The exam-n class ��� release notes

1.4.0, 2022 October 10 1.4.0-b1, 2022 August 7 1.3.5-b1, 2022 July 11 1.3, 2018 November 21 1.2.1, 2018 July 2 1.2, 2017 December 1 1.1.5, 2016 December 22 1.1.4, 2016 December 19 1.1.3, n/d 1.1.2, 2015 November 26 1.1.1, 2014 November 27 1.1, 2014 May 3

Converted to a generic class, exam-n, ready for wider distribution. Available on bitbucket and at CTAN.

1.0.16, 2014 February 28 1.0.15, 2014 January 19 1.0.14, 2014 January 10 1.0.13, 2013 December 4 1.0.12, 2013 November 11 1.0.11, 2013 July 18

Adjustments to question data: k_B, etc, should have roman subscripts.

1.0.10, 2013 June 27

Minor documentation and distribution fixes

1.0.9, 2013 March 22

Remove leftover debugging code (garhhh)

1.0.8, 2013 March 14

Add the mono and colour options.

1.0.7, 2013 March 14 1.0.6, 2013 March 13 1.0.4-1, 2013 March 8

This is a bugfix release: it's a re-release of now-deprecated 1.0.5 minus a breaking change.

1.0.4, 2013 March 6

Adjust base rubric; assorted distribution and detail fixes.

1.0.3, 2013 January 25

Added [A2] class option.

1.0.2, 2013 January 25 1.0.1, 2013 January 18 1.0, 2012 December 11

This is the nominal version 1.0 release, and will be used for the 2012-13 Honours Astronomy exams (it might get further tweaks along the way, but we believe this is a complete distribution set).

1.0b5, 2012 December 3 1.0b4, 2012 November 30 1.0b3, 2012 November 8 1.0b2, 2012 November 6

Mild formatting adjustments.

1.0rc1, 2012 November 2 0.17.1, 2012 September 21

Fix packaging infelicity

0.17, 2012 September 21 0.16, 2012 July 26 0.15, 2011 November 23

Avoid conflict with ifpdf package. Now depends on ifpdf.

0.14, 2010 August 6 0.13-1, 2008 November 21

Make the gulogo style optional, so that question authors don't have to download and install that before they can draft a question. Also adjust the logo size.

0.13, 2008 November 11

Add university logo, and slightly rearrange the header. Add {questiondata} environment.

0.12-2, 2008 April 14

...keep on truckin'. Further changes to the \partmarks* spacing code, still largely unprincipled, but looking closer to what's required.

0.12-1, 2008 April 3

...and again. This time, I think I actually see what the problem was. Macro \partmarks now forces a new paragraph (it was documented to be usable at the end of a paragraph, so this is again forced, and the documentation made more explicit), this makes what I thought was the solution actually work. Which is nice. Redefined enumerate and itemize environments, to improve spacing somewhat.

0.12, 2008 April 3

Further adjustments to \partmarks: again, it should be more consistent without necessarily being more principled, alas.

0.11, 2008 March 30

Minor fixes: Adjust display of partmarks -- should now be more consistent; option [showsolutions] no longer defaults [{no,}pageperquestion]; add macro \e to format roman exponential.

0.10, 2008 January 17

Fix \vec when it appears in sub- or superscript position. Add \paperident command.

0.9, 2007 December 10

Various formatting changes. Added optional argument to \includequestion overriding question number.

0.8, 2007 November 25

You can now use \usepackage within [compose] mode.

0.7, 2007 November 20

Make changes to the display of the 'University of Glasgow' banner at the top: resolves some font problems. Other minor layout tweaks.

0.6, 2007 November 18

Fixed bold maths problems: \vec now works with greek letters, too. Support MTpro2 (mathtime maths fonts) with the new [mtpro2] class option. The {solution} environment can appear multiple times within a question. Question numbers now appear correctly in 'final' mode.

0.5, 2007 October 30

Fix collision with LaTeX internal: a \comment at the start of a {question} now works.