related fields will also be investigated. Some publishers represent up to 500 scientific journals. It will be interesting to listen to their explanations as to how their choices have been made and for them to hear what scientists have to say in that respect. Another aspect of this colloquium is related to the developments carried out by auxiliary software companies or individuals. They are producing self-sustained packages, complementary tools and/or utilities to be plugged into already well-established text processing systems. Here again scientists should express their views, needs and wishes. The meeting is timely as desktop publishing reaches such a development that it would be appropriate for the corporation and for publishers to issue now recommendations for standardization, compatibility and/or complementarity from the S/W producers. Sessions will be organized in such a way that each of the parties will be able to make their points as to the advantages they find with given packages, the constraints they have to comply with, the requirements they would have for further developments. We shall also attempt to set up exhibitions and/or demonstrations. If you are interested in attending this colloquium, please return the registration form below in order to be put on the mailing list to receive additional information (list of hotels, preliminary programme, and so on). As the audience might have to be limited, we advise you to do it as soon as possible. We would also appreciate if you could advertise as much as possible this meeting in your institution and through your electronic mailing list. Please feel also free to send us your comments and to recommend people (scientists, editors, publishers, software producers, company managers, and so on) you think we should contact, if not yet done. Yours sincerely, Andre HECK. March 1991. ***************************************************************** DESKTOP PUBLISHING in ASTRONOMY and SPACE SCIENCES (1 - 3 October 1991) =================================== Registration Form Name:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Country: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telex: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-mail:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - will attend the meeting (*) - would like to present a communication (*) Title: Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . This form should be returned to: Dr. Andre HECK Observatoire Astronomique 11, rue de l'Universite F-67000 Strasbourg France. Additional information can be obtained by: telephone: +33- telex: 890506 starobs f telefax: +33- EARN/BITNET: HECK @ FRCCSC21 (*) circle as appropriate ***************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 10:17:52 +0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: old english fonts Julian Bradfield's Old English characters (see below), in Metafont source, are installed in the UK TeX Archive in [tex-archive.fonts.oldenglish] Please read the README file and obey whatever it says about use of the font Sebastian Rahtz - - ---------- I am sending the following files, which give a font containing the Old English letters eth, thorn, and yogh, together with a Polish ogonek accent. cmoe.README ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 10:18:21 +0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: New version of BiBCard, an X interface for BiBTeX Version 1.5 of BiBCard (see below) is installed in the UK TeX Archive in [tex-archive.bibtex.utils.bibcard] (source in plain ASCII files) or [tex-archive.src.unix-archives]bibcard.uue (uuencoded compressed tar) Sebastian Rahtz - - ----------- New for this release: Support for non-standard BiBTeX fields. Now saves @preamble items. Improved macro handling But now the user must enter a special character to indicate a macro name. Uses load directory as the default directory. Initial default directory is set by an optional $BIBPATH environment variable. Allows .bib suffix for file names Done buttons added to pop-ups to aid X11 users. It is now possible to see all cite keys for large files. Improved scanning of existing files: cite-key can appear on separte line extra spaces before @ and around cite key are now ignored. comma separator can appear at the begining of a line. etc. PhD thesis bug fixed. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 11:44:07 +0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: extended 256 char CM fonts Following the agreement at Cork last year on the layout for an extended family of CM fonts using all 256 character positions, Norbert Schwarz has been working on actually implementing the characters. His first version is now available from the UK TeX Archive in [tex-archive.fonts.extendedcmfonts] Please read the HELP.ENG or HELP.GER notes carefully. Please do not abuse Norbert's conditions of use. I append HELP.ENG. Sebastian Rahtz Some Notes to the DC fonts, version 1.0, 13.2.1991 - -------------------------------------------------- Attention ! This is the first version of the DC font family. Not all will be error free. Therefore comments and error reports are wellcome to the address below. Norbert Schwarz The DC fonts, which are the first (pre) release of the EC fonts, contain the text fonts of the "computer modern font family" with a coding scheme, that has been defined in the Cork meeting of TUG 1990 the "TeX 256 international character set". The fonts are generated without specific driver files, like "". Instead a interpolation algorithm is used to set up the needed parameters. A driver file has to contain only a specification of "gensize" and a call to the global driver file. A TeX run with the file "dcstdedt.tex" sets up a standard set of size specifying files which call the parameter files. By editing the file DCSTDEDT.TEX the wished size set can be customized easily. It is recommended to use "" for installing a new base file that is needed during the Metafont runs. "DXBASE" and "CMBASE" are not compatible. "DXBASE" needs the plain Metafont macros. To generate a font "dcr60" a file "" with the contents "gensize:=60; generate dcr" is needed. To get a set with very small sizing steps only some files like containg: gensize:=10.1; generate dcr containg: gensize:=10.2; generate dcr containg: gensize:=10.3; generate dcr containg: gensize:=10.4; generate dcr containg: gensize:=10.5; generate dcr are needed ... Some hints to the files: - ------------------------ 1. All DX-files contain macros and shape definitions, exspecially "" is the new base macro set. 2. The DC-files contain the global font parameters used by the interpolation algorithm and are included after specifying the "gensize": DCB .MF bold DCBX .MF bold extended DCBXSL .MF bold extended slanted DCBXTI .MF italic bold extended DCCSC .MF caps and small caps DCDUNH .MF dunhill DCFF .MF funny roman DCFI .MF funny italic DCFIB .MF fibonacci DCITT .MF italic typewriter type DCR .MF roman DCSL .MF slanted DCSLTT .MF slanted typewriter type DCSS .MF sans serife DCSSBX .MF sans serife bold extended DCSSI .MF sans serife slanted DCTCSC .MF typewriter caps and small caps DCTI .MF italic DCTT .MF typewriter type DCU .MF italic unslanted DCVTT .MF variable typewriter type 3. DOK.TEX a description (in german) of the code table 4. GHYPHEN3.TEX hyphenation patterns for German, coded with respect to TeX 3.x - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C O P Y R I G H T - ----------------- General permission for use and non-profit redistribution is granted. Commercial use is generally granted, if a reference copy of the product using this material - for use by the Rechenzentrum of the Ruhr-Universitaet - is received. Norbert Schwarz Rechenzentrum Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum Postfach 102148 Universitaetsstrasse 150 D-4630 Bochum 1 West Germany Email (X.400): Norbert.Schwarz@RUBA.RZ.RUHR-UNI-BOCHUM.DBP.DE ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 10:16:44 +0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: new release of RTF tools [tex-archive.utils.rtf] in the UK Tex Archive contains version 1.5 of Paul duBois' tools for dealing with Rich Text Format. This is changes and updates to the version posted 2 weeks ago Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 10:17:12 +0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: outline fonts The `outline' versions of the CM fonts are in the UK TeX archive in [tex-archive.fonts.cmoutline]. See article by Doug Henderson in Tugboat 10#1. sebastian rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 12:43:17 +0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: c++2latex in UK archive The source of a Unix program by Norbert Kiesel for converting C/C++ source files into LaTeX input is installed on the UK TeX Archive in [tex-archive.utils.cpp-latex] caveat ftpor - this is untested by me Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY *** JANET Interactive and NIFTP access *** Host: (JANET DTE 000020120091) Username: public Password: public *** Files of interest *** [tex-archive]00readme.txt [tex-archive]00directory.list [tex-archive]00directory.size [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list [tex-archive]00last30days.files This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive, in directory [tex-archive.digests.uktex.91] This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive, in directory [tex-archive.digests.texhax.91] Latest TeXhax: #12 TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive, in directory [tex-archive.digests.tex-mag] Latest TeXMaG: V5 N2 *** Media distributions *** Washington Unix tape (28 March 1990) TeX 2.993(==3.0), LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 1.9 (2.0) Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file. Send one 2400' tape with return labels AND return postage. VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one tape. Exabyte 8mm tapes: same formats available as 1/2in tapes. The following tapes are available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB OzTeX (for Macintosh): Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks with return postage. emTeX (for MS-DOS): Send 11 UNFORMATTED 1.44Mb or 18 720K 3.5" disks, or 12 UNFORMATTED 5.25" disks, with return postage. emTeX is now distributed with a copy of `Baskerville' and documentation. Please therefore send the disks in packing of A4 size or enclose an A4 envelope. *** Postage rates: all prices in pounds sterling *** (make cheques payable to Aston University) 0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape), 5.00 (two tapes). Europe: 5.00 (one tape), 9.00 (two tapes). Outside Europe please enquire. 8mm tapes: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. DC600A cartridges: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. Diskettes: Quantity/Size Europe World UK 1st UK 2nd 18/3.5" 3.10 5.10 1.40 1.10 11/3.5" 1.80 2.90 0.80 0.65 18/5.25" 1.20 2.00 0.60 0.50 11/5.25" 0.80 1.30 0.50 0.35 *** Postal address *** Peter Abbott, Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET (Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage). *** UK TeX Users Group *** For details, contact Malcolm Clark or Geeti Granger IRS John Wiley & Sons Polytechnic of Central London Baffins Lane 115 New Cavendish Street Chichester London W1M 8JS W Sussex PO19 1UD email: End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 91 Issue 11] **************************************