% [unicode_hebrew.mac] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINITIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CONSONANTS WITHOUT DAGESH (on basic list: unicode 0059 --- 05FF) % Note: the basic consonants start with 0, those with dagesh start with F % On each page the vertical order in a column is ABJED, just copy from set % above and change last number (SAME FOR BOTH) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%% ALEPH + AYIN %%%%%%%%% \def\'{\char"05D0} % ALEPF YES IT ACCEPTS \' \def\`{\char"05E2} % AYIN, YES IT ACCEPTS \` %%%%%%%%%%%%%% TET + TAV %%%%%%%%% % I changed to d for consistency with shin, ts % I use d for SOFFIT \s + \sd \def\t{\char"05D8} % tet it does not like .t \def\td{\char"FB38} % tet with DAGESH \def\T{\char"FB4A} % tav USE CAP T %%%%%%%%%%%%%% SAMECH + SAV %%%%%%%%% \def\s{\char"05E1} % samech it does not like .s \def\sd{\char"FB41} % samech with DAGESH \def\S{\char"05EA} % SAV %%%%%%%%%%%%%% SIN = SI / SHIN = SH %%%%%%%%% \def\si{\char"FB2B} \def\sid{\char"FB2D} \def\sh{\char"FB2A} \def\shd{\char"FB2C} \def\splain{\char"05E9} % the sin/shin form without a dot %%%%%%%%%%%%%% TSADE = \ts %%%%%%%%% \def\ts{\char"05E6} \def\tsd{\char"FB46} % dagish \def\tss{\char"05E5} % tsade sofit %%%%%%%%%%%%% NON-PROBLEM LETTERS %%%%%%%%%%%% % 05D/E*(basic) / FB3/4*(dagesh) come inוְאָמַרְתָּ אֲלֵהֶם pairs % I double for dagesh \g + \gg % I add s for soffit \khs \def\b{\char"FB31} % DAGESH \def\v{\char"05D1} \def\g{\char"05D2} \def\gd{\char"FB32} % DAGESH \def\d{\char"05D3} \def\dd{\char"FB33} % DAGESH \def\h{\char"05D4} \def\hd{\char"FB34} % DAGESH at end to endicate masculine possesive \def\w{\char"05D5} \def\wd{\char"FB35} % DAGESH, sometimes need \ww when have \ww\o\ \def\z{\char"05D6} \def\zd{\char"FB36} % DAGESH \def\ch{\char"05D7} % apparently no chet with dagesh % TET = \t above \def\y{\char"05D9} % yod \def\yd{\char"FB39} % yod DAGESH \def\ydee{\char"FB39\char"05B4} % yod-dagesj+ee THIS ONE GIVES GOOD RESULTS \def\k{\char"FB3B} % Kaf \def\kh{\char"05DB} % KHaf \def\khs{\char"05DA} % khaf SOFIT % Note: \khs\e gives khaf SOFIT with sheva, there is no symbol for khaf soffit with sheva \def\l{\char"05DC} % lamed \def\ld{\char"FB3C} % DAGESH Do It Yourself Tex \def\m{\char"05DE} % mem \def\md{\char"FB3E} % DAGESH \def\ms{\char"05DD} % SOFFIT \def\n{\char"05E0} \def\nd{\char"FB40} % DAGESH \def\ns{\char"05DF} % SOFFIT \def\f{\char"05E4} % fe \def\p{\char"FB44} % pe \def\fs{\char"05E3} % fe SOFIT % \fs\e gives fe SOFIT with sheva, , there is no symbol for fe soffit with sheva % TSADE ABOVE \def\q{\char"05E7} % QOF conflict with \q = quad so I elimanted \def\qd{\char"FB47} % QOF with dagesh \def\r{\char"05E8} % it does not like .t % \def\rd{\char"FB48} % with DAGESH does not exist says weinberg % I found this, but not in any of my fonts %\def\pinwheelstar{\char"1F7C3} % SIN + SHIN ABOVE % VOWEL SYMBOLS % (on basic list: unicode 0059 % \def\e{\char"05B0} % SHEVA XX DID NOT ACCEPT \def\: \def\ee{\char"05B4} %hEEriq% CONSONANT+VOWEL COMBINATIONS \def\eh{\char"05B6} \def\ei{\char"05B5} % tzerEI \def\a{\char"05B7} \def\A{\char"05B8} \def\o{\char"05B9} \def\O{\char"FB4B} % plene hOlom \def\u{\char"05BB} \def\U{\char"FB35} % plene identical with \ww (sometimes need) % special characters % \def\qere{\char"05AF} \def\maqaf{\char"05BE} % to split lines \def\sofpasuk{\char"05C3} % % \vt = verb type, used with verb category definition e.g. \p\vt\ns for pe"nun verbs \def\vt{\kern -3pt\RL{\lower 2.5pt\hbox{\Th\rmseventeen\char"02DD}}} % \kern -0.1pt