title –a

formatting subtitle –a

subtitle 2 –a

author1 –a with accents in name Téça
author2 –a

In titlepage

< > " & ’ ‘

code: ``simple-double--three---four----''
asis: “simple-double–three—four—-”
strong: “simple-double–three—four—-”
kbd: ``simple-double--three---four----''


@"u ü (ü) @"{U} Ü (Ü) @~n ñ (ñ) @^a â (â)

@’e é (é) @=o ō (ō) @‘i ì (ì) @’{e} é (é)

@’{@dotless{i}} í (í) @dotless{i} ı (ı) @dotless{j} ȷ (ȷ)

@H{a}@dotaccent{a} ȧ (ȧ) @ringaccent{a} å (å)

@tieaccent{a}@u{a} ă (ă) @ubaraccent{a}

@udotaccent{a} ạ (ạ) @v{a} ǎ (ǎ)

@,c ç (ç) @,{c} ç (ç) @ogonek{a} ą (ą)

@‘{@=E} Ḕ @l{} ł @,{@’C} Ḉ @,c@"u çü

@H{--a} –a̋ @dotaccent{--a} –ȧ @ringaccent{--a} –å

@tieaccent{--a} –͡a @u{--a} –ă @ubaraccent{--a} –a̲

@udotaccent{--a} –ạ @v{--a} –ǎ @,{--c} –ç @ogonek{--a} –ą

@U{0075} u

@ followed by a space   @ followed by a tab   @ followed by a new line  @- @: @! ! @? ? @. . @& & @@ @ @} } @{ { @/

foo vs. bar. colon :And something else. semi colon ;. And ? ?. Now ! !@ but , ,

@ampchar & (&) @atchar @ (@) @backslashchar \ (\) @hashchar # (#) @lbracechar { ({) @rbracechar } (})

@TeX TeX @LaTeX LaTeX @bullet • (•) @copyright © (©)

@dots … (…) @enddots ... @equiv ≡ (≡)

@error erreur→ @expansion → (↦) @minus − (−)

@point ∗ (⋆) @print -| (⊣) @result ⇒ (⇒) @today a sunny day

@aa å (å) @AA Å (Å) @ae æ (æ) @oe œ (œ) @AE Æ (Æ) @OE Œ (Œ) @o ø (ø) @O Ø (Ø) @ss ß (ß) @l ł (ł) @L Ł (Ł) @DH Ð (Ð) @TH Þ (Þ) @dh ð (ð) @th þ (þ)

@exclamdown ¡ (¡) @questiondown ¿ (¿) @pounds £ (£) @registeredsymbol ® (®) @ordf ª (ª) @ordm º (º) @comma , (,) @quotedblleft “ (“) @quotedblright ” (”) @quoteleft ‘ (‘) @quoteright ’ (’) @quotedblbase „ („) @quotesinglbase ‚ (‚) @guillemetleft « («) @guillemetright » (») @guillemotleft « («) @guillemotright » (») @guilsinglleft ‹ (‹) @guilsinglright › (›)

@textdegree ° (°) @euro € (€) @arrow → (→)

@leq ≤ (≤) @geq ≥ (≥) @tie a b

@acronym{--a,an accronym} –a (an accronym) @acronym{--a} –a @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude Autonome } É–. ,A. (Étude Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A. @asis{--a} –a @b{--a} –a @cite{--a} –a @code{--a} --a @command{--a} --a @dfn{--a} –a @dmn{--a} –a @email{--a,--b} –b @email{,--b} –b @email{--a} --a @emph{--a} –a @env{--a} --a @file{--a} --a @i{--a} –a @kbd{--a} --a @key{--a} --a @math{--a {\frac{1}{2}} @minus{}} --a {\frac{1}{2}} − @option{--a} --a @r{--a} –a @samp{--a}--a@sc{--a} –A @strong{--a} –a @t{--a} --a @sansserif{--a} –a @slanted{--a} –a @titlefont{--a}


@indicateurl{--a}--a@uref{--a,--b} –b @uref{--a} --a @uref{,--b} –b @uref{--a,--b,--c} –c @uref{,--b,--c} –c @uref{--a,,--c} –c @uref{,,--c} –c @url{--a,--b} –b @url{--a,} --a @url{,--b} –b @var{--a} –a @verb{:--a:} --a @verb{:a < & @ % " -- b:} a  < & @ % " --    b @w{a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a} a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a@sup{h}@sub{l} ahl @footnote{in footnote} 1 @footnote{in footnote2} 2

@sp 2


need 1002

@clicksequence{click @click{} A} click → A After clickstyle ⇒ @clicksequence{click @click{} A} click ⇒ A

disp--laymath f(x) = {1 \over \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e-{1 \over 2}\left({x-\mu \over \sigma}\right)^2
``simple-double--three---four----'' aa ``simple-double--three---four----''
ı ȷ ł ç a̲ ạ ą ahl      ! @ } { a sunny day
→ u • © ... ... ≡ erreur→ → − -| ⇒ Å æ œ Æ Œ ø Ø ß ł Ł Ð Þ ð þ ¡ ¿ £ ª º ,
“ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚ « » « » ‹ › € → ≤ ≥
b i r SC sansserif slanted

default kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle
in example default kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle

code kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle
in example code kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle

example kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle
in example example kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle

distinct kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle
in example distinct kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle

A quot—ation

Note : A Note

note : A note

Caution : Caution

Important : Important

Tip : a Tip

Warning : a Warning.

something é TeX : The something é TeX is here.

@ at the end of line   : A @ at the end of the @quotation line.

something, other thing : something, other thing

Note, the note : Note, the note

aaa quotation

quotation author

indent in quotation

exdented quotation line and dash — in quotation

Not exdented followed by exdented

exdented quotation line

exdented quotation line

Followed by not exdented


in exdented protected eol  


in exdented a @*
and following

after exdented

A small quot—ation

Note : A small Note

something, other thing : something, other thing

  1. e–numerate
  1. first third
  2. second third
  1. e–numerate
  1. first c
  2. second c
mu–ltitable headitemanother tab
mu–ltitable itemmultitable tab
mu–ltitable item 2multitable tab 2
lone mu–ltitable item
e--xample  some
example one arg
example two args
example three args
example four args
example five args
The something é TeX is here.
A @ at the end of the @example line.
example with empty args
example with empty and non empty args mix

Other li---ne
not exdented
exdented  and dash --- in example
Not exdented one
exdented two
Not exdented two
Example   Hoho.
Nested Other line
exdented nested other line

@noindent after smallexample.

$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.guess?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'
$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.sub?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'

Less recent versions are also present.

c–ategory :d--effn_name a–rguments...


cate–gory :de--ffn_name ar–guments more args
even more so


fset :i a g
cmde :truc
Command :log trap
Command :log trap1
Command :log trap2
cmde :id ule truc
cmde2 :id ‘i’ ule truc
 :bidule machin
truc :machin
truc :
truc :followed by a comment
truc :a b c d e f g h i
truc :deffnx before end deffn
empty :deffn
empty :deffn with deffnx
empty :deffnx
fset :i a g
cmde :truc

text in def item for second def item

c–ategory :d--efvr_name


c–ategory :n--ame a–rguments...


c–ategory :n--ame

d–effn no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments...


c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name

d–eftypefn no arg

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name

d–eftypeop no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypevr_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name a–rguments...

d–efcv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name a--rguments...

d–eftypecv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name a–rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name

d–efop no arg

c–ategory :d--eftp_name a–ttributes...


Fonction :d--efun_name a–rguments...


Macro :d--efmac_name a–rguments...


Forme Spéciale :d--efspec_name a–rguments...


Variable :d--efvar_name


Variable :d--efvar_name arg–var arg–var1

d–efvar with args

Option de l’utilisateur :d--efopt_name


Fonction :t--ype d--eftypefun_name a--rguments...


Variable :t--ype d--eftypevar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : d--efivar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeivar_name


Méthode de c--lass : d--efmethod_name a–rguments...


Méthode de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypemethod_name a--rguments...


Fonction :
name2 arguments2...


c–ategory2 :

d–eftypefn no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :
d--eftypeop_name2 a--rguments2...


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :

d–eftypeop no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2 a--rguments2...

d–eftypecv with arguments2

fun2 :arg2


@xref{c---hapter@@, cross r---ef name@@, t---itle@@, file n---ame@@, ma---nual@@} Voir t—itle@ dans ma—nual@. @ref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} title dans manual @pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} voir title dans manual @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name

@ref{chapter} chapter @xref{chapter} Voir chapter. @pxref{chapter} voir chapter @ref{s--ect@comma{}ion} A section

@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name } a comma, in title dans a , in manual name

@ref{chapter,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,,title} title @ref{chapter,,,file name} (file name)chapter @ref{chapter,,,,manual} ‘chapter’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,,file name,manual} chapter dans manual

@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,,title} title @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name} (file name)anode @ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual} anode dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual} cross ref name dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual} anode dans manual

@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{chapter} Voir ‘chapter’ @inforef{chapter, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{chapter,,file name} Voir (file name)chapter @inforef{node, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{node} Voir ‘node’ @inforef{node, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{node,,file name} Voir (file name)node @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg} Voir cross ref name

@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in file} Voir a , in cross ref


title with uref2 uref2 dans printed manual with uref4 uref4 title with uref2 uref2









Value–table code



Value–table samp


Tit–le of box

With title c–artouche

f–lushleft more text

f–lushright more text

ce–ntered line

r–raggedright more text

\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-

@c this file is used in tests in @verbatiminclude but not converted

@setfilename simplest.info

@node Top

This is a very simple texi manual @  <>.

in verbatim ''
html ''






@acronym{--a,an accronym @comma{} @enddots{}} –a (an accronym , ...) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude--@comma{} @b{Autonome} } É–. ,A. (Étude–, Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A.

@math{--a@minus{} {\frac{1}{2}}} --a− {\frac{1}{2}}

Somehow invalid use of @,:
@, ̧
@,@"u ̧ü

Invalid use of @’:
@’ ́
@’@"u ́ü


@dotless{truc} truc @dotless{ij} ij @dotless{--a} –a @dotless{a} a

@U, without braces @U{}, with empty arg @U{z}, with non-hex arg &#xz; @U{abc}, with <4 hex digits ઼ @U{FFFFFFFFFFFFFF}, value much too large � @U{110000}, value just beyond Unicode �

@TeX, but without brace TeX @# #

@w{--a} –a

@image{,1--xt} @image{,,2--xt} @image{,,,3--xt}

@image{f-ile,aze,,a--lt} a–lt @image{f-ile,,,alt@verb{:jk _" %}} altjk _" %@

@image{f--ile} f--ile @image{f--ile,,,alt} alt @image{f--ile,,,,.e-d-xt} f--ile @image{f--ile,l--i} f--ile @image{f--ile,,l--e} f--ile @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt,.e--xt} alt @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt, alt @image{@file{f--ile}@@@.,aze,az,alt,@file{.file ext} e--xt@} alt

@image{f--ile,aze,az,@verb{:jk _" %@:} @b{in b "},e--xt} jk _" %@ in b " @image{file@verb{:jk _" %@:},,,alt@verb{:jk _" %@:}} altjk _" %@

ü Ü ñ â é ō ì é Ḕ Ḉ Ḉ a̋ ȧ å a͡ ă ǎ ? .
TeX LaTeX ∗ å ® °


a–missing style formatting




fun :
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and after
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and and after
truc :followed by a comment

Various deff lines

truc :after a deff item
fsetinv :invalid a g
id ‘i’ ule :
aaa :
truc :


@ref{node} ‘node’

@ref{,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{,,title} ‘title’ @ref{,,,file name} (file name) @ref{,,,,manual} manual @ref{node,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{node,,title} ‘title’ @ref{node,,,file name} (file name)node @ref{node,,,,manual} ‘node’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{node,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{node,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{node,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title,file name} title @ref{node,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,,file name,manual} node dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,title,file name} title @ref{,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,,file name,manual} manual

@inforef{,cross ref name } Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{,,file name} Voir (file name) @inforef{,cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{}

Insercopying in titlepage

In copying

< > " & ’ ‘

code: ``simple-double--three---four----''
asis: “simple-double–three—four—-”
strong: “simple-double–three—four—-”
kbd: ``simple-double--three---four----''


@"u ü (ü) @"{U} Ü (Ü) @~n ñ (ñ) @^a â (â)

@’e é (é) @=o ō (ō) @‘i ì (ì) @’{e} é (é)

@’{@dotless{i}} í (í) @dotless{i} ı (ı) @dotless{j} ȷ (ȷ)

@H{a}@dotaccent{a} ȧ (ȧ) @ringaccent{a} å (å)

@tieaccent{a}@u{a} ă (ă) @ubaraccent{a}

@udotaccent{a} ạ (ạ) @v{a} ǎ (ǎ)

@,c ç (ç) @,{c} ç (ç) @ogonek{a} ą (ą)

@‘{@=E} Ḕ @l{} ł @,{@’C} Ḉ @,c@"u çü

@H{--a} –a̋ @dotaccent{--a} –ȧ @ringaccent{--a} –å

@tieaccent{--a} –͡a @u{--a} –ă @ubaraccent{--a} –a̲

@udotaccent{--a} –ạ @v{--a} –ǎ @,{--c} –ç @ogonek{--a} –ą

@U{0075} u

@ followed by a space   @ followed by a tab   @ followed by a new line  @- @: @! ! @? ? @. . @& & @@ @ @} } @{ { @/

foo vs. bar. colon :And something else. semi colon ;. And ? ?. Now ! !@ but , ,

@ampchar & (&) @atchar @ (@) @backslashchar \ (\) @hashchar # (#) @lbracechar { ({) @rbracechar } (})

@TeX TeX @LaTeX LaTeX @bullet • (•) @copyright © (©)

@dots … (…) @enddots ... @equiv ≡ (≡)

@error erreur→ @expansion → (↦) @minus − (−)

@point ∗ (⋆) @print -| (⊣) @result ⇒ (⇒) @today a sunny day

@aa å (å) @AA Å (Å) @ae æ (æ) @oe œ (œ) @AE Æ (Æ) @OE Œ (Œ) @o ø (ø) @O Ø (Ø) @ss ß (ß) @l ł (ł) @L Ł (Ł) @DH Ð (Ð) @TH Þ (Þ) @dh ð (ð) @th þ (þ)

@exclamdown ¡ (¡) @questiondown ¿ (¿) @pounds £ (£) @registeredsymbol ® (®) @ordf ª (ª) @ordm º (º) @comma , (,) @quotedblleft “ (“) @quotedblright ” (”) @quoteleft ‘ (‘) @quoteright ’ (’) @quotedblbase „ („) @quotesinglbase ‚ (‚) @guillemetleft « («) @guillemetright » (») @guillemotleft « («) @guillemotright » (») @guilsinglleft ‹ (‹) @guilsinglright › (›)

@textdegree ° (°) @euro € (€) @arrow → (→)

@leq ≤ (≤) @geq ≥ (≥) @tie a b

@acronym{--a,an accronym} –a (an accronym) @acronym{--a} –a @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude Autonome } É–. ,A. (Étude Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A. @asis{--a} –a @b{--a} –a @cite{--a} –a @code{--a} --a @command{--a} --a @dfn{--a} –a @dmn{--a} –a @email{--a,--b} –b @email{,--b} –b @email{--a} --a @emph{--a} –a @env{--a} --a @file{--a} --a @i{--a} –a @kbd{--a} --a @key{--a} --a @math{--a {\frac{1}{2}} @minus{}} --a {\frac{1}{2}} − @option{--a} --a @r{--a} –a @samp{--a}--a@sc{--a} –A @strong{--a} –a @t{--a} --a @sansserif{--a} –a @slanted{--a} –a @titlefont{--a}


@indicateurl{--a}--a@uref{--a,--b} –b @uref{--a} --a @uref{,--b} –b @uref{--a,--b,--c} –c @uref{,--b,--c} –c @uref{--a,,--c} –c @uref{,,--c} –c @url{--a,--b} –b @url{--a,} --a @url{,--b} –b @var{--a} –a @verb{:--a:} --a @verb{:a < & @ % " -- b:} a  < & @ % " --    b @w{a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a} a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a@sup{h}@sub{l} ahl @footnote{in footnote} 3 @footnote{in footnote2} 4

@sp 2


need 1002

@clicksequence{click @click{} A} click → A After clickstyle ⇒ @clicksequence{click @click{} A} click ⇒ A

disp--laymath f(x) = {1 \over \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e-{1 \over 2}\left({x-\mu \over \sigma}\right)^2
``simple-double--three---four----'' aa ``simple-double--three---four----''
ı ȷ ł ç a̲ ạ ą ahl      ! @ } { a sunny day
→ u • © ... ... ≡ erreur→ → − -| ⇒ Å æ œ Æ Œ ø Ø ß ł Ł Ð Þ ð þ ¡ ¿ £ ª º ,
“ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚ « » « » ‹ › € → ≤ ≥
b i r SC sansserif slanted

default kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle
in example default kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle

code kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle
in example code kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle

example kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle
in example example kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle

distinct kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle
in example distinct kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle

A quot—ation

Note : A Note

note : A note

Caution : Caution

Important : Important

Tip : a Tip

Warning : a Warning.

something é TeX : The something é TeX is here.

@ at the end of line   : A @ at the end of the @quotation line.

something, other thing : something, other thing

Note, the note : Note, the note

aaa quotation

quotation author

indent in quotation

exdented quotation line and dash — in quotation

Not exdented followed by exdented

exdented quotation line

exdented quotation line

Followed by not exdented


in exdented protected eol  


in exdented a @*
and following

after exdented

A small quot—ation

Note : A small Note

something, other thing : something, other thing

  1. e–numerate
  1. first third
  2. second third
  1. e–numerate
  1. first c
  2. second c
mu–ltitable headitemanother tab
mu–ltitable itemmultitable tab
mu–ltitable item 2multitable tab 2
lone mu–ltitable item
e--xample  some
example one arg
example two args
example three args
example four args
example five args
The something é TeX is here.
A @ at the end of the @example line.
example with empty args
example with empty and non empty args mix

Other li---ne
not exdented
exdented  and dash --- in example
Not exdented one
exdented two
Not exdented two
Example   Hoho.
Nested Other line
exdented nested other line

@noindent after smallexample.

$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.guess?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'
$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.sub?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'

Less recent versions are also present.

c–ategory :d--effn_name a–rguments...


cate–gory :de--ffn_name ar–guments more args
even more so


fset :i a g
cmde :truc
Command :log trap
Command :log trap1
Command :log trap2
cmde :id ule truc
cmde2 :id ‘i’ ule truc
 :bidule machin
truc :machin
truc :
truc :followed by a comment
truc :a b c d e f g h i
truc :deffnx before end deffn
empty :deffn
empty :deffn with deffnx
empty :deffnx
fset :i a g
cmde :truc

text in def item for second def item

c–ategory :d--efvr_name


c–ategory :n--ame a–rguments...


c–ategory :n--ame

d–effn no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments...


c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name

d–eftypefn no arg

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name

d–eftypeop no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypevr_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name a–rguments...

d–efcv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name a--rguments...

d–eftypecv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name a–rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name

d–efop no arg

c–ategory :d--eftp_name a–ttributes...


Fonction :d--efun_name a–rguments...


Macro :d--efmac_name a–rguments...


Forme Spéciale :d--efspec_name a–rguments...


Variable :d--efvar_name


Variable :d--efvar_name arg–var arg–var1

d–efvar with args

Option de l’utilisateur :d--efopt_name


Fonction :t--ype d--eftypefun_name a--rguments...


Variable :t--ype d--eftypevar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : d--efivar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeivar_name


Méthode de c--lass : d--efmethod_name a–rguments...


Méthode de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypemethod_name a--rguments...


Fonction :
name2 arguments2...


c–ategory2 :

d–eftypefn no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :
d--eftypeop_name2 a--rguments2...


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :

d–eftypeop no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2 a--rguments2...

d–eftypecv with arguments2

fun2 :arg2


@xref{c---hapter@@, cross r---ef name@@, t---itle@@, file n---ame@@, ma---nual@@} Voir t—itle@ dans ma—nual@. @ref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} title dans manual @pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} voir title dans manual @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name

@ref{chapter} chapter @xref{chapter} Voir chapter. @pxref{chapter} voir chapter @ref{s--ect@comma{}ion} A section

@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name } a comma, in title dans a , in manual name

@ref{chapter,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,,title} title @ref{chapter,,,file name} (file name)chapter @ref{chapter,,,,manual} ‘chapter’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,,file name,manual} chapter dans manual

@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,,title} title @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name} (file name)anode @ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual} anode dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual} cross ref name dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual} anode dans manual

@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{chapter} Voir ‘chapter’ @inforef{chapter, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{chapter,,file name} Voir (file name)chapter @inforef{node, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{node} Voir ‘node’ @inforef{node, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{node,,file name} Voir (file name)node @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg} Voir cross ref name

@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in file} Voir a , in cross ref


title with uref2 uref2 dans printed manual with uref4 uref4 title with uref2 uref2









Value–table code



Value–table samp


Tit–le of box

With title c–artouche

f–lushleft more text

f–lushright more text

ce–ntered line

r–raggedright more text

\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-

@c this file is used in tests in @verbatiminclude but not converted

@setfilename simplest.info

@node Top

This is a very simple texi manual @  <>.

in verbatim ''
html ''






@acronym{--a,an accronym @comma{} @enddots{}} –a (an accronym , ...) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude--@comma{} @b{Autonome} } É–. ,A. (Étude–, Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A.

@math{--a@minus{} {\frac{1}{2}}} --a− {\frac{1}{2}}

Somehow invalid use of @,:
@, ̧
@,@"u ̧ü

Invalid use of @’:
@’ ́
@’@"u ́ü


@dotless{truc} truc @dotless{ij} ij @dotless{--a} –a @dotless{a} a

@U, without braces @U{}, with empty arg @U{z}, with non-hex arg &#xz; @U{abc}, with <4 hex digits ઼ @U{FFFFFFFFFFFFFF}, value much too large � @U{110000}, value just beyond Unicode �

@TeX, but without brace TeX @# #

@w{--a} –a

@image{,1--xt} @image{,,2--xt} @image{,,,3--xt}

@image{f-ile,aze,,a--lt} a–lt @image{f-ile,,,alt@verb{:jk _" %}} altjk _" %@

@image{f--ile} f--ile @image{f--ile,,,alt} alt @image{f--ile,,,,.e-d-xt} f--ile @image{f--ile,l--i} f--ile @image{f--ile,,l--e} f--ile @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt,.e--xt} alt @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt, alt @image{@file{f--ile}@@@.,aze,az,alt,@file{.file ext} e--xt@} alt

@image{f--ile,aze,az,@verb{:jk _" %@:} @b{in b "},e--xt} jk _" %@ in b " @image{file@verb{:jk _" %@:},,,alt@verb{:jk _" %@:}} altjk _" %@

ü Ü ñ â é ō ì é Ḕ Ḉ Ḉ a̋ ȧ å a͡ ă ǎ ? .
TeX LaTeX ∗ å ® °


a–missing style formatting




fun :
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and after
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and and after
truc :followed by a comment

Various deff lines

truc :after a deff item
fsetinv :invalid a g
id ‘i’ ule :
aaa :
truc :


@ref{node} ‘node’

@ref{,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{,,title} ‘title’ @ref{,,,file name} (file name) @ref{,,,,manual} manual @ref{node,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{node,,title} ‘title’ @ref{node,,,file name} (file name)node @ref{node,,,,manual} ‘node’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{node,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{node,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{node,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title,file name} title @ref{node,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,,file name,manual} node dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,title,file name} title @ref{,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,,file name,manual} manual

@inforef{,cross ref name } Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{,,file name} Voir (file name) @inforef{,cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{}

Top section

1 chapter

First para

qsddsqkdsqkkmljsqjsqodmmdsqdsmqj dqs sdq sqd sdq dsq sdq sqd sqd sdq sdq qsd dsq sdq dsq dssdq sdq sdq sdq dsq sdq dsq dsq sdq dsq sdqsd q

noindent in para.

unneeded indent

Insertcopying in normal text

In copying

< > " & ’ ‘

code: ``simple-double--three---four----''
asis: “simple-double–three—four—-”
strong: “simple-double–three—four—-”
kbd: ``simple-double--three---four----''


@"u ü (ü) @"{U} Ü (Ü) @~n ñ (ñ) @^a â (â)

@’e é (é) @=o ō (ō) @‘i ì (ì) @’{e} é (é)

@’{@dotless{i}} í (í) @dotless{i} ı (ı) @dotless{j} ȷ (ȷ)

@H{a}@dotaccent{a} ȧ (ȧ) @ringaccent{a} å (å)

@tieaccent{a}@u{a} ă (ă) @ubaraccent{a}

@udotaccent{a} ạ (ạ) @v{a} ǎ (ǎ)

@,c ç (ç) @,{c} ç (ç) @ogonek{a} ą (ą)

@‘{@=E} Ḕ @l{} ł @,{@’C} Ḉ @,c@"u çü

@H{--a} –a̋ @dotaccent{--a} –ȧ @ringaccent{--a} –å

@tieaccent{--a} –͡a @u{--a} –ă @ubaraccent{--a} –a̲

@udotaccent{--a} –ạ @v{--a} –ǎ @,{--c} –ç @ogonek{--a} –ą

@U{0075} u

@ followed by a space   @ followed by a tab   @ followed by a new line  @- @: @! ! @? ? @. . @& & @@ @ @} } @{ { @/

foo vs. bar. colon :And something else. semi colon ;. And ? ?. Now ! !@ but , ,

@ampchar & (&) @atchar @ (@) @backslashchar \ (\) @hashchar # (#) @lbracechar { ({) @rbracechar } (})

@TeX TeX @LaTeX LaTeX @bullet • (•) @copyright © (©)

@dots … (…) @enddots ... @equiv ≡ (≡)

@error erreur→ @expansion → (↦) @minus − (−)

@point ∗ (⋆) @print -| (⊣) @result ⇒ (⇒) @today a sunny day

@aa å (å) @AA Å (Å) @ae æ (æ) @oe œ (œ) @AE Æ (Æ) @OE Œ (Œ) @o ø (ø) @O Ø (Ø) @ss ß (ß) @l ł (ł) @L Ł (Ł) @DH Ð (Ð) @TH Þ (Þ) @dh ð (ð) @th þ (þ)

@exclamdown ¡ (¡) @questiondown ¿ (¿) @pounds £ (£) @registeredsymbol ® (®) @ordf ª (ª) @ordm º (º) @comma , (,) @quotedblleft “ (“) @quotedblright ” (”) @quoteleft ‘ (‘) @quoteright ’ (’) @quotedblbase „ („) @quotesinglbase ‚ (‚) @guillemetleft « («) @guillemetright » (») @guillemotleft « («) @guillemotright » (») @guilsinglleft ‹ (‹) @guilsinglright › (›)

@textdegree ° (°) @euro € (€) @arrow → (→)

@leq ≤ (≤) @geq ≥ (≥) @tie a b

@acronym{--a,an accronym} –a (an accronym) @acronym{--a} –a @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude Autonome } É–. ,A. (Étude Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A. @asis{--a} –a @b{--a} –a @cite{--a} –a @code{--a} --a @command{--a} --a @dfn{--a} –a @dmn{--a} –a @email{--a,--b} @email{,--b} –b @email{--a} @emph{--a} –a @env{--a} --a @file{--a} --a @i{--a} –a @kbd{--a} --a @key{--a} --a @math{--a {\frac{1}{2}} @minus{}} --a {\frac{1}{2}} − @option{--a} --a @r{--a} –a @samp{--a}--a@sc{--a} –A @strong{--a} –a @t{--a} --a @sansserif{--a} –a @slanted{--a} –a @titlefont{--a}


@indicateurl{--a}--a@uref{--a,--b} –b @uref{--a} --a @uref{,--b} –b @uref{--a,--b,--c} –c @uref{,--b,--c} –c @uref{--a,,--c} –c @uref{,,--c} –c @url{--a,--b} –b @url{--a,} --a @url{,--b} –b @var{--a} –a @verb{:--a:} --a @verb{:a < & @ % " -- b:} a  < & @ % " --    b @w{a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a} a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a@sup{h}@sub{l} ahl @footnote{in footnote} 5 @footnote{in footnote2} 6

@sp 2


need 1002

@clicksequence{click @click{} A} click → A After clickstyle ⇒ @clicksequence{click @click{} A} click ⇒ A

disp--laymath f(x) = {1 \over \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e-{1 \over 2}\left({x-\mu \over \sigma}\right)^2
``simple-double--three---four----'' aa ``simple-double--three---four----''
ı ȷ ł ç a̲ ạ ą ahl      ! @ } { a sunny day
→ u • © ... ... ≡ erreur→ → − -| ⇒ Å æ œ Æ Œ ø Ø ß ł Ł Ð Þ ð þ ¡ ¿ £ ª º ,
“ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚ « » « » ‹ › € → ≤ ≥
b i r SC sansserif slanted

default kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle
in example default kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle

code kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle
in example code kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle

example kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle
in example example kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle

distinct kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle
in example distinct kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle

A quot—ation

Note : A Note

note : A note

Caution : Caution

Important : Important

Tip : a Tip

Warning : a Warning.

something é TeX : The something é TeX is here.

@ at the end of line   : A @ at the end of the @quotation line.

something, other thing : something, other thing

Note, the note : Note, the note

aaa quotation

quotation author

indent in quotation

exdented quotation line and dash — in quotation

Not exdented followed by exdented

exdented quotation line

exdented quotation line

Followed by not exdented


in exdented protected eol  


in exdented a @*
and following

after exdented

A small quot—ation

Note : A small Note

something, other thing : something, other thing

  1. e–numerate
  1. first third
  2. second third
  1. e–numerate
  1. first c
  2. second c
mu–ltitable headitemanother tab
mu–ltitable itemmultitable tab
mu–ltitable item 2multitable tab 2
lone mu–ltitable item
e--xample  some
example one arg
example two args
example three args
example four args
example five args
The something é TeX is here.
A @ at the end of the @example line.
example with empty args
example with empty and non empty args mix

Other li---ne
not exdented
exdented  and dash --- in example
Not exdented one
exdented two
Not exdented two
Example   Hoho.
Nested Other line
exdented nested other line

@noindent after smallexample.

$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.guess?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'
$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.sub?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'

Less recent versions are also present.

c–ategory :d--effn_name a–rguments...


cate–gory :de--ffn_name ar–guments more args
even more so


fset :i a g
cmde :truc
Command :log trap
Command :log trap1
Command :log trap2
cmde :id ule truc
cmde2 :id ‘i’ ule truc
 :bidule machin
truc :machin
truc :
truc :followed by a comment
truc :a b c d e f g h i
truc :deffnx before end deffn
empty :deffn
empty :deffn with deffnx
empty :deffnx
fset :i a g
cmde :truc

text in def item for second def item

c–ategory :d--efvr_name


c–ategory :n--ame a–rguments...


c–ategory :n--ame

d–effn no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments...


c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name

d–eftypefn no arg

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name

d–eftypeop no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypevr_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name a–rguments...

d–efcv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name a--rguments...

d–eftypecv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name a–rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name

d–efop no arg

c–ategory :d--eftp_name a–ttributes...


Fonction :d--efun_name a–rguments...


Macro :d--efmac_name a–rguments...


Forme Spéciale :d--efspec_name a–rguments...


Variable :d--efvar_name


Variable :d--efvar_name arg–var arg–var1

d–efvar with args

Option de l’utilisateur :d--efopt_name


Fonction :t--ype d--eftypefun_name a--rguments...


Variable :t--ype d--eftypevar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : d--efivar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeivar_name


Méthode de c--lass : d--efmethod_name a–rguments...


Méthode de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypemethod_name a--rguments...


Fonction :
name2 arguments2...


c–ategory2 :

d–eftypefn no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :
d--eftypeop_name2 a--rguments2...


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :

d–eftypeop no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2 a--rguments2...

d–eftypecv with arguments2

fun2 :arg2


@xref{c---hapter@@, cross r---ef name@@, t---itle@@, file n---ame@@, ma---nual@@} Voir t—itle@ dans ma—nual@. @ref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} title dans manual @pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} voir title dans manual @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name

@ref{chapter} chapter @xref{chapter} Voir chapter. @pxref{chapter} voir chapter @ref{s--ect@comma{}ion} A section

@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name } a comma, in title dans a , in manual name

@ref{chapter,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,,title} title @ref{chapter,,,file name} (file name)chapter @ref{chapter,,,,manual} ‘chapter’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,,file name,manual} chapter dans manual

@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,,title} title @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name} (file name)anode @ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual} anode dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual} cross ref name dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual} anode dans manual

@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{chapter} Voir ‘chapter’ @inforef{chapter, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{chapter,,file name} Voir (file name)chapter @inforef{node, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{node} Voir ‘node’ @inforef{node, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{node,,file name} Voir (file name)node @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg} Voir cross ref name

@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in file} Voir a , in cross ref


title with uref2 uref2 dans printed manual with uref4 uref4 title with uref2 uref2









Value–table code



Value–table samp


Tit–le of box

With title c–artouche

f–lushleft more text

f–lushright more text

ce–ntered line

r–raggedright more text

\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-

@c this file is used in tests in @verbatiminclude but not converted

@setfilename simplest.info

@node Top

This is a very simple texi manual @  <>.

in verbatim ''
html ''






@acronym{--a,an accronym @comma{} @enddots{}} –a (an accronym , ...) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude--@comma{} @b{Autonome} } É–. ,A. (Étude–, Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A.

@math{--a@minus{} {\frac{1}{2}}} --a− {\frac{1}{2}}

Somehow invalid use of @,:
@, ̧
@,@"u ̧ü

Invalid use of @’:
@’ ́
@’@"u ́ü


@dotless{truc} truc @dotless{ij} ij @dotless{--a} –a @dotless{a} a

@U, without braces @U{}, with empty arg @U{z}, with non-hex arg &#xz; @U{abc}, with <4 hex digits ઼ @U{FFFFFFFFFFFFFF}, value much too large � @U{110000}, value just beyond Unicode �

@TeX, but without brace TeX @# #

@w{--a} –a

@image{,1--xt} @image{,,2--xt} @image{,,,3--xt}

@image{f-ile,aze,,a--lt} a–lt @image{f-ile,,,alt@verb{:jk _" %}} altjk _" %@

@image{f--ile} f--ile @image{f--ile,,,alt} alt @image{f--ile,,,,.e-d-xt} f--ile @image{f--ile,l--i} f--ile @image{f--ile,,l--e} f--ile @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt,.e--xt} alt @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt, alt @image{@file{f--ile}@@@.,aze,az,alt,@file{.file ext} e--xt@} alt

@image{f--ile,aze,az,@verb{:jk _" %@:} @b{in b "},e--xt} jk _" %@ in b " @image{file@verb{:jk _" %@:},,,alt@verb{:jk _" %@:}} altjk _" %@

ü Ü ñ â é ō ì é Ḕ Ḉ Ḉ a̋ ȧ å a͡ ă ǎ ? .
TeX LaTeX ∗ å ® °


a–missing style formatting




fun :
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and after
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and and after
truc :followed by a comment

Various deff lines

truc :after a deff item
fsetinv :invalid a g
id ‘i’ ule :
aaa :
truc :


@ref{node} ‘node’

@ref{,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{,,title} ‘title’ @ref{,,,file name} (file name) @ref{,,,,manual} manual @ref{node,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{node,,title} ‘title’ @ref{node,,,file name} (file name)node @ref{node,,,,manual} ‘node’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{node,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{node,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{node,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title,file name} title @ref{node,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,,file name,manual} node dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,title,file name} title @ref{,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,,file name,manual} manual

@inforef{,cross ref name } Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{,,file name} Voir (file name) @inforef{,cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{}

Normal text

< > " & ’ ‘

code: ``simple-double--three---four----''
asis: “simple-double–three—four—-”
strong: “simple-double–three—four—-”
kbd: ``simple-double--three---four----''


@"u ü (ü) @"{U} Ü (Ü) @~n ñ (ñ) @^a â (â)

@’e é (é) @=o ō (ō) @‘i ì (ì) @’{e} é (é)

@’{@dotless{i}} í (í) @dotless{i} ı (ı) @dotless{j} ȷ (ȷ)

@H{a}@dotaccent{a} ȧ (ȧ) @ringaccent{a} å (å)

@tieaccent{a}@u{a} ă (ă) @ubaraccent{a}

@udotaccent{a} ạ (ạ) @v{a} ǎ (ǎ)

@,c ç (ç) @,{c} ç (ç) @ogonek{a} ą (ą)

@‘{@=E} Ḕ @l{} ł @,{@’C} Ḉ @,c@"u çü

@H{--a} –a̋ @dotaccent{--a} –ȧ @ringaccent{--a} –å

@tieaccent{--a} –͡a @u{--a} –ă @ubaraccent{--a} –a̲

@udotaccent{--a} –ạ @v{--a} –ǎ @,{--c} –ç @ogonek{--a} –ą

@U{0075} u

@ followed by a space   @ followed by a tab   @ followed by a new line  @- @: @! ! @? ? @. . @& & @@ @ @} } @{ { @/

foo vs. bar. colon :And something else. semi colon ;. And ? ?. Now ! !@ but , ,

@ampchar & (&) @atchar @ (@) @backslashchar \ (\) @hashchar # (#) @lbracechar { ({) @rbracechar } (})

@TeX TeX @LaTeX LaTeX @bullet • (•) @copyright © (©)

@dots … (…) @enddots ... @equiv ≡ (≡)

@error erreur→ @expansion → (↦) @minus − (−)

@point ∗ (⋆) @print -| (⊣) @result ⇒ (⇒) @today a sunny day

@aa å (å) @AA Å (Å) @ae æ (æ) @oe œ (œ) @AE Æ (Æ) @OE Œ (Œ) @o ø (ø) @O Ø (Ø) @ss ß (ß) @l ł (ł) @L Ł (Ł) @DH Ð (Ð) @TH Þ (Þ) @dh ð (ð) @th þ (þ)

@exclamdown ¡ (¡) @questiondown ¿ (¿) @pounds £ (£) @registeredsymbol ® (®) @ordf ª (ª) @ordm º (º) @comma , (,) @quotedblleft “ (“) @quotedblright ” (”) @quoteleft ‘ (‘) @quoteright ’ (’) @quotedblbase „ („) @quotesinglbase ‚ (‚) @guillemetleft « («) @guillemetright » (») @guillemotleft « («) @guillemotright » (») @guilsinglleft ‹ (‹) @guilsinglright › (›)

@textdegree ° (°) @euro € (€) @arrow → (→)

@leq ≤ (≤) @geq ≥ (≥) @tie a b

@acronym{--a,an accronym} –a (an accronym) @acronym{--a} –a @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude Autonome } É–. ,A. (Étude Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A. @asis{--a} –a @b{--a} –a @cite{--a} –a @code{--a} --a @command{--a} --a @dfn{--a} –a @dmn{--a} –a @email{--a,--b} @email{,--b} –b @email{--a} @emph{--a} –a @env{--a} --a @file{--a} --a @i{--a} –a @kbd{--a} --a @key{--a} --a @math{--a {\frac{1}{2}} @minus{}} --a {\frac{1}{2}} − @option{--a} --a @r{--a} –a @samp{--a}--a@sc{--a} –A @strong{--a} –a @t{--a} --a @sansserif{--a} –a @slanted{--a} –a @titlefont{--a}


@indicateurl{--a}--a@uref{--a,--b} –b @uref{--a} --a @uref{,--b} –b @uref{--a,--b,--c} –c @uref{,--b,--c} –c @uref{--a,,--c} –c @uref{,,--c} –c @url{--a,--b} –b @url{--a,} --a @url{,--b} –b @var{--a} –a @verb{:--a:} --a @verb{:a < & @ % " -- b:} a  < & @ % " --    b @w{a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a} a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a@sup{h}@sub{l} ahl @footnote{in footnote} 7 @footnote{in footnote2} 8

@sp 2


need 1002

@clicksequence{click @click{} A} click → A After clickstyle ⇒ @clicksequence{click @click{} A} click ⇒ A

disp--laymath f(x) = {1 \over \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e-{1 \over 2}\left({x-\mu \over \sigma}\right)^2
``simple-double--three---four----'' aa ``simple-double--three---four----''
ı ȷ ł ç a̲ ạ ą ahl      ! @ } { a sunny day
→ u • © ... ... ≡ erreur→ → − -| ⇒ Å æ œ Æ Œ ø Ø ß ł Ł Ð Þ ð þ ¡ ¿ £ ª º ,
“ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚ « » « » ‹ › € → ≤ ≥
b i r SC sansserif slanted

default kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle
in example default kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle

code kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle
in example code kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle

example kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle
in example example kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle

distinct kbdinputstyle

vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle
in example distinct kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle

A quot—ation

Note : A Note

note : A note

Caution : Caution

Important : Important

Tip : a Tip

Warning : a Warning.

something é TeX : The something é TeX is here.

@ at the end of line   : A @ at the end of the @quotation line.

something, other thing : something, other thing

Note, the note : Note, the note

aaa quotation

quotation author

indent in quotation

exdented quotation line and dash — in quotation

Not exdented followed by exdented

exdented quotation line

exdented quotation line

Followed by not exdented


in exdented protected eol  


in exdented a @*
and following

after exdented

A small quot—ation

Note : A small Note

something, other thing : something, other thing

  1. e–numerate
  1. first third
  2. second third
  1. e–numerate
  1. first c
  2. second c
mu–ltitable headitemanother tab
mu–ltitable itemmultitable tab
mu–ltitable item 2multitable tab 2
lone mu–ltitable item
e--xample  some
example one arg
example two args
example three args
example four args
example five args
The something é TeX is here.
A @ at the end of the @example line.
example with empty args
example with empty and non empty args mix

Other li---ne
not exdented
exdented  and dash --- in example
Not exdented one
exdented two
Not exdented two
Example   Hoho.
Nested Other line
exdented nested other line

@noindent after smallexample.

$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.guess?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'
$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.sub?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'

Less recent versions are also present.

c–ategory :d--effn_name a–rguments...


cate–gory :de--ffn_name ar–guments more args
even more so


fset :i a g
cmde :truc
Command :log trap
Command :log trap1
Command :log trap2
cmde :id ule truc
cmde2 :id ‘i’ ule truc
 :bidule machin
truc :machin
truc :
truc :followed by a comment
truc :a b c d e f g h i
truc :deffnx before end deffn
empty :deffn
empty :deffn with deffnx
empty :deffnx
fset :i a g
cmde :truc

text in def item for second def item

c–ategory :d--efvr_name


c–ategory :n--ame a–rguments...


c–ategory :n--ame

d–effn no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments...


c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name

d–eftypefn no arg

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name

d–eftypeop no arg

c–ategory :t--ype d--eftypevr_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name a–rguments...

d–efcv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name


c–ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name a--rguments...

d–eftypecv with arguments

c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name a–rguments...


c–ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name

d–efop no arg

c–ategory :d--eftp_name a–ttributes...


Fonction :d--efun_name a–rguments...


Macro :d--efmac_name a–rguments...


Forme Spéciale :d--efspec_name a–rguments...


Variable :d--efvar_name


Variable :d--efvar_name arg–var arg–var1

d–efvar with args

Option de l’utilisateur :d--efopt_name


Fonction :t--ype d--eftypefun_name a--rguments...


Variable :t--ype d--eftypevar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : d--efivar_name


Variable d’instance de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeivar_name


Méthode de c--lass : d--efmethod_name a–rguments...


Méthode de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypemethod_name a--rguments...


Fonction :
name2 arguments2...


c–ategory2 :

d–eftypefn no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :
d--eftypeop_name2 a--rguments2...


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 :

d–eftypeop no arg2

c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2


c–ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2 a--rguments2...

d–eftypecv with arguments2

fun2 :arg2


@xref{c---hapter@@, cross r---ef name@@, t---itle@@, file n---ame@@, ma---nual@@} Voir t—itle@ dans ma—nual@. @ref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} title dans manual @pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} voir title dans manual @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name

@ref{chapter} chapter @xref{chapter} Voir chapter. @pxref{chapter} voir chapter @ref{s--ect@comma{}ion} A section

@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name } a comma, in title dans a , in manual name

@ref{chapter,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,,title} title @ref{chapter,,,file name} (file name)chapter @ref{chapter,,,,manual} ‘chapter’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,title,file name} title @ref{chapter,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{chapter,,,file name,manual} chapter dans manual

@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,,title} title @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name} (file name)anode @ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual} anode dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual} cross ref name dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name} title @ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual} anode dans manual

@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{chapter} Voir ‘chapter’ @inforef{chapter, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{chapter,,file name} Voir (file name)chapter @inforef{node, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{node} Voir ‘node’ @inforef{node, cross ref name} Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{node,,file name} Voir (file name)node @inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg} Voir cross ref name

@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in file} Voir a , in cross ref


title with uref2 uref2 dans printed manual with uref4 uref4 title with uref2 uref2









Value–table code



Value–table samp


Tit–le of box

With title c–artouche

f–lushleft more text

f–lushright more text

ce–ntered line

r–raggedright more text

\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-

@c this file is used in tests in @verbatiminclude but not converted

@setfilename simplest.info

@node Top

This is a very simple texi manual @  <>.

in verbatim ''
html ''






@acronym{--a,an accronym @comma{} @enddots{}} –a (an accronym , ...) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude--@comma{} @b{Autonome} } É–. ,A. (Étude–, Autonome) @abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É–. ,A.

@math{--a@minus{} {\frac{1}{2}}} --a− {\frac{1}{2}}

Somehow invalid use of @,:
@, ̧
@,@"u ̧ü

Invalid use of @’:
@’ ́
@’@"u ́ü


@dotless{truc} truc @dotless{ij} ij @dotless{--a} –a @dotless{a} a

@U, without braces @U{}, with empty arg @U{z}, with non-hex arg &#xz; @U{abc}, with <4 hex digits ઼ @U{FFFFFFFFFFFFFF}, value much too large � @U{110000}, value just beyond Unicode �

@TeX, but without brace TeX @# #

@w{--a} –a

@image{,1--xt} @image{,,2--xt} @image{,,,3--xt}

@image{f-ile,aze,,a--lt} a–lt @image{f-ile,,,alt@verb{:jk _" %}} altjk _" %@

@image{f--ile} f--ile @image{f--ile,,,alt} alt @image{f--ile,,,,.e-d-xt} f--ile @image{f--ile,l--i} f--ile @image{f--ile,,l--e} f--ile @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt,.e--xt} alt @image{f--ile,aze,az,alt, alt @image{@file{f--ile}@@@.,aze,az,alt,@file{.file ext} e--xt@} alt

@image{f--ile,aze,az,@verb{:jk _" %@:} @b{in b "},e--xt} jk _" %@ in b " @image{file@verb{:jk _" %@:},,,alt@verb{:jk _" %@:}} altjk _" %@

ü Ü ñ â é ō ì é Ḕ Ḉ Ḉ a̋ ȧ å a͡ ă ǎ ? .
TeX LaTeX ∗ å ® °


a–missing style formatting




fun :
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and after
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and and after
truc :followed by a comment

Various deff lines

truc :after a deff item
fsetinv :invalid a g
id ‘i’ ule :
aaa :
truc :


@ref{node} ‘node’

@ref{,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{,,title} ‘title’ @ref{,,,file name} (file name) @ref{,,,,manual} manual @ref{node,cross ref name} ‘cross ref name’ @ref{node,,title} ‘title’ @ref{node,,,file name} (file name)node @ref{node,,,,manual} ‘node’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{node,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{node,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{node,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{node,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title,file name} title @ref{node,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{node,,,file name,manual} node dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,} ‘title’ @ref{,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name @ref{,cross ref name,,,manual} ‘cross ref name’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title,file name} title @ref{,cross ref name,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,title,file name} title @ref{,,title,,manual} ‘title’ dans manual @ref{,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual @ref{,,,file name,manual} manual

@inforef{,cross ref name } Voir ‘cross ref name’ @inforef{,,file name} Voir (file name) @inforef{,cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name @inforef{}

In example.



code: ``simple-double--three---four----'' 

asis: ``simple-double--three---four----'' 

strong: ``simple-double--three---four----'' 

kbd: ``simple-double--three---four----'' 


@"u ü (ü)
@"{U} Ü (Ü) 
@~n ñ (ñ)
@^a â (â)

@'e é (é)
@=o ō (ō)
@`i ì (ì)
@'{e} é (é)

@'{@dotless{i}} í (í)
@dotless{i} ı (ı)
@dotless{j} ȷ (ȷ)

@H{a}@dotaccent{a} ȧ (ȧ)
@ringaccent{a} å (å)

@tieaccent{a}@u{a} ă (ă)
@ubaraccent{a}@udotaccent{a} ạ (ạ)
@v{a} ǎ (ǎ)

@,c ç (ç)
@,{c} ç (ç)
@ogonek{a} ą (ą)

@`{@=E} Ḕ
@l{} ł
@,{@'C} Ḉ
@,c@"u çü 

@H{--a} --a̋
@dotaccent{--a} --ȧ
@ringaccent{--a} --å

@tieaccent{--a} --a͡
@u{--a} --ă
@ubaraccent{--a} --a̲

@udotaccent{--a} --ạ
@v{--a} --ǎ
@,{--c} --ç
@ogonek{--a} --ą

@U{0075} u


@ followed by a space
@ followed by a tab
@ followed by a new line
@! !
@? ?
@. .
@& &
@@ @
@} }
@{ {

foo vs. bar. 
colon :And something else.
semi colon ;.
And ? ?.
Now ! !@
but , ,

@ampchar & (&)
@atchar @ (@)
@backslashchar \ (\)
@hashchar # (#)
@lbracechar { ({)
@rbracechar } (})

@TeX TeX
@LaTeX LaTeX
@bullet • (•)
@copyright © (©)

@dots ... (…)
@enddots ...
@equiv ≡ (≡)

@error erreur→
@expansion → (↦)
@minus − (−)

@point ∗ (⋆)
@print -| (⊣)
@result ⇒ (⇒)
@today a sunny day

@aa å (å)
@AA Å (Å)
@ae æ (æ)
@oe œ (œ)
@AE Æ (Æ)
@OE Œ (Œ)
@o ø (ø)
@O Ø (Ø)
@ss ß (ß)
@l ł (ł)
@L Ł (Ł)
@DH Ð (Ð)
@TH Þ (Þ)
@dh ð (ð)
@th þ (þ)

@exclamdown ¡ (¡)
@questiondown ¿ (¿)
@pounds £ (£)
@registeredsymbol ® (®)
@ordf ª (ª)
@ordm º (º)
@comma , (,)
@quotedblleft “ (“)
@quotedblright ” (”)
@quoteleft ‘ (‘)
@quoteright ’ (’)
@quotedblbase „ („)
@quotesinglbase ‚ (‚)
@guillemetleft « («)
@guillemetright » (»)
@guillemotleft « («)
@guillemotright » (»)
@guilsinglleft ‹ (‹)
@guilsinglright › (›)

@textdegree ° (°)
@euro € (€)
@arrow → (→)

@leq ≤ (≤)
@geq ≥ (≥)
@tie a b

@acronym{--a,an accronym} --a (an accronym)
@acronym{--a} --a
@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude Autonome } É--. ,A. (Étude Autonome)
@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É--. ,A.
@asis{--a} --a
@b{--a} --a
@cite{--a} --a
@code{--a} --a
@command{--a} --a
@dfn{--a} --a
@dmn{--a} --a
@email{,--b} --b
@emph{--a} --a
@env{--a} --a
@file{--a} --a
@i{--a} --a
@kbd{--a} --a
@key{--a} --a
@math{--a {\frac{1}{2}} @minus{}} --a {\frac{1}{2}} −
@option{--a} --a
@r{--a} –a
@samp{--a}--a@sc{--a} --A
@strong{--a} --a
@t{--a} --a
@sansserif{--a} --a
@slanted{--a} --a


@indicateurl{--a}--a@uref{--a,--b} --b
@uref{--a} --a
@uref{,--b} --b
@uref{--a,--b,--c} --c
@uref{,--b,--c} --c
@uref{--a,,--c} --c
@uref{,,--c} --c
@url{--a,--b} --b
@url{--a,} --a
@url{,--b} --b
@var{--a} --a
@verb{:--a:} --a
@verb{:a  < & @ % " --    b:} a  < & @ % " --    b
@w{a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a} a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
a@sup{h}@sub{l} ahl
@footnote{in footnote} (9)
@footnote{in footnote2} (10)

@sp 2


need 1002

@clicksequence{click @click{} A} click → A
After clickstyle ⇒
@clicksequence{click @click{} A} click ⇒ A

disp--laymath f(x) = {1 \over \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e-{1 \over 2}\left({x-\mu \over \sigma}\right)^2

``simple-double--three---four----'' aa ``simple-double--three---four----''

ı ȷ ł ç a̲ ạ ą ahl      ! @ } { a sunny day

→ u • © ... ... ≡ erreur→ → − -| ⇒ Å æ œ Æ Œ ø Ø ß ł Ł Ð Þ ð þ ¡ ¿ £ ª º ,

“ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚ « » « » ‹ › € → ≤ ≥

b i r SC sansserif slanted

default kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle
in example default kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle

code kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle
in example code kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle

example kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle
in example example kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle

distinct kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle
in example distinct kbdinputstyle
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle

A quot---ation

Note : A Note

note : A note

Caution : Caution

Important : Important

Tip : a Tip

Warning : a Warning.

something é TeX : The something é TeX is here.

@ at the end of line   : A @ at the end of the @quotation line.

something, other thing : something, other thing

Note, the note : Note, the note

aaa quotation
--- quotation author

indent in quotation

exdented quotation line   and dash --- in quotation

Not exdented followed by exdented
exdented quotation line

exdented quotation line
Followed by not exdented 

in exdented protected eol  
in exdented a @* 
 and following
after exdented

A small quot---ation

Note : A small Note

something, other thing : something, other thing

  • i--temize

  • i--tem +

  • b--ullet

  • minu--s

  • e--mph item

  • i--tem 1
  • i--tem 2

  • with w a--b
  • with w c--d

  • line w a--b
  • line with w c--d

  1. e--numerate

  1. first third
  2. second third

  1. e--numerate

  1. first c
  2. second c

mu--ltitable headitem
another tab
mu--ltitable item
multitable tab
mu--ltitable item 2
multitable tab 2
lone mu--ltitable item


e--xample  some

example one arg

example two args

example three args

example four args

example five args

The something é TeX is here.

A @ at the end of the @example line.

example with empty args

example with empty and non empty args mix


Other li---ne
not exdented

exdented  and dash --- in example
Not exdented one
exdented two
Not exdented two

Example   Hoho.
Nested Other line
exdented nested other line


@noindent after smallexample.
$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.guess?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'
$ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/config/config/config.sub?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain'
Less recent versions are also present.







c--ategory :d--effn_name a–rguments...

cate--gory :de--ffn_name ar–guments more args even more so
fset :i a g
cmde :truc
Command :log trap
Command :log trap1
Command :log trap2
cmde :id ule truc
cmde2 :id ‘i’ ule truc
 :bidule machin
truc :machin
truc :
truc :followed by a comment
truc :a b c d e f g h i
truc :deffnx before end deffn

empty :deffn

empty :deffn with deffnx
empty :deffnx

fset :i a g
cmde :truc
text in def item for second def item

c--ategory :d--efvr_name

c--ategory :n--ame a–rguments...

c--ategory :n--ame
d--effn no arg

c--ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments...

c--ategory :t--ype d--eftypefn_name
d--eftypefn no arg

c--ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments...

c--ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeop_name
d--eftypeop no arg

c--ategory :t--ype d--eftypevr_name

c--ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name

c--ategory de c--lass : d--efcv_name a–rguments...
d--efcv with arguments

c--ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name

c--ategory de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypecv_name a--rguments...
d--eftypecv with arguments

c--ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name a–rguments...

c--ategory de c--lass : d--efop_name
d--efop no arg

c--ategory :d--eftp_name a–ttributes...

Fonction :d--efun_name a–rguments...

Macro :d--efmac_name a–rguments...

Forme Spéciale :d--efspec_name a–rguments...

Variable :d--efvar_name

Variable :d--efvar_name arg–var arg–var1
d--efvar with args

Option de l'utilisateur :d--efopt_name

Fonction :t--ype d--eftypefun_name a--rguments...

Variable :t--ype d--eftypevar_name

Variable d'instance de c--lass : d--efivar_name

Variable d'instance de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypeivar_name

Méthode de c--lass : d--efmethod_name a–rguments...

Méthode de c--lass : t--ype d--eftypemethod_name a--rguments...

Fonction : data-type2
name2 arguments2...

c--ategory2 : t--ype2
d--eftypefn no arg2

c--ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2
d--eftypeop_name2 a--rguments2...

c--ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2
d--eftypeop no arg2

c--ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2

c--ategory2 de c--lass2 : t--ype2 d--eftypecv_name2 a--rguments2...
d--eftypecv with arguments2

fun2 :arg2

@xref{c---hapter@@, cross r---ef name@@, t---itle@@, file n---ame@@, ma---nual@@} Voir t---itle@ dans ma---nual@.
@ref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual} voir title dans manual
@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name

@ref{chapter} chapter
@xref{chapter} Voir chapter.
@pxref{chapter} voir chapter
@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion} A section

@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross
ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name }
a comma, in title dans a , in manual name

@ref{chapter,cross ref name} cross ref name
@ref{chapter,,title} title
@ref{chapter,,,file name} (file name)chapter
@ref{chapter,,,,manual} `chapter' dans manual
@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,} title
@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name
@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual} `cross ref name' dans manual
@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name} title
@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual} `title' dans manual
@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{chapter,,title,file name} title
@ref{chapter,,title,,manual} `title' dans manual
@ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{chapter,,,file name,manual} chapter dans manual

@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name} cross ref name
@ref{(pman)anode,,title} title
@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name} (file name)anode
@ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual} anode dans manual
@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,} title
@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name
@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual} cross ref name dans manual
@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name} title
@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual} title dans manual
@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name} title
@ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual} title dans manual
@ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual} anode dans manual

@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name
@inforef{chapter} Voir `chapter'
@inforef{chapter, cross ref name} Voir `cross ref name'
@inforef{chapter,,file name} Voir (file name)chapter
@inforef{node, cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name
@inforef{node} Voir `node'
@inforef{node, cross ref name} Voir `cross ref name'
@inforef{node,,file name} Voir (file name)node
@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg} Voir cross ref name

@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross
ref, a comma@comma{} in file}
Voir a , in cross

title with uref2 uref2 dans printed manual with uref4 uref4
title with uref2 uref2




Value--table code

Value--table samp


Tit--le of box
With title c--artouche

more text

more text

ce--ntered line

more text

\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-

@c this file is used in tests in @verbatiminclude but not converted

@setfilename simplest.info

@node Top

This is a very simple texi manual @  <>.


in verbatim ''

html ''






@acronym{--a,an accronym @comma{} @enddots{}} --a (an accronym , ...)
@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude--@comma{} @b{Autonome} } É--. ,A. (Étude--, Autonome)
@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.} É--. ,A.

@math{--a@minus{} {\frac{1}{2}}} --a− {\frac{1}{2}}

Somehow invalid use of @,:

@, ̧

@,@"u ̧ü

Invalid use of @':

@' ́

@'@"u ́ü


@dotless{truc} truc
@dotless{ij} ij
@dotless{--a} --a
@dotless{a} a

@U, without braces @U{}, with empty arg 
@U{z}, with non-hex arg &#xz;
@U{abc}, with <4 hex digits ઼
@U{FFFFFFFFFFFFFF}, value much too large �
@U{110000}, value just beyond Unicode �

@TeX, but without brace TeX
@# #

@w{--a} --a


@image{f-ile,aze,,a--lt} a–lt
@image{f-ile,,,alt@verb{:jk _" %}} altjk _" %@

@image{f--ile} f--ile
@image{f--ile,,,alt} alt
@image{f--ile,,,,.e-d-xt} f--ile
@image{f--ile,l--i} f--ile
@image{f--ile,,l--e} f--ile
@image{f--ile,aze,az,alt,.e--xt} alt
@image{f--ile,aze,az,alt, alt
@image{@file{f--ile}@@@.,aze,az,alt,@file{.file ext} e--xt@} alt

@image{f--ile,aze,az,@verb{:jk _" %@:} @b{in b "},e--xt} jk _" %@ in b "
@image{file@verb{:jk _" %@:},,,alt@verb{:jk _" %@:}} altjk _" %@

ü Ü ñ â é ō ì é Ḕ Ḉ Ḉ a̋ ȧ å a͡ ă ǎ ? .

TeX LaTeX ∗ å ® °


  • e--mph item

  • e--mph item

  • i--tem 1
  • i--tem 2

  • without brace w a--b
  • without brace w c--d


a--missing style formatting


fun :
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and after
truc :machin bidule chose and
truc :machin bidule chose and and after
truc :followed by a comment
Various deff lines
truc :after a deff item

fsetinv :invalid a g
id ‘i’ ule :
aaa :
truc :


@ref{node} `node'

@ref{,cross ref name} `cross ref name'
@ref{,,title} `title'
@ref{,,,file name} (file name)
@ref{,,,,manual} manual
@ref{node,cross ref name} `cross ref name'
@ref{node,,title} `title'
@ref{node,,,file name} (file name)node
@ref{node,,,,manual} `node' dans manual
@ref{node,cross ref name,title,} `title'
@ref{node,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name
@ref{node,cross ref name,,,manual} `cross ref name' dans manual
@ref{node,cross ref name,title,file name} title
@ref{node,cross ref name,title,,manual} `title' dans manual
@ref{node,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{node,,title,file name} title
@ref{node,,title,,manual} `title' dans manual
@ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{node,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{node,,,file name,manual} node dans manual
@ref{,cross ref name,title,} `title'
@ref{,cross ref name,,file name} cross ref name
@ref{,cross ref name,,,manual} `cross ref name' dans manual
@ref{,cross ref name,title,file name} title
@ref{,cross ref name,title,,manual} `title' dans manual
@ref{,cross ref name,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{,,title,file name} title
@ref{,,title,,manual} `title' dans manual
@ref{,,title, file name, manual} title dans manual
@ref{,,,file name,manual} manual

@inforef{,cross ref name } Voir `cross ref name'
@inforef{,,file name} Voir (file name)
@inforef{,cross ref name, file name} Voir cross ref name



Entrée d’indexSection

truc1 chapter


Entrée d’indexSection

a index---entry tẽ --- î1 chapter


Aller à:   -   ?   .   "  
A   B   C   D   G   I   T   V  
Entrée d’indexSection

–optionTop section
–optionTop section
–option1 chapter
–option1 chapter

?1 chapter

.1 chapter

Top section
Top section
1 chapter
1 chapter

a1 chapter
bbb1 chapter
a—a1 chapter
a--asisTop section
a--asisTop section
a--asis1 chapter
a--asis1 chapter
aaa, See bbb

bTop section
bTop section
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
c—c1 chapter

counting entry1 chapter

f—ff1 chapter
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--efivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--efivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efopt_nameTop section
d--efopt_nameTop section
d--efopt_name1 chapter
d--efopt_name1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypevar_nameTop section
d--eftypevar_nameTop section
d--eftypevar_name1 chapter
d--eftypevar_name1 chapter
d--eftypevr_nameTop section
d--eftypevr_nameTop section
d--eftypevr_name1 chapter
d--eftypevr_name1 chapter
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvr_nameTop section
d--efvr_nameTop section
d--efvr_name1 chapter
d--efvr_name1 chapter
dddVoir aussi ccc
dddVoir aussi ccc

h—hh jjj
k—kk, l—ll1 chapter

index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry in footnote1 chapter
index entry within deffnTop section
index entry within deffnTop section
index entry within deffn1 chapter
index entry within deffn1 chapter
index entry within itemizeTop section
index entry within itemizeTop section
index entry within itemize1 chapter
index entry within itemize1 chapter
index entry within multitableTop section
index entry within multitableTop section
index entry within multitable1 chapter
index entry within multitable1 chapter

t–ruc1 chapter
T–ruc1 chapter

vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle1 chapter


Aller à:   -   ?   .   `  
A   B   D   F   I   L   M   N   T   X  
Entrée d’indexSection

--foptionTop section
--foptionTop section
--foption1 chapter
--foption1 chapter

?1 chapter

.1 chapter

``Top section
``Top section
``1 chapter
``1 chapter

aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
afterTop section
afterTop section
after1 chapter
after1 chapter
arg2Top section
arg2Top section
arg21 chapter
arg21 chapter

bTop section
bTop section
bTop section
bTop section
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
bidule machinTop section
bidule machinTop section
bidule machin1 chapter
bidule machin1 chapter

d--effn_nameTop section
d--effn_nameTop section
d--effn_name1 chapter
d--effn_name1 chapter
d--efmac_nameTop section
d--efmac_nameTop section
d--efmac_name1 chapter
d--efmac_name1 chapter
d--efmethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--efmethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--efmethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efmethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efspec_nameTop section
d--efspec_nameTop section
d--efspec_name1 chapter
d--efspec_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name2Top section
d--eftypefn_name2Top section
d--eftypefn_name21 chapter
d--eftypefn_name21 chapter
d--eftypefun_nameTop section
d--eftypefun_nameTop section
d--eftypefun_name1 chapter
d--eftypefun_name1 chapter
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--efun_nameTop section
d--efun_nameTop section
d--efun_name1 chapter
d--efun_name1 chapter
de--ffn_nameTop section
de--ffn_nameTop section
de--ffn_name1 chapter
de--ffn_name1 chapter
deffnTop section
deffnTop section
deffnTop section
deffnTop section
deffn1 chapter
deffn1 chapter
deffn1 chapter
deffn1 chapter
deffnxTop section
deffnxTop section
deffnxTop section
deffnxTop section
deffnx1 chapter
deffnx1 chapter
deffnx1 chapter
deffnx1 chapter

f---aa1 chapter
f---aaa, See f---bbb
f---cc1 chapter
f---dddVoir aussi f---ccc
f---dddVoir aussi f---ccc
ffff1 chapter
f---hhh fjjj
f---kkk, f---lll1 chapter
followedTop section
followedTop section
followedTop section
followedTop section
followed1 chapter
followed1 chapter
followed1 chapter
followed1 chapter

iTop section
iTop section
iTop section
iTop section
i1 chapter
i1 chapter
i1 chapter
i1 chapter
id ‘i’ uleTop section
id ‘i’ uleTop section
id ‘i’ ule1 chapter
id ‘i’ ule1 chapter
id uleTop section
id uleTop section
id ule1 chapter
id ule1 chapter
invalidTop section
invalidTop section
invalid1 chapter
invalid1 chapter

log trapTop section
log trapTop section
log trap1 chapter
log trap1 chapter
log trap1Top section
log trap1Top section
log trap11 chapter
log trap11 chapter
log trap2Top section
log trap2Top section
log trap21 chapter
log trap21 chapter

machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter

n--ameTop section
n--ameTop section
n--ameTop section
n--ameTop section
n--ame1 chapter
n--ame1 chapter
n--ame1 chapter
n--ame1 chapter
name2Top section
name2Top section
name21 chapter
name21 chapter

t--ruc1 chapter
T--ruc1 chapter
trucTop section
trucTop section
trucTop section
trucTop section
truc1 chapter
truc1 chapter
truc1 chapter
truc1 chapter

zzz1 chapter






1.1 A section

1.1.1 subsection subsubsection “simple-double– three—four—-”

chapter 2

Aller à:   -   ?   .   "  
A   B   C   D   G   I   T   V  
Entrée d’indexSection

–optionTop section
–optionTop section
–option1 chapter
–option1 chapter

?1 chapter

.1 chapter

Top section
Top section
1 chapter
1 chapter

a1 chapter
bbb1 chapter
a—a1 chapter
a--asisTop section
a--asisTop section
a--asis1 chapter
a--asis1 chapter
aaa, See bbb

bTop section
bTop section
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
c—c1 chapter

counting entry1 chapter

f—ff1 chapter
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_nameTop section
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efcv_name1 chapter
d--efivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--efivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--efivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efopt_nameTop section
d--efopt_nameTop section
d--efopt_name1 chapter
d--efopt_name1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypecv_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeivar_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypevar_nameTop section
d--eftypevar_nameTop section
d--eftypevar_name1 chapter
d--eftypevar_name1 chapter
d--eftypevr_nameTop section
d--eftypevr_nameTop section
d--eftypevr_name1 chapter
d--eftypevr_name1 chapter
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_nameTop section
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvar_name1 chapter
d--efvr_nameTop section
d--efvr_nameTop section
d--efvr_name1 chapter
d--efvr_name1 chapter
dddVoir aussi ccc
dddVoir aussi ccc

h—hh jjj
k—kk, l—ll1 chapter

index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemxTop section
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry between item and itemx1 chapter
index entry in footnote1 chapter
index entry within deffnTop section
index entry within deffnTop section
index entry within deffn1 chapter
index entry within deffn1 chapter
index entry within itemizeTop section
index entry within itemizeTop section
index entry within itemize1 chapter
index entry within itemize1 chapter
index entry within multitableTop section
index entry within multitableTop section
index entry within multitable1 chapter
index entry within multitable1 chapter

t–ruc1 chapter
T–ruc1 chapter

vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem example kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example code kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example default kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example distinct kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyleTop section
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle1 chapter
vtable i--tem in example example kbdinputstyle1 chapter

Aller à:   -   ?   .   `  
A   B   D   F   I   L   M   N   T   X  
Entrée d’indexSection

--foptionTop section
--foptionTop section
--foption1 chapter
--foption1 chapter

?1 chapter

.1 chapter

``Top section
``Top section
``1 chapter
``1 chapter

aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
aTop section
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
a1 chapter
afterTop section
afterTop section
after1 chapter
after1 chapter
arg2Top section
arg2Top section
arg21 chapter
arg21 chapter

bTop section
bTop section
bTop section
bTop section
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
b1 chapter
bidule machinTop section
bidule machinTop section
bidule machin1 chapter
bidule machin1 chapter

d--effn_nameTop section
d--effn_nameTop section
d--effn_name1 chapter
d--effn_name1 chapter
d--efmac_nameTop section
d--efmac_nameTop section
d--efmac_name1 chapter
d--efmac_name1 chapter
d--efmethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--efmethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--efmethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efmethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lassTop section
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--efspec_nameTop section
d--efspec_nameTop section
d--efspec_name1 chapter
d--efspec_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_nameTop section
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name1 chapter
d--eftypefn_name2Top section
d--eftypefn_name2Top section
d--eftypefn_name21 chapter
d--eftypefn_name21 chapter
d--eftypefun_nameTop section
d--eftypefun_nameTop section
d--eftypefun_name1 chapter
d--eftypefun_name1 chapter
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypemethod_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lassTop section
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name de c--lass1 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass2Top section
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--eftypeop_name2 de c--lass21 chapter
d--efun_nameTop section
d--efun_nameTop section
d--efun_name1 chapter
d--efun_name1 chapter
de--ffn_nameTop section
de--ffn_nameTop section
de--ffn_name1 chapter
de--ffn_name1 chapter
deffnTop section
deffnTop section
deffnTop section
deffnTop section
deffn1 chapter
deffn1 chapter
deffn1 chapter
deffn1 chapter
deffnxTop section
deffnxTop section
deffnxTop section
deffnxTop section
deffnx1 chapter
deffnx1 chapter
deffnx1 chapter
deffnx1 chapter

f---aa1 chapter
f---aaa, See f---bbb
f---cc1 chapter
f---dddVoir aussi f---ccc
f---dddVoir aussi f---ccc
ffff1 chapter
f---hhh fjjj
f---kkk, f---lll1 chapter
followedTop section
followedTop section
followedTop section
followedTop section
followed1 chapter
followed1 chapter
followed1 chapter
followed1 chapter

iTop section
iTop section
iTop section
iTop section
i1 chapter
i1 chapter
i1 chapter
i1 chapter
id ‘i’ uleTop section
id ‘i’ uleTop section
id ‘i’ ule1 chapter
id ‘i’ ule1 chapter
id uleTop section
id uleTop section
id ule1 chapter
id ule1 chapter
invalidTop section
invalidTop section
invalid1 chapter
invalid1 chapter

log trapTop section
log trapTop section
log trap1 chapter
log trap1 chapter
log trap1Top section
log trap1Top section
log trap11 chapter
log trap11 chapter
log trap2Top section
log trap2Top section
log trap21 chapter
log trap21 chapter

machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machinTop section
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter
machin1 chapter

n--ameTop section
n--ameTop section
n--ameTop section
n--ameTop section
n--ame1 chapter
n--ame1 chapter
n--ame1 chapter
n--ame1 chapter
name2Top section
name2Top section
name21 chapter
name21 chapter

t--ruc1 chapter
T--ruc1 chapter
trucTop section
trucTop section
trucTop section
trucTop section
truc1 chapter
truc1 chapter
truc1 chapter
truc1 chapter

zzz1 chapter

Notes de bas de page


in footnote


in footnote2


in footnote


in footnote2


in footnote


in footnote2


in footnote


in footnote2


in footnote


in footnote2


in footnote




in footnote

Résumé du contenu

Table des matières

A propos de ce document

Ce document a été généré a sunny day en utilisant texi2any.

Les boutons du panneau de navigation ont la signification suivante :

Bouton Nom Aller à Depuis 1.2.3 aller à
RetourRapide RetourRapide Début de ce chapitre ou chapitre précédent 1
Arrière Arrière Section précédente dans l’ordre de lecture 1.2.2
Monter Monter Section supérieure 1.2
Avant Avant Section suivante dans l’ordre de lecture 1.2.4
AvanceRapide AvanceRapide Chapitre suivant 2
Racine Racine Couverture (top) du document  
Contenu Contenu Table des matières  
Index Index Index  
A propos A propos A propos (page d’aide)  

Dans cet exemple on est à Sous-sous-section un-deux-trois dans un document dont la structure est :

Ce document a été généré a sunny day en utilisant texi2any.