% mlp-49n.sty (the "ngerman" interface for the mlp package) % last mods 2000/09/06 %% %% checksum = "63302 137 659 7109" %% \ProvidesFile{mlp-49n.sty}% [2000/09/06 new-german interface for the mlp package] \expandafter% If this coding is not alreadly loaded \ifx\csname ngermanTeXmods\endcsname\relax% define the basic cs, \def\beginlanguage{\ngerman}% the language name cs and \edef\beginFWdirection{L}% the direction of writing (write Left to right). \else% \endinput% else do nothing at all. \fi% % A bypass required for other languages because \let\@SavedCF\captionsfrench% 1) ngerman.sty destroys french captions coding \let\@SavedCE\captionsenglish% 2) ngerman.sty destroys english captions coding. \RequirePackage{ngerman}% Load ngerman package. % The command to initialize all german tools except hyphenation: \@ifundefined{ngermanTeXmods}{%................................ \ngermanTeXmods \gdef\ngermanTeXmods{\ngermanTeX% this is the cs for ngerman.sty \ifx\captionsnames\captionsngerman\else% \let\captionsnames\captionsngerman% \let\date\datengerman% \let\bibsnames\bibssngerman% \fi% \let\switchtolanguage\endngerman% }% }{}% \DeclareOption{ngerman}{\def\beginlanguage{ngerman}}% First language to start. \ProcessOptions% Process that option (ngerman) defintely. % The command to set ngerman hyphenation: % (normally set at INITeX) it should equal to \language=x and nothing else \@ifundefined{ngerman}{\gdef\ngerman{\relax}}{}% Default............ \ngerman % The command to do extra things and switch to another language: \@ifundefined{switchtolanguage}{%............................ \switchtolanguage \gdef\switchtolanguage#1{#1}}{}% \let\@enstGORI\switchtolanguage% save original switchtolanguage if any. \let\ngermanORI\ngerman% assuming \language=x was set here \def\endngerman{\no@xtrasngerman% \let\switchtolanguage\@enstGORI% % \csname endL\endcsname%stop TeX--XeT 1st direction of writing \ignorespaces}% but they are not after \end{english} ! \let\no@xtrasngerman\noextrasngerman% % The final command to initialize ngerman stuff: \def\ngerman{\switchtolanguage\ngermanTeXmods\ngermanORI%...... Final \ngerman \ignorespaces}% but they are not after \begin{ngerman} ! %\ngerman% Don't activate language now, postpone until \begin{document}. \originalTeX% go back to original stuff \let\captionsfrench\@SavedCF% restore original \captionsfrench \let\captionsenglish\@SavedCE% restore original \captionsenglish \def\@lastoption{ngerman}% The option to start typesetting with. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Let few other packages know that ngerman is loaded. % \PassOptionsToPackage{german}{varioref}% % \endinput%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%