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This package establishes a simple and easy-to-use LaTeX template for Tsinghua dissertations, including general undergraduate research papers, masters theses, doctoral dissertations, and postdoctoral reports. An English translation of this README follows the Chinese below. **This template is subject to frequent changes. Please make sure you have read the usage documentation and example code completely and carefully before using and asking questions.** Any use of ThuThesis in violation of [The LaTeX project public license v1.3c](https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c/) will be recorded in the [Hall of Shame](https://github.com/tuna/thuthesis/issues/754). ## Downloads **Published versions** are recommended. Specific usage documentation and examples can be found in the archive. At present, these documents are **only available in Chinese**: * Template usage documentation (`thuthesis.pdf`) * Template example (`thuthesis-example.pdf`) Before you start writing, it is recommended to copy or rename `thuthesis-example.tex` to another meaningful name. ### Download Methods * Published versions: * Download only: * [CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/thuthesis) * [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/tuna/thuthesis/releases) * [TUNA Mirrors](https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/github-release/tuna/thuthesis/): mirror of GitHub Releases * Online editor: * [TeXPage template](https://www.texpage.com/template/72b580ca-51fa-4ecc-82b3-0509bc1d6a07) (providing Chinese fonts of Windows) * [Overleaf template](https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/thuthesis-tsinghua-university-thesis-latex-template/cfwgcxtvkbsx) * Developer versions: [GitHub](https://github.com/tuna/thuthesis) ### Notes * The development version in the GitHub repository is intended for developers and experienced TeX users who require unreleased features, and no guarantees are provided. * **ThuThesis (including its variants / derivatives) distributed in any other way is NOT an official version. Use at your own risk.** ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for detailed changes in each release. They are also included in the usage documentation. ## Updates ### Automatic Get the most up-to-date published version with your TeX distribution from [CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/thuthesis). ### Manual #### Published versions Download the published zip files, extract `thuthesis.cls` and other files (if needed) and override the existing ones in your thesis. #### Development versions There are two ways to obtain the compiled development version: 1. Download the `thuthesis-snapshot-release` from the `Test` workflow of the corresponding commit on GitHub and extract it. The `dist` folder contains the compiled template of development version. 2. Clone the project source code from GitHub or download the source code tarball, and run `xetex thuthesis.ins`. ## Reporting Issues Please follow the procedure below: * Check the [FAQ](https://github.com/tuna/thuthesis/wiki/FAQ). * Search [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/tuna/thuthesis/discussions) and create if not existed. * Create an issue (with specified template) if you believe there is a bug. ## Makefile Usage ```shell make [{all|thesis|doc|clean|cleanall|distclean}] ``` ### Targets * `make thesis` generate thesis `thuthesis-example.pdf`; * `make doc` generate template documentation thuthesis.pdf; * `make clean` delete all examples' files (excluding thuthesis-example.pdf); * `make cleanall` delete all examples' files and thuthesis-example.pdf; * `make distclean` delete all examples' and templates' files and PDFs.