biblatex-ext - Extended biblatex standard styles ================================================ The `biblatex-ext` bundle provides styles that slightly extend the standard styles that ship with `biblatex`. The styles offered in this bundle provide a simple interface to change some of the stylistic decisions made in the standard styles. At the same time they stay as close to their standard counterparts as possible, so that most customisation methods can be applied here as well. The main motivation was to offer `biblatex` styles that place the editor of `@incollection` works before the `booktitle`, yet remain close to the standard styles in overall look and feel and customisability. The code adjustments required for this are not particularly complicated once you get the hang of it, but a stable and clean solution requires a rewrite of the bibliography driver, easily amassing hundred lines of code in the preamble. Some contributed styles already place the editor before the `booktitle` (`biblatex-apa` comes to mind), but you may not want to buy into all the other changes that come with choosing one of them. Styles written for the sole purpose of following a particular style guide are not always easily modified and may have to go to great lengths to implement the requirements of the style guide. The styles of this bundle are intended to be a solid base for further customisations. `biblatex-ext` has an extended version `ext-