% [macros.mac] % these are REAL macros with #1 ... % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THICKNESS OF RULES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ====> CHANGE THICKNESS AS DESIRED \newdimen\hruledefaultheight \hruledefaultheight = 1.1pt \newdimen\hruledefaultdepth \hruledefaultdepth = 0.0pt \newdimen\vruledefaultwidth \vruledefaultwidth = 1.1pt \def\ehrule{\hrule height\hruledefaultheight depth\hruledefaultdepth}% \def\evrule{\vrule width\vruledefaultwidth}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \INFOBOXING MACROS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \boxit{#1}, taken from the TeXbook, trivially generalized to allow % something other than 3pt around the box. % ====> CHANGE \BOXITSPACE AS DESIRED % \boxit{#1} is not used directly; it is used in \infobox{#1} % \long, permits \par inside definition % % \newdimen\boxitspace \boxitspace = 8pt %13pt too much % WAS 3PT, \long\def\boxit#1{% \centerline{\vbox{% \ehrule \hbox{% \evrule \kern\boxitspace \vbox{\kern\boxitspace \parindent = 0pt #1\kern\boxitspace}% \kern\boxitspace \evrule }% \ehrule } % \vbox }% \centerline } % end of def % % MACRO: \infobox{#1}, based on \boxit withspace = 8pt, line thickness 1.1pt % \long\def\infobox#1{ % start defn \vskip 15truept\noindent \hbox{ \boxit{\hbox{#1}} % was \bf } \vskip 6truept\noindent} % end of def % %%%%%%%% MACROS FOR GENEALOGY: NUMBER+NAME+INFO +FILE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % three macros here. the test for \ancestor is at the end % 1: \ancestor: (formely \identity) is used in [coralie_weill_list-ancestors.tex]. % 3 entries: {\ttfourteen number}{\bffourteen name}{\rm = 12.5 dates and documents} % the identitification number is on a separate line, and the fonts are % larger than for \person % % 2: \person : similar to \ancestor, but name is first; all on one line and fonts are % different % % the number is in parentheses ( ); also colon after number % 3 entries: {\bfthirteen name} ({\tt =12.5 number}): {\rm = 12.5 dates and documents} % =====) can use for children after \item{1.}\person{}{}{} % % 3: \former: used inside \person for former name % % 4: \marriage % \marriage moved to AFTER husband, so no need for name or identification % {\tt Married}: {\rm date and place of marriage + source} % % I PUT THE PERIODS IN THE DEFINITION % 1: DEFINING \ancestor % \long allows paragraph etc % fifteen seems to big. I seem to have to change -3pt, -2pt % all 3 inputs are in {} % NO PERIOD AFTER #3 FOR THIS SIMPLE LIST \long\def\ancestor#1#2#3{ \noindent \hskip -5pt\hbox{\ttfourteen #1} % identiification number \vskip -1.0 truept % \sni = 4pt was too much space between # and name as compared to between couple % even + 1.0pt seems to much % increase distance between mother/father to \sni + 2pt =6pt? ?this is % distance before separation line \hangindent = 2.0\parindent\noindent % noindent here % \hskip -1pt %I had this to move number over to line up {\bffourteen #2}\TH % #2 =NAME + \quad skip before text {#3.} % #3 is just text on same line } % end of def % % \ancestorB for list of ancestors \def\ancestorB#1#2{ \hskip -5pt\hbox{\ttfourteen #1}\TH % identiification number {\bffourteen #2} } % end of def % % 2: DEFINING \PERSON % ==============) ( ) and : are built in % PERIOD AFTER #3 \long\def\person #1#2#3{ \noindent % need after \vfill, perhaps other times % may be different on 2005 and 2014 % was thirteen , but children are fourteen!! \kern -3.4pt{\bffourteen #1}\TH % use \former inside \person{NAME\former{OLD}} (\gl {\tt #2}\gl)\TH {#3.} } % end of def % % 3: DEFINING \FORMER; use INSIDE \PERSON % I took off ( ) because the identity # is inside ( ) % But I added in a comma \long\def\former #1{ % not allowed to use #2 % was \it = 13pt, increased to match \person \kern -2.5truept{\rm ,}\Th {\it #1\/}} % end of def % % 4: DEFINING \MARRIAGE #2 (name) and # 3 (number) eliminated % PERIOD AFTER #1 % ==============) ( ) and : are built in \long\def\marriage #1{ \hskip -0.1pt{\tt marriage}\th:\TH % \Th too big, -2,-5 too big %{\bfthirteen #1}\TH % {\tt #2}\th:\TH {#1.} } % end of def marriage% % % \file, for putting file letter in [coralie_list] \def\file #1{ \TH [\th\hbox{\bf #1}\th]} % \biggl[ only for $$? \big % end defn file % \titleA ancestor title for list of ancestors % #1 = name, #2 = number, same font ( ) built in \def\titleA#1#2{\centerline{\bffifteen #1 \(#2\)}}