This is, produced from chinese_mixed_with_en_EUC_CN.texi.  File:, Node: Top, Next: Mixed english and chinese, Up: (dir) Mixed chinese and english ************************* Example of english and chinese, chinese aligned or not. * Menu: * Mixed english and chinese::  File:, Node: Mixed english and chinese, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Mixed english and chinese *************************** 1. english only The Emacs mode for programming in Ada 95 with GNAT helps the user in understanding existing code and facilitates writing new code. It furthermore provides some utility functions for easier integration of standard Emacs features when programming in Ada. 2. chinese already aligned in source(this result) 这常用于修饰多个线程会访问或修改的全局变量,让编译器保证每次都从内存 读取 变量的值,而不是作某些优化。(这些优化有可能导致程序不能获得正确的 值) 3. chinese not aligned in source 这常用于修饰多个线程会访问或修改的全局变量,让编译器保证每次都从内存 读取 变量的值,而不是作某些优化。 (这些优化有可能导致程序不能获得正确的 值) 4. a mix of chinese and english restrict 表示在当前 scope 内不允许其它变量指向它。用处,比如防止 memory overlap。  Tag Table: Node: Top93 Node: Mixed english and chinese344  End Tag Table  Local Variables: coding: euc-cn End: