
Now tex on the same line

$\displaystyle \chi^2 = \sum_{i=1}^N
\left(y_i - (a + b x_i)
\over \sigma_i\right)^2 $
Some text one the line following @end tex

LaTeX block

Now tex on the following line, valid fot tex (with @end tex on a line).

tex TEX

Same that @html (but empty following line not ignored).

Test of @math Here some ${x^i}\over{\tan y}$.

Maths with protected \: $a \backslash{} b$.

Maths with code @-command:

$\mathtt{math code} a < b$

Maths with code @-command and braces:

$\underline{\mathtt{math \hbox{ code }}} \sum_{i}{\underline{\mathit{eff}}}$

Maths with @-sup

$\sum_{i} f(x)^{2}$

@\ outside of math



$\displaystyle -- f(x) = {1 \over \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-{1 \over 2}\left({x-\mu \over \sigma}\right)^2}

This document was generated on a sunny day using texi2any.