# Changelog All notable changes to the project `doibanner` are documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/), and this project does __not__ adhere to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [0.2] - \[2024-07-23\] Initial release of [this package on the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/doibanner) The package contains a revised version of the `doi.sty` and `tutorial/doi.tex` files. Since the previous material was not publicly available, the changes listed below are mainly to ensure that I myself do not forget how the structure of the package has changed. ### Added - `CHANGELOG.md` file to document all notable changes to this project. - `example/doibanner_example.tex` and resulting standalone as `png` to act as teaser. - `build.lua` script to install and manage this package via `i3build`. - `doibanner.dtx` and `doibanner.ins`, which contains a revised melange of the files `src/doi.sty` and `tutorial/doi.tex` ### Fixed - trailing whitespace from banner and link generated by doibanner and doiurl, respectively - definition of `urlbase` as package option ### Removed - `\doi` macro, `\doiurl` and `\doibanner` have a mandatory argument beginning with this version (breaking change) - `src/doi.sty` and `tutorial/doi.tex` files, the package was converted into `doibanner.dtx`, which allows unpacking the `doibanner.sty` file from it, and can be compiled in order to obtain a package documentation. ## [0.1] - \[2021/05/09\] Initial version of this package. [0.2]: https://codeberg.org/Cs137/doibanner/releases/tag/v0.2 [0.1]: https://codeberg.org/Cs137/doibanner/releases/tag/v0.1